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" Department of the Army. The Department of the Army has been designated as the representative of the Department of Defense for this legislation. I represent the Department of the Army for that purpose. I have a brief prepared statement which I would like... "
Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing. Eighty-ninth Congress, Second Session ... - Halaman 30
oleh United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1966 - 37 halaman
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Navajo Irrigation; San Juan-Chama Diversion: Hearings, Eighty-fifth Congress ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation - 1958 - 230 halaman
...requirements for military stations in New Mexico which may be affected by the San Juan-Chama project. I have a brief prepared statement which I would like to present to the subcommittee : There are two principal areas in New Mexico where military stations are located which...
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Navajo Irrigation; San Juan-Chama Diversion: Hearings, Eighty-fifth Congress ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation - 1958 - 222 halaman
...requirements for military stations in New Mexico which may be affected by the San Juan-Chama project. I have a brief prepared statement which I would like to present to the subcommittee : There are two principal areas in New Mexico where military stations are located which...
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Convey Army and Navy General Hospital to State of Arkansas: Hearing Before ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Government Operations - 1959 - 64 halaman
...General, Department of the Army. The Department of the Army has been designated as a representative for the Department of Defense for this legislation. I...which I would like to present to the committee. The proposal authorizes the Secretary of the Army to convey the Army and Navy General Hospital buildings...
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Crediting Certain Service for Reserve Retirement, Quesada Reappointment ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1959 - 28 halaman
...certain types of service performed by Army Nurse Corps and Army Medical Specialist Corps officers. I have a brief prepared statement which I would like to present to the committee. The purpose of the provisions of this legislation to which I will speak is to permit nurses, dietitians, and physical...
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Crediting Certain Service for Reserve Retirement Quesada Reappointment ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1959 - 26 halaman
...certain types of service performed by Army Nurse Corps and Army Medical Specialist Corps officers. I have a brief prepared statement which I would like to present to the committee. The purpose of the provisions of this legislation to which I will speak is to permit nurses, dietitians, and physical...
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Nominations of J. Vincent Burke Jr., and Maj. Gen. David M. Shoup: H.R. 6269 ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1959 - 40 halaman
...of Defense for this legislation. I represent the Department of the Army for that purpose. I have a prepared statement which I would like to present to the committee. The purpose of HK 6269 is to amend the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952 so as to include service in the Army or Air...
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Hearings Before and Special Reports Made by Committee on Armed Services of ...

1960 - 950 halaman
...Committee, I am Brig. (Jen. William W. Bessell, dean of the Academic Board of the US Military Academy. The Department of the Army has been designated as...would like to present to the committee. The purpose of this legislation is to provide additional longevity increases for permanent professors of the US Military...
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Proposed Amendments to the Federal Aviation Act of 1958: Hearings Before the ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1960 - 134 halaman
...representative of the Department of Defense for this legislation. I represent the Department of the Air Force for that purpose. I have a brief prepared statement which I would like to present on behalf of the Department of Defense to this committee. The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 authorizes...
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Proposed Amendments to the FAA Act of 1958

United States. Congress. Senate. Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1960 - 138 halaman
...representative of the Department of Defense for this legislation. I represent the Department of the Air Force for that purpose. I have a brief prepared statement which I would like to present on 'behalf of the Department of Defense to this committee. The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 authorizes...
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Nomination of J.E. Cosgrove and Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing ... Eighty ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1961 - 52 halaman
...Training, Office of the Surgeon General of the Army. The Department of the Army has been designated the representative of the Department of Defense for...would like to present to the committee. The purpose of HR 7722 is to provide permissive authority for officers of the Medical Service Corps to exercise command...
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