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" Except as otherwise provided in this section, unless it is made before he completes nineteen years of service for which he is entitled to credit in the computation of his basic pay... "
Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Armed Services, United ... - Halaman 25
oleh United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1951 - 43 halaman
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Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States

United States. General Accounting Office - 1962 - 1202 halaman
...Commander makes an election dated 1 October 1958. It b determined on 15 November 1961 that be bad completed 18 years of service for which he Is entitled to credit in the computation of bis basic pay on 30 September 1958. Pursuant to 10 DSC 1431 (d) he is notified that the election is...
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Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States, Volume 42

United States. General Accounting Office - 1964 - 936 halaman
...election under this chapter ; and (2) is retired for physical disability before he completes 18 yean of service for which he is entitled to credit in the computation of his basic pay; and thereafter dies, his beneficiaries are not entitled to the annuities provided under this chapter...
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Reemployment Provisions of Universal Military Training and Service Act and ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1968 - 32 halaman
...force. Except as otherwise provided in this section, unless it is made before he completes nineteen years of service for which he is entitled to credit in the computation of his basic pay, the election must be made at least two years before the first day for which retired pay or retainer...
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United States Code, Volume 2

United States - 1971 - 1266 halaman
...the effective date of this Act [August 25, 1959], would not have completed IS years of service lor which he is entitled to credit In the computation of his basic pay under the laws In effect prior to the effective date of this Act, and who, as a result of the enactment...
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The JAG Journal, Volume 17-19

1963 - 506 halaman
...member who has made an election under the Act and is retired for physical disability before he completes 18 years of service for which he is entitled to credit in the computation of his basic pay and thereafter dies his beneficiaries are not entitled to receive an annuity under the Act unless they...
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Title 10, United States Code: Armed Forces (as Amended Through December 31 ...

United States - 1984 - 1204 halaman
...force. Except as otherwise provided in this section, unless it is made before he completes nineteen years of service for which he is entitled to credit in the computation of his basic pay, the election must be made at least two years before the first day for which retired pay or retainer...
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United States Code, Volume 1;Volume 3

United States - 1983 - 1000 halaman
...of this Act [Oct. 4, 1961]. which would be effective if he retired on the day before such date; and "(2) hereafter retires for physical disability before...entitled to credit in the computation of his basic payshall be considered as having applicable to him all of the provisions of chapter 73 of title 10,...
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Hearings Before and Special Reports Made by Committee on Armed Services of ...

1040 halaman provide an annuity for his spouse and/or children. The election must be made before ne completes 18 years of service for which he is entitled to credit in the computation of his basic pay. By virtue of the additional service credit under this bill, a person who has not made an election,...
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Hearings Before and Special Reports Made by Committee on Armed Services of ...

1958 - 530 halaman
...section 1405 of this title" in place thereof. (.r>) Section 1431 (l>) is amended by striMng out the words "for which he is entitled to credit in the computation of his basic pay" and inserting the words "that may be credited to him under section 1405 of this title" in place thereof....
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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1949 - 1728 halaman pay in the grade in which serving at the time of retirement multiplied by the number of years of service for which he is entitled to credit in the computation of pay on the active list but retired pay so computed shall not exceed a total of 75 per centum of said...
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