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" WORKSHOP COMPANION. Comprising a great variety of the most useful Rules and Formulae in Mechanical Science, with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results for Facilitating Mechanical Operations. By WILLIAM TEMPLETON, Author of "The Engineer's... "
Motor Cars: Or, Power Carriages for Common Roads - Halaman 15
oleh Alexander James Wallis-Tayler - 1897 - 200 halaman
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The Builder's and Contractor's Price Book for 1864

George R. Burnell - 1864 - 352 halaman
...THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC'S WORKSHOP COMPANION. -L Comprising a great Variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science, with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results. By W. TEMPLETON, Author of " The Engineer's Practical Assistant," «fcc. Sixth Edition, with 11 Plates,...
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The Year-book of Facts in Science and Art

Charles W. Vincent, James Mason - 1864 - 368 halaman
...continued. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC'S WORKSHOP COM PANION: comprising a great varicty of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science, with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results. By W. TEMPLETO.V, Author of * The Engineer's Common-Place Book,' &c. Seventh Edition, with 1 1 Plates....
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Tubular and Other Iron Girder Bridges: Particularly Describing the Britannia ...

George Drysdale Dempsey - 1865 - 202 halaman
...THE SCIENTIFIC GENTLEMAN'S PRACTICAL ASSISTANT ; comprising a great variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science ; with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results. By W. TEMPLETON, Author of " The Engineer's, Millwright's, and Machinist's Practical Assistant." Eleventh...
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'A merry Christmas', by the author of 'Only'. By the author of 'A trap to ...

Matilda Anne Mackarness - 1865 - 64 halaman
...rrHE OPERATIVE MECHANIC'S WORKSHOP COM I PANION: ccmpriaing a great variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science, with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results. Py W. TFMFLETON, Author of * The Engineer's Common-Place Book,' &c. Seventh Edition, with 11 Plates....
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Catalogue of the Library of the Institution of Civil Engineers

Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain) Library - 1866 - 414 halaman
...the scientific gentleman's practical assistant; comprising a great variety of the most useful rules in mechanical science, with numerous tables of practical data and calculated results. 12mo. Plates and cuts. Land. 1845 TENERIFFE astronomical experiment. Vide SJCYTH. TENNANT, G. Narrative...
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The engineer's, mining surveyor's and contractor's field-book

William Davis Haskoll - 1866 - 254 halaman
...great variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science, divestod of Mathematical complexity ; with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results, for Facilitating Mechanical and Commercial Transactions. By W. TEMPLETON, Author of " The Engineer's, Millwright's, and Machinist's...
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Tables for the purchasing of estates, freehold, copyhold, or leasehold &c

William Inwood - 1866 - 358 halaman
...great variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science, divested of Mathematical complexity ; with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results, for Facilitating Mechanical and Commercial Transactions. By W. TEMPLETON, Author of " The Engineer•s, Millwright•s, and Machinist•s...
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The Student's Text-book of Electricity

Henry Minchin Noad - 1867 - 562 halaman
...great variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science, divested of Mathematical complexity ; with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results, for Facilitating Mechanical and Commercial Transactions. By W. TBMPLBTOX, Author of " The Engineer's, Millwright's, and Machinist's...
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A handy book for the calculation of strains in girders and similar ...

William Humber - 1868 - 168 halaman
...THE SCIENTIFIC GENTLEMAN'S PRACTICAL ASSISTANT ; comprising a great variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science ; with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results. By W. TEMPLETON, Author of "The Engineer's, Millwright's, and Machinist's Practical Assistant." Ninth...
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Land and marine surveying

William Davis Haskoll - 1868 - 252 halaman
...great variety of the most useful Rules in Mechanical Science, divested of mathematical complexity ; with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results, for facilitating Mechanical and Commercial Transactions. By W. TEMPLETON, Author of " The Engineer's, Millwright's, and Machinist's...
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