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" ... state separately all terminal charges, storage charges, icing charges, and all other charges which the Commission may require, all privileges or facilities granted or allowed and any rules or regulations which in any wise change, affect, or determine... "
The Federal Reporter: Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit and ... - Halaman 97
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Reports and Decisions of ..., Volume 269

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1948 - 978 halaman
...keep open for public inspection schedules showing all rates, fares, and charges and all privileges and facilities granted or allowed and any rules or any wise change, affect, or determine any part of such rates, fares, and charges, or the value of the service rendered to the passenger, shipper,...
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Reports and Decisions of ..., Volume 12

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1908 - 748 halaman
...down to the matter of reparation. The statute requires that the established schedules shall show " all privileges or facilities granted or allowed and any rules or regulations which in any wise affect * * * the value of the services rendered to the passenger, shipper, or consignee." Privileges,...
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Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important ..., Volume 12;Volume 27

1888 - 852 halaman
...classification of freight in force upon such railroad, and shall abo state separately the terminal charges and any rules or regulations" which in any wise change, affect, or determine any part of the aggregate of such aforesaid rates and tares and charges. Such schedules shall be plainly printed...
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Acts and Resolutions Passed at the ... Session of the General Assembly of ...

Iowa - 1888 - 330 halaman
...classification of freight in force upon such railroad, and shall also state separately any terminal charges and any rules or regulations which in any wise change, affect or determine any part of the aggregate of such aforesaid rates and fares and charges. Such schedules shall be schedules to...
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The New York Supplement, Volume 150

1915 - 1242 halaman
...state * * * all privileges or facilities granted or allowed, and auy rules or regulations which may in any wise change, affect or determine any part, or the aggregate of such aforesaid rates, fares and charges, or the value of the service rendered to the passenger, shipper...
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Reports and Decisions of ..., Volume 107

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1926 - 932 halaman
...file with the commission schedules showing among other things, "separately all terminal charges * * * and any rules or regulations which in any wise change, affect, or determine any pail or the aggregate of such aforesaid rates," and continuing said at page 105: By section 15 the...
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Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important ..., Volume 12;Volume 27

1888 - 846 halaman
...classification of freight in force upon such railroad, and shall also state separately the terminal charges und any rules or regulations which in any wise change, affect, or determine any part of the aggregate of such aforesaid rates and faros and charges. Such schedules shall be plainly printed...
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Reports and Decisions of ..., Volume 294

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1956 - 1048 halaman
...Section 6 (1) of the act contemplates that tariff schedules shall plainly state, among other things, all privileges or facilities granted or allowed and any rules or regulations which change, affect, or determine any part of the aggregate of the rates or charges or the value of the...
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Reports and Decisions of the ...

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1930 - 1002 halaman
...charges, * * • all privileges or facilities granted or allowed and any rules or regulations which tn any wise change, affect, or determine any part or the aggregate of such aforesaid rates, fares, and charges, or the value of the service rendered to the passenger, shipper,...
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commission of the State of California

Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of California - 1889 - 368 halaman
...contain the classification of freight in force, and shall also state separately the terminal charges, and any rules or regulations which in any wise change,...affect, or determine any part or the aggregate of such aforesaid rates and fares and charges. Such schedules shall be plainly printed in large type, and copies...
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