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" Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone. The time that is to come is not; How can it then be mine? The present moment's all my lot; And that, as fast as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. Then talk not of inconstancy,... "
The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical - Halaman 249
diedit oleh - 1779
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The Art of English Poetry Containing: Rules for making verses. A collection ...

Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 624 halaman mine ? The prefent Moment's all my Lot, And that as faft as it is got, Phillu, is wholly thine. Then talk not of Inconftancy, Falfe Hearts, and broken Vows ; If I by Miracle can be This Jive-long Minute true to thee, 'Tis all that Heav'n allows. For as a Pythagorean Soul Runs thro' all...
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The Works of John Earl of Rochester: Containing Poems, on Several Occasions ...

John Wilmot Earl of Rochester - 1714 - 344 halaman
...that, as fa ft as it is got, Fhiltis, is only thine. III. Then talk not of Inconftancy, Falfe Means, and broken Vows ; If I, by Miracle, can be This live-long Minute ttue to thee, 'lit all that Heav'n allows. A SONG. WHILE on thofe lovely Looks I gaze, To Tee a Wretch...
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Preface. A historical essay on the origin and progress of national song ...

1783 - 366 halaman mine ? The prefent moment's all my lot, And that, as faft as it is got, Phillis, is wholly thine. Then talk not of inconftancy, Falfe hearts and broken...This live-long minute true to thee, 'Tis all that Heav'n allows. SONG LVIII. BY . . . . BERKELEY ES Q._? CAN love be controul'd by advice? Can madnefs...
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The humming bird. A collection of the most celebrated English and Scots songs

Humming bird - 1785 - 440 halaman only thine. Then.telk not of i.-iconltrmrr, Falfe hearts, and broken yew» ; If I, by miracle, cn be This live-long minute true to thee, "Tis all that heaven allows, "S Celia in her garden ftray'c, Secure, nor dream'd of harm, >v* A bee approach'd the lotely maid,...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 15

English poets - 1790 - 248 halaman
...And that, as faft as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. HI. Them HI. Then talk not of inconftaney, Falfe hearts, and broken vows ; If I, by miracle,...minute true to thee, 'Tis all that heaven allows. ^ SONG. I. " HILE on thofe lovely looks I gaze, To fee a wretch purfuing, In raptures of 3 blefs'd...
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The Works of the British Poets, Volume 6

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 806 halaman is got, Phillis, it only thine. in. Then talk not of inconilancy, Falfe hearts, aud/broken vows j If I, by miracle, can be This live-long minute true to thee, 'Tit all that heaven allows. A SONG. WHILE on thofe lovely looki I gaze, To fee a wretch purluingV...
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Essays on Song-writing: With a Collection of Such English Songs as are Most ...

John Aikin, Robert Harding Evans - 1810 - 508 halaman lot, And that, as fast as it is got, Phyllis, is only thine. Then talk not of inconstancy, False hearts, and broken vows ; If I, by miracle, can minute true to thee, Tis all that heaven allows. THE JE NE SCAIS QUOI. [WHITEHEAD.] YEs, I'm in love, I feel it now, And Celia has undone me ; But yet...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including ..., Volume 8

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 654 halaman lot ; And that, as fast as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. Then talk not of inconstancy. False hearts, and broken vows ; If I, by miracle, can be This live-long minute true to thec, Tis all that Heaven allows. A SONG. WHILE on those lovely looks I gaze. To see a wretch pursuing,...
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Vocal Poetry: Or, A Select Collection of English Songs. To which is Prefixed ...

John Aikin - 1810 - 330 halaman as it is got, is only thine. Then Then talk not of inconstancy, False hearts, and broken TOWS ; If I, by miracle, can be This live-long minute true to thee, 'T is all that heaven allows. YES, I'm in love, I feel it now, And CELIA has undone me ; But yet I...
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Letters to John Aikin, M. D.: On His Volume of Vocal Poetry: and on His ...

James Plumptre - 1811 - 486 halaman
...suit." The Song, " All my past life is mine no more," by Rochester, (p. 219.) where he says, If I, liy miracle, can be This livelong minute true to thee, 'Tis all that heaven allows. is both profane and profligate. To this Song, and the others beginning in p. 129. 199. 201. 223. 240...
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