And I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate hath, or ought to have, any jurisdiction, power, superiority, preeminence, or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm : So help me God. The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ... - Halaman 55diedit oleh - 1826Tampilan utuh - Tentang buku ini
| William Thomas Roe - 1812 - 660 halaman
...whatsoever. And I do declare, that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate, hath or ought tp have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence,...authority, ecclesiastical, or spiritual, within this realm. So help me God. The Declaration of Fidelity to be taken by Quakers, instead of the Affirmation of the... | |
| Joseph Gabbett - 1812 - 700 halaman declare that no foreign prince, per" son, prelate, state, or potentate, hath or ought to hare " any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence,...authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm. " So help me God." By the 1 Geo. 1. st. 2. c. 13. Eng. as amended by the °<"Af, lynhem 2 Geo. 2. c.... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1812 - 616 halaman
...whatsoever ; and I do declare, that no foreign prince, prelate, state, or potentate, hath or ought to hav.; .any jurisdiction, power, superiority, preeminence,...authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm. So help me 'God." — The oath of supremacy was originallyfranied in the reign of King Henry VIII.... | |
| 1813 - 802 halaman
...and I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate, hath, or »!••; tn to have, any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence,...authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm. So HF.LP ME Goo. I, AB of [insert as before directed] do solemnly declare in the presence of Almighty... | |
| Francis Plowden - 1815 - 150 halaman
...of one Supreme Universal Bishop in the Church, cannot under any explanation lawfully swear, that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate,...authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm, etc. as the words of the oath of supremacy run. I hope, Sir, that none of your impartial readers will... | |
| Charles Butler - 1816 - 228 halaman
...things or causes, as temporal; and that no foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, State or Potentate had or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority,...authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm ; and that they renounced all foreign jurisdictions, powers, superiorities and authorities." Elizabeth,... | |
| Daniel Neal - 1816 - 586 halaman
...temporal soever they be ; and that none other foreign power, prelate, state or potentate, hath, or ou.^ht to have, any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence...or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within her majesty's said realms, dominions, or countries. (2.) That the book of common prayer, and of ordering... | |
| William Hales - 1819 - 618 halaman general have all along objected and excepted, is the following : — " And I do declare, that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate...ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm." This clause was thus judiciously altered in the new oath proposed : — " And I do protest and declare,... | |
| Harold Nuttall Tomlins - 1819 - 726 halaman
...Rome, may be deposed or murdered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever. And I do declare that no Foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, State, or Potentate...Authority, Ecclesiastical or Spiritual, within this Realm. So help me God, &c. This is the Oath now in force, and is contained in the Statute 1 W. & M. c. 8.,... | |
| Charles Butler - 1819 - 476 halaman
...countries, as well in " all spiritual or ecclesiastical things, or causes, as " temporal ; and that no foreign prince, person, " prelate, state or potentate,...authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within " this realm ; and therefore I do utterly renounce " and forsake all foreign jurisdictions, powers, su" periorities... | |
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