The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for the Year ..., Volume 67Edmund Burke J. Dodsley, 1826 As well as being a record of events, The Annual Register was originally conceived as a miscellany, including a Chronology, which gave an account of noteworthy events in Britain over the previous year, and a collection of "State Papers", a miscellany of primary source material which included official documents, speeches, letters and accounts as well as reviewing important books, and featuring historical sketches, poetry, observations on natural history, and other essays, reproduced from books and periodicals. The early volumes of The Annual Register continued to follow this format, with contributions articles on international organizations, economics, the environment, science, law, religion, the arts (art, drama, music) and sport, together with poetry, obituaries, patents, a chronicle of major events. Although Burke was elected to parliament in 1765 and was a committed and prominent Whig,The Annual Register strove to remain non-partisan in its political coverage. After the end of the war in 1763, the History section evolved to cover the past year's developments more generally in Britain, its colonies, and mainland Europe. From 1775 its length was significantly increased, becoming the main focus of the publication. Burke apparently resigned the editorship in 1789; from that year until the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815 the History was primarily devoted to describing the French Revolution and the wars arising from it. |
Dari dalam buku
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Halaman 9
... trade . They were as- sailed , on his first propounding them , with great and extraordinary severity : he was told over and over again , that nothing could be more speculative , nothing more absurd , that though they might appear very ...
... trade . They were as- sailed , on his first propounding them , with great and extraordinary severity : he was told over and over again , that nothing could be more speculative , nothing more absurd , that though they might appear very ...
Halaman 22
... trade , agricul- ture , charity , and others of a simi- lar description . The parties charged with belonging to any prohibited societies would be proceeded against by indictment alone ; so that , in the event of any vexatious prose ...
... trade , agricul- ture , charity , and others of a simi- lar description . The parties charged with belonging to any prohibited societies would be proceeded against by indictment alone ; so that , in the event of any vexatious prose ...
Halaman 35
... trade for the first time a cabinet question ; and which had therefore the doctrine of cabinet questions full and clear before their eyes . " I do not wish to press this point harshly or invidiously ; but it does require , I think , some ...
... trade for the first time a cabinet question ; and which had therefore the doctrine of cabinet questions full and clear before their eyes . " I do not wish to press this point harshly or invidiously ; but it does require , I think , some ...
Halaman 89
... trade ; and if they could make ten or twelve per cent on the money borrowed , there was no reason why the lender might not ask them to pay him seven or eight per cent . But was there any landed proprietor so ignorant , as not to see ...
... trade ; and if they could make ten or twelve per cent on the money borrowed , there was no reason why the lender might not ask them to pay him seven or eight per cent . But was there any landed proprietor so ignorant , as not to see ...
Halaman 90
... Trade , had , on more than one occa- sion , defended the policy of doing so ; and he was confident that all his colleagues , with the exception , perhaps , of the right hon . secretary for Foreign Affairs , who , to the best of his ...
... Trade , had , on more than one occa- sion , defended the policy of doing so ; and he was confident that all his colleagues , with the exception , perhaps , of the right hon . secretary for Foreign Affairs , who , to the best of his ...
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Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua
The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ... Tampilan utuh - 1838 |
The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics ..., Volume 3;Volume 71 Tampilan utuh - 1830 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
afterwards aged appeared appointed bart bill bishop boat body Brazil Britain British Brougham called captain Catholic Association Catholic question cent chancellor charge church colonel colonies command commenced Company court court of Chancery Crown daugh daughter deceased declared defendant Ditto duke duty earl effect eldest England established expense foreign France honour House House of Lords Ireland John jury justice king kingdom lady land late London lord lord chancellor lord Liverpool lordship majesty majesty's measure ment minister murder o'clock O'Hara oath oath of supremacy object opinion parish parliament parties Patras persons ports present president prisoner proceeded proposed Protestant received respect returned road Roman Catholic royal sent session ships sion Sir Francis Burdett Spain tain taken Thomas tion took town trade treaty troops United Kingdom vessels wife William witness
Bagian yang populer
Halaman 52 - An Act for the further limitation of the Crown, and better securing the rights and liberties of the Subject...
Halaman 53 - And I do solemnly, in the presence of God, profess, testify, and declare, that I do make this declaration, and every part thereof, in the plain and ordinary sense of the words read unto me, as they are commonly understood by English Protestants, without any evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation whatsoever...
Halaman 60 - And will you preserve unto the bishops and clergy of this realm, and to the churches committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them, or any of them? King or queen. All this I promise to do.
Halaman 53 - ... the Pope or any other authority or person whatsoever, or without any hope of any such dispensation from any person or authority whatsoever, or without thinking that I am or can be acquitted before God or man or absolved of this declaration or any part thereof, although the Pope or any other person or persons or power whatsoever should dispense with or annul the same, or declare that it was null and void from the beginning.
Halaman 69 - In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms. Done at Washington, the fifteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six.
Halaman 65 - North latitude, and between the 131st and the 133d degree of West longitude (Meridian of Greenwich), the said line shall ascend to the North along the Channel called Portland Channel, as far as the Point of the Continent where it strikes the 56th degree of North latitude...
Halaman 82 - No higher or other duties or charges on account of tonnage, light, or harbour, dues, pilotage, salvage in case of damage...
Halaman 51 - Christ, at or after the consecration thereof, by any person whatsoever ; and that the invocation or adoration of the Virgin Mary, or any other saint, and the sacrifice of the Mass, as they are now used in the Church of Rome, are superstitious and idolatrous.
Halaman 55 - And I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate hath, or ought to have, any jurisdiction, power, superiority, preeminence, or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm : So help me God.
Halaman 65 - ... finally, from the said point of intersection, the said meridian line of the 141st degree, in its prolongation as far as the Frozen Ocean, shall form the limit between the Russian and British possessions on the continent of America to the north-west.