The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (The Jefferson Bible)Phoemixx Classics Ebooks, 19 Okt 2021 - 222 halaman The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (The Jefferson Bible) Thomas Jefferson - In 1804 Thomas Jefferson decided to study the gospels to see if he could distill the essence of Jesus' teachings into a concise book that could be quickly read and easily understood. This volume is the result, offering valuable insights into the teachings of Jesus Christ and into the mind and beliefs of Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson used a razor to cut the sections where Jesus was teaching out and then he pasted them all together into a coherent narrative. In a sense this book is a precursor to the red letter editions of the bible emphasizing the teaching of Jesus. |
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1 | |
Call Of His Disciples | 10 |
The Sermon On The Mount | 11 |
Exhorts | 12 |
A Woman Annointeth | 13 |
Precepts | 14 |
Parable Of The Rich | 15 |
Precepts | 16 |
Precepts | 20 |
Parable Of The Tares | 21 |
Precepts | 22 |
Parable Of New Wine In Old Bottles | 23 |
A Prophet Hath No Honor In His Own Country | 24 |
Mission Instructions Return Of Apostles | 25 |
Precepts | 26 |
Parable Of The Wicked Servant | 27 |
Parable Of The Fig Tree | 17 |
Precepts | 18 |
Parable Of The Sower | 19 |
Mission Of The Seventy | 28 |
The Feast Of The Tabernacles | 29 |
Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (the Jefferson Bible) Thomas Jefferson Pratinjau terbatas - 1942 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
adultery baptized Barabbas behold bidden Blessed brethren bringeth Caiaphas called cast chief priests cometh commanded crucified Deism delivered doctrines earth evil faithful feast feet five talents forgive friends fruit Galilee give hand hath hear heart Herod high priest hypocrites Jefferson Bible Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus of Nazareth Jesus said unto Jews Judaea Judas Judas Iscariot kill king kingdom of God kingdom of heaven knoweth laid lest likewise Lord Master Moses mother multitude parable unto passover Peter Pilate pray PRECEPTS prophets publicans received repent sabbath day saith unto say unto scribes and Pharisees sent servant sheep Simon Simon Peter sinners spake stood straightway synagogues tares temple thine things Thomas Jefferson thou art thou hast thou shalt thy brother thy Father thyself took unto thee Verily I say vineyard wash whatsoever Wherefore whosoever wife Woe unto woman yourselves Zacchaeus