Illuminating Engineering Practice: Lectures on Illuminating Engineering Delivered at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, September 20 to 28, 1916McGraw-Hill Book Company, Incorporated, 1917 - 578 halaman |
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Halaman 106
... bulbs . One bulb is surrounded by a cloth which is wet with water , while the other is dry . From the difference between the readings of the two , by reference to hygro- metric tables , such as for instance the tables issued by the ...
... bulbs . One bulb is surrounded by a cloth which is wet with water , while the other is dry . From the difference between the readings of the two , by reference to hygro- metric tables , such as for instance the tables issued by the ...
Halaman 125
... bulb to be thrown off to the periphery of the bulb , leaving the filament surrounded by hotter gases than if it were stationary . Hence the temperature of the filament with the same watts input increases , and with it the candle - power ...
... bulb to be thrown off to the periphery of the bulb , leaving the filament surrounded by hotter gases than if it were stationary . Hence the temperature of the filament with the same watts input increases , and with it the candle - power ...
Halaman 134
... bulb to form more trans- parent compounds . These combined actions permit increased efficiency , reduce bulb blackening , and help maintain the candle - power of the lamp throughout its rated burning life . GAS - FILLED LAMPS With the ...
... bulb to form more trans- parent compounds . These combined actions permit increased efficiency , reduce bulb blackening , and help maintain the candle - power of the lamp throughout its rated burning life . GAS - FILLED LAMPS With the ...
Halaman 135
... bulb , however , incurred a new loss ; namely , convection , that is , heat carried off by gas currents . Such losses are relatively less on filaments of large diameter , so that high current lamps are more efficient than low . By using ...
... bulb , however , incurred a new loss ; namely , convection , that is , heat carried off by gas currents . Such losses are relatively less on filaments of large diameter , so that high current lamps are more efficient than low . By using ...
Halaman 136
... Bulbs , no Reflectors , 1000 Lumens . 50- -76- HV -100- 125 = S.R.F. Spherical Reduction Factor M.S.C.P. = M.Horiz.C.P . S.R.F - .78 to.82 S.R.F. = 1.1 Fig . 2. - Curves of candle - power distribution in vertical plane , multiple Mazda ...
... Bulbs , no Reflectors , 1000 Lumens . 50- -76- HV -100- 125 = S.R.F. Spherical Reduction Factor M.S.C.P. = M.Horiz.C.P . S.R.F - .78 to.82 S.R.F. = 1.1 Fig . 2. - Curves of candle - power distribution in vertical plane , multiple Mazda ...
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ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING PRAC University of Pennsylvania,Illuminating Engineering Society Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2016 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
accessories ęsthetic amount amperes angle application artificial light artistic average beam bowl bowl type brightness bulb burner candle candle-power distribution carbon ceiling cent church color considerable cost curve dark daylight decorative density desirable direct lighting distance effect efficiency electric electrodes enamel equipment factor filament fixtures foot-candles gas mantle gas-filled give glare glass glassware horizontal important incandescent lamps indirect installation integrating sphere intensity interior lecture light flux light sources lighting units lumens luminous luminous arc luminous flux Magnetite mantle Mazda measure method mirror obtained opal operating photometer photometry plane practical prismatic produce proper reflection Reflection Coefficient reflectors screen screw semi-indirect shades shadows shown in Fig solid angle space specular reflection sphere spherical standard street lighting sufficient surface test-plate tion Trans tungsten lamps uniformity usually vision VOLT walls watt window yellow
Bagian yang populer
Halaman 37 - Symbols. — In view of the fact that the symbols heretofore proposed by this committee conflict in some cases with symbols adopted for electric units by the International Electrotechnical Commission, it is proposed that where the possibility of any confusion exists in the use of electrical and photometrical symbols, an alternative system of symbols for photometrical quantities should be employed. These should be derived exclusively from the Greek alphabet, for instance: Luminous intensity r Luminous...
Halaman 32 - I, of a point source of light is the solid angular density of the luminous flux emitted by the source in the direction considered; or it is the flux per unit solid angle from that source. Defining equation: . da or, if the intensity is uniform, fwhere u> is the solid angle.
Halaman 31 - K,,,, over any range of wave-lengths, or for the whole visible spectrum of any source, is the ratio of the total luminous flux (in lumens) to the total radiant power (in ergs per second, but more commonly in watts).
Halaman 35 - Mean horizontal candle-power of a lamp, — the average candlepower in the horizontal plane passing through the luminous center of the lamp. It is here assumed that the lamp (or other light source) is mounted in the usual manner, or, as in the case of an incandescent lamp, with its axis of symmetry vertical.
Halaman 112 - When auxiliary devices are necessarily employed in circuit with a lamp, the input should be taken to include both that in the lamp and that in the auxiliary devices. For example, the watts lost in the ballast resistance of an arc lamp are properly chargeable to the lamp. 889 The Specific Consumption of an electric lamp is its watt consumption per lumen. " Watts per candle " is a term used commercially in connection with electric incandescent lamps, and denotes, watts per mean horizontal candle-power.
Halaman 191 - In perfect diffuse reflection, the flux is reflected from the surface in all directions, in accordance with Lambert's cosine law. In most practical cases, there is a superposition of regular and diffuse reflection.
Halaman 33 - Brightness, b, of an element of a luminous surface from a given position, is the luminous intensity per unit area of the surface projected on a plane perpendicular to the line of sight, and including only a surface of dimensions negligibly small in comparison with the distance to the observer. It is measured in candles per square centimeter of the projected area.
Halaman 33 - For most purposes, the millilambert (0.001 lambert) is the preferable practical unit. A perfectly diffusing surface emitting one lumen per square foot will have a brightness of 1.076 millilamberts.
Halaman 34 - Coefficient of diffuse reflection is the ratio of the luminous flux reflected diffusely to the total incident flux. Defining equation: Let m be the coefficient of reflection (regular or diffuse). Then, for any given portion of the surface, E' m"H
Halaman 32 - Phot." One millilumen per square centimeter (milliphot) is a practical derivative of the cgs. system. One foot-candle is one lumen per square foot and is equal to 1.0764 milliphots. The milliphot is recommended for scientific records.