Convey Army and Navy General Hospital to State of Arkansas: Hearing Before the Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, First Session, on S. 1616, a Bill to Direct the Secretary of the Army to Convey the Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs National Park, Ark., to the State of Arkansas, and for Other Purposes, May 21, 1959U.S. Government Printing Office, 1959 - 51 halaman Considers S. 1616, to authorize transfer to Arkansas by the Army Department of the Army-Navy General Hospital at Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas. Focuses on use of the facilities for vocational rehabilitation, education, and training under the Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments of 1954. |
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Halaman 24
... RUSSELL . That is right . The CHAIRMAN . That authority already exists in the statute to which you have just referred . Mr. RUSSELL . That is right . Under Public Law 565 of 1954 , that authority already exists . The only thing that is ...
... RUSSELL . That is right . The CHAIRMAN . That authority already exists in the statute to which you have just referred . Mr. RUSSELL . That is right . Under Public Law 565 of 1954 , that authority already exists . The only thing that is ...
Halaman 25
... RUSSELL . That is right . The CHAIRMAN . What we have undertaken to do here is without regard to any expansion . It is based on what actually is now in existence . Mr. RUSSELL . As far as construction is concerned , yes , sir ; that we ...
... RUSSELL . That is right . The CHAIRMAN . What we have undertaken to do here is without regard to any expansion . It is based on what actually is now in existence . Mr. RUSSELL . As far as construction is concerned , yes , sir ; that we ...
Halaman 26
... RUSSELL . No , sir . The CHAIRMAN . It is for the area , is it not ? Mr. RUSSELL . For the area and the Nation . In other words , we would accept clients from any place within the Nation , primarily for the area , though . The CHAIRMAN ...
... RUSSELL . No , sir . The CHAIRMAN . It is for the area , is it not ? Mr. RUSSELL . For the area and the Nation . In other words , we would accept clients from any place within the Nation , primarily for the area , though . The CHAIRMAN ...
Halaman 27
... Russell , that the Chair has received a number of letters approving this project . The letters , which are to be incorporated into the record at this point , were received from Mr. Voyle C. Scurlock , director , Vocational Re ...
... Russell , that the Chair has received a number of letters approving this project . The letters , which are to be incorporated into the record at this point , were received from Mr. Voyle C. Scurlock , director , Vocational Re ...
Halaman 28
... Russell and others in your own State have told me , we know that you are a friend of vocational re- habilitation , and that you subscribe to the overall philosophy of helping people to help themselves . Therefore , I felt free in ...
... Russell and others in your own State have told me , we know that you are a friend of vocational re- habilitation , and that you subscribe to the overall philosophy of helping people to help themselves . Therefore , I felt free in ...
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Istilah dan frasa umum
acres amended to read appropriated Arkansas Acts Arkansas Rehabilitation Service Army and Navy Army to convey Army-Navy Hospital Budget CHAIRMAN clients Committee on Government comprehensive center comprehensive rehabilitation center Congress convey the Army conveyance authorized DEAR SENATOR MCCLELLAN Department of Defense Department of Health Director disabled persons enactment equipment establishment and operation Federal Government Federal Property FEREBEE GLENN K Government Operations habilitation HAYS hereby amended Hospital in Hot Hot Springs National Interior Krusen land lease legislation Little Rock located LUND Mayo Clinic ment National Park Service National Rehabilitation Association Navy General Hospital Navy Hospital Office of Vocational proposed Public Law 565 purposes pursuant quitclaim deed recommended record rehabilitation facilities rehabilitation program Roos RUSSELL Secretary of Health Section Senator CURTIS serve severely disabled Springs National Park Stats tion transfer U.S. Senator Vocational Education Vocational Rehabilitation Act Welfare WHITTEN William Fulbright
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Halaman 15 - ... to compensate for his employment handicap including, but not limited to, manual, preconditioning, prevocational, vocational, and supplementary training and training provided for the purpose of achieving broader or more remunerative skills and capacities ; (h) "Physical restoration...
Halaman 7 - ... and for other purposes, viz: Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the. following: That this Act may be cited as the "National Labor Relations Act of 1949""..
Halaman 18 - Department, for any person or persons to solicit, disclose, receive, make use of, or to authorize, knowingly permit, participate in, or acquiesce in the use of, any list of or names of, or any information concerning persons applying for or receiving such assistance, directly or indirectly derived from the records...
Halaman 5 - The Board shall prescribe regulations for the disposition of surplus property to States and their political subdivisions and instrumentalities, and to tax-supported and nonprofit institutions, and shall determine on the basis of need what transfers shall be made. In formulating such regulations the Board shall be guided by the objectives of this Act and shall give effect to the following policies to the extent feasible...
Halaman 17 - ... and is authorized to adopt such methods of administration as are found by the federal government to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of such agreements or plans for vocational rehabilitation and to comply with such conditions as may be necessary to secure the full benefits of such federal statutes.
Halaman 18 - Federal government ; provided, that, except as otherwise provided by law or as specified in any agreement with the federal government with respect to classes of individuals certified...
Halaman 18 - Vocational rehabilitation services shall be provided to any disabled individual (1) who is a resident of the state at the time of filing his application therefor and whose vocational rehabilitation, the director determines after full investigation, can be satisfactorily achieved, or (2) who is eligible therefor under the terms of an agreement with another state or with the federal government...
Halaman 18 - Physical restoration; than to determine the eligibility of the individual for vocational rehabilitation services and the nature and extent of the services necessary ; (c) Occupational and business licenses; (d) Tools, equipment, initial stock and supplies including livestock and capital advances, books and training materials; (e) Maintenance.
Halaman 3 - States and public and other nonprofit organizations and agencies for paying part of the cost of projects for research, demonstrations, training and traineeships, and projects for the establishment of special facilities and services which hold promise of making a substantial contribution to the solution of vocational rehabilitation problems common to all or several States.
Halaman 17 - State; to fix the compensation of such assistants and to direct the disbursement and administer the use of all funds provided by the Federal government of this State for the vocational rehabilitation of such persons.