917443 Copyright, 1920, by THE SHAW PUBLISHING COMPANY Entered at Stationers' Hall, London Publications of SHAW PUBLISHING COMPANY OIL NEWS A semi-monthly technical trade journal published on the 5th and 20th of each month. A profusely illustrated magazine with an international circulation, devoted to the methods of the entire petroleum industry. Price, $4.00 per year. DAILY OIL NEWS REPORT A comprehensive daily service containing the latest reports on production, refining, jobbing and marketing, and giving briefly all news items of general interest to the petroleum industry. Price, $5.00 per month. FUEL OIL IN INDUSTRY An exposition of the qualities of fuel oil and methods of testing, storing and burning it, together with a full description of its application to industrial and domestic furnaces. Price, $3.75. THE PETROLEUM HANDBOOK A reference book of the petroleum industry for the use of producers, refiners, marketers, jobbers, investors, salesmen, engineers and students. Price, $2.00. PETROLEUM DATA SHEETS Accurate and classified data printed on loose leaves of uniform size for filing. These sheets cover all subjects related to petroleum and its technology. CONTENTS cometers TABLES 1. Pounds of Air per Pound of Oil and Ratio of Air Supplied to that Chemically Required 2. Boiler Efficiency for Excess Air Supply (Oil Fuel) 3. CO and Fuel Losses.... 4. Physical Changes in Air Due to Temperature... 5. Analyses of Typical American Oils Used as Fuel.. 6. Equivalent Readings for the Saybolt, Redwood and Engler Vis 7. Baumé Scale and Specific Gravity Equivalents... Page 7 8 10 15 18 25 32 8. 9. 10. Conversion of Barometric Pressure in Centimeters to Inches.... 34 36 41 11. Production of Coal in United States..... 45 12. Analyses of Coals of Illinois, Indiana and Western Kentucky.... 49 13. Coal Burned During Banking Periods... 53 14. Stack Sizes for Oil Fuel...... 144 15. Comparative Performances of Oceanic Steamship Mariposa, Using Oil as Fuel 161 16. Factor for Equivalent Evaporative Values, Coal vs. Oil.. 17. Average Coal and Oil Costs..... 20. Fuel Consumed in Production of Electric Power in First Three Months of 1920 199 21. Sources of Electric Power-Thousands of Kilowatt-Hours Produced 200 22. Evaporative Test of Oil-Fired Boiler at Electric Plant.. 203 23. Analyses and Calorific Values of Begasse...... 209 24. Monthly Fuel Requirements in Percentages of Total for Season.. 230 |