1368 0 A TREATISE ON WATERWORKS for the Supply of Cities and Towns WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE PRINCIPAL GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS OF BY SAMUEL HUGHES, F.G.S. CIVIL ENGINEER NEW EDITION, REVISED AND CONSIDERABLY ENLARGED of Capio Lumen LONDON CROSBY LOCKWOOD AND CO. 7. STATIONERS' HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL 1882 PREFACE. In claiming for this little volume a modest place in Mr. Weale's now celebrated Rudimentary Series, I venture to offer a few words of explanation as to the mode in which I have been led to treat the subject. After a brief allusion in the earlier pages to some celebrated works of antiquity and to the ancient modes of procuring water which were practised in the East, the second part of the book is devoted to a mixed geological and hydrographical examination of the surface of England. This has been thought necessary in consequence of the extreme importance which physical structure exercises in every question of Water-supply-an importance which attaches alike to every source of supply, whether from springs, rivers, wells, lakes, or drainage areas. This branch of the subject is in itself so extensive that. I can only pretend to have given a very meagre and imperfect sketch of those geological and other physical conditions which affect the water-yielding capacity of various districts. I trust I have said enough however to open up the subject to the attention of the young |