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Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary

Manuel D. Plotkin, Director

Robert L. Hagan, Deputy Director
Daniel B. Levine, Associate Director
for Demographic Fields

Harold Nisselson, Associate Director
for Statistical Standards and



ACKNOWLEDGMENTS-This: technical paper was written under the supervision of the Chief of the Statistical Research Division by Robert H. Hanson, formerly an assistant chief of the Statistical Methods Division.

The Current Population Survey program requires the participation of a large number of persons representing several organizations within the Census Bureau. The program is under the direction of Daniel B. Levine, Associate Director for Demographic Fields, in conjunction with Harold Nisselson, Associate Director for Statistical Standards and Methodology, and James W. Turbitt, Associate Director for Administration and Field Operations.

The Demographic Surveys Division is responsible for coordinating the Current Population Survey activities within the Census Bureau. Earle J. Gerson, Chief of the division is assisted by Stanley Greene, Assistant Chief for Current Demographic Surveys, Barry M. Cohen, Assistant Chief for Processing, and B. Gregory Russell, Chief of the Current Population Surveys Branch.

Major Census Bureau organizations regularly involved in the monthly program include the Statistical Methods Division, Charles D. Jones, Chief, assisted by Gary M. Shapiro, Assistant Chief for Programs, Robert T. O'Reagan, Assistant Chief for Systems and Procedures, and David V. Bateman, Assistant Chief for Methods and Development; Field Division, Curtis T. Hill, Chief, Leo C. Schilling, Assistant Chief for Demographic Programs, and Lawrence T. Love, Jr., Assistant Chief, for Research and Methodology; Computer Services Division, C. Thomas DiNenna, Chief; Population Division, Meyer Zitter; Chief; Construction Statistics Division, Leonora M. Gross, Chief; Data Preparation Division, Don L. Adams, Chief; Geography Division, Jacob Silver, Chief; and Statistical Research Division, James L. O'Brien, Acting Chief.

The report has been produced through the cooperation of a number of individuals directly concerned with the Current Population Survey. An appointed panel of current Census Bureau staff provided expertise, offered guidance, and spoke for their respective divisions in reviewing the entire report for accuracy and completeness. They are Margaret Gurney, formerly of the Statistical Research Division, Gary M. Shapiro and Irene C. Montie, Statistical Methods Division; Marvin M. Thompson and B. Gregory Russell, Demographic Surveys Division; and Leo C. Schilling and Marvin Postma, Field Division. Walter M. Perkins prepared drafts for the appendix on

the controlled selection of sample primary sampling units and, assisted by Henry F. Woltman, the chapter on the accuracy of the CPS estimates. Mr. Perkins was, and Mr. Woltman currently is, a member of the Statistical Methods Division; other current and former members of this division who have provided substantial assistance include Leonard R. Baer, Camilla A. Brooks, David H. Diskin, Cathryn Dippo, Christina Gibson, R. Maurice Kniceley, Jr., Kathleen I. Piedici, Margaret E. Schooley, and Irwin D. Schreiner. Morton Boisen, who preceded Mr. Jones as chief of the Statistical Methods Division and presided during the planning and adjustment that ac companied the transition to the current design, contributed to the preparation of this report by making the technical knowledge of the division available. Carolyn G. Waesche of the Statistical Research Division provided assistance in preparing the many drafts of this report.

The final manuscript was reviewed prior to publication by Philip J. McCarthy, a past member of the Census Advisory Committee of the American Statistical Association; Margaret E. Martin, formerly of the Statistical Policy Division of the Office of Management and Budget; Robert B. Pearl, formerly chief of the Demographic Surveys Division at the Bureau of the Census where he directed the staff responsible for the CPS; and Joseph Steinberg, formerly chief of the Statistical Methods Division at the Bureau of the Census. Joseph Waksberg, who followed Mr. Steinberg as chief of the Statistical Methods Division, reviewed an earlier draft. Mr. Steinberg and Mr. Waks berg, with the general guidance of the late William N. Hurwitz, were instrumental in developing the design and methodology of earlier versions of the CPS; many aspects of these earlier versions continue in the present survey. Comments were also received from Robert Stein, Assistant Commissioner for Current Employment Analysis, and other staff members of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Editorial supervision and publication planning were provided by Gay C. Bumgardner, Editor, Publication Services Division. We are grateful for the comments and suggestions of all of the reviewers, however, the Census Bureau retains the respon sibility for any errors.

For Library of Congress card information, see cover 2.



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Since its publication in 1963, Bureau of the Census Technical Paper 7, The Current Population Survey, A Report on Methodology, has been the standard reference to meet the needs of the wide variety of data users and students of survey methodology for detailed information concerning the survey design and statistical methods used in the Current Population Survey (CPS). Changes in the CPS since then have left a gap not filled by individual Bureau staff papers published from time to time, and there have been numerous requests for a revised edition of Technical Paper 7.

Technical Paper 40 represents a major effort to provide a current and comprehensive description of the survey design and methodology of the CPS. Readers familiar with Technical Paper 7 will recognize that it goes far beyond an updating of the material previously available and represents a significant expansion in the content and level of detail covered. Although the design and methodology of the CPS can be expected to continually evolve, we expect that this publication will serve as a useful reference for some time. The Bureau of the Census welcomes comments from users of this technical paper about their experiences and suggestions for how Bureau publications, such as this, can be improved and their use facilitated.

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