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Who thou art I know not

But these things I know;
Thou hast set the Pleiades

In a silver row;

Thou hast sent the trackless winds

Loose upon their way:

Thou hast reared a colored wall
'Twixt the night and day;
Thou hast made the flowers to blow
And the stars to shine,

Hid rare gems and richest ore
In the tunnelled mine;

But chief of all Thy wondrous works,
Supreme of all Thy plan,

Thou hast put an upward reach
In the heart of man.

HARRY H. Kempt.

O Thou, that bindest "the sweet influence of Pleiades," Thou needest no petition of ours to move Thee to confer all blessings upon us. Instead of entreaty we would open our hearts to the transcendent things which Thou art already bestowing upon us; instead of supplicating Thee we would know that all good is even now within our reach. In the place of all prayer, all desire, for the satisfaction of every hunger, for the slaking of every thirst, we cry only and ever, "THY WILL BE DONE." Amen.


When the day is black as midnight

With a deep despair;
When the burden is too heavy

For the heart to bear;

When all life is ceaseless struggle

Every day a fight,

Then look up, for He is near thee
Hold on tight!


O God our Father, and the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we come to Thee. To whom else can we come for Thou alone hast the words of eternal life? Thou art the God of the night as of the day. Shadow and sunshine are as one with Thee. O Thou who didst lead Thy people as a flock, lead us, and keep us more and more to trust our lives to Thy keeping, remembering always that Thou carest for us. May we not lose faith nor be discouraged, but like Jacob of old may we hold fast that assurance of Thy nearness and the blessed hope of a waiting answer. Amen.


When I shake off the outer things
That, thronging, drag me fifty ways ·
The busy needs, the little stings
That hum about my usual days

I come into a secret place

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Alien and outcast though I be
To the great Spirit whose far song
Makes an ineffable harmony;
And, with a rhythm in my feet,
I fare me forth my fate to greet.

Lord, this day is another gift out of Thy hand. How much of care and labor, or of joy and gladness, its varied tasks shall bring with them, we know not. But do Thou teach us to interpret each experience as calling us into the secret of Thy presence, where evil doth not hide, but the sweet composure of faith and love abounds. May we be filled this day with holy impulses and learn to spell that divinest name of Father. And may the Lord our God be our joy, and this joy be our strength. Amen.


If the day looks kinder gloomy,
An' yer chances kinder slim,
If the situation's puzzlin',

An' the prospect awful grim;
An' perplexities keep pressin'
Till all hope is nearly gone
Jest bristle up an' grit yer teeth,
An' keep on Keepin' on.


O Lord, maybe everybody's having a hard time; anyway we get our share but if Thou art near by, we might just catch hold of Thy hand and Thou wilt pull us out of our difficulties as Thou didst poor Peter out of the waves as he let go of his faith and was going down. O Lord, we want a new grip on ourselves and a stronger hold on Thee. We hear a lot, dear Lord, about the "perseverance of the saints" but isn't there also a chance for sinners? Give us some of the kind of perseverance that saints are made of. Amen.


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Our Father, who art the friend of every traveler upon life's highway, be with us upon the road to-day. May the cool of the morning bring calm and confidence to our spirits, and may the heat and dust of the noon help us to remember that we are to find our refreshment and rest in Thee. So may the twilight hour find us a day's travel nearer home, and the darkness of the night give to us that sleep and safety which strengthens us for the morrow, and the coming morrows, until we behold Thee, our best Beloved, at the journey's end. Amen.


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