(grantees) their executors, administrators and RELEASE. assigns, seven days notice; and at the end of such of an Annuity, seven days, paying unto the said (grantees) their executors, administrators and assigns, the sum of &c. collateral se and on payment of all arrears of the said annuity up to the time of such re-purchase. AND Of bond as a WHEREAS the said (grantor) by his bond or obli- curity. gation in writing, bearing even date with the recited indenture became bound to the said (grantees) their executors, administrators and assigns, in the penal sum of ment of the said annuity of conditioned for pay- attorney to ment. indenture granted, AND the said (grantor) by a Also warrant of warrant of attorney bearing even date with the confess a judgsaid bond, authorised certain attornies of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas, to enter up judgment in an action of debt upon the said bond, for the said sum of as a further security for payment of the said annuity, as by the said indentures, bond, and warrant of attorney, relation being thereto respectively had, will more fully appear. AND WHEREAS the sum of the considera- That conside ration was ac tion money paid by the said (grantees) for the tually paid, &c. purchase of the said annuity of said sum of and day of was on the actually paid by them to the said (grantor) in notes of the Bank of England, in manner following, (that is to say) the by the said (one of the grantees) by the said (other grantee) the receipt whereof he the said (grantor) did and still doth hereby acknowledge, and of and from the same, and every part thereof doth acquit, release, and discharge the said (grantees) their and each of their heirs, executors and administrators for ever, by these presents, and which said payments were RELEASE made in the presence of &c. Of treaty for this present substitution and release. as by the reindorsed on day of Of an Annuity, ceipt and attestation of the said indenture of the said will more fully appear. AND WHERE As the said (grantor) being desirous of preventing the said manor and hereditaments from being sold, notwithstanding the annuity may become in arrear, hath requested the said (grantees) to relinquish the benefit of the power and trusts vested in the said (trustees) for sale of the same, and which they the said (grantees) have accordingly acceded to. AND as an inducement for complying with such request, it was at the same time agreed between the said parties, that the terms or condi tions on which the said annuity is by the said deed to be re-purchased by the said (grantor) should be varied, and that the said annuity should be subject to be re-purchased by the said (grantor) his heirs, executors or administrators, on his or their transferring into the names of the said (grantees) their executors or administrators, so much or such part of the per cent. consol. Bank annuities as the said sum of the money paid for the purchase of the said annuity, would on the said day of And that all ar- last past, have actually purchased. AND it is rears of old an paid up, nuity shall be hereby agreed by and between the said parties to these presents, that all arrears of the said annuity shall be paid up to the day of the date of these and annuity presents, and that the said (grantee) shall release and all securi- unto the said (grantor) the said annuity or rent charge of so granted as aforesaid, and all securities for enforcing payment thereof; and that thereupon the recited deeds, bond, and warrant of attorney, shall be delivered up and be cancelled, ties released, RELEASE. Of an Annuity, &c. annuity be sub and be from thenceforth considered and taken as lease, and for ever quit claim unto the said (gran- of day last past, was by the said (grantor) granted unto the said (grantees) as aforesaid, and all powers and authorities whatsoever for recovering and receiving the same. AND all the estate right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever, at law and in equity, of them the said (grantees) and of each of them, of, in, to, or out of the same, and every part thereof, TO THE INTENT AND PURPOSE that the same annuity &c. that all powers shail be null and void. RELEASE. or rent charge may now cease and determine; Of an Annuity, and that the said manor and hereditaments so charged with the payment thereof, and the said (grantor) his heirs, executors and administrators, may be for ever wholly released, exonerated, and And declaration discharged there from. AND THIS INDENTURE and securities FURTHER WITNESSETH, and it is hereby expressly declared and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents, that all and every the powers and authorities by the said indenture of the day of last past, given or vested in the said (trustees) their heirs, executors, and administrators, for the sale and disposition of the said freehold and copyhold premises, and the trusts thereby declared, as to the application of the money to arise from the sale of the said manor and bereditaments, and generally that the same deed, bond, and warrant of attorney, and every clause, matter, and thing therein contained, shall from henceforth be, and be considered as null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WITNESSETH, that in pursuance of the said agreement on the part of the said (grantor) and in consideration of the sum of of lawful money of the united kingdom, &c. which at the time of the execution of Grant of anotherannuity. the said indenture of the day of last past, was actually paid by the said (grantees) RELEASE. &c. or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, HE of an Annuity, the said (grantor) BATH granted, bargained, sold, and confirmed, and by these presents DOTн grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said (grantees) their executors, administrators and assigns, for and during the joint lives of the said (cestui que vives) and the life of the survivor of them, ONE ANNUITY or clear yearly rent charge of lawful money, &c. charged and chargeable upon, and to be yearly issuing and payable out of, and had, received, and taken by them the said (grantees) their executors, administrators, and assigns, out of and from ALL that the manor or reputed manor of in the parish of of with the rights, mem- in the county of of |