profit to the engineer, and one peculiarly pleasing to those interested in the new industry now being developed; whilst the wholesome warnings against the inflated schemes of the company-monger - who is always to the fore on such occasions as the present— have doubtless already saved, and should hereafter save, the pockets of many. Work such as that ranks as a public service. It should be added that much useful information upon the subject of this volume may also be derived from the pages of other technical journals, and especially those entirely devoted to the subject of motor cars, some of which latter are in every way admirably conducted. A. J. WALLIS-TAYLER. 323 HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C., April 1897. ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE FIG. 1. Rhodes' Steam Road Carriage (1863) 2. Rhodes' Feed-Pump 3. Holt's Steam Road Carriage (1866) 4. Catley & Ayres' Steam Road Carriage (1869) 5. Serpollet's Steam Road Carriage 6. Serpollet Steam Generator (Transverse Section) 7. Serpollet Steam Generator (Longitudinal Section) 8. Jeantaud Steering Gear (Plan) 9. Jeantaud Steering Gear (Side View) 10. Le Blant's Steam Road Carriage (Plan) 11. Le Blant's Steam Road Carriage (Side Elevation) 12. Le Blant Wheel for Motor Cars 13. De Dion & Bouton Steam Road Car (Plan) 14. De Dion & Bouton Steam Road Car (Side Elevation) 15. De Dion & Bouton Transmission Gear (Sectional Elevation) 16. De Dion & Bouton Transmission Gear (Side View of Wheel). 17. De Dion & Bouton Transmission Gear (Vertical Section through Wheel) 28 29 31 34 47 49 50 53 53 54 54 55 57 57 58 59 59 18. De Dion and Bouton Steam Generator (Sectional View) 19. Thornycroft's Steam Van . 20. Panhard-Levassor Road Motor Car (Side Elevation) 21. Panhard-Levassor Road Motor Car (Plan) 22. Peugeot Road Motor Carriage (Side Elevation) 24. Daimler Carburator (Later Type) . 25. Longuemarre Gasoline Burner 26. Peugeot Transmission Clutch 27. Arnold's (Benz) Oil Engine Road Carriage (Part Plan) 28. Lutzmann Motor Van 74 75 83 85 87 88 89 90 93 FIG. 29. Petter, Hill, & Boll's Oil Motor Carriage (Plan) 33. Bollée Admission and Exhaust Valve for Internal Combustion Engines PAGE 94 95 ΙΟΙ 102 103 34. Bollée Governing Arrangement for Internal Combustion Engines (Front View) 104 35. Bollée Governing Arrangement for Internal Combustion Engines (Side View) 104 106 36. Pennington's Internal Combustion Engine for Heavy Oils (Longitudinal Section). 37. Pennington's Internal Combustion Engine for Heavy Oils (Transverse Section) 38. Pennington's Internal Combustion Engine, with Combined Arrangement for the Volatilisation of the Oil and for Ignition Purposes 39. Kane-Pennington Gasoline or Explosive Engine (Plan) 40. Kane-Pennington Gasoline or Explosive Engine (End View). 41. Roots' Petroleum or Explosive Engine (Elevation) 107 42. Roots' Petroleum or Explosive Engine (Vertical Central 43. Roots' Air-Heater for Petroleum or Explosive Engine 48. Modified Form of Roots' Governor for Petroleum or Ex plosive Engines (Front View). 122 49. Modified Form of Roots' Governor for Petroleum or Explosive Engines (End View) 50. Roots' Vaporiser and Oil Feeder for Petroleum or Explosive Engines 125 51. Roots' Oil Feeder for Petroleum or Explosive Engines 52. Modified Form of Roots' Oil Feeder (Elevation). 126 126 127 55. Roots' Reversible Valve-opening Mechanism for Petro leum or Explosive Engines 128 |