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BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the thirteenth day of February, in the twenty-eighth year of the Independence of the United States of America, CALEB P. WAyne, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit:....

"The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the "American Forces, during the War which established the Indepen. "dence of his country, and First President of the United States.... "Compiled under the inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Wash"ington, from original papers bequeathed to him by his deceased "Relative, and now in possession of the author. To which is pre"fixed, an Introduction, containing a compendious View of the "Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North Ame"rica, from their settlement to the commencement of that war which "terminated in their Independence. By JOHN MARSHALL."

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States entituled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned....And also to the Act intituled " An act Supplementary to an Act intituled "An act for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints."

D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the
District of Pennsylvania.



Arnold defeated on the lakes....General Carleton appears
before Ticonderoga....Retires into winter quarters in
Canada....Indian affairs....Treatment of prisoners....
Maritime exertions of America....Paper money....Gene-
ral conduct towards the disaffected....Observations on
militia and other defects in the structure of the Ameri-
can army.


American army inoculated....General Heath moves down
to King's bridge, but returns to Peck's-Kill without ef-
fecting any thing....Skirmishes....State of the army....De-
struction of stores at Peck's-Kill....At Danbury....Expe-
dition of colonel Meiggs to Sagg Harbour....Sir William
Howe moves out to Somerset court-house in great force
....Returns to Amboy....Endeavours to cut off the re-
treat of the American army to Middlebrook, but is dis-
appointed....Lord Cornwallis skirmishes near the Scotch
Plains with lord Stirling.... The British army embark.


General Washington commences his march to the Dela-
ware....He takes measures for checking Burgoyne....
Expedition of general Sullivan against Staten island....
British fleet come up the Chesapeak and land an army
under sir William Howe at Elk river....General Wash-
ington advances to Brandywine....Lord Cornwallis at-
tacks Maxwell's corps and compels them to retreat....
The American army defeated at Brandywine, and re-
treat to Chester....After a slight skirmish compelled
again to retire, cross the Schuylkill and proceed to
French creek....General Wayne surprised, and after a
sharp action compelled to retreat.... Washington marches
to Pottsgrove....General Howe takes possession of Phi-
ladelphia....Congress remove to Lancaster.


Measures taken to prevent a communication between the
British army in Philadelphia and their fleet....Royal
army attacked at Germantown.... The Americans re-
pulsed....Measures taken by general Washington for
cutting off supplies from Philadelphia....Attack upon
fort Mifflin....Attack upon Red Bank....Colonel Donop
killed, and his party repulsed with considerable loss....
The Augusta frigate blows up....General Washington
takes post at White Marsh....Fort Mifflin evacuated,
and possession taken by the British....Fort Mercer
evacuated....A picket of the enemy attacked and driven
in with loss....The enemy succeed in opening a free
communication with their fleet....Attempt by general
Dickenson to surprise Skinner's brigade.


An inquiry into the conduct of general Schuyler at his
request, which terminates to his honour....Burgoyne
appears before Ticonderoga.... Evacuation of Ticonde-
roga and Mouat Independence....The American army

evacuate Skeensborough, and retire to fort Anne....
Colonel Warner attacked by general Frazer, and obliged
to retreat....Colonel Long evacuates fort Anne, and
retires to fort Edward....Proclamation of Burgoyne,
and counter proclamation of Schuyler....Burgoyne ap-
proaches fort Edward, and Schuyler retires to Saratoga
....From thence to Stillwater....St. Leger invests fort
Schuyler....Herkemer, advancing to the relief of the
fort, falls into an ambuscade, and is defeated with loss
....Colonel Baum is detached to seize the magazines at
Bennington; is attacked in his intrenchments by gene-
ral Starke, and entirely routed.... Brechman marches to
Baum's aid, is attacked by colonel Warner, and de-
feated....St. Leger abandons the siege of fort Schuyler,
and retires to Ticonderoga.... The murder of miss
M'Crea....General Gates takes the command of the
northern army....Burgoyne encamps on the heights of
Saratoga....He attacks Gates at Stillwater....Retreats
to Saratoga....Surrender of the army under Burgoyne
.....Forts Montgomery and Clinton taken by the British
....Peck's-Kill, together with forts Independence and
Constitution evacuated by the Americans. Ticonde-
roga and Mount Independence evacuated by the enemy.


Red bank evacuated....General Howe marches out of Phi-
ladelphia....Skirmishes with the American army....Re-
turns to the city....General Washington goes into winter
quarters at Valley Forge....Defects in the commissary
department....Distress of the American army at Valley
Forge for provisions....Representations of general
Washington to congress on this subject.... The army
subsisted in a great measure by impressments....Com-
bination formed in congress against general Washing-
ton....General Gates supposed to be concerned in it....
Correspondence on this subject between the two gene-
rals....Distress of the American army for clothes....

General Washington's exertions to increase his force
and to place it on a respectable footing before the en-
suing campaign....Congress send a committee of their
own body to the army....Attempt to surprise captain
Lee's corps, and the gallant resistance made by him....
Congress determine upon a second expedition against
Canada....Before its execution, it is abandoned....Gene-
ral Conway resigns....Duel between him and general


Congress forbid the embarkation of the British troops
taken at Saratoga....Burgoyne permitted to depart....
Plan of reconciliation with America agreed to in par-
liament....Communicated to, and rejected by congress....
The resolutions of this body thereupon.... Information
received of treaties of alliance and commerce being en-
tered into between France and the United States....The
difficulties which had existed in the cabinet of Versailles
on this subject....Great Britain declares war against
France....The treaties with France ratified by congress
....Complaints made by general Washington of the
treatment of American prisoners in possession of the
enemy.... Proceedings of congress on this subject....A
partial exchange of prisoners agreed to.


General Lacy surprised....General Howe resigns his com-
mand, and returns to England; is succeeded by sir H.
Clinton.... The British army evacuate Philadelphia, and
march through the Jerseys....Council of war called by
general Washington, decide against attacking the ene-
my on their march....The opinion of the general against
this decision....He attacks the enemy at Monmouth
court-house....The action severe, but not decisive....
General Lee arrested for his behaviour in this action,
and afterwards to the commander in chief....Court
martial appointed to try him....Sentenced to be sus-

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