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"the hand,and La Barre likewise, and their ax "and his Sword fhall be thrown into a deep "Water. We wish our Brother Corlaer were prefent, but it seems the time will not "permit of it.

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Accordingly Garangula," one of the chief Sachems of the Onnondagas, with thirty Warriors, went with Mr. Le Maine to meet the Governor of Canada at Kaibobage. After he had remain'd two Days in the French Camp Mr. La Barre spoke to him, as follows, (the French Officers making a Semi-circle on one fide while Garangula, with his Warriors, compleated the Circle on the other.)

(b) Monf. De La Barre's Speech to Garangula.


"The King, my Mafter, being inform'd that the Five Nations have often infring'd "the Peace, has order'd me to come hither "with a Guard, and to fend Obqueffe to the "Onnondagas to bring the chief Sachems to

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my Camp. The Intention of the great King is, that you and I may smoke the "Calumet


(b) Voyages du Baron de la Hontan, Tomei. Lettre 7.

"Calumet (c) of Peace together, but on "this Condition, that you Promise me, in "the Name of the Sennekas, Cayugas, Onnondagas, Oneydoes and Mohawks, to give "entire Satisfaction and Reparation to his Subjects, and for the future never to molest "them.

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"The Sennekas, Cayugas, Onnondagas, Oney"does and Mohawks have Rob'd and Abus'd "all the Traders that were paffing towards "the Illinois and Umamies, and other Indian "Nations, the Children of my King. They "have acted, on thefe occafions, contrary to "the Treaty of Peace. with my Predecessor. "I am order'd therefore to demand Satisfa"ction, and to tell them, That in cafe of "of Refufal, or their Plundering us any "more, that I have exprefs Orders to declare "War. This Belt Confirms my Words.


(c) The Calumet is a large Smoking Pipe, made of Marble, most commonly of a dark Red, well polished, shaped fome-what in the form of a Hatchet, and adorned with large Feathers of feveral Colours. It is ufed in all the Indian Treatyes with Strangers, as a Flag of Truce between contending Partys, which all the Indians think a very high Crime to violate. Thefe Calumets are generally of nice Workmanship, and were in use before the Indians knew any thing of the Chriftians; for which Reason we are at a 1 ofs to conceive by what means they pierced these Pipes and shaped them so finely, before they had the use of İron.

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"The Warriors of the Five Nations have "conducted the English into the Lakes, which belong to the King, my Master, and brought "the English among the Nations that are his Children, to deftroy the Trade of his Subjects, and to with draw thofe Nations from "him. They have carried the English thither "notwithstanding the Prohibition of the late "Governor of New-York, who fore-faw the "Rifque that both they and you would run. "I am willing to forget thefe things, but if ever the like shall happen for the future, I "have express Orders to declare War against << you. This Belt Confirms my Words.

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"Your Warriors have made feveral Bar"barous Incurfions on the Ilinois and Umamies.

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They have Maffacreed Men, Women and "Children, and have made many of these "two Nations Prifoners, who thought them"felves fafe in their Villages, in time of Peace. "These People, who are my Kings Children, "must not be your Slaves, you must give "them their Liberty, and fend them back "into their own Country. If the Five Na"tions fhall refufe to do this, I have express "Orders to declare War against them. This "Belt Confirms my Words.

"This is what I had to fay to Garangula, that "he may carry to the Sennekas, Cayugas, On"nondagas, Oneydoes and Mohawks the Decla"ration

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ration which the King, my Mafter, has "commanded me to make. He doth not "wish them to force him to fend a great Army

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to Cadarackui Fort, to begin a War, which "must be fatal to them. He would be forry "that this Fort, which was the Work of “Peace, should become the Prison of your "Warriors. We must endeavour, on both fides,

to prevent fuch Misfortunes. The French, "who are the Brethren and Friends of the "Five Nations, will never trouble their repofe, "Provided that the Satisfaction which I de"mand, be given, and that the Treatyes of "Peace be hereafter observed. I fhall be "extreamly grieved if my words do not pro"duce the Effect which I expect from them; "for then I fhall be obliged to joyn with "the Governor of New-York, who is "Commanded by his Master to assist and "burn the Caftles of the Five Nations, and destroy you. This Belt Confirms my Words."

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Garangula was very much furprized to find the foft words of the Jefuit, and of the Governors Meffengers, turn'd to fuch threatning Language. They were defigned to ftrike Terror into the Indians. But Garangula having had good information, from those of the Five Nations living near Cadarackui Fort, of all the Sicknefs and other Misfortunes

which attended the French Army, they were far from producing the defigned Effect. All the time that Monf. De la Barre fpoke, Garangula kept his Eyes fixed upon the end of his Pipe. And as foon as the Governor had done fpeaking, he rofe up, and having walked five or fix times round the Circle, he returned to his place, where he spoke ftanding, while Monf. De la Barre kept his Elbow Chair, and said,

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Garangula's Answer.

YOnnondio, I Honour you, and the

Warriors that are with me all likewife "honour you. Your Interpreter has finished your Speech; I now begin mine. My "words make hafte to reach your Eears, "hearken to them.

"Yonnondio, You must have believed when you left Quebeck, that the Sun had burnt up "all the Forefts which render our Country "Unacceffible to the French, Or that the

Lakes had fo far overflown their Banks, "that they had furrounded our Castles, and "that it was impoffible for us to get out of "them. Yes, Yonnondio, furely you must have

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thought fo, and the Curiofity of feeing fo great a Country burnt up, or under Water, "has brought you fo far. Now you are "undeceived, fince that I and my Warriors.


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