TO THE AUTHOR OF FATAL FRIENDSHIP, A TRAGEDY. AS when Camilla once, a warlike dame, In bloody battles won immortal fame, Around the field, and such vast numbers flew, Nor need you to another's bounty owe, Drefs, dancing, and discourse devoid of fenfe ; To 25 To twirl a fan, to please fome foolish beau, love. Your virgin voice offends no virgin ear. 40 35 } Heaven's judgments, and declare a Providence; 45 50 Accept Accept this tribute, madam, and excuse The hafty raptures of a stranger Muse. 1698. ON DIVINE POETRY. 'N Nature's golden age, when new-born day IN Array'd the skies, and earth was green and gay; When God, with pleasure, all his works survey'd, And virgin innocence before him play'd; In that illuftrious morn, that lovely spring, The Mufe, by Heaven inspir'd, began to fing. Defcending Angels, in harmonious lays, Taught the first happy pair their Maker's praise. Such was the facred art-We now deplore The Mufe's lofs, fince Eden is no more. When Vice from hell rear'd up its hydra-head, Th' affrighted maid, with chaste Aftræa, fled, And fought protection in her native sky; 5 10 In vain the heathen Nine her absence would supply. She She gave the rapturous ode, whofe ardent lay And fill'd Ifaiah's breaft with more than Pindar's fire! WRITTEN FOR THE LATE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER'S BIRTH-DAY. I. HILE Venus in her inowy arms WHILE The God of battles held, And footh'd him with her tender charms, Victorious from the field; By chance the cast a lovely smile, Propitious, down to earth, And view'd in Britain's happy isle Great Gloucefter's glorious birth. II. Look, Mars, the faid; look down, and fee A child of royal race! Let's crown the bright Nativity With every princely grace : Thy heavenly image let me bear, And fhine a Mars below; From you his mind to warlike care, 10 15 III. Thus Thus at his birth two deities Their bleffings did impart ; And love was breath'd into his eyes, The fair; who burn'd with equal flame 1699. ON A 20 Р Е А Соск, B Y FINELY CUT IN VELLUM MOLIND A. WHEN Fancy did Molinda's hand invite, Without the help of colour, fhade, or light, To form in vellum, fpotlefs as her mind, Nature herself a Arict attendance paid, Charm'd with th' attainments of th' illustrious maid, So to her favourite Titian once she came, 5 10 And |