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ted States Bank at this place, I wrote Mr. Haywood of the same, requesting him to have every thing ready by the last day of the month, so as to detain me as short a time as possible in Raleigh, when I went up for the pers, &c. The enclosed is a reply to my letter, in which he requests that I should delay applying and receiving the papers, until some time in January. To this proposal I have this day written him, that I had no authority to deviate from your directions, nor could I do so without your consent; I am not aware that any inconvenience would arise from his proposal of putting off the delivery of the books, &c. until some time in January, at the end of the regular quarter, but of this, you are the proper judge; I therefore ask the favor of a line from you, saying if Mr. Haywood's wish can be complied with, and I shall govern myself accordingly. With sentiments of respect, I am,


Sir, your obedient servant,


Secretary of the Treasury.

Raleigh, December 4, 1817.

DEAR SIR: Yours of the 2d inst. is before me, and although the loss of the emolument arising from the Loan Office may be felt by me, yet you may rest assured no possible blame can attach you; it is an event I have looked for for some time, and probably the good of the country, or economy, might justify it. The business of the office has much diminished since the late subscriptions to the Bank of the United States, and, I hope, will not trouble you much; it however, is a new and perplexing business until you become acquainted with it, and I shall feel gratified in giving you every aid in my power. Owing to my having to prepare for a dividend, and make up my accounts for the present quarter to the United States, as well as a bank dividend, it will not be convenient for me to enter on a delivery of the books, &c. of the Loan Office as early as you mention, and I would recommend as long delay in the business, as you can, consistent with your instructions, in order that I may have leisure to afford you some information in the business; and, indeed, I do not see any real necessity of your acting until towards the close of the next quarter, as it is a time no business is done of consequence, and what is done, I will cherefully do in your name, your signature only being wanted to the accounts returned at the close of the quarter. If, however, you shall deem it proper to be here early in January, please inform me, and I will do what I can towards getting ready. At all events, defer it during the month of January, as I have to see to my plantation affairs in Edgecombe, when the accounts which I have mentioned shall be completed, which will be some time in January.

Much and respectfully yours,


No possible injury can arise from the office remaining here for some time, as the business is done by printed receipts, and in your name.

Office of Discount and Deposite, New York, Dec. 9, 1817.

SIR: Your letter of the 4th inst. is received; in answer to your inquiry therein, Why the monthly return of the state of this office has not been transmitted to you, I beg leave to state, that immediately on the receipt of your circular of the 29th April last, I addressed a letter to the Cashier of the Bank of the United States relative thereto, and requested the direction of the Bank, particularly on that point, to which I have received no reply. 1, therefore, presumed, that the Bank of the United States at Philadelphia, regularly furnished you with the required statements, which they were enabled to do by my weekly returns to them. I have again written to the parent bank on this subject, and you will, hereafter, regularly receive the returns either from that bank or from this office.

Be pleased to accept the preceding as my apology for not transmitting the requested statements.

I am, most respectfully, yours, &c.

Secretary of the Treasury.

Bank of the United States, Dec. 9, 1817.

SIR: Agreeably to the request of your letter of the 21st ult. I have now the honor to enclose to you the first and second of a set of exchange on London, drawn by John Donnell, on Baring, Brothers, & Co. London, at 60 days' sight, for £4,411 15 4 sterling.

By to-morrow evening's mail, I will forward you the third and fourth of this set, with my account for the same, I have the honor to be,

Sir, with great respect,


Your most obedient servant,

Secretary of the Treasury United States.

Bank of the United States, Dec. 10, 1817.

SIR: By the last mail I had the honor of forwarding you the first and second of a bill on London, £4,411 15 4 sterling, and now enclose you the third and fourth of that bill, with my account, and youcher for the same. I have the honor to be, With great respect,

Your obedient servant,


Secretary of the Treasury,

Bank of the United States, Dec. 12, 1817.

SIR: I have the honor to inform you that the offices of the Bank of the United States at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Louisville, Kentucky, and Fayette, N. C. are prepared to go into operation, and ready to perform such services as you may please to require, in their respective districts. I beg leave to suggest the expediency of transferring the public money from the branch of the Bank of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburg, to the Office of the bank at that place, as a considerable portion of that money is a special deposite, consisting of notes of various country banks with whom it may be expedient to effect a settlement without delay.

The Office at Chillicothe will be put in operation as soon as it is possible to prepare the necessary accommodations, and complete the notes for circulation, of which you will be apprised some short time in advance. The preparations for the Office at Augusta will follow in due time. The board, however, appears desirous of ascertaining the result of the proposition pending in the legislature of Georgia, before the Office at Augusta commences its operations.

In conformity to the suggestions contained in your letter of the 21st ult. and the representation of the Directors of the Planters and Farmers' Bank at Huntsville, enclosed therein, I have now the honor to propose the employment of that bank by the Bank of the United States, of which, if you approve, the necessary instructions will be transmitted without delay. I have the honor to be, With the highest respect, Sir, your obedient servant,


Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.

W. JONES, President.

Louisville Branch Bank, Dec. 13, 1817.

SIR: I had the honor to receive your letter of the 28th ultimo, pursuant to which I herewith transmit you, enclosed, a report of the Treasurer of the United States' account with this Branch Bank, up to this date inclusive. I should, as heretofore, have reported to your department monthly, but your circular of the 27th June last, directs the report to close with the last day of each quarter.

I am, very respectfully,

Sir, your most obedient servant,

Secretary of the Treasury, U. S.

Office of the Bank of the United States,

Richmond, Dec. 13th, 1817.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit enclosed, three transfer certificates of funded debt, viz.

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Which were purchased by me, some time since, as agent for the sinking fund. It seems scarcely worth troubling you with so small an amount; but I am obliged by having no prospect of shortly augmenting it.

have the honor to be,
Most respectfully, sir,

Your most obedient servant,
J. B. DANDRIDGE, Cashier.


Secretary of the Treasury.

Bank of the United States, Dec. 14th, 1817.

SIR: My colleague, Mr. Williams, informs me that, in a recent interview, you were pleased to inquire of him whether the board of directors of the Bank of the United States had come to any decision upon the question of the stamp duty, and urged the expediency of an immediate compliance with the requisitions of the stamp act, from which must conclude, that, in communicating the acquiescence of the board in the application of that duty to the Bank of the United States, I have been deficient in point of form, or that your acceptance of the composition offered by the Bank has been overlooked. I, therefore, take the liberty of enclosing a copy of the letter I had the honor of addressing to you on that subject, and of the instrument of agreement which you were pleased to transmit in return.

The Cashier has been, and is ready to pay the composition, whenever the officer shall please to require it, and in expectation of receiving the blank form for that purpose which the Collector has been in the habit of furnishing to the banks in this city.

I have the honor to be,
With the highest respect,

Sir, your obedient servant,
W. JONES, President.


Secretary of the Treasury.

Bank of the United States, Dec. 17th, 1817.

SIR: I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 11th inst. in regard to the selection of a bank in the state of Delaware, to transact the public business. This selection, as will appear by the enclosed copy of a letter, written on the 14th March last by the Cashier of the Bank of the United

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States to James Couper, jun. Cashier of the Branch of the Farmers' Bank Delaware, at New Castle, was then made, and intended to have been presented for your acceptance, but from the extreme pressure of business, has been overlooked, and is now respectfully submitted for your consideration and decision.

The sirname of the President thereof is Johns; but I will to-morrow ascertain and communicate his Christian name also.

With the highest respect,

The Hon. W. H. CRAWFORD,

Secretary of the Treasury.

I have the honor to be,
Sir, your obedient servant,
W. JONES, President.

Office of Discount and Deposite, New York,

December 24th, 1817.

SIR: I have the honor to enclose a statement of the funds of this office agreably to your direction, and to say that hereafter you will be regularly furnished monthly (or oftener if required) with the like statements.

I am, most respectfully,


Secretary of the Treasury.

Yours, &c.


Branch Bank U. S. Cincinnati, Jan. 2, 1818.

SIR: I forward, enclosed, the monthly statement of the funds of this office, and the weekly Treasury account.

In the monthly statement I have separated the deposites of John M.Henry, (public agent,) and of Wm. Burke, postmaster, but whether the amount is public money or not, we cannot determine, as the accounts are opened with them as private individuals.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
Sir, your obedient servant,


Secretary of the Treasury.

T. H. WORTH, Cashier.

Bank of the U. States, January 9, 1818.

SIR: In a late report of the Secretary of the Treasury to Congress, detailing the reasons why he had not transferred certain balances of public money from the state banks to this bank, he states, that he

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