CONTRACT FOR TABULATING THE ENUMERATION OF THE POPULATION OF THE ISLANDS OF CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Whereas the Tabulating Machine Company, through its general manager, Herman Hollerith, has submitted an offer to the Director of the Census of Cuba and Porto Rico to tabulate the enumeration of the population of the said islands, and said Director has concluded to accept said proposition, It is hereby agreed by and between Colonel J. P. Sanger, Director of the Census of Cuba and Porto Rico, party of the first part, and the Tabulating Machine Company, a corporation of the State of New York, party of the second part, as follows: The party of the second part, in consideration of the payments to be made to it as hereinafter provided, agrees to tabulate by the Hollerith tabulating system, and under the direction of its general manager, the enumeration of the population of the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico from the schedules to be delivered to it by the party of the first part according to the twenty-two (22) tables heretofore submitted. The party of the first part hereby agrees to pay to the party of the second part for such tabulation the sum of three and one-half (3) cents for each person, and one (1) cent for each building enumerated, as follows: Eight-tenths (0.8) of one cent per person on completion of the tabulation of tables 1 and 2. Three-tenths (0.3) of one cent per person on completion of the tabulation of tables 3 and 4. Three-tenths (0.03) of one cent per person on completion of the tabulation of tables 5 and 7. Forty-five hundredths (0.45) of one cent per person on completion of the tabulation of tables 8, 9, and 10. Seventy-five hundredths (0.75) of one cent per person on completion of the tabulation of tables 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Nine-tenths (0.9) of one cent per person on completion of the tabulation of tables 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21. The payments for tabulating tables 1 and 2, and for tabulating tables 3 and 4, are to be made on the completion of such tables for each province of Cuba and department of Porto Rico, and for the remaining tables 5 to 22 inclusive, on completion of such tables for each island. The party of the second part agrees to commence such tabulation without delay upon receipt of the schedules from the party of the first part, and to proceed with and complete said tabulation with diligence and dispatch. The party of the second part further agrees to tabulate the schedules relating to agriculture and schools for said islands according to such tables as may be required by the party of the first part, for which tabulations the party of the first part agrees to pay to the party of the second part, in addition to the payments above provided for, the actual cost of such tabulation (which shall include rent, clerk hire, material, and all other expenses) plus ten (10) per cent of such cost for the services of the party of the second part for superintending and directing the work. The party of the first part may at any time discontinue the tabulation of the schedules relating to agriculture and schools by giving written notice to that effect to the party of the second part; and in such event all records and results are to be delivered to the party of the first part, and the party of the second part shall be paid for the cost of the work plus said ten (10) per cent for services, to the date of the receipt of such notice by the party of the second part. In witness whereof the parties aforesaid have executed this agreement in quadruplicate, and have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this 1st day of February, A. D. 1900. Signed by contracting parties and witnessed. APPENDIX XV. LIST OF GOVERNORS OF THE ISLAND OF CUBA. List of governors of the island of Cuba-Continued. No. Date. + ................. 70 May, 1781 72 1785. ........... ... ... - Name, etc. Francisco Garcia Osorio, Governor-General. Juan Bitrian de Viamontes, Captain-General. Juan de Prado Portocarrero, Captain-General. Ambrosio Villalpando, Count of Ricla, Captain-General. Diego Manrique, Captain-General. Pascual Jimenez de Cisneros, Captain-General, provi sional. Antonio M. Bucarely, Captain-General. Marqués de la Torre, Captain-General. Diego J. Navarro, Captain-General. Juan M. Cagigal, Captain-General. Luis de Unzaga, Captain-General, provisional. Bernardo Troncoso, Captain-General, provisional. Domingo Cabello, Captain-General, provisional. Sebastian Kindelan, Captain-General, provisional. Dionisio Vivés. Given absolute authority by royal de cree of 1825. Mariano Rocafort. Given absolute authority by royal decree of 1825. Miguel Tacon. Given absolute authority by royal decree of 1825. Lieut. Gen. Miguel Tacón y Rosique, Captain-General. Lieut. Gen. Joquin Ezpeleta y Enrille. Lieut. Gen. Pedro Tellez de Gironm, Prince of Anglona. No. List of governors of the island of Cuba-Continued. Date. Name, etc. 91 From May 10, 1841, to Sept. 15, 1843.... Lieut. Gen. Gerónimo Valdes y Sierra. 92 Sept. 15 to Oct. 26, 1843 ... 103 From Sept. 24, 1867, to Dec. 12, 1867.... 104 From Dec. 13, 1867, to Jan. 4, 1869. 105 From Jan. 4, 1869, to June 2, 1869. 106 From June 2, 1869, to June 28, 1869... 107 From June 28, 1869, to Dec. 15, 1870.. 108 From Dec. 15, 1870, to July 11, 1872 109 From July 11, 1872, to Apr. 18, 1873 110 From Apr. 18 to Nov. 4, 1873.... 111 From Nov. 4, 1873, to Apr. 7, 1874. 112 From Apr. 7, 1874, to May 8, 1875. 113 From May 8 to June 8, 1875... 114 ..... From June 8, 1875, to Jan. 18, 1876 115 From Jan. 18, 1876, to June 18, 1878.... 116 From Oct. 8, 1876, to Feb. 5, 1879. 117 From Feb. 5, 1879, to Apr. 17, 1879. 118 From Apr. 17, 1879, to Nov. 28, 1881.... 119 From Nov. 28, 1881, to Aug. 5, 1883... From Aug. 5, 1883, to Sept. 28, 1883 121 From Sept. 28, 1883, to Nov. 8, 1884 122 | From Nov. 8, 1884, to Mar. 25, 1886.. From Mar. 25, 1886, to July 15, 1887 From July 15, 1887, to Mar. 13, 1889 125 From Mar. 13, 1889; died Feb. 6, 1890.. 126 From Feb. 6, 1890, to Apr. 4, 1900. 127 From Apr. 4, 1890, to Aug. 20, 1890 124 128 From Aug. 20, 1890, to June 20, 1892 129 From June 20, 1892; died July 15, 1893. 130 From July 15, 1893, to Sept. 5, 1893. 131 From Sept. 5, 1893, to Apr. 16, 1895.. 132 From Apr. 16, 1895, to Jan. 20, 1896.. 1896.... 133 From Jan, 20, 1896, to Feb. 11, 1896 134 From Feb. 11, 1896, to Oct. 31, 1897... 135 From Oct. 31, 1897, to Nov. 30, 1898 .. 136 From Nov. 30, 1898, to Jan. 1, 1899, at 12 noon. .... ... .... Lieut. Gen. of the Royal Navy, Francisco Javier de Ulloa, provisional. Lieut. Gen. Leopoldo O'Donnell y Joris, Count of Lucena. Lieut. Gen. Federico Roncali, Count of Alcoy. Lieut. Gen. José Gutierrez de la Concha. Lieut. Gen. Valentín Cañedo Miranda. Lieut. Gen. Juan de la Pezuela, Marquis de la Pezuela. Lieut. Gen. José Gutierrez de la Concha, Marquis of Ha bana, second time. Lieut. Gen. Francisco Serrano, Duke de la Torre. Lieut. Gen. Joaquin del Manzano y Manzano. Lieut. Gen. Blás Villate, Count of Valmaseda. Lieut. Gen. Domingo Dulce y Garay, second time. Lieut. Gen. Cándido Pieltaín y Jove-Huelgo. Lieut. Gen. Joaquín Jovellar y Soler, first time. Lieut. Gen. José Gutierrez de la Concha, Marquis of Habana. Lieut. Gen. Buenaventura Carbó, provisional. Lieut. Gen. Blás Villate, Count of Valmaseda, third time. Lieut. Gen. Joaquín Jovellar y Soler. He was under Martínez Campos, who was the general in chief. Lieut. Gen. Arsenio Martínez Campos. Lieut. Gen. Cayetano Figueroa y Garaondo, provisional. Lieut. Gen. Ramón Blanco y Erenas. Lieut. Gen. Luis Prendergast y Gordon, Marquis of Victoria de las Tunas. General of Division Tomás de Reyna y Reyna, provisional. Lieut. Gen. Ramón Fajardo é Izquierdo. Lieut. Gen. Sabás Marín y Gonzalez. Lieut. Gen. Manuel Salamanca y Begrete. General of Division José Sanchez Gómez, provisional. General of Division José Arderius y García, provisional. MEMORANDUM ON TERRITORIAL CHANGES SINCE 1861. A glance at two maps of Cuba, one published about the middle of this century and one of later date than 1878, shows at once two different sets of political subdivisions in the island. For a comparison of the census of 1861 with that of 1887 it is necessary, first of all, to determine as exactly as possible what relation the limits of the provinces, the largest political divisions of the island in 1887, bear to the much smaller distritos gubernativos existing in 1861. This is in order one may be sure that the statistics which are to be compared deal in every case with identical areas. At the time of the census of 1861 Cuba was divided into two departments-the |