I must also state that the regular and constant progress we have had has been due only to the intelligence and good order you showed in the minutest detail. The plans you gave each of us, where the streets were indicated, street by street, prepared the work for us in so clear a manner and so minutely that doubts were impossible. Another factor was your promptness in answering my telegrams, of which I sent a few, not wishing to do anything without your approval. Among my enumerators there were three who were to enumerate the country, the one of Guasimas, the other of Varadero, and the one of the islets. It was difficult for me to communicate my orders to these at once, but I made use of messengers and communicated them. The enumerator of the islets is seriously ill in consequence of the rains, because only on account of dire necessity and because there was no one else there I was obliged to take him. This poor young man I do not believe will be saved. I must state that on the 15th of October I was sorry to learn that a demonstration was in preparation against the enumerators who had come from Matanzas, of which I was informed by some of them. I believed that the best thing to do, after serious reflection and hearing the opinion of others, was to apply to the local authorities, with whom we had a conference. Their prompt orders calmed the three or four who were influencing the rest, and on the 16th all of them, without exception, began their work, which I had the pleasure of communicating to you by telegraph. The progress from that day has been quiet, with the exception of small incidents with some unimportant Spaniards, the importance of which is so insignificant that they do not deserve recounting. The enumerators of the city came every night to my house and gave me a detailed account of the work. I revised their schedules, made the proper corrections, and encouraged them to keep faith with you and to comply with the daily work which the assistant director recommended. I must here relate a fact which shows the conscientiousness of the persons under my care and direction. The necessity of increasing the number of enumerations, and the notice which they saw-given them by I do not know who-to the effect that you had suspended several enumerators of Matanzas for not having enumerated a sufficient number, caused great dissatisfaction, obliging me to request your presence by telegraph. Your arrival calmed them, and the census continued without any hitch. Many cases were submitted to me of families enumerated in other places, which cases, after being communicated to you, were favorably decided by you, always within twelve hours. The same occurred when you, at the request of the supervisor of Santa Clara, asked for the enumeration of the Arencibia family. Within an hour I had procured the information from the proper enumerator and had answered what was necessary. The good will and the intelligence of the enumerators made my work simple. Thus I was enabled to forward every five days a recapitulation by telegraph and the reports of each day by mail. On such days the enumerators would assemble, and the sum of the inhabitants, houses, estates, and animals was quickly made, and it was possible for me to forward them to you. Only the two enumerators of the country and the one of the islets did not come punctually-due to their distance from here-being put back one or two days. As a proof of the respect they commanded, it is sufficient to state that the police was not necessary once, and that the ladies were respected and considered on all hands. This was the case when, in connection with the enumerator of the islets, I personally visited all those who owned vessels in order to secure a boat. I had the pleasure of seeing you again when you came with the commission to make the payments, leaving the entire personnel grateful for your kindness. I conclude in stating that my life was running along smoothly, devoted to the care of my parents and to the work of a school, when you called me to a new occupation with which I was unacquainted. And I to-day am aware of the fact that the battle for existence is a prerogative of humanity, and that woman can and must support herself, being satisfied with myself, and even more so for having satisfied the supervisor who honored me. 55 Part of the city of Habana 56 .....do 57 ..do 58 ..do ... 59 .do 60 .do 61 .do 62 .do 63 .do Enumerators. Costo A. Rasco. Jorge Luis Silveria. Augusto G. Menocal. Francisco G. Yglesias. Angel Gonzalez y Sanguily. Francisco R. Laguardia. Angel J. Gonzalez Sastre. Manuel Andreu. Enrique Nápoles Fajardo. Andrés R. Navarrete. José Leal. Ricardo Ceballos. José Leanés. F. Manito. Hortensia Del Monte. Sra. Fermina de Cárdenas. Sra. Victória A. de Gonzalez, Anto. Aguiar, Enrique Porto y Vandrelt. Sra. Leticia Del Monte. Juan B. Acosta. Alfredo Brito. Francisco Lopez y Mayol. Francisco R. P. Medialdea. Aurelio Cárdenas. Juan Vivó y Cerdeña. |