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Columbi sent or may hereafter compose the congregation an baptist of the Columbian Baptist Church of Christ, on the Christ in Lower Three Runs in Barnwell district, be, and corpora- the same are hereby declared a body politic and

church of


corporate, under the name and style of the Columbian Baptist Church of Christ, on the Lower Three Runs in Barnwell district.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforeSpring said, That all the free white persons, who at preTown bap tist church sent or may hereafter compose the congregation of incorpo- the Spring Town Baptist Church, be, and the



church of

Christ at

same are hereby declared incorporated, under the denomination of the Spring Town Baptist Church.

And be it further enacted, That all the free white persons, who now or may hereafter compose the congregation of the Baptist Church of Christ at the the Heal Healing Springs, be, and the same are hereby declared incorporated, under the name of the Baptist Church of Christ of the Healing Spring in Barnwell district.


Springs incorporated.

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, Barnwell. That all the free white persons, who at present or baptist may hereafter compose the congregation of the Christ in Barnwell Baptist Church of Christ, be, and the corporat same are hereby incorporated, by the denomination of the Barnwell Baptist Church of Christ.

church of



tist church

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the free white persons, who at present ship bap- or may hereafter compose the congregation of the incorpor- Friendship Baptist Church, in the district of Spartanburgh, be, and the same are hereby incorporated, under the denomination of the Friendship Baptist Church of Christ in the district of Spartanburgh.



and privi leges of said corp. orations.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Baptist Bethel Church in the district of Spartanburgh; and the said Columbian Baptist Church on the Lower Three Runs in Barnwell district; and the said Spring Town Baptist Church; and the said Baptist Church of Christ at the Healing Springs; the Friendship Baptist

Church in the district of Spartanburgh; and the said Barnwell Baptist Church of Christ, their several and respective free white members and successors in office, according to their several and respective rules, orders and constitutions of the said several and respective socicties, be, and the same are hereby declared respectively, to have perpetual succession of officers and members, and a common seal, with a power to change, alter, break and make new the same, as often as the said corporations respectively, shall judge expedient; and that the said corporations and their successors, shall be able and capable in law to purchase, have, hold, receive, enjoy, possess and retain, to themselves and their successors, either in perpetuity or for any term of years, any estate or estates, lands, tenements and hereditaments, of what kind or nature soever, not exceeding an annual income of seven thousand dollars; and the same to sell, alien, exchange, as they respectively shall think proper; and may, by their said names respectively, sue and be sued, implead or be impleaded, answer or be answered unto, in any court of law or equity in this state, and make such rules and by-laws, (not repugnant to the laws of the land,) for the benefit of the said corporations, as, from time to time be agreed upon by a majority of the members of the said corporations respectively.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this act shall be deemed and taken as a This act to public act, and notice shall be taken thereof in all be deemed a public courts of justice and elsewhere in this state, and act. shall be given in evidence on the trial of any issue or cause, without special pleading.

In the Senate House, the twenty-first Day of December,
in the Year of our Lordone thousand eight hundred and
four, and in the twenty-ninth Year of the Sovereign-
ty and Independence of the United States of America.
JOHN WARD, President of the Senate.
W. C. PINCKNEY, Speaker of the House
of Representatives.

bridge vested in James H.

An ACT to vest in James H. Ancrum and his heirs and assigns, for a term of years, the bridge cal led Rantole's bridge and causeway, to fix the rates of toll thereof, and for other purposes therein mentioned, and for establishing certain other ferries and bridges, and appointing certain commissioners of roads in this state.

E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the bridge built across the north Rantole's branch of Stono river, commonly called Rantole's bridge, and the causeway in St. Andrew's parish, which is attached thereto, be, and the same are Ancrum. hereby vested in the said James H. Ancrum and his heirs and assigns, for the term of fourteen years, on the express stipulation and condition, that the said James H. Ancrum, his heirs or assigns, shall, at all times keep the said bridge and causeway in good repair, so as to be at all times passable; and that the following rates of toll be established and received, to wit: for every waggon and team, or other four wheeled carriage crossing the same, thirty one and one fourth cents; for a cart, driver and horse, eighteen and three fourths cents; for every rolling hogshead, horses and driver, twelve and one half cents; for every two wheeled carriage, horses and rider or riders, eighteen and three fourths cents; for every foot passenger, two cents; for every man and horse, six and one quarter cents; for every head of cattle or led horses, three cents; for every head of hogs, sheep or goats, one cent.

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, Bond to be That Thomas Farr, sen. Christopher Fuller and given by R. Miles, be, and they are hereby appointed comJames H. missioners, who are hereby authorized and reAncrum. quired to take bond and security from the said

the said

James H. Ancrum, in the penal sum of three thousand dollars, conditioned to keep the said bridge

and causeway, from and after one year after the passing of this act, in good repair; which bond shall be executed by said James H. Ancrum, his heirs or assigns, within six months from the passing of this act, and be lodged in the office of the secretary of state. Provided always nevertheless, That no higher or greater toll shall be exacted at said bridge, than is now allowed by law, until said bridge and causeway are fully compleated and repaired.

ted in Tho

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That a public ferry shall be, and the same is here- Ferry on by established on Kingston lake, adjoining lot Kingston number four in Conwayborough, and that the Lake, vessaid ferry, on the north-west side of said lake, mas Crowshall be vested in captain Thomas Crowson, his son. heirs and assigns, and on the south-east side, in Joseph Blyth, esq. his heirs and assigns, for the term of ten years.


and Thos.

And be it further enacted, That there shall be Ferry over another public ferry established across the river of the WacWaccamay, adjoining lot number one in Conway- vested in borough, and that the said ferry on the north-west Thomas side of said river, be vested in captain Thomas Crowson Crowson, his heirs and assigns, and on the south- Mitchell. east side, in captain Thomas Mitchell, his heirs and assigns, for the term of ten years; and that the following rates of ferriage shall be taken at each of the above ferries, viz. for short ferry; for every foot passenger, three cents; for man and horse, six and a quarter cents; every two wheel carriage and riders, twenty-five cents; every four wheel carriage, and rider or drivers, fifty cents; every head of cattle, horses, hogs, goats or sheep, ferried or swam, two cents; and for long ferry from either of the above ferries to Glass-hill, or from Glass-hill to either of the above ferries, double the amount of short ferrv.


And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That immediately after the passing of this act, that boards of there shall be two boards of commissioners of the commis

sioners of high roads in the election district of Kingston, and roads esta- that there shall be a division line between the upKingston. per and lower boards of commissioners, which

blished in

ers vested

shall begin at Council-bluff on Waccamaw river, and continue from thence on direct line to Bugswamp bridge, leaving Mrs. Jane Ludlam's plantation in the upper division, and from thence to the intersection of the Dog-bluff and Little Pedce roads, leaving William Hux's plantation in the upper division, and Isaac Skipper's and Reuben Hart's fields in the lower division; and that Simon Gaudwin and Edward Conner, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to join John Graham, James Floyd and Samuel Garrel, already appointed in the upper division; and John Rodgers, sen. Silvanus Sweet and John Hughs, sen. be also appointed commissioners, to join William Snow and Henry Durant, already appointed in the lower division.

And be it further enacted, That the commissionSaid com- ers aforesaid shall be vested with all the powers mission, and authority, and subject to all the fines and pewith the nalties that other commissioners of the high roads usual pow- are entitled or liable to; any law to the contrary notwithstanding.



sioners on

Whereas, by an act, entitled, "An act to establish certain roads and ferries, and for other purposes therein mentioned," a board of commissioners of roads, bridges and ferries, was established on the west side of Great Pedee, in the district of Marion, limiting the number of commissioners for said board to seven. And whereas, the said number of seven was not filled up, and the names of Alexander Craig, sen. and John Craig, were inserted as commissioners of said board, instead of Alexander Gregg, sen. and John Gregg: For remedy of the same,

Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That west side Alexander Gregg, sen. and John Gregg, be commissioners of said board, and col. Hugh Ervin


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