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Of Motions, &c.

11. No member shall be permitted to make a motion, or address the Speaker, unless such member shall be at his own desk.

Manner of Addressing the House.

12. When a member is about to speak in debate, or to communicate any matter to the House, he shall rise, and respectfully address himself to "Mr. Speaker," confining his remarks to the subject before the House, and avoiding personal reflections.

Transgression of the Rules of the House.

13. If any member in debate trangress the rules of the House, the Speaker shall or any member may, through the Speaker, call him to order; the member so called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain; the House shall, if appealed to, decide on the case, but without debate; if there be no appeal, the decision of the Speaker shall be submitted to, and if the case require it, the member so called to order shall be liable to the censure of the House.

Order of Speaking.

14. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject, without leave of the House.

Not to be Interrupted-Nor Named.

15. No member, when speaking, shall be interrupted, except by a call to order by the Speaker, or by a member through the Speaker, or by a member to explain, or by a motion for the previous question; nor shall any member be referred to by name, in debate, unless for a transgression of the rules of the House, and then by the Speaker only.

Presenting Petitions-Name to be entered on Journal. 16. A member presenting a petition, or other paper, to the Chair, shall state the general purport of it. The name of every member presenting a petition, or other paper, or making a motion, shall be entered on the Journal.


Form of Putting Questions.

17. All motions made and seconded, shall be repeated by the Speaker, who shall put the question distinctly, in the following form, viz:

"As many as are of opinion, (as the question may be,) say Aye."

And after the affirmative is expressed, "As many as are of the contrary opinion, say No."

Division of the House.

But the Speaker, or any member, may call for a division of the House, when the Speaker shall again put the question distinctly, and in the following manner, viz:

As many as are in the affirmative will rise; and when he has announced the number in the affirmative, he shall put the opposite side of the question: As many as are in the negative will rise.

Motions in Writing.

18. If the Speaker, or any two members require it, a motion shall be written.

May be Withdrawn.

It may be withdrawn by the mover and seconder, before amendment or decision, and if withdrawn, the proceedings had thereon shall be expunged from the Journal.

Division of Question-Motion to Strike out and Insert


19. Any member may call for the division of a question, which shall be divided, if it comprehends questions so distinct, that one being taken away the rest may stand entire for the decision of the House. A motion to strike out and insert shall be deemed indivisible; but a motion to strike out being lost, shall preclude neither amendment, nor a motion to strike out and insert.*

Of Substitute.

No motion can be received to postpone for the purpose of introducing a substitute.


Of Motions and Privileged Questions.

20. No business regularly before the House shall be interrupted, except by a motion

For adjournment;

For the previous question, namely, "Shall the main question be now put?"

For postponement;

For commitment, or

For amendment.

Of Adjournment.

21. A motion for adjournment shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate, except that it cannot be received when the House is voting on another question, nor while a member is addressing the House.

*A motion to amend by inserting first of January, seventen hundred and seventy, cannot be divided to end with seventeen hundred. [Journal, 1819-20, p. 777.]

Previous Question.

22. The previous question shall not be moved by less than twenty members rising for that purpose, and shall be determined without debate; but when the previous question has been called and sustained, it shall not cut off any pending amendment, but the vote shall be taken without debate on the amendments in their order, and then on the main question.*


23. A motion for postponement shall preclude commitment. A motion for commitment shall preclude amendment or decision on the original subject.

Of Motions to Re-consider.

24. A motion for re-consideration shall be permitted, when made and seconded by members who were in the majority on the vote on the original question, and within three days, exclusive of Sundays, after the decision.f

Filling Blanks.

25. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the largest sum, greatest number and remotest day.

Of Nominations and Elections.

26. In all cases of elections, except for Speaker, there shall be a previous nomination of the candidates at least one day before the election, and a majority of the members present shall be necessary to

a choice.

*Altered 1875. +Changed 1874.

Resolutions, &c., to lie on the Table.

27. Every motion to alter the rules of the House, or for information from the Executive or departments, shall lie on the table one day.


28. Committees may be of three kinds, viz: Committees of the whole House.

Standing Committees.

Select Committees.


Manner of Proceeding in Committee of the Whole. 29. The rules and proceedings observed in the House shall be observed, as far as they are practicable, in committee of the whole, except that a member may speak oftener than twice on the subject, nor can a motion for the previous question be made therein.

Speaker to appoint Chairman.

30. When the House resolves itself into a committee of the whole, the Speaker shall appoint a chairman, unless otherwise ordered by the House.

Amendments made therein, not to be read in the House. 31. Amendments made in committee of the whole shall not be read when the Speaker resumes the chair, unless required by one or more of the members.*

Papers may be called for.

32. When in committee of the whole, any papers laid on the table of the House may be called for by

* Amendments made in committee of the whole are not parts of bills when the committee reports progress, and leave to sit again is not granted by the House. [Journal 1820-21, p 913.] Changed


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