Ver. If, to thy pray'r, heart-pureness cleave, 6 His favour would thee raise; II Thy profp'rous state he would retrieve, 7 Though thy beginning, small and low, But have an increase great. SONG XII. Time and Life short. Job viii. 9. 9 WE'RE but of yesterday's new mold, Our life's of no regard, When with our long-liv'd fathers old Can ever justly boaft: Our days like shadows are that flee, No fooner had, than loft. SONG XIII. The Hope of the Hypocrite vain and vanishing. Job viii. 11,-14. JUST as a weak and empty rufh,, in a wat'ry mead, With hasty growth and easy push, Rears up its haughty head; 12 In moisture rich, in verdure gay, Unmov'd and not cut down; Yet on a sudden wears away Ere other plants are grown. 13 So shall the wicked's beauty fade, The hypocrite's fair shew; Who no foundation firm hath laid, But mire in which he grew. 14 His fwelling hopes, ere he's aware, In their high tide shall ebb; His groundless truft is weaker far Than any fpider's web Ver. He on his tott'ring house shall lean, 2 SONG XIV. God juft in judging. Job ix. 2, 3, 4. WHEN juftice, out of mercy's rod, Thoughts, words, and actions tries, How can a man be just with God, 3 Once to contend, if God begins, 15 G SONG XV. The Righteousness of Words discarded. OD's eyes espy our aims afar, 20 Should I my innocence aver, 21 My mouth would brand my face; +Gg 4 SONG XVI. The afflicted Soul's Complaint to GOD. HE constant woes that load my back, Fer. THE I Such endless groans create; My present life's a very black My restless weary foul abhors I'll leave my fad complaint. SONG XVII. GOD'S Wisdom unfearchable. Job xi. 7, 8, 9. 7 CAN human reason's utmost stretch, Her arms fo far extend, 8,9 What creature can, with finite hand, Ver. Higher than heav'n, what canst thou know, So infinitely steep? Deeper then hell, what canst thou do, SONG XVIII. That God may suffer the wicked to profper, exemplified in Beafts, Birds, and Fishes; and this resolved into bis abfolute Dominion over, and Propriety in all bis Creatures. Job xii. 6,-10. 6 AFFLICTIONS great are of the just, In time, the common fate; 7 Ask now the beasts, and trial make, How bears, wolves, monsters of the wood, Inur'd to rapine, spoil, and blood, Yet peace and pow'r enjoy. While harmless flocks, on hills that browse, To men their friends, or beasts their foes, Are daily made a prey. Ask of the fowls aloft that flee, For answer they'll return, That they, conform to their degree, The fame disafter mourn. Gga Ver. They will affert their vultures rude, 8 While doves and birds of mildest brood, Then ask the fishes what's their state, They'll tell that this unequal fate Great whales, sea-tyrants, drunk with blood, 9 This state of things fram'd he, whose pow'r Whole wifdom too, in ord'ring fure, Hath fix'd their end and ufe. 10 God's creatures are his own, their lives II 12 He may at pleasure take; SONG XIX. Doctrine to be tried ere it be trusted. Job xii. 11. THE HE ear tries words before they be Can judge it wholesome food. For food to poifon truft. SONG XX. The Wisdom of antient Men nothing to the Wisdom THOUGH wisdom oft, we are aflur'd, By time and num'rous years: |