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the same cannot be replevied, and in bills in equity, by creditors, to reach and apply in payment of a debt, any property, right, title or interest, legal or equitable, of a debtor or debtors, which cannot be come at to be attached on writ, or taken on execution, in a suit at law, and any property or interest conveyed in fraud of creditors. But no provision of this paragraph shall be so construed as to reach and apply in payment of a debt, any property exempted by sections thirtyeight and thirty-nine of chapter five, sections six, seven and eight of chapter fifteen, section eleven of chapter fifty-five and by chapter eighty-one, revised statutes.'

Approved March 11, 1891.


of clerk of

coggin county,


Chapter 54.

An Act to fix the compensation of the clerk of courts for Androscoggin county.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:

From and after the first day of January in the year of our courts, Andros Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, the compensation of the clerk of courts for the county of Androscoggin shall be the fees of his office, including fees for attendance upon court, and two hundred dollars a year.

Approved March 11, 1891

Churches may be incorporated.

Notice of the meeting, how given.

Chapter 55.

An Act to enable independent Local Churches to become incorporated.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:

SECT. 1. Any independent local church now existing, or that may hereafter be organized in this state, may be incorporated according to the provisions of this act.

SECT. 2. When three or more members of such church, who are voters according to section three of this act, shall apply in writing to any justice of the peace in the county for the purpose of incorporating said church, said justice shall issue his warrant addressed to one of said applicants, stating

the time, place and purposes of the meeting and directing him CHAP. 55 to notify the members of said church, by posting a certified copy of said warrant in a conspicuous place near the main entrance to the usual place of meeting of such church and in one other public and conspicuous place in the same town, for seven days, at least, prior to said meeting.


manner of a

organizing into



SECT. 3. The resident members of such church twenty-one Qualification of years of age and upward, shall be voters at such meeting and in all meetings of the corporation. Such voters, assembled at the time and place notified, shall elect a moderator to preside over said meeting. They shall then by ballot, proceed to vote upon the question whether the church will become incorporated under this act. If two-thirds of the ballots cast shall be in favor of the church becoming incorporated, it shall thereupon become a body corporate with all the powers, rights and duties incident to corporations, with the right to take by gift, purchase, devise or bequest such personal and real property as may be useful for carrying on its local work, and may dispose of the same at pleasure, have perpetual succession, a corporate seal, and change the same at pleasure.


SECT. 4. They shall, by ballot, elect a clerk, treasurer, a Election of business committee of not less than three nor more than seven members who are voters, and such other officers as they may deem necessary.


Duties of prescribed by by-laws.

officers may be


SECT. 5. The church by its by-laws may prescribe the duties of the several officers and the manner of executing the When no provision is made by any vote or by-law of the church for calling meetings, they shall be called by the meetings, how business committee by posting notices of the time, place and purposes of said meeting, in the same manner and for the same time as is prescribed in section two of this act. And meetings shall also, in the same manner, be called by said committee, upon the written request of at least six members of the church qualified to vote.

SECT. 6. The clerk and business committee, so elected, shall make a certificate setting forth under their hands the notice and its date, the date of the meeting and vote of the members of the church twenty-one years of age and upward, present at the meeting, who voted in favor of, and against such incorporation, and the town in which such church is located, which certificate shall be duly recorded in the records of the church by said clerk, and when the same has been so

when church

shall be fully incorporated.

CHAP. 56

Persons holding property in trust may convey

recorded, said church shall be fully incorporated under this


SECT. 7. The deacons of such church or any other person or persons holding real or personal estate in trust for the use same to church. of such church, may convey such property to such incorporated church, and said church shall hold the same subject to the uses and trusts under which it was held by such deacons and other person or persons.

Parish authorized to convey property to church.

SECT. 8. Any parish or religious society, connected with the church which becomes incorporated under the provisions of this act, may at a meeting duly warned and called for such purpose by a two-thirds vote, authorize one or more persons in its name and behalf to convey to such church any real or personal estate which it may hold for the use of such church, and such church shall thereafter hold such property to the same uses and trusts as when held by such parish or society.

Approved March 11, 1891.

Sec. 100, ch. 47,
R. S., amended.

Chapter 56.

An Act to amend section one hundred of chapter forty-seven of the Revised Statutes, relating to Savings Banks.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:

Section one hundred, chapter forty-seven, of the revised statutes as amended by chapter one hundred and forty-two of the public laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, is hereby amended by inserting in the eighteenth line after the word "its" and before the word "valuation" the word 'assessed;' and by striking out in the twenty-fifth line all the words after the word "mortgage," where it first occurs, and by striking out all of lines twenty-six, twenty-seven, twentyeight and twenty-nine to and including the word "fires," and inserting in place thereof the words 'in the mortgage bonds of any water company in this state actually engaged in supplying to any city or cities, town or towns, village or villages, or other municipal corporations, water for domestic use and for the extinguishment of fires, whenever such company is earning more than its fixed charges, interest on its debts, and its running expenses,' so that said section as amended, shall read as follows:

CHAP. 56

Investment of

'SECT. 100. Savings banks and institutions for savings are restricted to and hereafter may invest their deposits in the deposit." public funds of any of the New England states, including bonds of the counties, cities and towns of the same; in the public funds of the United States and District of Columbia; in the stock of any bank or banking association incorporated under authority of this state, or of the United States; in the municipal bonds of cities of ten thousand inhabitants, or more, of the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, and in the public funds of each of the above named states, and in the bonds of counties in said states, having twenty thousand population, when not issued in aid of railroads; provided, that no investment shall be made in the bonds of any cities or counties of the states above named, except the city of Saint Louis, Missouri, where the municipal indebtedness of such city or county exceeds five per cent of its assessed valuation; in the first mortgage bonds of any completed railroads of the states above named, together with New Jersey, Kansas and Nebraska, and in the first mortgage bonds of the Central Pacific, Union Pacific and Northern Pacific railroads, and in the railroad bonds of this state; in the stock of any dividend paying railroad in New England; in the stocks of any railroad company in this state unincumbered by mortgage; in the mortgage bonds of any water company in this state actually engaged in supplying to any city or cities, town or towns, village or villages, or other municipal corporations, water for domestic use and for the extinguishment of fires, whenever such company is earning more than its fixed charges, interest on its debts, and its running expenses; in the stock and bonds of any other corporations incorporated under authority of this state, which earn and are paying regular dividends of not less than five per cent a year; and may invest by loan on first mortgages of real estate in this state and New Hampshire, not exceeding sixty per cent of its value; and may loan to any county, city or town thereof; and on notes with a pledge as collateral of any of the aforesaid securities, including savings bank deposit books of any savings bank in the state, and the stock of any said railroad companies, not over seventyfive per cent of the market value of such stock; and may loan to corporations having real estate and doing business in

CHAP. 57 this state; and may also loan on a pledge or mortgage of such other personal property as, in the judgment of the trustees, it is safe and for the interest of the bank to accept. All investments shall be charged and entered on the books of the bank at their cost to the bank, or at par when a premium is paid.'

Approved March 11, 1891.


of clerk of courts, Kennebec county, fixed.


Chapter 57.

An Act relating to the compensation of the Clerk of Courts in Kennebec County.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:

SECT. 1. The clerk of courts of Kennebec county shall be allowed attendance the same as provided for clerks in other counties, by chapter three hundred and sixty-five of the public laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five.

SECT. 2. This act shall take effect when approved.

Approved March 11, 1891.

Ch. 280, Public Laws of 1889, repealed.

Chapter 58.

An Act to repeal chapter two hundred and eighty of the public laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, establishing a bounty on Crows.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows:

SECT. 1. Chapter two hundred and eighty of the public laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, entitled "An Act additional to chapter thirty of the revised statutes, establishing a bounty on crows," is hereby repealed.

SECT. 2. This act shall take effect when approved.

Approved March 11, 1891.

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