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and, if the woman's statement was well founded, to request the attendance of the medical officer of that establishment, in order that the case might be thoroughly investigated. Mr. Phillips, the medical officer of the asylum, subsequently attended before Mr. Broughton, and stated that Mrs. Finn had been received into the house on the authority of a certificate, signed by two surgeons, that she was of unsound mind; but Mr. Phillips felt bound to express, as his own decided opinion, that she was perfectly sane, and was not a fit object for

admission into the asylum. Having the attestation, however, of two medical men to the contrary effect, they were compelled to detain her, but were ready to deliver her up to her friends on being legally authorized to adopt that course. Mr. Broughton made some strong remarks upon the monstrous state of the law, which enabled a person, at his own wanton caprice, to consign another to such a dreadful species of confinement, and gave orders for the attendance of all the parties before him. Saturday the wife, whose address and demeanour were perfectly quiet and collected, was examined at some length by the magistrate, and stated that in consequence of a disagreement that took place between them, her husband, about four months ago, placed her in the same asylum; but after remaining there a week he consented to her liberation, and agreed to allow her 10s. a week, on condition that she went over to her friends in Ireland. She accordingly proceeded to that country, but returned after a short stay, and besought the defendant to receive her into his house, and it was in consequence of those importunities that she was again incarcerated in the madhouse. In answer to the complaint the defendant said that his wife had been guilty of the most outrageous acts of violence, having more than once attempted to stab him, and her whole conduct justified his conviction that her intellects were impaired. She was examined by two respectable medical men, one of whom had attended her for nine months; and, as they both testified to that fact, he considered himself justified in the course which he had pursued. Mr. Broughton, the magistrate, expressed it as his opinion that the woman was in as sane and rational a state as any one in court, and he considered

that the defendant had been guilty of extreme cruelty and injustice towards her. Fortunately, however, through her sister's interposition, she was now restored to her friends, and he wished to know what arrangement the defendant was willing to make for her future maintenance. The defendant said that he had been paying 15s. a week to maintain her in the asylum, and he was willing to allow her half that sum if she would promise not to come near or molest him again, as he had been in danger of losing his situation through her turbulent conduct. Holland, the summoning officer, said that at the expiration of her first confinement in the asylum, Superintendent

Johnson, with great kindness, received her into his house, in the hope of being able to effect a reconciliation with her husband; and her conduct during the week she remained there was uniformly good and perfectly rational. After some further discussion, it was finally agreed that the defendant should allow her 8s. per week, besides providing her with some clothes and other necessaries, and the parties then left the court."

Now, as to the subject of expenses, that had certainly been increasing since 1828 in a most extraordinary manner. The following was an account of moneys received and paid by the clerk of the Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy :

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

At a meeting which took place in the city yesterday, the noble Lord the Member for Dorsetshire (Lord Ashley) said that he had been a Commissioner for twelve years; he admitted the horrors of private asylums, and said he would rather be a pauper in the Hanwell Asylum than be placed in have to pay for him. Why did not the a private asylum where his friends would question naturally arise, if the noble Lord had been a Commissioner for so many years, and had been cognizant of the evils which existed in private asylums-why was there no attempt to remedy them before? He (Mr. Duncombe) knew that he had no chance of success; but he should have the satisfaction of knowing that he had done his duty in exposing the defects of the existing law, and calling for a searching and rigid inquiry. The hon. Member concluded bymoving "That all further proceedings should be postponed until next Session; and that, previous to any further legislation on the subject, an inquiry should be instituted into the state of the existing law."

Mr. V. Smith was willing to rest his opinion that the Bill should not be postponed upon the arguments of the hon. Member for Finsbury, which all went to prove the necessity of most active and care

Palmerston, Viset.
Praed, W. T.
Protheroe, E.
Rolleston, Col.

Sandon, Visct.
Seymour, Lord
Sheridan, R. B.
Smith, rt. hn. R. V.
Somerset, Lord G.
Spooner, R.

ful supervision, and the sooner that was | Packe, C. W.
effected the better. The Bill did not pro-
pose to continue the Commission under
which the evils complained of had existed,
but to elect a new Commission altogether,
with new powers, new duties, and new
salaries; and he thought, of all the pro-
posals in the Bill, that of a permanent
Commission ought most readily to receive
the approbation of the House. An ad-
mixture of medical men and barristers
on the Commission was the best course
that could have been adopted. The hon.
Gentleman then passed a high eulogium on Duncan, Visct.
the exertions and talents displayed by Lord
Ashley as Chairman of the Lunacy Com-
missioners, and expressed a hope that he
would continue to exercise the duties of
that office when the new Commission was

Lord Duncan was disposed to support the Amendment; but as it was then four o'clock, he moved the adjournment of the


Sir J. Graham hoped the hon. Member for Finsbury, and the noble Lord the Member for Bath, would be satisfied with the discussion which had already taken place, and would consent to take the sense of the House upon it, with the understanding that the House should go into Committee on Monday.

After a short conversation, Lord Duncan withdrew his Motion,

The House divided on the Question, that the words proposed to be left out stand part of the Question :-Ayes 66; Noes 1: Majority 65.

List of the AYES.

[blocks in formation]

Egerton, W. T.

Sutton, hon. H. M.

[blocks in formation]

Ashley, Lord
Cardwell, E

List of the NOES.


Duncombe, T.
Crawford, S.

Committee postponed to Tuesday.
House adjourned to five o'clock.

The Order of the Day for going into
Committee on the Poor Law Amendment
(Scotland) Bill, was read.

On the Question that the Speaker do now leave the Chair,

Colonel Rawdon expressed a hope that before the House went into Committee, the right hon. Baronet the Secretary of State for the Home Department would state the intentions of the Government with respect to the clauses affecting the rights of Irish paupers, as the right hon. Gentleman had been requested to do by a deputation of the 1ish Members.

Sir J. Gran said, the best course to adopt would be to proceed with the Bill in Committee until the clauses referred to were arrived at.

Mr. Hume said, if the Members for Ireland objected to particular clauses of the Bill, he should object to the measure altogether. The Government had already postponed great number of measures, Graham, rt. hn. Sir J. and he was anxious that they should adopt

Etwall, R.
Forster, M.
Fuller, A. E.

Greene, T.
Grimston, Visct.
Hamilton, W. J.
Harris, hon. Capt
Hatton, Capt. V.
Henley, J. W.
Hollond, R.
Jermyn, Earl
Johnstone, Sir J.
Kemble, H.
Knightley, Sir C.
Lowther, Sir J. H.
Mackenzie, W. F.
Martin, C. W.
Mitcalfe, II.
Morris, D.
Mundy, E. M.
Nicholl, rt. hn. J.


the same course with regard to the present Bill. It was so large, and contained so many provisions, many of them most uncertain and undefined, that it would, if carried, prove to be only an Act to create dissension and litigation. The time would be very brief until next Session, and in the mean time the measure might be fully and fairly considered in Scotland, and many important and necessary amendments suggested. The opinion prevalent among the best informed parties in Scotland was, that if the Bill passed into law in its present form, another measure to amend it, would, as a matter of course, have to be introduced next Session.


Mr. Ewart agreed altogether in what | The Report of the Commissioners had had fallen from his hon. Friend who had been before the public for twelve months, just sat down. The measure was one and had been under the consideration of which all parties united in saying could Government during the whole of that not be satisfactory or successful, and the time. If, therefore, the measure then probability was, that if it now became before the House could be called crude law, it would have to be amended next and imperfect, the fault must lie with the Session. The delay would also produce Government who had prepared it, as ample the advantage of enabling those hon. Gen- time and full materials had gone to its tlemen who, though Members for Scot- preparation. Besides, the principle of land, had unfortunately the misfortune the measure had been approved of by a not to be born in Scotland, to become very large majority of that House. Neibetter acquainted with the subject. ther could it be said that the House had been taken by surprise. The Bill was


Mr. P. M. Stewart said, he would go a step further than the two hon. Gentle-introduced at an early period of the Sesmen who had last addressed the House, and would ask the Government to apply their own principle to the Bill which they had relied on when another Scotch question had been before the House a few nights ago, and to allow their decision upon it to be regulated by the petitions that had been presented from Scotland on the subject. Though the measure was one which was of vast importance to Scotland, he believed there had not been a single petition presented in its favour, whereas numerous petitions from all persons interested in the state of the Scotch poor had been presented against the Bill. All these petitions concurred in representing the great necessity of legislation on the subject of the poor of Scotland, whereas they, at the same time, described the Bill introduced by the Government as an ill-digested and an ill-adapted measure. They stated, that it would not allay the discontent existing against the present measure, and that the poor had no interest whatever in it. That it would have the effect of overloading the Statute Book with eighty clauses, most of which would, as a matter of necessity, be repealed next Session. In fact, the measure was one which would do no good to the poor man, while it would have the effect of throwing him beyond the pale of the Constitution.

Sir J. Graham, in answer to the appeal of hon. Members opposite, would begin by stating, that if ever a measure had been brought before the House which was completely divested of party character, it was the Scottish Poor Law. It was also admitted that the law for the relief of the poor in Scotland, was in such a state as to require immediate alteration. There ha been full inquiry, and ample materials immediate legislation had been obtai

House would at once go into Committee, strenuously the progress of this Bill, in when there would be an opportunity of consequence of the injustice inflicted upon adopting any improvements. He had the Irish residents in Scotland by it. By always found that the Lord Advocate one of the clauses an Irisbman was prehad been willing to listen to suggestions vented getting a settlement in Scotland; for the improvement of the measure. The although he might have spent his youth 16th Clause had been so much amended, and his manhood in that country, such an as to remove nearly all the objections to it. industrious man, engaged in manufactures

Mr. E. Ellice confirmed what had been for twenty or thirty years, was liable to stated by the hon. Member for Paisley be sent to Ireland at a moment's notice. (Mr. Hastie). The condition of the poor | Unless the right bon. Baronet abandoned of Scotland within the last eighteen the clause, he trusted that his hon. and months, compared with what it had pre gallant Friend would move that it be comviously been, had been made much better i mitted that day three months. If his by the discovery of the actual state of the hon. Friend did not do so, he certainly law with regard to them. This was not would. a party question here or in Scotland; Mr. T. Duncombe said, that it was he had conversed with men of all politics rather singular that only on Wednesday upon it, and had met with but one evening last, one of the reasons urged by opinion--that, if the Bill passed in its the right hon. Baronet the Secretary for present shape, it would be likely to pro- the Home Department, for the rejecduce very mischievous effects. The alletion of the Scotch Universities Bill was, gations of the petitions against it were, that no petitions had been presented in that it would deprive the poor of their pre- favour of it; but to-night, in answer to sent remedy against the herilors, and the remark that there was no petition in subject them to an irresponsible power favour of this Bill, he replied, that it was in order to put the law into effect. He not customary to present petitions in gave the Government credit for honest favour of Bills, and, above all, of a measure intentions; but they only knew the state like the present. He happened to know of the people of Scotland, through a that there existed a very strong feeling prejudiced channel; with respect to Scot-against the Bill in many parts of Scotland, land, they appeared to be subjected to and more particularly in several of the some infuence that blighted all they large towns. He had no connexion with took in hand. Had their measures with Scotland; but petitions had been intrusted respect to the Scotch Church, or any to him against the measure from many other of their measures with regard to places, some of which had thousands of Scotland, been satisfactory to the people? | signatures attached to them. The Scoi. Had they not all met with general con- tish labouring classes generally considered demnation? On a subject of such vast that the Bill would place them in a worse importance, ample time ought to be position than before, it being altogether given for consideration; as the know- destructive of that right of appeal in their ledge of the provisions of the Bill ex- favour, which had only of late been dis. tended, the objections to it would in- covered to exist. crease. He hoped the Government would Colonel Rawdon said, that almost postpone it till next Session; if not, he every Scotch Member who had spoken on hoped other parties in another place this subject had opposed the Bill, and on would prevent it from passing this year. the part of the Irish Members there was

Mr. Duncan was constantly receiving a united action against it. He begged communications from Scotland stating to move that the House go into Committee objections to the measure. He felt that c the Bill that day three months. it was only common justice that it should Sir J. Graham would put it to the be postponed to another Session. He had gallant Member whether, as the objecnot received a single letter in favour of lions he and other Gentlemen near hiu The Bill. He was anxious for an amend advanced, were objections to details, ment of the present law; but, instead of it would not be better and fairer to discuss this imperfect measure, they had better them in Committee? He had stated 10 wait until next year, when they could get a deputation of Members, who called upon a well-digested Bill.

him at the Home Office, and of which the Mr. Ross felt called upon to oppose hon. and gallant Member was, he believed,

Mundy, E. M.
Nicholl, rt. hon. J.
Palmer, R.
Peel, rt. hn. Sir R.

Peel, J.
Pringle, A.
Pusey, P.
Scrope, G. P.
Smith, rt. hn, T. B. C
Smollett, A.
Somerset, Lord G.
Stuart, Lord J.

[blocks in formation]

List of the NOES.

Acton, Col.
Archbold, R.
Baine, W.
Bannerman, A.
Barnard, E. G.
Bernard, Visc.
Bouverie, hon. E. P.
Blake, M. J.

Hume, J.

Young, J. Lennox, Lord A.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Duncan, G.

Yorke, H. R.

Duncombe, T.

Dundas, A.


Dundas, F.

Ellice, E.

Ross, D. R. Rawdon, Col.

Clements, Visct.

Colborne, hn. W.N.R.
Cole, hon. H. A.
Collett, J.
Dennistoun, J.
Curteis, H. B.
Duff, J.

Morris, D. Morrison, J.

Pechell, Capt.

one, that he intended to make consider- | able modification in many of the clauses objected to, adding, indeed, that he was not prepared to say, the principle of the Bill as to industrial residence ought not to be entirely abandoned.

Mr. Hamilton thought it well to go into Committee; but certainly, when the clauses in question came before them, they would meet with his opposition unless considerably modified.

Viscount Duncan hoped the Members for Ireland would suffer them to go into Committee, on the full understanding that the clause more especially objected to by them, should, in Committee, undergo thorough investigation.

Lord Claude Hamilton should feel bound to oppose the progress of the Bill, unless some much more distinct state-Browne, hon. W. ment was made by the Government as to the obnoxious clauses.

The House divided on the Question, that the words proposed to be left out stand part of the question:-Ayes 90; Noes 38 Majority 52.

List of the AYES.

Acland, Sir T. D.

Duncan, Visct.

Arbuthnot, hon. H.

Ashley, Lord

Baillie, Col.

Baillie, H. J.

Baldwin, B.
Balfour, J. M.
Baring, rt. hn. W. B.
Barrington, Visct.
Bennett, P.

Blackburne, J. I.

Boldero, H. G.

Borthwick, P.

Botfield, B.

Bowes, J.

Bramston, T. W.

Broadwood, H.

Brotherton, J.
Bruce, Lord E.
Bruges, W. H. L.
Buckley, E.
Buller, Sir J. Y.
Campbell, Sir H.
Cardwell, E.

Clerk, rt. hon. Sir G.
Codrington, Sir W.
Colebrooke, Sir T. E.
Corry, right hon. H.
Courtenay, Lord

Craig, W. G.

Darby, G.

Davies, D. A. S.

Dickinson, F. H.

Dodd, G.

Douglas, Sir C. E.

Duncombe, hon. A.
Fitzroy, hon. H.
Fremantle, rt. hn,SirT.
Fuller, A. E.
Gaskell, J. M.
Gladstone, Capt.
Gordon, hon. Capt.
Gore, M.
Goulburn, rt. hon. H.
Graham, rt. hon. Sir J.
Greene, T.
Hamilton, G. A.
Hampden, R.
Harcourt, G. G.
Hawes, B.
Henley, J. W.
Herbert, rt. hon. S.
Hodgson, F.
Hogg, J. W.
Hope, Sir J.
Hope, hon. C.
Houldsworth, T.
Hughes, W. B.
Hussey, A.
Jermyn, Earl
Lincoln, Earl of
Lockhart, W.
Lowther, Sir J. H.
Lygon, hon. Gen.
Mackenzie, T.
Mackenzie, W, F.
M'Neill, D.
Milnes, R. M.

House in Committee.
On Clause 35,

Mr. Gladstone called the attention of the House to the expediency of rendering the law clear, that farm labourers and domestic servants were not liable to be rated to the poor. The present mode of rating generally in Scotland was most inquisitorial in its operation. The parochial boards who managed it were not in any way bound to secrecy, and they fixed upon each person precisely such a rate as they pleased. That system might be made the means of much oppression, and, though he was not prepared to say that the English system, as a whole, was applicable to Scotland, he would throw out that that system might be adopted as the basis of an improved system for Scotland. He hoped that the Lord Advocate would indicate his intention of taking the whole law of rating in Scotland into his serious consideration; for he was persuaded that it would be found impossible to allow it to remain in its present state.

The Lord Advocate said, with reference to what had been stated by his right hon. Friend the Member for Newark, he would

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