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was received from the capi-mastri" (employers), from the labourers "obbedienza "* only was required. Foreigners when admitted to the freedom of a Guild, or the exercise of the trade, commonly paid an admission fee or craft premium amounting to twice as much as that paid by natives. The fines or fees due from the members were recoverable under a penal or by royal warrant from the refractory. The sums realised by the fines were divided according to a fixed scale between the society, the R. C. A., and the commune. All differences and disputes on trade questions which could not be arranged by the "Massaro" were taken before the public magistrates, from whom lay a right of appeal to the Podesta, whose decision was final.

The ordinances contained, moreover, trade-regulations binding in a measure on all the citizens, amongst which were certain rules and prohibitions relating to buying and selling within or without the city at market or fair time.

Those members who had obtained the freedom and established themselves in trade (i capi-mastri matricolati) were called upon to decide as public experts in matters relating to their trade.

The order of precedence amongst the societies when they marched in procession together appears to have been that indicated by the book “Almā virtus,” which is dated 1272. The Guild which is last-mentioned, that of the Smiths, had the post of honour, marching at the head of the other Corporations, which followed in inverse order.

The Societies or Companies which formerly existed in Imola (legally that is to say) were the following:

Gargiolai (anciently capistrarii), the Ropemakers. Their last statute is dated 1778, in which are recited the old ordinances which from the beginning of the 16th century were gradually reformed.

Musatori, the Masons.-Formerly incorporated with the Carpenters (falignami) under the title Magistrooum muri et lignaminis, it is not known when and why the separation took place, but it is certain that in 1565 the Musatori had no longer any connexion with the falegnani, as will be explained below. Their regulations, dated 1624, reformed in 1654, and again and finally in 1778, are still in existence.

Falegnami, the Carpenters. Their most ancient ordinance bears the date 1565, the most recent (which are printed) are dated 1778.

Mercanti, the Traders (l'antica societa Mercantorum), including the Mercers (merciai), the Skinners (pellicciari), and the Hatters (cappellari or cappellai).-The Bull of Pope Benedict XIV. (1742), in which their ordinances were approved, contains a recital of their statutes of 1565 and the same as revised in 1715. The original manuscript of their ordinances of 1565, written on sheepskin, is amongst the Municipal archives, together with the amended statutes of 1590.

Brentatori, the Wine Measurers.-Although there are no records of a Corporation of "brentatori" at a very remote period, they are nevertheless mentioned in the Communal statutes of 1334, which contain special regulations for the governance of this trade. Their byelaws known to us (capitoli conosciuti) are dated 1620 and printed on parchment. They do not appear to have had any ordinances before this date, and by these regulations the "Massaro" was directed to do as the other Companies had done and procure a standard.

Sartori, the Tailors.-This company or association (compagnia o congregazione) was formed in the last century, and their statutes are dated 1740. In earlier times the Tailors had no separate Guild, and were, perhaps, numbered with the Mercers (merciai).

Calzolai, the Bootmakers.-In this Guild were included the "Scarpari" (cobblers or makers of wooden shoes), "callegari," "arbottini," and "ciabottini," (shoemakers) "conciapelli" (tanners), and "sellai" (saddlers). Their earliest ordinances (1646), reformed in 1752, are recited in the latest (1762).


Conciapelli, the Tanners.-In the Tanners Company were included both masters and men, and the Skinners also, who were originally incorporated with the Mercers, were at a later date affiliated to the same society. The 'Conciapelli" seceded from the "Calzolai" after 1762, and their byelaws, which were approved in 1776, are noteworthy for their liberality of sentiment and abandonment of the old forms and restrictions to which the other companies still clung.

Arte della Seta, the Silk Trade.-This Guild was, by a decree of the Council of Imola, established in 1534,

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with its own byelaws, which were reformed in 1578. The ordinances of the (Pavaglione) were revised in 1601.

Pizzicagnoli (Artis Lardarie), the Pork Butchers.— The original statutes of this (probably the oldest) butchers' craft (Beccariorum) were granted in the 15th century, but in default of ordinances of a later date it has left us in ignorance of its more recent history.

Fabbri, the Smiths (an old and important Corporation). Of their statutes nothing is known, but they must, unquestionably, have had their own regulations based doubtless on the same principles as those which governed the other societies.

We have no knowledge of any statutes dating from a period anterior to 1500, because as they must have been in MS. (the use of printing began in Imola in the 16th century), the few copies which existed would be easily lost or destroyed; or again, they may have been joined to some other ancient documents deposited amongst the archives, but now altogether unknown, not having been mentioned by any of the old annalists or chroniclers of Imola. Early in the present century the Guilds entirely lost all trace of their former public character, and those which are still in existence are of an essentially private, their functions being limited to charitable and religious observances. Since 1831 there are only eight recognised, the "barbieri" (of recent creation), the "callegari ("conciapelli "), "calzolai," 'canepini," "fabbri," 'falegnami,' 'muratori," and "sartori." To each of these bodies the commune subscribed annually 3 scudi (Fr. 15'96).



Every art or mystery had for its chief or protector some nobleman of Imola. The master and deputy master (il Massaroed il Solto-Massaro) were in truth only the collectors of the members' contributions, which they handed over to the above-mentioned protector They were also the mediators in the quarrels between the workmen and the public in all matters relating to the craft and its exercise, and they were summoned as experts by the courts in such questions as required the opinion of a member of the trade. They gave aid to the sick and needy, the old and impotent of the association, and kept up the old custom of resorting in a body to the Cathedral on the festival of St. Cassiano, to make an offering of wax candles, for which purpose all the companies assembled in the hall of the Palazzo Communale, and, preceded each by its own standard, went in procession to the Church. On the standard, in addition to the likeness of the tutetary Saint, was painted the pedigree or family tree (lo stemma gentilizio) of the protector.

Those which have survived to the present day confine themselves to the public celebration of the feast of their patron Saint, and a few other functions of a religious


The barbers have the management of some property left them by will from the funds of which the oldest member receives a subsistence, and each of the others on a fixed day in every year a cake of varying dimen sions.

II. To belong to a Corporation it was necessary to follow the trade, but the right of following the trade depended upon admission, which was granted on application, and the only persons entitled to practise such trade were those who 66 had the matricola," the 'capimastri," and the workmen and journeymen who had subjected themselves to the regulations of the society and had been recognised (presa obbedienza) by the Massaro."


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So far as can be ascertained from the statutes of some of the crafts the "matricola " or right to follow a certain trade was preserved in a family by lineal descent, as in the companies of the Masons (statutes of 1654, reformed in 1749), and of the Merchants (statutes of 1742), in the Shoemakers' Company (statutes of 1762), the preservation was limited to the 5th generation.

III. It does not appear from the ordinances that these companies ever possessed any real property. At the present day the number surviving is small, and they are more in the nature of pious brotherhoods which have preserved their religious, but lost their public and civil character, and are only partially recongnised in law.

IV. It is not known whether these Corporations ever interfered in the administration of charitable institutions (Opere Pie) or not, but from an early period it was the mission of each society to succour its own sick and miserable, as may be gathered from the statutes generally,

V.-No Corporation now takes any part in municipal feasts, and the only companies which participate in ecclesiastical festivals are the "Battuti," and some similar

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The Guilds of the Province of Siena.

Siena, July 25, 1883. In Siena as in Tuscany and other parts of Italy the Corporations have flourished, and in more ancient times had a share in the management of public affairs. Some of them are mentioned by name in the oldest documents which we now possess relating to the communal administration, and in and after the 12th century in the more important documents the Guilds of the Porkbutchers and of the Notaries (l'arte de' Pizzicajoli e dei Notai) are found facing the names of the first Magistrates of the city. This, however, notwithstanding they did not take nearly such an active part in the Municipal Government as they are known to have taken in other places and especially at Florence. The cause of this circumstance will probably be found in the fact that a really democratic form of Government was never established in Siena, the supreme power passing from one oligarchy to another, a process of change which was assiduously kept up with great loss of the city's quiet at home and detriment to its power abroad. But amid frequent and sometimes disastrous vicissitudes caused by these constant changes in the State the Corporations continued to exist with more or less prosperity, and in the 2nd half of the 14th century were re-organised and divided into 12 capitudini or associations of cognate trades.

Their political importance, however, gradually declined, and any one who consider, their statutes attentively will inevitably come to the conclusion that these bodies had originally no other objects than those of protecting their industry or craft from outside competition, mutual assistance, and, above all, compelling every one who followed a trade to seek admission into the Guild of that trade, framing laws, and adopting measures, which, it must be admitted, were of a somewhat violent nature.

In the process of time, and with the decay of the free institutions of the commune, which gave place to the new dynasty of the Medici, the Corporations grew gradually weaker, and were ultimately, especially at the institution of free trade among the Tuscan vinegrowers, reduced to a condition of objectless inutility. Nevertheless, the civil and criminal jurisdiction exercised by the trade Corporations, in virtue of their ancient statutes, was left to them in the Medicean times, so that if the constitution of such associations is an obstacle in modern times to the free development of trade and industry, the administration of justice must have suffered in those days at the hands of these petty tribunals of organised imbecility, actuated too frequently by personal spite and jealousy.

When the times and the acknowledged necessity for the unification of Tuscan legislation are considered, it must be admitted that the suppression of these bodies, ordered by Pietro Leopoldo in various decrees (the latest of which is dated Feb. 1, 1770), was a provident step. It is a remarkable fact that immediately afterwards, that able ruler substituted in Florence, for the suppressed Guilds, a chamber of commerce, with almost the same powers and privileges as belong at the present day, to that institution, which has been revived, and is widely diffused over the present kingdom of Italy.

I. The reply to the first part of this question will be found in what has already been said. At the present day we have seen craft associations exist, but are not derived from the ancient ones, with which indeed they have nothing in common. The most ancient of the existing Guilds cannot claim an origin earlier than the first trentennium of the present century, while the majority of them have been founded since 1859.

II.—I do not remember having found in the statutes of any of the Guilds of Siena or any other Italian city any trace of the existence of hereditary right. And this is true, not only of the Guilds, but of all public institutions (publico ufficio). Any one intending to practice a trade in a city (I speak now of more ancient times in which the companies were in a more flourishing condition) was required to procure admission to the Corporation of his trade, for there was a clause in the statute by which it was ordered that no one might follow any business or industry unless he was a member of the Guild of such trade or industry. It was further ordered that no master might take into his shop, with a view of teaching him his trade, any apprentice (garzoniello) who was not on the rolls of the

society. On initiation an entrance fee was paid, which gave the new member the right to participate in the joint property, for, unlike the modern associations, the old societies did possess real property (beni stabili), especially in the cities. The applicant on his admission to membership of a Corporation was required to swear to observe its statutes and to submit to the penalties fixed for non-observance of the same.

III.-It has already been observed that the old Corporations, especially in the cities, did possess real property (beni immobili), the modern ones as a rule do


IV. The working-men's societies or trades unions (Societa operaje) not being as yet judicially recognised do not administer any public charities (opere di beneficenza pubbliche), by which, as I understand the question, are meant the helping of sick members, the making provision for their old age, the distribution of alms, and the establishment of a pension chest.

V. To this question the answer must be an emphatic negative, for such interference under the existing laws would be impossible.

VI.-In reply to this it must be explained that there is no civil anniversary of any importance in which the working-men's societies with their banners do not take a part. Sometimes, following an ancient custom, allusions to which are met with in the statutes of the old Guilds, they accompany the bodies of deceased members to the grave, and in the small towns and country districts they not seldom take a part in processions and other religious ceremonies. C. L. BAMBI.

It has already been mentioned that several of our friendly societies (societa di mutuo soccorso) had their origin in the old Corporations of Arts and Mysteries. Many other cognate institutions which are still in existence sprang in all likelihood from the same source, and it is probable that any one with time and leisure to devote to this subject would be able to advance numerous proofs in support of such an assertion. The syndic of the city of Luccha writes to the prefect of the province that the religious brotherhoods and corporations (confraternite e corporagioni religiose) which still survive in that city are offshoots of the old Guilds, and preserve to this day some traditional usages of the old associations (sodalizi).

It may not perhaps be altogether supererogatory to send to the honourable Commission of Inquiry a portion of this letter in which is traced the history of the Lucchese Corporations of Arts.

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They existed from very ancient times, and were inaugurated in the 12th century. Of one entitled the Guild of the seven Arts (intilotata "Delle sette Arte "), which included the " Muratori," the "falegnami," the “fabbri ferrai," the "scalpellini," and in fact all the trades concerned in the building and furnishing of a house we have records which go back to the year 1194. The origin of others was considerably less ancient, but is certain that there was no handicraft, trade, or profession in Lucca which had not at one time or another a society or company where its members might meet. The administration of these societies varied according to the times. Their chief object was originally the imposition on the members of certain trade regulations, but with their growth or re-organisation they acquired the aspect of religious associations, recreative assemblies, or mutual aid societies, while interference with the trade in most cases either became a secondary consideration or was altogether neglected. Matters were in this condition with those which remained at the expiration of the Republic in 1799, and further in each Corporation the name of the trade was disused, and they were known only by that of the patron Saint.


By the law of 1808 these harmless societies were legally suppressed, but on the downfall of the Napoleonic rule a few of them recovered their former standing, and resumed possession of their property. This remnant of the ancient Corporations reduced in numbers and activity, and limited to the performance of certain devotional functions, have survived to the present day.


Judging from those statutes which remain to us the old societies in Lucca had a great variety of regulations, but in none of them is it expressed that the right of membership descended from father to son. Sometimes, however, to a son who followed his father's trade (il mestiere paterno), and wished to enter the Guild of which his father had been a member, certain advantages were conceded.

"Membership of a Corporation was sometimes a necessary condition of following a trade, and sometimes it was optional.

"The religious Corporations or confraternities, which are very poor and are merely the scattered relics of the fallen Guilds, limit their activity to religious and charitable observances for the benefit of the members, such as accompanying their remains to the grave and to taking part in processions and other ecclesiastical festivals. They have long lost all right of interference with or control over the trades which they once represented."

The same observations have been made for their respective cities by the Syndics of Alghero (Province of Sassari), Urbino, and Reggio di Calabria, and the Prefect of Macedata.

The Prefect of Udine sends a communication from Dr. Vincenzo Zoppi, containing some important information relative to the Corporations of arts and mysteries in Udine.

"In Udine," writes the learned librarian, "the most ancient Corporation is that of the Calzolaj,' which first began to flourish at the end of the XIIIth century. Its object was for mutual assistance (mutua beneficenza), and its statutes (which are now lost) prescribed certain rules to be followed in the exercise of the trade. It still subsists and possesses separate funds which it employs in relieving indigent shoemakers in accordance with its modern statutes. Neither in this society (" Scuola ") or Corporation nor in any other was the right of membership transmissible from father to son. Any person desiring to belong to a society was required either to submit to a test (esperimento ") or to prove his ability in some other way.

They all possessed real property ("beni stabili ") and funds (capitali "), the produce of numerous legacies left by members (confratelli) or other religious people (altri devoti) at their death, for donations during life, or charitable gifts.

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Out of the funds realised by sales of real property, interest-bearing funds, and charitable donations, the 'Scuole" provided 1elief for their sick, old, and impotent members, and made also on certain feastdays gifts of soup and bread to all the poor of the place.

The council or court of assistants (consiglia) and the master (Priore) of these "Scuole" had the supreme control of the trade and the arrangement of all disputes arising amongst the members. In past ages the supreme ambition of the Guilds of Friuli was to appear in the ecclesiastical processions wearing parti-coloured caps, and preceded by their standard, on which was painted their patron Saint (each Corporation had its own patron Saint).

At Cassino, in the province of Caserta, there still exists a craft Guild. It was established in 1777 under the name of the confraternity of Master Shoemakers (Confraternita dei Maestri Calzolai) of the Holy Cross. The conditions of membership were: i. The freedom (cittadinanza) of the city of Cassino. ii. Majority. iii. The following the trade of a shoemaker (and no other), and iv. the being master of a shop. It owns real property (beni immobili), the rents of which are applied to charitable purposes, the expenses of worship and the education of four sons of members for an ecclesiastical


It does not exercise any control over the other shoemakers, it only watches that its members do not all abandon the trade, and that they practise it honestly. If one of them applies himself to another trade the society without more ado pronounces sentence of expulsion.

A Corporation of "calzolai" exists at Corneto Tarquinia (Province of Rome). It appears to have been founded in 1440 by a certain Clement who bequeathed to it all his property. It is composed of 12 members only who have the right of membership during life. On the death of a member the vacancy is filled by election from the survivors after notice has been given of the meeting for the production of documents proving the morality of the candidate, and the practice by him of the trade of shoemaker.

The Corporation possess real property. It does not administer any charitable institutions (opere di beneficenza), and the Council of State by decree (parere) of the 3rd July 1880, declared it as being sui generis free

from the inspection to which charitable institutions are subject. It does not exercise any control over the trade of which it bears the name, nor are its members in the habit of taking part in processions.

Another Corporation of arts and mysteries survives in the Province of Aquila, that of the woollen weavers (quella degli esercitenti l'arte della lana), in Sta. Maria delle Buone Novelle. Until within the last few years it was composed exclusively of woollen weavers, but with the decline of that industry the number of members diminished, and in order to preserve the institution it was opened to the wool combers and hatters (agli scardassieri ed ai cappellai).

It does not interfere in any with the trade which it represents and has no real property.

Its chief objects appear to have been the assistance of sick members and those rendered unfit for work and the causing of its members-clad in a traditional livery -to take part in religious processions.

In conclusion, to avoid all mistakes, it may be well to repeat that the Corporations of arts and mysteries which survive in Italy are ex lege, having been abolished by special laws of 1813, 1821, 1844, and 1847. LUIGI BODIO, Director of Statistics.


St. Petersburg, 15/27 June 1883.

1. There were no Guilds in Russia in the Middle Ages. The Guilds in our country were founded in the first instance in the 18th century, in the reign of Catherine the Great. They did not spring up concurrently with social progress, but by legal enactment. They are not a national institution and have not the characteristics of those in Western Europe. In institu

ting the Guilds, the Empress wished to encourage industry in the towns by granting a quasi monopoly, their introduction being in fact a political measure. The principle of our legislation is that persons applying for membership must have previously exercised a trade in order to qualify themselves. This principle, however, is applied only to a few towns: in the majority of them there are no guilds; and in no instance in any of the villages. Industry is quite free from taxes and restrictions in the villages.

2. Admission to a Guild is free to all on compliance with the following conditions :—(A.) Service of threc years as a journeyman; (B.) Age must be not less than 21; (C.) The applicant must possess sufficient means to open a workshop; and (D.) become a "master" by showing a specimen of his work. This title is conferred by the "Guilds" Office (Ixkhovaia Uprava). Every one, even a foreigner, can temporarily belong to a Guild by permission of the Guilds Office. Membership is not hereditary, but the widow of a member may continue the business of her deceased husband, subject to the supervision of the Guild.

3. The Guild, being in the eye of the law a " person," may possess real estate, but as a matter of fact the Guilds in Russia do not hold any real property with the exception of a few houses in large towns, occupied as offices of the Guilds themselves, and by the very few charitable institutions founded and supported by the artizans. I do not even know whether there are many of these charitable institutions. I am inclined to think there are none at all at present.

4. The Guilds as a matter of fact do not supervise the trades in any way, their main object being to conserve their own interests. But they still continue to arbitrate between master and apprentice, and between the public and masters, &c. Most persons, however, prefer the decision of a legal tribunal to that of the Guild.

5. The Guilds have their banners (but only in the large towns), and they join in public processions when ordered by the police.

In conclusion, I commend to the attention of the Commission, the work of Professor Ditiatin of the Kharkoff University, "The Towns of Russia in the XVIII Century" (Goroda Rossii v XVIII viekie), which will afford information respecting those Guilds which, with the exception of a few unimportant changes, still retain their original status.


Abstracts of Returns.

(The following Abstracts were prepared in the Office of the Commission for the use of the Commissioners in respect of the reception of the Companies' Deputations, and the general purposes of the inquiry.)

Early guild.

Merchant Adventurers.



Annuities scheme.


Foundation and Object.

The fraternity of Mercers is of great antiquity. The father of Thomas à Becket is said to have belonged to it, and his sister Agnes de Helles constituted the fraternity— which, no doubt, had even then a licence from the Crownpatrons of the hospital of St. Thomas of Acon, founded in 1192, a connexion which was only severed at the Reformation.

The fraternity had become a definitely established guild in the reign of King John.

About 1296 the fraternity of St. Thomas à Becket, which afterwards became the Company of Merchant Adventurers, arose out of the Mercers' guild, and, receiving a charter from the Duke of Brabant, established themselves at Antwerp, and became a foreign branch of the Mercers' guild.

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The term "mercer" is a translation of the Latin
cator" through the French "mercier." The members were
merchants who dealt in miscellaneous as opposed to "staple"
wares, i.e., the precious metals and articles of food.

The guild has always been small in numbers. At present
the members are slightly more numerous than they were in
1347. Patrimony was not originally a title to membership.
Admissions took place only through apprenticeship, or the
consent of the guild to receive the candidate.

The guild received its first charter from Richard II. in 1393.

In 1413 they agreed with the Master of St. Thomas of Acon for a little room, which appears to have been an office for business, and a chapel. They had previously no hall or chapel of their own. About this time also they received their ordinances, and became trustees of the charities of Sir Richard Whittington, who died in 1422-23. The land charge the company took by will under the custom of the City.

The company was heavily taxed to support the early wars with France and Scotland. It also had to supply corn and coals to the municipality of London in times of scarcity. The quota in each instance shows the importance of the company and the opulence of its members.

Besides the Whittington benefaction it had acquired in early times a large quantity of "obit " land. These were confiscated at the Reformation and redeemed under Edward VI.

During the 16th century Dean Colet founded St. Paul's school, and other splendid charities were subsequently founded by Sir Thomas Gresham and the Earl of Northampton.

After the great fire the company got into difficulties in consequence of the cost of rebuilding the Royal Exchange, a part of the Gresham bequest, St. Paul's school, their hall, and their other buildings. To obviate them, they resorted to a scheme, by which they raised a large sum in subscriptions to an annuity fund, which they guaranteed by a mortgage of their whole estate. The scheme turned out badly, and Parliament had to relieve the annuitants by an Act in the reign of George II. The whole of the bonds given for arrears of annuities were paid off at the beginning of the present century.


The company received the above charter from Richard II. in 1393, a second charter from Henry VI. in 1424, and a third charter from Edward IV. in 1462.

Constitution and Privileges.

Court. The court consists of a master, three wardens, and (at present) 33 assistants. The wardens are elected yearly from the freemen of the company by the court of

assistants. No fees are payable on joining the court. For attendance at courts a fee of four guineas is paid, and a fee of two guineas for attendance at committees. The sum thus annually expended amounts on an average to about 9,0001. The members of the court have some patronage, as each recommends in rotation to appointments in Mercer's school, and to out-pensions on the Whittington estate, and to the Whittington almshouses. They no longer exclusively manage St. Paul's school, but appoint nine governors under the new scheme.

Members.-There are 166 freemen; the livery numbers 157. During the last 10 years 54 persons have been admitted to the freedom, 43 by patrimony, five by servitude, and there have been 82 calls to the livery.

The fees are, for the freedom, by patrimony, 21. 8s., by servitude, 17. 12s. Admissions do not take place by redemption. Livery fine, 47. 13s. 8d.

The liverymen are invited to three dinners in the course of the year.

Members and their widows and daughters are entitled to admissions at the Company's and Sir Richard Whittington's almshouses, and to the benefit of certain presentations to Christ's Hospital preserved by the company for the sons of members, as well as to that of a fund formed by the company for the education of the daughters of members. The pensions range from 51. to 2001., and amount at present to about 4,500l. a year in all.


The salaries paid to the officers of the company, viz., clerk, accountant, receiver, Irish agent, chaplain, and clerks, and to the servants of the company, viz., the butler and housekeeper, amount to upwards of 5,0001. a year. Several of the officials have also residences.


Corporate Property. Real Estate.


(1.) The company possess in their corporate rig in England, chiefly house property in London, the rental of which, including some investments of the proceeds of lands sold, amounts to almost 37,000 a year.

This consists of warehouses, shops, and other buildings in Tower Street, Cheapside, Gracechurch Street, Long Acre, St. Martin's Lane, Drury Lane, &c., and the Royal Exchange, half of which the company own. A considerable part of the estate consists of land held to superstitious uses, and redeemed as mentioned above.

(2.) The company have also an estate in Londonderry, in the barony of Loughinshollen, the parishes of Maghera, Desertoghill, Kellelagh, Ultree, &c., from which they derive a rental of over 10,000l. a year. Most of the farms are let to yearly tenants without leases.

The company's hall is rated at 3,3341. Their schools and almshouses are rated at


The English estates are managed at an expense of 2,9001., the Irish at an expense of 4,8001.

Trust Property.

The company is trustee of a large number of benefactions, the income of which for 1879 and 1880 was about 35,000. The larger part of this sum arises from rents.

The two largest estates are (1) Dean Colet's estate, with a rental (including, however, dividends to the extent of about 1,5007.) of 12,000l. It consists chiefly of a large number of houses in the Commercial Road, let on building leases. This constitutes the endowment of St. Paul's school.

(2.) Lord Northampton's estate, consisting of lands in Kent, Lee, Lewisham, and Greenwich, with a rental of about 6,000l. a year. This is the endowment of Trinity Hospital, Greenwich.

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(3.) The Whittington charities, with a large income derived from the rents of London house property and other sources, amounting to about 1,2001. a year.

The other charities include exhibitions at the universities and in connexion with St. Paul's school, and doles to the poor of several London parishes.

Exhibitions at the Universities.

There is a Camden benefaction, consisting of scholarships for St. Paul's school scholars at Trinity College, Cambridge, with an income of over 1,000l. a year. There are also some trust exhibitions in the company's gift with no such appropriation, the annual value of which is 2601.

Ecclesiastical patronage.

The company is patron or joint patron of six livings and three lectureships, with an income of 2,500l. a year. The company has spent 2,5001. in subscriptions to church restoration during the last 10 years.

Education General and Technical.

The company make the following statementThe Mercers' Company, as has been stated in other parts of these returns, keep up wholly or partially out of their own funds Mercers' School at College Hill, in London, a school at West Lavington, Wiltshire, and a school at Horsham, in Sussex.

Dean Colet's estate, as has also been stated, is entirely devoted to educational purposes, and from the income of this estate St. Paul's School is maintained.

The company have for several years past contributed the sum of 2,000l. per annum towards the funds of the City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education.

The following return shows the amount expended during the year 1880:

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1,123 5 1

Cost of Mercer's School

2,208 10 5

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Return of the Corporate Expenditure of the Mercers' Company for the year 1880.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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