[Far. 16.] So much of section thirty-six hundred and eighty-nine of Repeal of perthe Revised Statutes of the United States as makes the appropriation manent appropriation for salaries of for "Salaries and expenses of Southern Claims Commission" permanent Southern Claims annual appropriations is hereby repealed. [Par. 17.] So much of section three hundred and forty-nine of the Revised Statutes as provides for the appointment and payment of a salary to a "naval solicitor" is hereby repealed, and the office is abolished. Commission. R. S., § 3689, 2d ed., p. 724. Office of naval solicitor abolished. 129. SEC. 3. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent or in conflict with Repeal. the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. [June 19, 1878.] CHAPTER 359. AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR SUNDRY CIVIL EXPENSES OF THE GOVERN- SECTION 1. Par. 1. Binding, &c., at Government Printing Estimates for printing to be made and cost -three clerks may be employed for, by Par. 2. District Commissioners to fix pay of Met- Expenses therefor and for board of health, Par. 3. National Soldiers" and Sailors' Orphan Par. 4. Pier at Portage Lake Ship Canal, Lake Par. 5. Charts of Coast Survey to be sold at cost, Par. 7. Inspectors of customs employed at night Par. 9. Military telegraph line from Bismarck to Fort Ellis. -private dispatches may be transmitted over. -to be maintained, &c., under direction of Secretary of War. Suits in said district; in which division to Duplicate writs in certain cases. Deputy clerk for eastern division. Par. 10. Public greenhouses, &c., in Washington; Par. 18. Postmaster-General may adopt uniform what trees may be propagated. Par. 11. Not more than $25 to be paid for gas for street lamp, &c., lamps in Washington. Be it enacted, &c. [SECTION 1.] canceling ink or appliances for cancel- June 20, 1878. 20 Stat. L., 206. Par. 1.] Hereafter no binding shall be done for any department of Binding, &c., at the government except in plain sheep or cloth, and no books shall be the Government printed and bound except when the same shall be ordered by Congress what may be done Printing Office; or are authorized by law, except record and account books which may and how executed. be bound in Russia leather sheep fleshers and skivers, when authorized R. S., §§ 3785, by the head of a department, and this restriction shall not apply to the 3790. 1879, Jan. 27, ch. Congressional Library. 27. 1879, Feb. 26, ch.106. 16 Opin. Att'y-Gen., 57. And when any department shall require printing to be done the Estimates for Public Printer shall furnish to such department an estimate of the cost printing to be by the principal items for said printing so called for; and he shall place charged to departto the debit of such department the cost of the same, on certification of ments, &c. the head of the department, Supreme Court, Court of Claims, or Li- R. S., § 3786. brary of Congress, that said printing is necessary; made and cost Three clerks may And the Public Printer is hereby authorized to employ three addi be employed by tional clerks of the third class, to make the estimates. Public Printer to make estimates. R. S., § 3762. District Commis [Par. 2.] The said Commissioners [of the District of Columbia] are sioners to fix pay hereby authorized to fix the salaries to be paid to the officers and privates of Metropolitan police and of Gas of the metropolitan police until otherwise provided by law; Company for lighting city lamps. Expenses there And to require the Washington Gas-light Company to light the city lamps at such price as shall to the said Commissioners appear to be just and reasonable. And all expenses heretofore incurred by the general government for for and for board the board of health, for the metropolitan police, and for gas inspection, of health, &c., to shall hereafter be a charge upon the government of the District. be paid by District. National Sol * [Par. 3.] For the support of the National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home, Washington City, District of Columbia, * Provided, That diers' and Sailors' Orphan Home disthe institution shall be closed up and discontinued during the ensuing continued. fiscal year, and the title of the property, real and personal, shall be conveyed to the United States before any further payments are made to the trustees of the said institution. 1865, ch. 249, § 3. 1867, ch. 62 (14 Stat. L., 247, 401), 1874, June 22, ch. 38, § 1, par. 3. Pier at Portage [Par. 4.] The Light-House Board is hereby authorized to establish a Lake Ship Canal, small pier-head light on the pier of the Portage Lake Ship Canal, Lake Lake Superior, may be leased by Superior, and to lease so much of said pier as may be necessary for said Light House purpose, the expenses of establishing said light to be paid for from this Board for pier- appropriation: head light, &c. R. S., § 355, 4660-4662, 4677. 16 Opin. Att'yGen., 369. Charts of Coast Survey to be sold at cost, and not distributed free, except, &c. R. S., § 4691. ch. 182. Public advertise And provided further That the provision of section three hundred and fifty five and forty-six hundred and sixty-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall not be applicable to this structure so far as title to the site thereof and cession of jurisdiction thereover are involved. [Par. 5.] That the charts published by the Coast Survey shall be sold at the office at Washington at the price of the printing and paper thereof, and elsewhere at the same price with the average cost of delivery added thereto; And hereafter there shall be no free distribution of such charts ex 1879, March 3, cept to the departments of the United States and to the several States and officers of the United States requiring them for public use, in accordance with the act of June third eighteen hundred and forty four. (1) [Par. 6.] That hereafter all advertisements, notices, proposals for conments and notices tracts, and all forms of advertising required by law for the several deto be paid for at commercial rates. partments of the government may be paid for at a price not to exceed R. S., §§ 853, 854, the commercial rates charged to private individuals, with the usual discounts; such rates to be ascertained from sworn statements to be furnished by the proprietors or publishers of the newspapers proposing So to advertise: 3823-3826. 1875, March 3, ch. 128, par. 2. 1881, Jan. 21, ch. 25. Lower terms may be made. Inspectors of Provided, That all advertising in newspapers since the tenth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, shall be audited and paid at like rates; But the heads of the several departments may secure lower terms at special rates whenever the public interest requires it [Par. 7.] Hereafter the compensation of inspectors employed under customs employed the provisions of section twenty-seven hundred and thirty-three of the at night to be paid not exceeding Revised Statutes, for service at night, shall not exceed two dollars and $2.50 per night. fifty cents for each night when actually employed; and said section is R. S., § 2733. hereby so amended. 1880, June 10, ch. 1-9. Enlisted force of [Par. 8.] The enlisted force of the Signal Corps shall consist of one Signal Service; of hundred and fifty sergeants, thirty corporals, and two hundred and NOTE.-(1) The act of 1844, ch. 37 (5 Stat. L., 660), here referred to, forms § 4691 of the Revised Stat what to consist. 1876, July 24, ch. seventy privates, who shall receive the pay of engineer soldiers of similar grades; and two sergeants may, in each year, be appointed to be 226, § 1, par. 1. second lieutenants: 0 1878, June 18, ch. 263, § 1. 1879, June 23, ch. 35. Provided Signal Service men shall not receive extra duty pay unless -extra pay of. specially directed by the Secretary of War. [Par. 9.] For constructing, under the direction of the Secretary of Military teleWar, a military telegraph line from Bismarck to Fort Ellis, via the graph line from Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, connecting Fort Buford, Fort Keogh, Bismarck to Fort and Fort Custer, and from Fort Sully to Fort Keogh, via Deadwood, R. S., § 223. fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Ellis. And the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to pay the expenses of operating and keeping the said telegraph line in repair out of moneys appropriated and to be appropriated for the maintenance of the Army: Provided, however, That private dispatches of lawful nature may be private distransmitted over said line whenever the same is not needed for public patches may be use, at reasonable rates, not to exceed the usual rates charged by pri vate telegraph companies, the proceeds thereof to be accounted for and paid into the Treasury of the United States; And the said telegraph line shall be maintained and operated under such proper rules and orders as the Secretary of War may direct for the benefit of the public service. * transmitted over. to be maintained, &c., under di rection of Secretary of War. Public green [Par. 10.] Hereafter only such trees, shrubs, and plants shall be propagated at the greenhouses and nursery [on the public grounds of Wash- houses, &c., in ington] as are suitable for planting in the public reservations, to which Washington; what purpose only the said productions of the greenhouses and nursery shall trees, &c., may be propagated at. be applied. R. S., g 18:27. Not more than * &c., lamps in [Par. 11.] No more than twenty-five dollars shall be paid per streetlamp for gas [for lighting the Executive Mansion and public grounds in $25 to be paid for Washington]; and in case a contract cannot be made at that rate, the gas for street lamp, engineer in charge is hereby authorized to substitute other illuminating Washington. material, and to use so much of the sum hereby appropriated as may be necessary for that purpose. Purchases for Disabled Volun [Par. 12.] Support of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Provided, That all purchases of supplies exceeding the sum National Home for of one thousand dollars at any one time shall be made upon public teer Soldiers to be tender after due advertisement: made upon public tender, except, &c. R. S., §§ 48254837. Machine for test [Par. 13.] The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to cause the machine built for testing iron and steel to be set up and applied to the ing iron and steel testing of iron and steel for all persons who may desire to use it, upon Secretary of War to be set up by the payment of a suitable fee for each test; the table of fees to be ap- for use by all perproved by the Secretary of War, and to be so adjusted from time to sons on payment time as to defray the actual cost of the tests as near as may be; of fees. Free wagon Fort Snelling. [Par. 14.] That the sum of sixty-five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other bridge across Miswise appropriated, to aid in the construction and completion of a free sissippi River at wagon-bridge, with stone abutments, or stone and iron abutments, and See 1874, June iron superstructure, across the Mississippi River at or near Fort Snel- 22, ch. 405, note on ling, between the military reservation of the United States upon which p. 89. said fort is situated and a point nearly opposite said fort, in the county of Ramsey, Minnesota: Provided, That such bridge shall be constructed without the expenditure of any other or greater sum of money from the Treasury of the United States: Provided also, That the hight of said bridge shall be at least sixty--height and spang eight feet above high-water mark, and that a span of at least two hun- of. Wagon-bridge at Fort Snelling to be a public highway. -location of and payment for. -to be kept in repair by Ramsey County, Minnesota. -may abut on land of Fort Snelling reservation. -right of way from, over Fort Snelling reserva tion. Secretory of In houses and sites for dred feet in the clear be provided from the right or Fort Snelling bank of said river toward the left bank thereof: Provided further, That said bridge shall be and forever remain, a public highway, free to the United States of America and to all the people thereof. That the location of said bridge, and the plans, specifications, and estimates for the construction and completion thereof, shall be approved by the Secretary of War. And whenever the said bridge shall have been fully completed as hereinbefore provided, opened to travel, and irrevocably dedicated as a public highway, free to the United States of America and all the people thereof, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to the persons entitled to receive the same by reason of the construction of said bridge, or to the commissioners authorized to build said bridge, the said sum of sixty-five thousand dollars, which sum is hereby appropriated for said purpose: Provided, That said bridge, when constructed, shall be kept in good order and repair by the county of Ramsey, Minnesota; and the United States shall never be liable to any expense in the maintenance or repair of said bridge. That the commissioners authorized to build said bridge under a special act of the legislature of Minnesota, entitled "An act to authorize and provide for the construction of a free bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Fort Suelling, and to lay out suitable roads and approaches thereto", approved March second, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and the acts amendatory thereof, and their successors, be, and they are hereby, authorized to abut said bridge upon the lands of the United States known as the Fort Snelling military reservation, and to construct and maintain an abutment thereon for said bridge, at such point as the Secretary of War shall approve, and to survey locate, open and maintain public roads or highways from said bridge; For which purpose a right of way not exceeding one hundred feet in width, from said bridge, across said military reservation, upon such line or lines as the Secretary of War shall direct or approve, is hereby given and granted to said commissioners and their successors. [Par. 15.] He [the Secretary of the Interior] is further directed to lease terior to lease bath- the bath houses of a permanent nature now upon the Hot Springs Resbath-houses at Hot ervation, to the owners of the same and lease to any person or persons, Springs. upon such terms as may be agreed on, sites for the building of other bath-houses, for the term of five years, unless otherwise provided by law, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe; and the tax imposed shall not exceed fifteen dollars per tub per annum including rent: 1877, March 3, ch. 108, § 4. 5. 1878, Dec. 16, ch. Removal of Apache and Ute Indians to New Mexico. -thereafter rations, &c., not to be issued except at their reservations. 1880, April 23, ch. 61. Western judicial see divided into [Par. 16.] That the sum of five thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of the removal of the band of Ute Indians at Cimarron, New Mexico, to the reservation of that tribe in Colorado; and also to remove the band of Apaches at the same place to the Mescalero Apache reservation at Fort Stanton, New Mexico; and the President shall cause the removal of said Indians within thirty days after the passage of this act, And thereafter no rations or annuities shall be issued to said Indians except at the agencies of their respective reservations. [Par. 17.] That the act entitled "An act to provide for the appointdistrict of Tennes- ment of a District Judge for the Western District of Tennessee and for two divisions. R. other purposes" approved June fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy S., §547. 1878, June eight, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows: 14, ch. 196. The Western District of Tennessee is hereby divided into two divisions which shall be known as the Eastern and Western divisions thereof. ern division and The Eastern division shall include the counties of Benton, Carroll, Western district Decatur, Gibson, Henderson, Henry Madison, McNairy, Hardin, Dyer, of Tennessee: eastLake, Crockett, Weakley, and Obion, and terms of the circuit and dis- terms of courts trict courts of the United States for said District shall be held therein therein. at the town of Jackson, in the County of Madison at least twice in each 1879, March 3, year at such times as the judges thereof shall respectively fix, whenever ch. 182, par. 15. the authorities of said county or town shall provide suitable buildings therefor free of any expense to the United States. The remaining counties embraced in said District shall constitute the western division Western division thereof, and terms of the district and circuit courts of and terms of courts the United States for said district shall be held therein at the times and place now prescribed by law. therein. Suits in said dis brought. All suits not of a local character which shall be hereafter brought in the district or circuit court of the United States for the Western dis- trict; in which ditrict of Tennessee, against a single defendant, or where all the defend. Vision to be ants reside in the same division of said district shall be brought in the division in which the defenda[e]nt or defendants reside, but if there are two or more defendants residing in different divisions, such suit may be brought in either division, and duplicate writs may be sent to the other defendants. Duplicate writs The Clerk issuing such duplicate writs shall endorse thereon that it is a true copy of a writ sued out in the proper division of the District in certain cases. and the original and duplicate writs when executed and returned into the office from which they shall have issued shall be proceeded in as one suit, and all issues of fact in such suits shall be tried in the division where the suit is so brought. ion. The Clerks of the Circuit and district courts for said district shall Deputy clerks each appoint a deputy of their respective courts at the place in the for eastern divisEastern division of said district where their said courts are required to be held, who shall in the absence of the Clerk, exercise all the powers, and perform all the duties of Clerk within said division: Provided, That the appointments of such deputies shall be approved by the Court for which they shall be respectively appointed and may be annulled by such Court at its pleasure. R. S., §§ 558, 624. The marshal of said district shall also appoint a deputy for said East- Deputy marshal ern division, who shall reside therein, and in the absence of the marshal, for eastern divisperform all the duties devolved upon the marshal by law. ion. R. S., § 780. [Par. 18.] That the Postmaster-General be, and he is hereby, authorized to adopt a uniform canceling ink or other appliance for canceling eral may adopt uniform canceling stamps which experiments and tests have proved or may prove to be ink or appliance for the most practicable and the best calculated to protect the revenues of the canceling stamps. department from the frauds practiced upon it, to be used in all the post-of- R. S., § 3921. fices where stamps are canceled, and he is hereby authorized to distribute said canceling ink or other appliance in the same manner as other supplies are now distributed to the different post-offices in the United States; And to this end the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized to use any funds of said department heretofore applicable: Provided, The same shall not increase the expenditures of said department for the purposes named in this section. [June 20, 1878.] CHAPTER 366. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN OF THE RE- Gardiner and Richmond, Me., to be ports of delivery. Be it enacted, &c., That section twenty-five hundred and seventeen of the Revised Statutes of the United States is hereby amended by inserting in article ten, after the words "Bowdoinham", the words "Gardiner and Richmond".(1) [June 20, 1878.] NOTE. (1) The amendment makes Gardiner and Richmond ports of delivery, and not ports of entry as the title of this act would indicate. June 20, 1878. 20 Stat. L., 243. Gardiner and Richmond, Me., to be ports of delivery. R. S., § 2517, art. 10. |