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Is This True in Topeka?

know of only one more captivating custom"a quid" in the mouth, with a saddle-colored rivulet issuing from its angles. But the gum The report of the New York analyst of business is not all fascination. The courtesies drugs shows that the chances for getting drugs of the fashion often pass the morsel from of good quality on prescription is 43.8 per mouth to mouth, making it an efficient me- cent.; fair, 17.4; inferior, 2.6; not as called dium for the transmission of diphtheria, syph- for, 11.6; excessive strength, 1.2.-Times and ilis, and other contagious diseases. Register.

BARTLETTS' "Physicians' Pocket Synopsis,' a bulky pocket companion of over 800 pages, published in Boston in 1822, speaks of the influenza, or catarrhus contagiosus, as a second species of catarrh, catarrhus à frigore, or common cold being the first; and after the classical description of the first says: "In the second species, or influenza, the same remarks equally apply. Sometimes, however, symptoms of debility are present, indicating the use of ton

The importance of germicides in operative procedure is being called into question, and denounced as harmful rather than beneficial. Dr. Bantock and Mr. Lawson Tait, the two most successful ovariotomists in the world, use only pure water. Dr. Bantock at first adopted the Listerian method. He now reports that while in his first hundred ovariotomies, the majority having been done under the Listerian method, or a modification of it,

he lost nineteen cases; in his second hundred, while gradually abandoning this method, the mortality fell to fourteen; in the third hundred, all performed with clear water, the mortality was eight, and in the fourth hundred it was only four.

ics and cordials. It is also much more severe than common cold, sometimes fatal, and is said to be contagious, though probably only epidemic. It terminates about the fifth or sixth day. It is probably engendered by a peculiar state of the atmosphere, brought He flushes the peritoneum with pure water, about by a succession of damp, hot and close and avoids opiates after operation. Since weather. It appeared in the years 1732-33 all over Europe and part of America; and pursuing this course he says his patients have again in Great Britain in 1785, and also in not only recovered in larger numbers, but 1803." It is also stated in the marginal refer- they have recovered more promptly and perences, "Nothing so good for the influenza when the acute stage is over as emetics."

School of Dissection.

W. D. B.


He thinks the best way to avoid vomiting after operations, is to keep the stomach empty. He allows no food for many hours after the operation, and allays thirst by permitting the mouth to be frequently rinsed with warm water. He avoids purgation, and keeps the bowels open by injections.

WHY do Chicago men assume such prominence in the medical and surgical world, while those of St. Louis have only a local reputation?"-Kansas City Medical Index.

We had supposed the names of such men as McDowel, the father of ovariotomy; Hod

The school for dissection has demonstrated that material can be obtained in abundance for such purposes in Topeka when an effort is made. Credit is due Drs. Williamson and Rodgers for their successful effort. We can notice a decided improvement in anatomical knowledge in the physicians taking part in the work. How essential to every physician and surgeon a thorough knowledge of anatomy is, and how easily forgotten. What a stim-gen, Gregory and other St. Louis physicians, had been awarded a prominence that neither ulus for study when a number of physicians who have been wearing the title of M. D., for envy nor jealousy could change. ten to fifteen years engaged in active practice BELGIUM, where alcoholics have nearly of medicine, without seeing the inside of a everywhere formed a part of the daily dietary dissecting room, to gather around the cadaver has decided to make a crusade against alcoonce more and renew youth and memory.


MEDICAL MISCELLANY. per cent. of his cases of hysterectomy the

Lawson Tait on Fibroids of the Uterus.

operation was followed by insanity. On this point he says: "In not one of my hysterectomies has insanity followed the operation. I have seen insanity follow removal of the appendages for myoma in two cases, but in one the patient was insane from the moment she came out of the chloroform, and she was queer' before she went under it.”

In view of such results as Tait has achieved

A few weeks ago we called attention to the views of Thomas Keith on Apostoli's treatment of uterine fibroids by electricity. It is, perhaps, no more than fair to give place to the rejoinder of the most prominent advocate of the purely surgical method of dealing with this condition. In a lecture, published in the it is not surprising that he should have little British Medical Journal of August 10, 1889. inclination to change the methods which have Mr. Tait calls attention to the fact that proved so successful in his hands. If any hysterectomy, which Mr. Keith seems to con- value is to be allowed to evidence, however, it sider the only alternative treatment, is only re- can hardly be doubted that very satisfactory quired in a small proportion of cases, and that results have been attained by the electrical the great majority can be satisfactorily treated treatment. Martin, of this city, at the meeting by the comparatively safe and simple operation of the Illinois State Medical Society, May 22, of bringing about the menopause by extirpa- 1889, reported one hundred consecutive cases, tion of the uterine appendages. He claims treated by Apostoli's method, without a death, that "the complete and permanent efficacy of with complete cure in eight cases, symptomthis method of treatment has been established atic cure in sixty-eight others, and decided by evidence beyond all cavil; in fact it stands improvement in the symptoms of most of the unrivalled in the history of modern surgery, remainder. If such results can be secured by and states that his mortality in 262 consecutive this method and should prove permanent, it cases has been only 1.23 per cent. To the is likely that many women will prefer, even operation of hysterectomy he expresses as at the cost of some pain and inconvenience, strong a repugnance as Keith; but, although to avoid a mutilation which is repugnant to he does not expressly discuss this point, he their feelings and, besides the inevitable reevidently has little faith in the efficacy of elec-sult of sterility, is not always exempt from tricity in cases which call for the severer meas


To electricity he objects that it is tedious, and, notwithstanding Keith's statements to the contrary, may be very painful, citing a case, treated in Paris, in which electricity was used thirty-three times during a period of three months, and thirty-one times the patient was under anæsthesia. That it sometimes fails when administered by thoroughly competent persons, he has had evidence in cases which have come into his own hands, and there is danger of losing precious time in unsuccessful


He complains that Keith furnishes many statements, but few facts, and wishes for precise information in regard to the mortality of the electrical treatment, the permanency of the results secured, and the comparative convenience and expense of the two methods.

He concludes by quoting what he calls the "prodigious statement" of Keith, that in ten

other unpleasant consequences. Glævecke, condition was generally observed after removal of Kiel, found that a depressed, low-spirited

of the ovaries. In three cases out of fortythree insanity followed the operation, proving Sexual desire and pleaspermanent in one.

ure were diminished in nearly all the patients, and the disturbances usual at the menopause were prolonged in a number of cases, for four or five years.

Brilliant as have been the results of surgery in the relief of this affection, it can hardly be said that they leave nothing to be desired, and anything that promises the benefits without Mr. Tait's name is specially associated, is the drawbacks of the operation with which worthy of careful trial. It is hardly probable that electricity will wholly supplant operative treatment, but it may well be that when both have been thoroughly tested it will appear that each has its appropriate field of usefulness.-Chicago Medical Journal.

Dislocated Spleen.

What Shall My Subject Be?

IN A RECENT case of chronic malarial infection coming under my observation, in which


Surgeons at Pittsburgh, October 13, 1880.

the patient had had an enlarged spleen, of Read at the Meeting of Pennsylvania Company's varying size, for six or seven years, death occurred on the fourth day after an attack of abdominal pain unattended by fever. It had been known for some time that the spleen was work for? In olden times, many supposed What shall my subject be? What shall we dislocated. It occupied the right inguinal that doctors should work for the glory of God region, extending into the right lumbar and and suffering humanity, and in this great cenumbilical regions. The symptoms preceding tury which boasts that intelligence has driven death were pain throughout the abdomen and out the ignorance and superstition of those feeling of prostration. During the last twenty- days we still find people who cling to the idea four hours there was troublesome thirst and that we should live without fees. Even some vomiting. A post mortem revealed the fact of our great corporations, the Pennsylvania that the diagnosis of dislocated spleen was cor- Railroad Company for example, seem to think rect, and that death was due to rupture on its that a surgeon can live on a small piece of rounded surface, the abdominal cavity receiv-paste board in the shape of a pass, or at best a ing the blood. The cause of the rupture was strangulation, by accidental twisting of the pedicle, or elongated ligaments of the organ. The rent consisted of one tear about five inches long and a quarter of an inch deep, and an

inch to one side a smaller one an inch in

salary that is so small that it might well be called the "Widow's Mite." I cannot speak advisedly on this matter, but think I can venture to state that three-fourths of the surgeons of the Pennsylvania Railroad receive no salary, and those who do, will not average more length. The pedicle over-lapped the splenic than two to five hundred dollars. Why, genflexure of the colon, but did not obstruct it. tlemen, if I was so fortunate as to belong to There were no indications of inflammatory ac- the army of Benedict, and so poor that I tion except in the omentum, and they were would be forced to draw on my railroad salary slight. There were no adhesions. The pa- as railroad surgeon to supply my wife with pin tient was a spare built lady, twenty-eight money, my head would be very bald before years of age, the mother of five healthy child- the honeymoon was ended. ren, the youngest seven weeks' old. During gestation the tumor disappeared upwards usually. The spleen weighed, when removed, seven pounds, and the liver five and one-half


H. O. B.,

Birmingham, Mo.

Then what are we working for? Is it for

glory, or because our hearts are overflowing
with sympathy for the thousands of poor fel-
lows who are injured every year in the railroad
service? These things are all right in their
place, but like all other professions and classes
of men, we are running through the march of
life with one supreme object in view, that is to
gain wealth. We belong to the grandest pro-
fession in the world, and do more good to our
fellows than any other class of men and
should be better paid for our services.
It re-

INCOMPATIBILITY OF ANTIPYRIN AND CHLORAL.-Mr. Blainville, a pharmacist of Paris, was called upon to put up a prescription containing sixty grains of antipyrin and seventy-five grains of chloral in half an ounce of water. An oily precipitate was immediately thrown down which resembled neither quires a better physique and more brains to chloral nor antipyrin in taste, but recalled make a skillful doctor than for any other prosomewhat that of coriander-seed. A mixture fession. We work longer hours and have but of antipyrin and quinine is also incompatible, little time for study, unless we burn the midboth substances being at once precipitated night oil. The lawyer works a few regular from the solution.-Medical Record, Novem- hours each day, has plenty of time to keep ber 23, 1889. cool and to dust the cobwebs from his brain

by consulting his books before giving a client whole business, because they do not apprehis opinion. How many lawyers work for ciate the doctor. If this be true we alone are glory alone, or for a railroad company for a to blame, and can easily command proper apyearly pass? preciation if we adopt proper methods. The minister sits in his easy chair in his If the Pennsylvania Railroad Company study, and if he has a moderate amount of thoroughly understands this matter I am sure brains, he can prepare his weekly sermons in they will generously remunerate their sura few hours, and the balance of the time he geons. Are we not their most faithful sercan employ himself, eating good dinners and vants, ever ready to answer calls in case of acmaking himself agreeable. The time was when ministers worked for little or nothing, but they have stepped into the front rank of progress. They will accept any good thing. even to a physician's bill, and at the same time receive a salary that enables them to show a more respectable bank account at the end of the year than the average physician. I commend the ministers for their genius as financiers. They ought to be well paid, for they stand at the head of an institution which has been a great factor in making this and every other country where civilization exists, what

it is.

cident or to stand as faithful guards against unjust prosecution for damages? United we gain much, but single handed we can accomplish nothing, but may continue to bend our necks to the yoke and work for vain glory.

Methinks I hear some one say, what is the use of complaining, for there are hundreds ready to step into our places and work for the name of being railroad surgeons. This may be true, but if we are united, and will gradually build up a proper sentiment on this question and thus present it in a proper manner to the Pennsylvania Company, I am sure there will be no opportunity for the eager throng to crowd us out, but if they do, let them hug the hollow name. We can calmly fold our tents and depart from the field with the satisfaction

that we are men who believe that the faithful servant is worthy of hire.

Gentlemen, there is nothing in a name unless it has some foundation to rest on. We

If it is a fact that we work harder and receive less pay than members of other professions, whose fault is it? Are the people to blame? If there are any gentlemen present who are working as railroad surgeons for the "widow's mite," should we blame the company? Human nature is the same, no matter where you find it, whether it be among rail- meet with doctors who are eager to have a road corporations or private individuals, large visiting list. They may be skillful and always willing to take a good thing for noth-ended, there is not sufficient balance to their have a great name, but when their labor is ing if they can get it. On the other hand, the bank account to pay their funeral expenses. larger the fee the greater is their apprecia- Life has been a failure.

tion. We frequently see this in private prac


tice. Some noted specialist performs a capital How Much Should a City Pay its Health operation. It may be a lithotomy for which he charges five hundred dollars. How gracefully the patient pays his big fee, and at the same time loading the doctor with praise and thanks. He is proud that he has been merely a martyr to the great surgeon's knife and paid a big fee for it. If you or I perform the same operation with equal skill and charge him one hundred dollars, we will be likely to hear a growl that will make us feel melancholy for days. Neither the patient nor his friends go out on the street or among the neighbors to announce the wonderful operation and cure, and the truth is they are ashamed of the

Dr. H. B. Baker, secretary of the Michigan State Board of Health thinks that in a village of fifteen hundred inhabitants a health officer can easily save the lives of two children and one grown person in each year, and he concludes that such a village can well afford to pay its health officer two thousand dollars for the prevention and restriction of scarlet fever, diphtheria and typhoid fever and make money by the transaction. Valuing a person in the prime of life as statisticians usually do at one thousand dollars.-Therapeutic Gazette.

THE HONORS THAT AWAIT THE DIS- It was true the operation had most uniformly failed,



But then its vital principles no authority assailed.

And then they quoted Heurteloup and Joseph Emile.


And Civiale, and Jacobsen, Brodie, Leroy, Mercier ; Proving thus that Blank's invention was invented long ago,

Of the doctors in convention, Surgeon Blank a moment And that certain small improvements were the most claimed, that he could show;

While he showed an apparatus and its various points And even in regard to these, each did contrive in terms explained, To convey the intimation that Blank had from him the

Which he said he had invented for the cure of a disease That all other forms of treatment but the knife had failed to ease.


Such is oft the meed of genius, but it's not the only one;
There's the inward satisfaction of a duty ably done;

When he closed, some seven members in their wisdom And the fame that bides forever for such deeds is still rose and said

in store,

is o'er.

They were each of them delighted with the paper Blánk When detraction's voice is silent, when this fleeting life had read;

While it showed the greatest merit, they were still compelled to say,

That the malady in question could not be relieved that


One averred, in his opinion, 'twould be trifling with a life

To attempt to treat such cases without recourse to the knife,

And one warned his fellow members that the p'an was yet untried,

And one prophesied a failure; others, novelties decried. So, in short, each poured cold water in the biggest kind of streams

--Medical Rhymes

Our New York Letter.


NEW YORK, JANUARY 20, 1890. The confidence of New York surgeons in the radical cure of hernia, by operation, is decidedly on the wane. A prominent operator

On the head of the inventor and his too ambitious recently reported to the surgical section of the schemes;

Winding up with the assertion, that, as now the matter stands,

If successful with the author, it would fail in other


In a year or so thereafter the convention met once more, And again in proper season Surgeon Blank was on the floor,

This time with numerous patients of his own, and others, too,

Proving thus to a conviction every point he claimed

was true.

Academy of Medicine nine cases of relapse, which had previously constituted the substance of an enthusiastic report of cured cases. This supplemental report was, therefore, in effect, the taking of Hamlet out of the play.

The treatment in the orthopedic department of the Polyclinic, of abscess the result of bone disease, is "silent contempt;" in other words, puss burrowing beneath the fascia of lumbar or abdominal muscles. The result of Pott's disease is now regarded as a harmless

And once more the seven members were on hand in wise coincidence, and is allowed to remain for


months, to be finally absorbed or removed And in turn, in the proceedings, each arose and had his after the disease has been arrested. This is


All were proud of being fellows of a body Blank adorned,
And they each one begged to mention, that, while other

doctors scorned

the usual treatment. Special indications, however, are met by operative measures if they arise. The question is an open one, and

At the time of the invention when the subject first was the profession here are divided, some holding broached

[blocks in formation]
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