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State of Newhampshear Hillsborough S s

(Seal) To Levt John Hall Constable for the Town of Darryfield Greeting

You are hearby Required in the Name of the Goverment and People of this State to warn all the free holders and Inhabitants of the Town of Darryfield Quallifyed By Law to vote in Town meetings that they assemble and meet at the meetinghouse in Said Darryfield on thursday the Seventh Day of September Next at one of the Clock in the afternoon to act on the following articals (viz)

1stly to Choose a moderator to Regulate Said meeting

2dly to Draw two men out of the Box to Serve on the pettit Jury at the Next Superior Court to be holden at amharst on the fourth tuesday of September next

3dly to See if the Town will vote to pay the Juriors aney thing this year and how mutch

4thly to See if the town will vote to pay for one Days preaching that we have had this year more than hath Bin all Ready voted

5thly to See if the Town will vote to Choose a Colector to Collect the Remainder of the Corn Rate that is Dew to Ebenezer Newman for his Servis Last year and on what termes

6thly to See if the town will Vote to Choose a Committy to Exammin who hath bin out Publick Servis in this unoctural war and how mutch time they have Bin out and how mutch money hath Bin paid By Indeviduals and By whome: in order to make an Average through the Town that Everry man may have Justis Done him in Carrying on the Same

ythly to See what use the town will vote to have the money poot too that the Committee Received of Levt David Starrett as part of Elizebeth marcyes Estate

Make proper return of this warrant and your Doings there on to us on or before Said Day for holding Said meeting fail not as you would avoid the penalty of the Law Given under our hand and Seal at Darryfield the twenty Second Day of August 1780

Jonathan Russ Samuel Moor Select men

Darryfield Septembr the 7th 1780

In obediance to the within Precipt I have warned all the Inhabitants of time and place according to the Custome of this town

Recorded September the 8th 1780

John Hall Constable

pr me Asael Smith Town Clerk

State of Newhampshear Hillsborough Ss Darryfield September the 7th 1780

At a meeting of the free holders and other Inhabitants of the town of Darryfield Legally warned and Conveand


Voted Levt John Hall moderator

2 Drew from the Box mr Abel huse and Levt John Little to Serve on the Pettit Jury at the Next Superior Court to Be holden at Amharst on the fourth tuesday of this Instant September

3dly Voted that the Juriors Shall have one hundred and fifty Dollars pr man that Shall attend the Superior Court to be holden at Amharst on the fourth tuesday of this Instant Seper as pettit Juriors

4thly voted to pay for the one Days preaching

5thly voted to pass this artical till the Next artical is acted on

6thly voted to Chooss a Committy to Exammin into the affair of Carrying on the war

also voted that the Said Committy Consist of three parsons and voted that Levt Ebenezer Stevens and Asael Smith and James Gorman be Said Committy

voted to dismiss the fifth artical till the Next meeting and then to act thereon as occation Shall Require

yly voted that the money Belonging to Elizebath Marcyes Estate Shall Remain in the hands of the Selectmen till the Town Call for the same

meeting Desolved

Recorded September the 8th 1780

Pr me Asael Smith Town Clerk

State of Newhampshear Hillsborough S S

(Seal) To Levt John Hall Constable for the town of Derryfield Greeting

You are hearby Requered in the Name of the goverment and people of this state to warn all the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Derryfield quallifyed By Law to vote in Town meetings that they meet at the meeting House in Said Town on tuesday the thirteenth Day of february next at twelve o Clock on Said Day to act on the following (viz) firstly to Chooes a moderator to Regulate Said meeting 2dly Secondly to See what Method the town will to Rais our Quota of men whitch we are Called upon for By the Court toards Compleating the Continantal army


3ly to See if the town will vote to abate the Solders that have been out in the publick Service for three years from this town one years tax after there Return also aney that may Try age (?) for three years

make proper Return of this warrant and your Doings there on unto us on or Before the Said Day for holding Said meeting

given under our hand and Seal at Derryfield this twentyninth Day of January 1781

Jonathan Russ

Samuel moor

A proper Return maid and Signd

Hillsborough S 8

John Hall Constable

at a meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town. of Derryfield Legally Called and Conveand at the meeting house in Said town on tuesday the thirteenth Day of february 1781

1ly voted Con' John Goffe Esq moderator

2ly voted that the Expense of the wor Shall Be Defrayed By a town Tax Levied on the poles and Estates

31 voted to Ajourn this meeting to Levt John Halls west Room

Levt Halls west Room meet according to ajournment and the meeting Called

4thly voted to Chooes a Committy to Hire our Quota of the men whitch we are Called upon for By the court toards Compleeting the Continantal army, and that Said Committy Shall give securitty to Sutch men for pay as they Shall Ingage as Solders for the Space of three years to Compleat Said army: in Behalf of Said town, and that the Security that Said Committy Shall fiend Nessessary to give to Said Solders in Behalf of Said town Shall be valed and Be punctually proformed and paid By said Town

5thly voted that Capt Samuel moor Levt John Hall and Capt John Hervey Be Said Committy

6thly voted that the town will pay the Expenses of Said Committy Nessessarily Expended in Said Buisness

rythly voted that the Continantal Solders that was out in the three years Service Last and are Now Come home Shall Be abated there pole tax for one year after there Return*

*Through the courtesy of Mr. Fred W. Lamb, of this city, as the outcome of his painstaking research, I am able to give the following list of soldiers from Derryfield who served in the Revolution:


John Stark, Colonel.

Archibald Stark, Lieutenant.

John Harvey, Lieutenant.

John Moore, Captain.

Caleb Stark, Adjutant.

Joshua Blodgett.

Isaac George.

Benjamin George.
Jona Griffin.

Joseph Hazelton.
David Merrill.

Ichabod Martin.
Ephraim Stevens.
Daniel McCoy.
James Aiken.

Benjamin Baker.

Nathaniel Boyd.

Charles Emerson.

George Emerson.

John Goffe.

Arthur Hart.

Lemuel Harvey.

Nathaniel Martin.

Timothy Martin.

David McKnight.
John C. McNeil.
Goffe Moore.
David Farmer.
William Boyd.

8thly voted that all Sutch men as shall Ingage in the publick Service tor three years for this Town Shall Be Cleard from paing aney pole tax for the Space of one year after there


Of these men John Stark, Archibald Stark, Caleb Stark, John Moore, Benjamin George, Benjamin Baker, Nathaniel Boyd, Charles Emerson, George Emerson, John Goffe, Arthur Hart, Lemuel Harvey, Nathaniel Martin, Timothy Martin, David McKnight, John C. McNeil, Goffe Moore, David Farmer, and William Boyd were present at Bunker Hill. David Farmer was with Stark at Bennington. Nathaniel Martin was with Arnold in his march to Canada, and was taken prisoner at Quebec.

[blocks in formation]

Of these men Theophilus Griffin, Enoch Harvey, and John Nutt were with Stark at Bennington.

Isaac Huse was in the Massachusetts service.

Samuel Blodget, according to Chase's History of Haverhill, Mass., was actively engaged on the field at Bunker Hill.

This list has been compiled from the "New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls," Potter's "History of Manchester," Kidder's "First New Hampshire Regiment," Gilmore's "Capt. John Moore's Company at Bunker Hill," Gilmore's "Roll of New Hampshire Men at Bennington," and Gilmore's "Roll of New Hampshire Men at Bunker Hill."

While this list may not be complete, it is the only one I have seen.-ED.

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