Gambar halaman

Deceased Soldiers-Continued.

Reports of death and burial, 45, 166.

Settlement of accounts, 165.


Loss or damage to supplies in transit, 732, 1156.

Military lands, 716, 930, 1515.

Deficiencies in Public Property:

Stoppages against pay of officers, 1332.


Battalion, 15.

Company, 15.

Contract, 558.

Conviction, p. 281, sec. 1342 R. S.

Desertion, 132.

Directions and orders of the Secretary of War,

Extra and special duty, enlisted men, 168.

Fiscal year and quarters, 631.

Garrison prisoners, 943.

General and special orders, 805, 806.

General recruiting stations and recruiting
depots, 858.

Governors general, 410.

Indian country, 481.

Military convicts, 943.

Officer, p. 281, sec. 1342 R. S.

Officers on duty without troops, 1323.

Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1534.

Personal service, 528.

Prisoners awaiting trial, etc., 943.
Rank, 7.

Ration, 1223.

Roster, 366.

Sea travel, 1303.

Soldier, p. 281, sec. 1342 R. S.

Spring wagons, 1118.

Traveling with troops, 1304.

Applications, 67.

Granted enlisted men, 107.

Officers changing stations, 68.

Proceedings, courts-martial, A. W. 93.
Regarded as leaves of absence, 70.


Conveying praise or censure forbidden, 5.

Dental Surgeons:

Assignment, 1419.

Assistants, 1420.

Baggage, 1151, 1153.

Contracts, 1413, 1415, 1418.

Duties, 1421-1426.

Emergency work, 1422.

Enlisted men, work for, 1421-1426.

Families, 1421.

Fuel, 1053.

Hospital charges, 1482.

Illuminating supplies, 1070, 1073.

Materials, 1422, 1424.

Medical attendance, etc., 1495, 1498, 1500, 1502,


Mileage, 1319.

Office rooms and hours, 1420, 1422.

Dental Surgeons-Continued.
Privileges, 1414, 1421.
Quartermaster supplies, 1190.
Returns by chief surgeons, 1511.
Termination of service, 1418.
Department Commanders:

Absence from headquarters, 195.
Administration of military affairs, 192.
Appeals of officers, A. W. 29.

Appeals referred to, for decision, 194.
Assignments to command, 188.

Authority to command, 189, 190.
Awards and contracts, 551, 552.

Barracks and quarters, 1028-1033, 1041, 1046.
Candidates for promotion, 33.

Care, etc., of posts and reservations, 213.
Change of station of troops, 192.

Civilian employees, 740.

Clothing and equipage, 1164-1166.

Clothing for military convicts, 1187.

Commutation of quarters, 1325.

Company commanders, 268.

Condemned property, 921, 927, 928.

Confinement of enlisted men, 950, 953, 982.

Contingent expenses, 200.

Contracts, 565.

Controversies arising within command. 194.

Councils of administration, 318.

Courts-martial proceedings, 934, 935, 1000, 1001.

Damages by fire, storm, etc., 720.

Deceased officers, 83.

Decisions, pecuniary responsibility, 318, 321.

Dental surgeons, 1418.

Deserters, 126.

Disbursing officers on staff, 756.

Discharge of enlisted men, 139; A. W. 4.
Efficiency reports, 846.

Enlisted men detailed with militia, 105.

Estimates, 761, 1025.

Examinations for promotion, 29, 30.

Extra and special duty details, 168, 170.
Extra-duty pay, 176.

Field officers of the line, 247.

Forage rations, 1093.

Funeral escorts, etc., 435.

Furloughs to enlisted men, 107, 109.

Gambling, 604.

Garrison schools, 192.

General courts-martial, A. W. 72, 76.

General hospitals, 1461.

Hire of quarters, 1044, 1045.

Hospital Corps, 1437.

Hospitals, 1490.

Hospital transports, etc., 1462.

Illuminating supplies, 1067, 1069.

Indian country, 481.

Indian scouts, 489, 491.

Insane soldiers, 476, 477.

Inspection, command, etc., coast artillery, 303.
Inspection reports, 909, 921.

Inspections, 193.

Inspectors general, 896-900, 905, 910, 915, 917.

Instruction and practice in signaling, 1584.

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Department Commanders-Continued.
Messing and cooking, field practice, 296.
Mounted service, 1111, 1112, 1295.
Movements of troops, 761.

Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1060, 1062.

Officers under arrest, 939.

Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1539, 1540, 1554,


Ordnance depots, 1537, 1539, 1540.

Organized militia, 192.

Permission to hunt granted by, 66.

Personal leave beyond command, 51.

Post gardens, 354.

Post noncommissioned staff, 99, 101.

Practical and theoretical instruction, 246.

Public moneys by express, 1157.

Purchase of horses from mounted officers, 1111.
Quartermaster supplies, 1020-1024.

Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hospital Corps,

Recruit depot posts, 858.

Recruiting service, 857.

Reports from officers, 758.

Retirement of officers, 76.

Returns of troops, 825.

Signal supplies, 1586.

Small-arms practice, 361.

Special and annual reports, 192, 193, 195.

Special inspections and investigations, 903.
Special inspectors, 918.

Staff, 193, 197, 199, 200, 1540.

Staff officers and enlisted men, 754.
Subsistence, furloughed men, 110.
Subsistence supplies and funds, 1212, 1213.

Succession in event of death or disability of, 195.
Supervision of reservations, 212.
Supervision or control, 189, 190, 304.

Surveying officers, 722.

Target practice, 192.

Telegraph accounts, 1205.

Telegraphic code, 1201.

Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114.

Transfer of supplies, 682.

Transfers to Hospital Corps, 1434.

Transportation, furloughed men, 110.

Travel of enlisted men, 189.

Unimportant communications, 802.

Witnesses, 966, 967; p. 294, sec. 1202 R. S.

Writs of habeas corpus, 1016.


Change of station of troops, 192.

Civilian employees, headquarters, 739.

Commanders. See Department Commanders.

Contingent expenses, 200.

Draft and pack animals, 1117.

Engineer officers on duty, 1525.
Establishment, 188.

Inspections, 193, 896-900, 903, 905, 910, 915, 917,
918, 921.

Judge advocates, 23, 695, 931, 933, 1060; note, p.


Letter and note headings, 521.

Movements of troops, 192.

Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1062, 1063.

Orders, 818.

Printing, 519-523.

Records of discontinued, 835.


Registry of officers at headquarters, 839.
Returns, 343, 825, 829.

Rosters of troops, 818.

Depositaries, Designated:

Balances unchanged for three years, 600.

Check books, 620.

Checks in payment of enlisted men, 1343.
Credit proportioned, 593.

Depositaries, 605, 606.

Deposits of moneys refunded, etc., 1407.

Disbursing officers' deposits, 592, 593, 596, 600.

Lists, 592.

Transfers of funds, 593.

Deposit Books:

Deceased soldiers, 1390.

Importance of preserving, 1387.

Loss, 1386.

Record of deposits, 1384.

Soldiers discharged by purchase, 1392.

Transfer, sale, or pledge prohibited, 1384.


Witnesses, courts-martial, A. W. 91.

Deposits by Enlisted Men:

Check or currency payments, 1358.

Deceased soldiers, 1390.

Deposit books, 1384–1387, 1390, 1392.
Discharged for fraud, 1403.

Exempt from certain liabilities, 1391.
Final statements, 140, 1385-1388, 1392.
Forfeitures, 1385, 1391, 1393.

Interest, 1389.

Making and recording, 1358, 1384.

Payments, 1385, 1387, 1388.

Purchase of discharge, 1392.

Renewal on reenlistment, 1388.

Transfer or desertion, 1384, 1385, 1391.

Unpaid at discharge, 1387.

Deposits of Moneys and Collections:

Balances and collections, 622–630.

Certificates, 622, 623, 626, 627, 1543.

Company, post exchange, etc., funds, 324.

Deserters' effects, 117.

Funds of other staff departments, 624.

Funds refunded, etc., 1407.

Paymasters, 625.

Places, 591.

Proceeds of sale, 628–630.

Received for disbursement, 591-594, 596.

Depots of Supply:

Annual inspections, 906, 915.

Candles, 1237.

Court-martial duty of officers, 190.

Efficiency reports, 846.

Plats of land, 719.

Quartermaster's Department, 1019-1021.

Records of discontinued, 835.

Supervision or control, 189, 1019.
Deputy Paymaster General:

Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1060.
Deputy Quartermaster General:

Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1060.
Descriptive and Assignment Cards:
Applicants for enlistment, 891.

Detached enlisted men, 1557.

Enlistment period noted, 152.

Laundry charges, 1185.

Descriptive and Assignment Cards-Continued.
Previous service notation upon reenlistment, 152.

Recruiting partics, reenlisting, 864.

Recruits, 886, 890-893, 1239.

Toilet articles furnished to recruits, 1271.

Descriptive Cards:

Public animals, 280, 1086, 1087.

Descriptive Lists:

Absent enlisted men discharged, 153.
Clothing balances, 1172, 1178.
Deposits of pay, 1384.

Deserters, 118, 124.

Detached enlisted men, 104, 105, 1557.

Insane soldiers, 475.

Navy or Marine Corps deserters, 133.
Patients in hospitals, 1473.
Post noncommissioned staff, 99.
Public animals, 1085.

Retired enlisted men, 138, 1360.

Retirement of enlisted men, 135.

Transfer of enlisted men, 115, 1379.

Allotment pay, 1373.

Application for release, etc., 125.

Apprehended or surrendered, 123-126, 1180, 1181.
Arrest, delivery, etc., 118.

Awaiting trial, 129.

Clothing allowance and accounts, 1179-1181.
Clothing and personal effects, 117, 129, 1186.
Definition, 132.

Delivery, 121, 122, 125.

Deposits of pay, 1384, 1385, 1391.

Descriptive lists, etc., 118, 124.

Disposition without trial, 126, 131.

Enlistment or acceptance prohibited, 865; A. W.3.

Evidence against, 124.

Forfeitures, 130-132.

Identification, 119.

Inquiry, liability to trial, 125.

Military prisoners, escaped, 121.

Navy or Marine Corps, 133, 1473.

Pay and allowances, 129, 131, 132, 1395-1397.
Physically disqualified, 123, 126.

Preparation of charges against, 120, 124, 126.
Property carried away or lost, 116, 698.
Reports, etc., 120, 124.

Return to service, 130.

Rewards and expenses, 121, 122, 127, 128, 131.
Statute of limitations, 125.

Surveys on property carried away or lost, 116.

Time lost to be made good, 130–132.

Trial, 125, 126, 128, 129.

Witnesses against, 127.


Advising or persuading, A. W. 51.
Commencement, definition, etc., 132.

Enlistment in other organizations, A. W. 50.
Patients in hospitals, 1473.
Payments to enlisted men, 1356.
Punishment, A. W. 47-51.

Quitting service, resignation, A. W. 49.
Statute of limitations, A. W. 103.
Time lost made good, A. W. 48.

Trial after expiration of service, A. W. 48.
Destitute Persons:

Subsistence, 1241.

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Public animals, 1089.

Public buildings or vessels, 720.

Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1194.

Detached Service:

Descriptive lists, 104.

Details of officers, 39, 40, 265.

Engineer officers and troops, 1516-1518.

Enlisted men with Organized Militia, 105.

Muster and pay rolls, 821.

Officers, service schools, etc., 190.

Orders directing travel, 69.

Personal reports, officers, 841, 842.

Transfer of ordnance stores, 1557, 1558.
Detachment Commanders:

Absentees at muster, A. W. 12, 13.
Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1371-1374.
Clothing accounts, 1172-1181.

Clothing and equipage, 1162, 1168, 1171, 1172.
Confinement of enlisted men, 946.
Daily and weekly inspections, 283.
Deposits by enlisted men, 1384, 1385.
Deserters, 117, 120.

Discharge of enlisted men, 147.

Duties, etc., 379, 380.

Emergency rations, 1226.

Final statements, 1386, 1387.

Muster rolls, 823.

Payments to enlisted men, 1343, 1344, 1355-1357.
Pay rolls, 823, 1341, 1343, 1344.

Property responsibility 672-674, 1105-1108; A. W.


Ration certificates, 1235.

Ration returns, 1230.

Recruiting service, 857.

Returns of troops, 825, 826.

Settlement with quartermasters, 281.


Commanders. See Detachment Commanders.

Formation, 376-378.

Fund, 331.

Muster and pay rolls, 821.

Officers and enlisted men on other duty, 377.

Protecting laborers, rosters, 368.

Ration certificates, 1235.

Report on return from duty, 380.
Returns, 825, 826, 829.

Sale to, of subsistence supplies, 1263.
Serving together, 379.
Details, Enlisted Men:

Clerical assistant, judge advocate, 1002.
Extra and special duty, 168, 336.
Noncommissioned officers, 270, 311.
Post noncommissioned staff, 97.
Roster duty, 366-368, 375.

Details, Officers:

Accountable for property, 669, 670, 675.

Acting inspectors, 908.

Aids, 41.

Educational institutions, 42, 1329.

Escorts of honor, 425.

Exchange council, 317.

General Staff Corps, 196, 197, 199, 763, 772, 776, 784.

Line to staff, 38.

Recruiting service, 857.

Roster duties, 366–375.

Special duty and detached service, 39, 40

Special inspectors, 908, 918.
Summary courts, A. W. 80.
Deteriorated Stores:

Destruction, 728.


Enlisted men on sick report, 1494.

Directions and Orders:

Secretary of War, defined, 772.

Disability, Line of Duty:

Muster rolls, 1494.

Disability of Enlisted Men:
Discharge, 140, 158-160.

Entry on muster roll, 1494.
Line of duty, 160.
Permanent, 158.
Disabled Soldiers:

Reenlistment, etc., 880.

Disbursements of Money:

Disallowances, how charged, 664, 665.

Inspections, 203, 908, 916, 917.

Disbursing Officers:

Accounts current, 637-640.

Acting in different capacities, 596.

Advances to, of public moneys, 591.

Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1375, 1377, 1382.
Balances unchanged for three years, 600.
Bonds, 575, 576, 582-585, 588, 589, 599.
Ceasing to act, disposition of funds, 598.

Certificates of deposit, 622-624, 626, 627.
Check books, 619, 620.

Checks, 610-618, 621, 646, 649, 654.
Correspondence, 756.

Deposit by, of funds, 591, 594, 596.

Disbursing officers' receipt, 606.

Duplicate checks, 613.

Errors or disallowances, 666, 667.

Funds kept in personal possession, 596, 597.
Gambling, 604.

Identification of payees, 656.

Inspection of accounts, 906, 908-910, 916, 917.
Insurance on public money or property, 607.
Interest in purchases, etc., 601, 602.

Opening account, 605.

Outstanding and unpaid checks, 598.
Payments, accounts, contract service, 595.
Pecuniary responsibility, 664, 665.

Purchases, etc., of supplies, 603.

Rates of exchange, 607.

Receipts, 606.

Recruiting officers, 597.

Refundments, stoppages, etc., 625, 1407.
Separate depositary accounts, 637.

Settlement with legal representatives, 663.
Signature to be furnished depositaries, 605.
Transfer of funds, 599, 608, 609, 650, 651, 1407.

Discharge Certificates:
Blank forms, 149.

By whom signed, 146.

Contents and preparation, 147, 148.
Custody, 149.

Forwarding, in correspondence, 150.
Furnished on discharge, A. W. 4.
Issue of duplicate, prohibited, 150.
Loss, 150.

Manuscript, prohibited, 1594.
Notations of final payments, 1399.
Payment on fraudulent, 154.
Post noncommissioned staff, 99.
Previous service notation, 152.
Retirement of enlisted men, 135.

Service certificates issued in lieu of lost, 150.
Soldiers confined by civil authorities, 1404.
Use of, 149.

Discharged Soldiers:

Certificates of merit, 186.

Enlistment of certain, prohibited, 866.

Hospital treatment, 1474, 1475.

Indebtedness to laundry, 351.

Indebtedness to post exchange, 355.

Outside continental limits U. S., 144, 1257.

Payments, 1398-1406.

Reentering service, 865, 866, 877-880.

Special authority for enlistment, 878.

Transportation, 144.

Travel allowance, 144.

Discharge of Enlisted Men:

Absent from company, 153.

Admission to Soldiers' Home, D. C., 178.

Allotment pay, 1373, 1381.

Authority, in whom vested, 139; A. W. 4.

Awaiting trial or sentence, 156.

Before expiration of service, 139, 141, 158.
Certificates of discharge, 99, 135, 146, 147, 149, 150,

152, 1399; A. W. 4.

Conviction by civil courts, 145.

Date when discharge takes effect, 151.

Deposits of pay, 140, 1385.

Disability, 140, 158-160.

Dishonorable, 149, 155, 958, 990, 991.

Disqualified through own misconduct, 149.

Expiration term of service, 142.

Final statements, 140, 141, 154, 1402, 1404, 1438.
Fraudulent enlistment, 149.

General noncommissioned staff, 103.
Honorable, 149.
Imprisonment, 149.
Indian scouts, 488.
Insane soldiers, 475.

Patients in hospital, 1473.
Philippines Division, 126, 139.

Post noncommissioned staff, 99, 102, 974.
Purchase of, 139, 143, 1392.

Qualifications for commission in volunteers, 148.

Recruits, for disability, 858.

Reenlisted, 147.

Sergeants, first-class, Hospital Corps, 974.

Serving sentence, 149, 156.

Specially ordered, 149.

Transportation and allowance, 157, 1257.

Without honor, 126, 149.

Discharge of Officers:

By sentence, or order of the President, A. W. 99.


Company, 266.

Conduct prejudicial to good order, A. W. 62.
Courtesy enjoined, 4.

Deliberations or discussions, 5.

Exercise of authority, 2.

Obedience to and execution of orders, 1.

Post commanders, 203.

Praise or censure, 5.

Publications, 5.

Punishments, 2.

Respect to superiors, 4.

Superiors and inferiors, 3.

Use of influence, 5.

Disclosing Parole or Watchword:

Punishment, A. W. 44.

Discontinued Commands:

Records, 835.


Conveying praise or censure forbidden, 5.

Orders, etc., by adjutants, 252.


Chronic, 1498.

Contagious, 728, 1188, 1476, 1477.

Dishonorable Discharge:

Effect and meaning, 155.

Pardon, or mitigation of punishment, 958.

Preparation of certificate, 149.

Sentences of courts-martial, 990, 991.


Routine issue prohibited, 1509.

Dismissal of Officers:

Authority required, A. W. 99.

Causes for, A. W. 3, 5, 6, 13-15, 18, 19, 26-28, 38, 54,

59, 61, 65.

Confirmation of sentence, A. W. 106-109.

Cowardice or fraud, A. W. 100.

Pay regulations, 1285, 1288.

Disobedience of Orders:

Punishment, A. W. 21, 24.


Correction, etc., by officers, A. W. 54.
Disturbing courts-martial, A. W. 86.
Quelling, A. W. 24.

Dispatch Agents, United States:

Correspondence, officers and men, 794.
Disrespect or Disrespectful Words:
Commanding officer, A. W. 20.

President of the United States, A. W. 19.

Distinguished Service:

Certificates of merit, 183-187.

Medals of honor, 181, 182.

District Attorney:

Contumacious witnesses, pp. 294, 295, act Mar. 2,

District Courts, United States:

Contumacious witnesses, p. 294, act Mar. 2, 1901.
Divine Service:

Attendance and behavior, A. W. 52.

Division (Tactical) Commanders:

Courts-martial proceedings, 1001.

Furloughs to enlisted men, 107.

General courts-martial, A. W. 73.

Hospital Corps, 1432.

Leaves of absence, officers, 51.
Returns of troops, 825.

Surveying officers, 722.

Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114.

Division (Territorial) Commanders:
Absence from headquarters, 195.

Appeals referred to, for decision, 194.
Assignments to command, 188.
Authority to command, 189.
Condemned property, 921, 927.

Contingent expenses, 200.

Controversies arising within command, 194.

Court-martial proceedings, 1000.
Dental surgeons, 1418.

Efficiency reports, 846.

Furloughs to enlisted men, 107.

General courts-martial, A. W. 72.

General hospitals, 1461.

Inspection reports, 909, 921.

Inspectors general, 896-900, 905, 910, 915, 917.

Jurisdiction over convicts confined in peniten-

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