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Cane Soci-

have formed themselves into a society and raised a considerable sum of money, which they have loaned out on interest, with the intention, as soon as the funds will admit, of building a church for divine worship, and from the produce of their funds, pay the salary or stipend of a regular presbyterian minister, and endow one or more schools, where orphans, and the children of the poor, may be taught gratis, and otherwise assisted as the society may be able, and poor or decayed members relieved. And whereas it is deemed proper and expedient to carry their laudable and pious purposes into effect:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That all those persons who now are, or may hereafter be members and officers of the ety incor- Upper Long Cane Society, in Abbeville district, porated. shall be, and they are hereby incorporated as a body politic and corporate, and shall be known in deed and in law, by the name of the Upper Long Cane Society of Abbeville district.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforeMay pre- said, That the said corporation, by its name aforesaid, shall have a succession of officers and members, their gov- to be appointed or elected in such manner, and ernment. according to such form, as may be prescribed by

rules for

the rules and regulations now existing or hereafter to be made for the government of the said society; and that they shall have a common seal, with power to change, alter and make new the said rules and regulations, and common seal, in such manner, and as often as they shall judge necessary and expedient.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforeMay hold said, That the said corporation shall be able and real and capable, in law, to purchase, have, hold, use, personal take, receive, possess, retain and enjoy any estate, real and personal, of what kind or nature socver:


Provided the amount thereof shall not exceed the sum of thirty thousand dollars; and to let, lease, sell, alien or otherwise dispose of the same, in fee simple, or for any term of years, as they may think proper; and that it shall and may be lawful for the said corporation to take, accept and hold for ever, any charitable donations, gifts, devises and bequests of lands or personal property, and to appropriate the same to the purposes of their said institution only. And provided, That such charitable donations, gifts, devises and bequests as aforesaid, shall not exceed the aforesaid sum of thirty thousand dollars.

sue and be

laws, &c.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the corporation shall and may, by its Corpora name aforesaid, sue and be sued, implead and be tion may impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any sucd, encourt of law or equity of this state, and shall and act bymay make such rules and by-laws, not repugnant or contrary to the laws of the land, as for the good order and proper government of the said corporation, may by them be thought necessary or expedient; and in like manner may change, alter, amend or renew their present, or any of their future rules, by-laws and regulations.

And be it further enacted by the authority oforesaid, That the said corporation shall and may have, May hold hold, take, possess, retain and enjoy, all such real and personal estates, real or personal, money, goods, chattels property. and effects, as they now possess, or are in any wise entitled unto, subject to the limitation aforesaid, of the sum of thirty thousand dollars; and that this This act a act shall be deemed and held a public act, and jupublic act. dicially taken notice of as such, and the same may be given in evidence, without special pleading.

In the Senate House, the twenty-first Day of December,
in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and ninety-nine, and in the twenty-fourth Year of the
Independence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate.
WILLIAM JOHNSON, Jun. Speaker of
the House of Representatives.

An ACT to compensate the heirs and devisees of Peter Porcher, deceased, for certain property therein mentioned.


HEREAS the commissioners appointed in and by an act of the legislature, passed the twenty-second day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, for the parish road of St. Philip and St. Michael, were authorized to lay out a road on Charleston Neck, to run in a straight line with Meeting-street continued, until it should intersect the high road. And whereas the said commissioners, in pursuance of the said act, did lay out a road, which took off a large proportion of a lot belonging to the heirs and devisees of Peter Porcher, deceased, for which it is reasonable they should receive an equivalent:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority said, That Nathaniel Russell, Daniel Cannon and William Johnson, sen. esquires, be appointed commissioners to ascertain what compensation will be sufficient to indemnify the said heirs and devisees of Peter Porcher, deceased, for the injury aforesaid; and that when the same shall be ascertained by the said commissioners, or a majority of them, it shall be raised by an assessment to be made on the taxable property in the city of Charleston.

In the Senate House, the twenty-first Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and in the twenty-fourth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Jun. Speaker of the House of Representatives.

An ACT to vest in the Camden Orphan Society, and in other Charitable Societies therein mentioned, the escheated property therein mentioned. HEREAS the establishment of public. schools is beneficial to the state, and ought to be encouraged:


ty vested



Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That all such property as hath hereto- Escheatfore escheated, or may hereafter escheat to this cd proper state, in the said county, or within the present li- in the mits thereof, on account of property which by an act, entitled, "An act to appoint escheators, and Society. to regulate escheats," hath escheated to this state, shall be, and the same is hereby vested in the Camden Orphan Society, for the purpose of promoting the beneficial purpose of the said society, and for endowing and supporting a school in the town of Camden, in the said county: Provided the same do not exceed the sum of nine thousand dollars. And for receiving and disposing of the same property, the said Camden Orphan Society are hereby vested with all the powers heretofore vested in the person or persons heretofore appointed escheators in the several districts throughout this state, so far as the same concerns that part of the state which is included in the present limits of Kershaw county.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Camden Orphan Society be, Said socie and the said society is hereby vested with a discreti- ty to direct the applionary power of directing the application of the said cation of property in such manner and way as shall seem to such prothe said society best calculated to answer the be- perty. neficial purposes of this act.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Camden Orphan Society be, Empowerand the said society is hereby empowered and au- ed to draw thorized to establish and proceed to draw, and finally conclude, one or more lottery or lotteries, for the purposes aforesaid: Provided, That there shall not be raised, by means thereof, a sum exceeding seven thousand dollars.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,. That all such property as hath heretofore es

ty in Lan


sted in trustees

for endow ing a school.

Escheat cheated, or may hereafter escheat to this state, in ed proper- the county of Lancaster, under the operation of the above recited act, shall be, and the same is herchy County ve vested in the trustees hereafter appointed, for the purpose of endowing and supporting a school in the said county of Lancaster; which said trustees, or any three of them, shall have, and they are hereby vested with all the powers vested in the person or persons appointed escheators in the several districts throughout this state, so far as the same concerns that part of the state included within the present bounds of the said county of Lancaster: Provided the said property shall not exceed the value of nine thousand dollars.

for Lanca

rect the


And be it further enacted by the authority aforeTrustees said, That the reverend John Brown, doctor Saappointed muel C. Dunlap, junior, John Ingram, John Montster, to di- gomery and William Nesbit, shall be, and they are hereby appointed trustees for the purpose of on of es receiving and disposing of the escheated property cheated within the said county of Lancaster; and that they, property or any three of them, shall have, and they are hereby vested with a discretionary power of directing the application of the escheated property in the said county of Lancaster, in such manner and way as to them shall seem most conducive to the beneficial purposes of this act.




And be it further enacted by the authority aforeOrphan said, That the said Camden Orphan Society, and Society, and the the said trustees for the said county of Lancaster, shall keep an accurate account of all their proceedings in regard to the property granted as aforesaid; which, whenever required so to do, they account of shall lay the same before the legislature for their insogranted formation.

for Lancaster, to

keep an




And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all such property as hath heretofore eseschested cheated, or which may hereafter escheat to this property state, in the counties of Union, York and Chester, vested in or within the present limits thereof, which by an

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