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and an advance towards universal civilization, we take pleasure in placing it on record in the Republic, for the especial reference of those who were pleased to recognize in the American greeting to Japan, a second edition of the English invasion of China. Here it is. President Fillmore says to the Emperor of Japan:

"I send you by this letter an envoy of my own appointment, an officer of high rank in his country, who is no missionary of religion. He goes by my command to bear to you my greeting and good wishes, and to promote friendship and commerce between the two countries.

"You know that the United States of America now extend from sea to sea; that the great countries of Oregon and California are parts of the United States; and that from these countries, which are rich in gold and silver and precious stones, our steamers can reach the shores of your happy land in less than twenty days.

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Many of our ships will now pass in every year,

country, was transmitted by us, with several thousand signatures attached, to the Hon. James Brooks, one of our city representatives, and by him presented to the House, who referred it to the Committee on Commerce. We now call upon that committee to give the subject their earliest possible attention. The interests of the working-men of our country, who are driven to the wall by the competition of imported felons and paupers, demand protection of the government; and we hope the memorial will not be lost sight of in the multiplicity of business which devolves on Congress in the matter of President-making. One thing is certain: the people will not lose sight of it, if their representatives do.


and some perhaps in every week, between Califor-cording to previous announcement, the Rev. nia and China; these ships must pass along the coast of your empire; storms and winds may cause them to be wrecked on your shores, and we ask and expect from your friendship and greatness, kindness for our men and protection for our property. We wish that our people may be permitted to trade with your people, but we shall not authorize them to break any law of your empire. "Our object is friendly commercial intercourse, and nothing more. You may have productions which we should be glad to buy, and we have productions which might suit your people.


Your empire contains a great abundance of coal; this is an article which our steamers, in going from California to China, must use. They would be glad that a harbor in your empire should be appointed to which coal might be brought, and where they might always be able to purchase it.

"In many other respects, commerce between your empire and our country would be useful to both. Let us consider well what new interest may arise from these recent events which have brought our two countries so near together; and what purposes of friendly amity and intercourse this ought to inspire in the hearts of those who govern both countries."

The fog of bombs, bayonets, and boardingpikes of the popularity-seeking and sensitively sympathetic and philanthropic opponents of the reëlection of President Fillmore, is completely blown away by the publication of this frank, manly, dignified, and patriotic epistle, and we suppose the expedition to Japan will now be permitted to go on its way rejoicing.

THAT MEMORIAL to Congress, asking for a law to prevent the introduction into the ports of the United States of any foreign criminals or paupers, recognized as such in their own

W. S. Balch delivered a lecture at the Broadway Tabernacle on this subject. Although ing was thronged at an early hour. In this the night was most inclement, the vast buildlecture the speaker not only exhibited clearly and unequivocally the utter incompatibility of the elements of Republicanism and Romanism, but tore into shreds and patches the impudent, though much-vaunted, "Catholic Chapter" of John Hughes. At the close of the lecture the audience rose en masse and greeted the Rev. orator with nine hearty cheers. There has been much inquiry for published copies of this powerful discourse.

CIVIL LIBERTY, as according to the Rev. Edward McGowan, is a mere thing. The idea is so perfectly politico-papal, that we cannot help giving it as we find it in his lecture delivered before young Catholics in Boston:

hilation of a thing, the mere contingent of circum"The destruction of civil liberty is but the annistances; but the destruction of religious liberty is a usurpation condemned by Heaven, a tyranny begotten in hell; and yet Lord John Russell passes an act [Anti-ecclesiastical Titles Bill] which destroys this religious freedom, the eternal right of man, the slave as well as the freeman. In this he and Eng. land stand alone amongst civilized nations, a disgrace to civilization itself."

That is, they stand alone in suppressing papal ecclesiastical titles, not in destroying either civil or religious liberty, because the Pope of Rome does not tolerate either. It is amusing to hear a papal prelate denouncing

religious intolerance. There is next presented a practical use of a good suggestion, thus:

"He [Lord John Russell] had failed to re-split the Catholic body. Without a murmur that body had braved the fanatical storm; but when an act was passed which aimed at the destruction of their faith [in ecclesiastical titles] and morality, then they saw it was time to adopt the suggestion of Burke, 'When bad men combine, the good must associate.""

We regret to learn that civil liberty is a mere "thing," and that its destruction would be "the mere contingent of circumstances;" but one thing pleases us much, that is, to find Roman Catholics upholding the suggestion of Burke. It is an evidence that they approve the organization of United Americans, the good men of the soil.

The Charge aT ROME.-Among the many small tricks of the enemies of the Administration, a rumor was circulated a few days ago, to the effect that Mr. Fillmore had determined to recall Mr. Cass, our present Chargé at Rome, and send in his stead a Roman Catholic. In the present bigoted condition of affairs in the "Holy City," (Heaven save the mark!) where Protestant worship is absolutely prohibited, except in the house of the American Chargé, it is well known that the substitution of a Catholic instead of a Protestant representative would suppress it entirely; and hence, a report that the President was about to make such a change, would be calculated seriously to injure his popularity. The trick, however, had but a transient effect, because it was immediately discovered that the President had no such intention. It is also pretty well understood that, as Mr. Cass has performed all his official duties with fidelity and dignity, it is not and has not been the intention of the Administration to make any change whatever in that direction.

WEBSTER DEMONSTRATION.-A meeting of the most zealous friends of our great statesman, Daniel Webster, or, more properly speaking, those who desire his nomination to the Presidency, was held at National Hall on Monday evening, April 19th. Probably at no other time, and under no other circumstances, would the name of Daniel Webster have failed to bring together a host of enthusiastic Whigs; but, as the call was ostensibly to create a

furor in his behalf, in connection with the triangular race now being run for the great sweepstakes next fall, but few were present, and it was difficult to determine who were more numerous, the Webster or the Fillmore adherents. One thing was very evident, however, they were all good Clay men, as their vociferous cheers announced whenever the name of that patriot and statesman was mentioned. From what we can see, we think the primary chances in this city on the Whig side are decidedly Fillmoreish. The Democrats are, as usual, mum as mice, but on the lookout.

THE AMERICAN RIFLES. - This spirited young corps is about to be erected into a regiment, eight companies having been organized, and the necessary application forwarded to the Commander-in-Chief. This will form one of the finest regiments in the State, and we are proud to say that it is composed entirely of the "sons of the soil," native-born Americans, a large proportion of whom are members of the O. U. A. We hope the organization of this regiment will prove a harbinger of better times for the militia organization of the Empire State, which, in point of material, has been sadly on the decline for a number of years past, and almost entirely anti-American in its character, at least so far as this city is concerned. We learn that a corps of American cavalry is in contemplation.

NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN.-The lovers of art are ever glad to learn of the annual opening of the galleries of this institution, and we have the pleasure to announce that the exhibition of its paintings for the present year has just commenced. We have not yet had an opportunity to avail ourselves of the polite invitation to visit the gallery, but intend to do so before another issue of the Republic, and shall report something of what we see.

LOUIS NAPOLEON, in his speech to the Deputies, says it is not his intention to make himself Emperor, but, if the people do not behave themselves, he will do terrible things. Tremble and obey! Vive Napoleon!

THANKS.-The Hon. James Brooks will please accept our thanks for valuable public

documents received. The same are also due to the Hon. John Briggs for like favors, among which is included the reports on "Commerce and Navigation." D. K. Seaman, Esq., will also consider us his debtor in courtesy, for valuable documents received at his hands from Albany.


PHILADELPHIA, April, 1852.

DEAR BROTHER:-Your correspondent again resumes his pen to greet you with fraternal sympathy, and a word of encouragement. The dissection of Bishop Hughes's "Catholic Chapter," contained in the last number of your Republic, or, more correctly, my number of the Republic, has been read and re-read, borrowed and re-borrowed, and has received universal commendation; and to those who have availed themselves of my copy we can only repeat, "Subscribe for this magazine, and you will regularly receive a bountiful supply of Americanism, and of the kind calculated to keep the patriotic blood coursing through your veins, should it be inclined to grow sluggish."

The only very interesting item of political news at present engrossing attention, (aside from Presidential manoeuvres,) is the organization of the American Democracy. Numerous primary meetings have been held, and already ward organizations are commencing. The published resolutions openly acknowledge the foreign element to be inimical to the interests of the country, and one which has been too frequently productive of fraud at the republican's only safeguard, an untrammelled ballot-box. We trust that the movers in this matter will work with earnestness in so righteous a cause; it needs but a conviction that a proper platform is placed before the people for their support, to secure in the "Old Keystone State" for American Democracy such an overwhelming majority as will make the panderers for the politico-religious "Mother Church," and "all Rome, howl." Day by day we gather encouragement from the tone of public feeling as we hear it expressed on all sides. The American people, we trust, are gradually waking up, and there may yet be hope of a sufficient timely interference to prevent the designs of his Holiness, Pius IX., his eminence, John, and minor emissaries, as ac

cessories. We trust the American people may speedily cast from their eyes the veil so artfully placed there, and religious intolerance be for ever silenced. The Infallible Church appears to us, at this present writing-if we can rely alike on Bishop Hughes in his "Catholic Chapter," and Bancroft and other historians in their records of past timesto be

"A creature of amphibious nature, On land a beast, a fish in water; That always preys on grace or sin, A sheep without, a wolf within." The United Sons of America are still pushing the column. On the evening of the 8th instant, Pennsylvania Camp No. 22 was instituted by Erastus Poulson, Esq., Commissioner Plenipotentiary, under very favorable auspices.

Anthony R. Gemeny, Esq., the Treasurer of the General Camp of the State, died on the 29th ult. He was an estimable citizen, whose private virtues had endeared him to a large circle of friends, and whose patriotism prompted him to join the U. S. A. in its infancy, where, in the various capacities in which he has acted, he merited and received the unqualified approbation of the brotherhood, by whom his memory will be sacredly cherished. "Peace to his ashes!"

Having already, I fear, intruded on your forbearance, believe me yours, in the cause of

"God and our native land,”


NEW-YORK, April 15th, 1852.

To the Editor of the Republic:

SIR-Please inform me whether, in your opin ion, a man can have civil and religious liberty without possessing the right of suffrage-Yours, INQUIRER.


We might answer Inquirer Yankee fashion, that is, by asking another question, viz., Can a man have a good dinner without possessing the cook who prepared it? But, to be more explicit, and to the point, we answer, accordto our opinion, in the affirmative. A man can have and enjoy civil and religious liberty without possessing the right of suffrage; a nation cannot. But, per contra, a man or a nation may possess the right of suffrage without having civil liberty, as witness France at the present moment. It is not the individual possession of the suffrage right that confers on him civil liberty, (we omit the word "religious," because in this sense the suffrage has

nothing to do with it. A man may possess religious liberty without possessing political or civil liberty, or even the right of suffrage, and vice versa ;) but it is the character of public institutions emanating from the people, through the suffrage, whether that suffrage be universal, as in France, where civil liberty is unknown, or limited, as in the United States.

Civil liberty, therefore, is not the suffrage itself, or the right to it, but the fruit of it; and Inquirer has but to look around him to discover millions of persons now in the United States who are enjoying the one without possessing the other. It matters not who makes the institutions of civil liberty; all who live under them have it and enjoy it, whether they have a hand in creating it or not. In France, we have at the present day a living witness of the fact that the right of suffrage may be converted into an instrument of despotism for the enslavement of its possessor; and it becomes us, as a people, so to guard that right in this land as to keep it always on the side of both civil and religious liberty.


BROADWAY THEATRE.-Neither the public nor the management of the Broadway Theatre seem disposed to afford an opportunity for the nervous critic, who feeds only on novelty; and a surfeit of good things is as irksome to him as to the epicure. More than sixty consecutive nights has that eminent American tragedian, Mr. Edwin Forrest, appeared before the audiences of the Broadway Theatre, and on each night has the house been filled to repletion by the numerous admirers of that gentleman. No actor, since the celebrated Garrick, either on the English or American stages, has possessed the magic qualities to sustain so complete a triumph as our countryman, Mr. Forrest, can now boast of having achieved; and as the treasurer's box is very naturally regarded as the test of managerial tact, it is not surprising that Mr. Marshall and his efficient and gentlemanly financier, Mr. Warren, should aim to keep the great actor before the people. The termination of Mr. Forrest's engagement is not yet announced.

NATIONAL THEATRE.-This temple of Momus has just undergone a process of paint, gold, and embellishment, and is now reopened with all the increased attractions of a clean face and a talented company. Mr. W. G. Jones is again starring it at this house in the melo-dramatic line; and Mr. E.

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BARNUM'S MUSEUM.-The grand scenic entertainment of Cherry and Fair Star is still attracting afternoon audiences at Barnum's beautiful amphitheatre and the evenings are occupied with sterling comedy. That excellent play, the “Honey Moon," is now enjoying a run, while the audience are enjoying the piece, and the management enjoys the profit of a large patronage.

Among the curiosities of the Museum proper, not the least, at the present time, is Master Harry Page, a little fellow fifteen years of age, and seven feet high in his stockings.

THE LYCEUM.-We perceive that Brougham's Lyceum has passed into the hands of Messrs. Corbyn and Buckland, as lessees, and we have reason to believe that in their hands a new season of prosperity awaits that beautiful house. Miss Julia Bennett, one of the most accomplished actresses of the day in her line, is now playing an engagement at the Lyceum.


PARLOR AND CHAMBER FURNITURE.-Mr. Gardner, at No. 69 Gold street, near Beekman, bas prepared himself for the Spring Campaign, and our housekeepers will find at his store an excellent assortment of Choice Furniture for the Par

lor and Chamber, including that adjunct of summer luxury, the Hair Mattress.

READY-MADE CLOTHING. The old-fashioned, slow-coach system of getting up a suit of clothes having been virtually abolished by the go-ahead, time-saving spirit of the age, many of our best artists in Costume have turned their attention to the establishment of magazines for Ready-made Clothing. Among these we would now call attention to that of Mr. J. Souder, No. 76 Fulton, corner of Gold street, where every article in his line may be found at a moment's notice.

A GOOD TONIC.-"Take a little wine for thy stomach's sake," is a scriptural maxim that may have led many a good fellow to take a little more than was good for the stomach. With due deference to the old maxim, however, Dr. Thomas Blake recommends for the same purpose a little of his "Aromatic Bitters," of which there is no fear of taking too much. We are but one of many thousands who can testify to its excellent tonic qualities.




field, Clinton Hall, Nassau street.

THE spirit of poetry is plainly not the spirit of this age; mammon takes precedence of the muses; and hence the little of true poetry that comes to the public eye in our day, is found in scintillations or scraps, like bits of gold in a bushel of California quartz. Since Byron, there has not been a fresh volume of poetry published in the English language that, as a whole, comes up to the standard. There are fine flashes, brilliant coruscations; indeed we may point to a few short poems of the right material; but for an entire engrossment of the writings of one person that will stand the test of criticism, it cannot be found. We do not mean, by this, to say there is no poetic genius at the present day, but the spirit of the age is its antipodal, and the fire is smothered in the sodden ashes of a cheap and corrupt literature.

In the poems before us, from the pen of our country woman, Alice Carey, there is much of sweetness and fine feeling, yet we confess that her "Clovernook," a prose production, pleased us better than "Lyra." Among the most pleasing of this collection, we may mention the "Christmas Story," "Fire Pictures," and " Ulalie." From the latter we quote a single stanza:

"The crimson of the maple trees

Is lighted by the moon's soft glow;
Oh, nights like this, and things like these,
Bring back a dream of long ago.

For, on an eve as sweet as this,
Upon this bank, beneath this tree,
My lips, in love's impassioned kiss,
Met those of Ulalie."

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and in a vein of caustic satire, mingled with sound common sense, cuts it to the quick. It is one of the most amusing books of the day, besides which, every chapter carries a good, wholesome moral.

ROMANISM AT HOME. By Kirwan. Harper & Brothers.

This volume comprises a series of letters addressed to the Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States, the Chief Justice being a member of the Romish Church. The writer of these letters is evidently master of the subject that he handles, having for his object the exhibition of the tyranny of the Church and its efforts to subvert the institutions of civil and religious liberty. We received this volume at the hour of going to press, and hence have not had time to give it that careful perusal which its character seems to demand. Since Catholicism has thrown down the gauntlet in defiance of Protestantism, as associated with government in this country, every thing of this nature is read with deep interest, and we shall give the volume a more deliberate perusal hereafter. We make a single extract, illustrating the tyranny of the priesthood over the people in Catholic Ireland:

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"In company with Dr. Edgar, and of Dr. An drews, of Queen's College, Belfast, and of Mr. Allen, of Ballina, names not unknown in Ireland, or Britain, or America, I visited the Scotch Mission School in Ballenglen. It was deeply interesting to dressed, under pious and competent teachers, see there upward of a hundred children, neatly taught 'to learn and to earn,' and, with few exceptions, collected from the surrounding huts of the Papal peasantry. 'Do you see that girl on the upper seat, about twenty-one or two years of age?' said the noble Scotch lady at the head of the female department to me. I looked, and replied in the affirmative. That girl,' she continued, has been here but a few weeks. She came here not knowing a letter, and scarcely any thing else. She is learning rapidly, and can now earn two or three shillings a week with her needle, and can do considerable for the support of her family. When going home from school yesterday, the priest met coming here; but she outran him. She told her her at the road, and sought to horsewhip her for grievance to her mother, who sided with the priest, and expressed her sorrow that he did not catch her; and yet she returned here this morning, but without sleeping a wink or eating a mouthful since she left here yesterday afternoon.' Amazed at the statement, I asked if there was no redress against such priestly barbarity. 'What can we

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