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Province of Now Hampshire Hillsborough 8 s

To David Starret Constable for the town of Derryfield In the Provinces and County affore Said

Greeting In the name of Amareca you are Requird to Levey and collect and Collect of the Several persons Named in the List here with Commited unto you Each one his Respective proporeson ther in Sat Down

the Sum totel of Said Liste of Assisment is a tax Laid on Male Polls Estates and Incomes of the Inhabitantes of the afor Said town. and you are to pay to the treasurer of Said provinces for the time being the Sum of fourtteen Pounds Eight Shillengs upon the firest day of Fobuery Next Insuing the Dat her of and pay the whole of the Remender of Said Liste to us or ouer Order or to the Selcet Men for the time being or there order and Make up the whole of your Collection of the holl Sume of Said Liste at or Before the Laste Monday of feb" afor Said and if any P'erson or persons Named in Said List Shall Neglect or Refues to pay the Sum or Sumes whereat he or they are therin Respectively Assed you are to Observe and follow the Derections in the Law in Lavying and Colecting the Same

givien under our hands and Seal at Derryfield afore Said this fifth Day of Decmbr Anno Que Domini 1775

Joseph Gorge

Samuel Stark

Select Men

Recorded this 24 day of Decmbr 1775

John Hall town Clark

Colency of New Hampshire, Hillsborough County,

To David Starret Constable for the Town of Derryfield.

Greeting. You are Hereby required to warn a meeting of the free houlders Inhabitants of Said Derryfield that they mee at their Meeting House uppon the First Monday of March next at tee of the Clock Before noon to Act on the following Articils (viz)

1-ly to Chouse a Moderator to Regulate Said Meeting

2-ly to See if the Town will abeat those persons there Rates who are not of ability to pay there Rates, as Likwayes Others Who Sayes they have No right to Pay.

3-ly to See what the Town Will alow those persons for there Service, who May be Chousen for aney office in Said Town for the Insuing year. that Was usel to have pay.

4-ly to Hear the Town

Disaprove of them

Accounts Read and to Approve or

5-ly to Chouse all the Town Officers for the Insuing year 6-ly to See if the Town will Vote aney Money for Priching for the Insuing year and if the Should Vote aney to appoint a Man or Men to procour priching for the Insuing year.

7-ly to See What Method the Town will take for the Support of Elisebath Marcey for the Insuing year or for a longer Tarm

8-ly to See if the Town Will Chouse a Committee of Safty for the insuing year

9-ly to See if the Town Will Vote that the Warnings for Town Meetings be as Usel for the Insuing year

and this Shall be your Sufecant warrant

Given under our Hands at Derryfield this 9th Day of Februery, 1776

Joseph George

Samuel Stark

Select Men

David Starret Town Clerk

Recored this 8th Day of May 1776

Coleney of New Hampshire Hillsboroug s s
Derryfield march the 4th Day 1776,

this May Certifi that I have Given Warning to the Inhabitants of Said Town by posting Coppyes of the above warrent

Agreable to the Vote of the Town for Warning town meetings.

Certified by me

David Starret Constable.

Recorded this 8th Day of May 1776

David Starret Town Clerk

Hillsboroug s s

Derryfield March the 4th Day 1776. at a meeting of the freehoulders & Inhabitants of Said Town Legely Called and Convened ond Said Day.

Voted Colon John Goffe Moderator of Said Meeting Voted on the Second Articul in the Warrent George Emerson Poll Tax Left Uppon Susppance in the Constables hands

Voted on Dito to Abate Alexander Irwing the Whole of his Rats for the year 1775. as Likwayes Benjamin Pilsbuary the Whole of his Rats for Said year Which Rats is in David Starret Constable List and Amounts to the Sum of £0=7=


Voted on the third Dito, the Town Clerk have Six Shillings for his Service as Clerk for the year 1776.

as Likwayes the Select Men for Said year have for there Sarvice Eight Shillings p' Man.

as Likways the Commessioner of asessment have Six Shillings, for his Service in Said year. and the Countors to have one Shilling per Man for there Service in Said year.

Voted on the fourth Dito to alow the Town Accounts as the have ben Rade in the following mannor,

Colouny of New Hampshire and County of Hillsborough February the 26th Day 1776

We the Subscrirbers, Being a Commettee Chousen to Sattle the Town of Derryfields accompts with the Select Men and Constable for the year 1775, and upon Examenation we find that the whol List Commited to David Starret Constable by the Select men of Said Derryfield Baring Date the fifth Day of December 1775. Amounts in the Whole to £23-2=6=0.

The affore Said Constable Discharges him Salf of the affore Said, £23=2=6=0 as followeth (viz)

Paid to the province Treasurer as by his Receat £ 8 d f the Sum of . 14 8 0 0

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paid to Mr John Harvay for his attandance at Amhirst at the Count Congrass as by order of the Select men .

paid to m William Mc Clintok for his Ceeping Elisabeth Marcy one year it being a Vote of the Town

0 12 0 0


paid to Mr William nutt it being for abatment of two three year olds over Invoist. . . . 0 0 9 2 paid to Mr David Mc Night it being for abatment

of Land over Invoist.

. 0 0 6 0

paid to the Select Men (viz) Joseph George
Samuel Stark and David Starret for there Ser-
vices as Select men in the year 1775, Eight
Shillings per man.
Brought Down the above Irwing & Pilsbory
Rats which was abated.

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06 00

paid to Mr William parham Junier it Being for abatment of a Cow Lost after Invoist . . . 0 0 60 Paid to Levin John Hall for taking the Invoice in the year 1775 Paid to Said Hall for entertaning Minestars on the Sabeths (viz) Mr Taggert two Days Mr Wabstar one Day and Mr Cook one Day: the Sum of .


paid to Colon John Goffe and Enn Nathaniel Boyd it being for Counting with the Selectmen and Constable .

We find there Remains in the Constable

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. 040 0

£19 11 9 2

£3 10 8 2

hand to Balance his List Co" John Goffe and Enn Nathaniel Boyd Satled the above accompt

Voted on the fifth Articul, David Starret Town Clerk for

the Insuing year

Voted David Starret, Ezekiel Stavens, and John Parham, Select Men for Said year.

Voted three Select Men Suficent for Said year

Voted to Ajourn this meeting to Levin John Halls House Meet According to Ajournment the Moderator and Clerk present &

Voted Joseph George Constable for the Insuing year.

Voted Abraham Merrill Junier, Daniel Hall, James Pairce, Levin Samuel Moor William Parham Junier, and John Reay, Surveyors of High Ways for the Insuing year.

Voted the Select Men be fence Viewers and Prisers of Damages for Said year

Voted Capt Alexander Memurphy, and Captn William Parham Tything Men for the Insuing year.

Voted Ebenezer Stavins, Levtn Samuel Moor, Ens Samuel Boyd, and Ezekil Stavens, Surveyors of Lumber for the Insuing year

Voted Robert Clark, Benjamin Baker, and Moses Merrill Hogg Reves for the Insuing year.

Voted John Russ Commissioner of Assessment for the Insuing year.

Voted Ebenezer Stavens, an Levtn Samuel Moor, Deer Capors for Said year

Voted Co John Goffe, and Benjamin Crombie a Commettee to Sattle the Town Accompts With the Select Men and Constable, for Said year

Voted John Griffen Cealer of Wates and Mishures for Said year

Voted to Ajourn this Meeting to the first Monday in April next at one of the Clock in the after noon to Levtn John Halls House

April the 1th Day 1776

Meat According to Ajournment the Moderator and Clerk Present and the meetint Called,

Voted to Pay the Revt Mr Emerson for Priching one Day in Said town formerly out of the Present Money now in Bank.

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