Gambar halaman

a source of misery to those who have no con- reason, at which the victim of insanity trembles deed of wickedness recurred to his recollec sciousness? as his only evil, be counted by them their tion, with an overwhelming power. greatest blessing? But, continued the father, what means do the True; true, my father! You bring me to the young possess of securing to calm reason the very gates of perdition. victory over the impetuous' tide of passion and And yet, my son, I have carried my assertion desire? Reason, indeed, is a powerful engine in perhaps too far; for the very vices of which we resisting the approaches of vice, and with men speak, are a kind of madness. Examine the of mature years and established principle, is ground of your duties to God and man. Are sometimes effectual. But, in the young, ima they the laws of a selfish, iniquitous tyrant, who gination and feeling are usually predominant; profits by your subjection, and imposes restraints, and the best, nay, the only security which they only that he may find occasion of inflicting pun- can have, is, to connect and associate a sense ishment? Or are they founded in the very prin- of duty with the finest, tenderest sensibilities of ciples of your nature, and directed to the no- the soul, that at the first whisper of conscience, blest ends of your existence? the very ardour of youth may be enlisted in the Doubtless the latter! They are the condi- support of virtue. There are moments in the tions of my happiness which the Creator himself life of every man, which bring with them imcannot remove, without first changing the na pressions so deep and lasting, that a solemn reture he has given me. solution, then formed, to be always true to duty,

No more, replied the son, than death can be to the slain. But, if this consciousness still exists, or returns at intervals to the bewildered mind-if the miserable man entreats his God with tears to remove him from life, or points like the maniac we have seen, to the withered top of a tree whose nether branches are yet green, and exclaims with trembling, "It is dead above"Moderate your feelings, said the father. You imagine the consciousness of such persons to possess the same clearness and intensity as your own: but of this their enfeebled minds are no longer capable. And if they were, the physician never despairs of his patient till insensible to pain. There is still hope of his recovery. Hope! ah, I fear it is, at best, a feeble gleam of hope, like that of the criminal on his way to

execution. And what fear attends that hope!. Virtue then is only the thorough, practical always just and honourable, would never fail of Think what it is, my father, to look upon the knowledge of ourselves; of our nature, our duty, successful performance. Such a moment of ruins of one's own mind!-to have only reason and the destination. And Vice is but the per- deep excitement we have this day experienced, sufficient to perceive its rapid diminution!-topetual absence of this knowledge, or rather a and the heart rending morning-is just at hand constitutes our dignity and our whole happiness! momentary gleam of light, which lays bare the-farewell witness the extinction of that divine spark which moral darkness, interrupted at intervals by a--when we must bid each other a long and last His voice here faltered, and the son, overpow limit of his progress, but sinking step by step the world! It gives to vice all the names of ered by feeling, threw himself into his father's from every previous attainment! My God! My madness, from the lesser follies of infirmity to arms, with loud expressions of sorrow. As soon God! what an agonizing sensation!-And if it the wildest excess of anger; and its treatment as the power of speech returned, he laid his hand chanced to be a man who has almost gained the of this class of maniacs is the same as its treat-upon his heart, in the presence of his father, and summit of the improvement; if such an one looks ment of the other. It imprisons them, chains swore that the memory of this day should never down into the frightful gulf beneath him-Oh them, chastises them; or, if it suffers them to forsake him; that it should be to him a constant I see him! I see him!-he still clings to his hold go free, they are at best but wretched wanderers, and powerful excitement to virtue; and this with one trembling hand; he still struggles with like those bewildered, but less distracted minds, solemn oath was never forgotton. Often when all the energy of his existence, to avoid the dis- which call forth the sympathy of the humane, temptation allured his senses, and passion urged mal gulf, but in vain, in vain! His strength and the derision of the populace. to the commission of crimes, the memory of his fails him; he yields at last to despair, and disapkind and venerable father returned; he saw the pears. And if the return of reason be so dreadtears of affection on his furrowed cheek; he still ful to those whose minds, as you say, are enfee-ture of vice. That is what I desired, I wished to make the listened to the soft and melting accents of his bled, what must it be to those whose wild, boiling voice; he still felt the warm, affectionate presimpressions we have this day received, an occablood can be bound only with chains. If reason sion of lasting benefit to us both. To suffer sure of his hand, and no temptation, however returns to such minds as theseagony for those unhappy beings is useless alike strong, could prevail against the power of these recollections. to us and them: all we gain at last is simply this; that we have had a human feeling:-a feeling so humiliating, as to palsy all our energies, and Spirit of Contemporary Prints. view we have now taken may be productive of real benefit. It may teach us to dread the contagion of vice, in proportion as it is more terri

-to find one's self not only arrived at the utmost ruins of the mind. Ask likewise the opinion of

He was again silent, and his father also sat pensive and reflecting, for he had already felt the pang of separation.-He thought how far he should soon be removed from his only son; and to how many dangers that son would be exposed, on account of his youth and the impetuous fire of his character. All these things, together with the feelings already awakened, filled his heart with anguish.

O my father, you have given me such a pic

which it is better never to have known. But the

ble even than madness itself.

Death, said the son, again breaking the silence Yet vice may be avoided, my father: but inof the scene, has been called the king of terrors: sanity cannot. what then must be insanity and madness, which True: and what is the inference to be drawn makes even death a blessing? O how trifling, from this remark? That we should wander how trifling, is the dissolution of the body, when carelessly on, regardless of the dangers which compared with that more terrible death, to surround us? Or that we should mark our foot which sympathy is but insult and contempt; in steps, with an ever watchful eye, and thus which there is nothing to make misery honoura- avoid the frightful abyss that borders close upon ble; in which a man is cast alive in the grave, to the path of life?-Recall the images which have see the horrors of his own corruption! so overpowered your feelings, and imagine Your images are frightful, said the father. yourself in the place of that wretched man who No more so than the case demands. The feels the first symptoms of insanity, the first misery of humanity rises before me in its thou-dreams of delirium approaching! In this awful sand forms; but no where do I see it so intense, moment suppose there is a possibility of escape; so terrible, so shocking to nature.

For the very reason, that this particular form of misery is more immediately before your mind. Let me name a species of suffering which is far, far more dreadful.

and say, would not every desire of your soul
centre in the single prayer, that you might be
preserved from this impending ruin?


The following article from an esteemed friend, gives a lively account of the French Ambassa dor's Fancy Ball at Constantinople, and will be read with interest by our fair patrons:


Constantinople, 8th Feb. 1830. This being the first exhibition of the kind in Turkey, and as the Officers of State and others of distinction were expected to attend, a lively interest had been excited in Pera, and for weeks the subject had engrossed conversation among the beau monde.

Count Guilleminot, a card of invitation, I eager Having had the honour of receiving from H. E. embraced this opportunity, not only of seeing the Turkish officers, but also the " Corps Diplomatique," and "La Societe" of Pera.

About 8 o'clock I accordingly repaired to the Palace, a very splendid edifice, situated in a garden on the declivity of the hill on which Pera is built. In the lobby there was a line of Vice also has its symptoms, my son, and its domestiques in uniform, leading from the ensilent approaches; and wo to the man, that can trance to the door of the grand saloon. On enO name it not, I beseech you. perceive its workings within him, and feel no tering it, and close to the door, we found the You infer that insanity is more terrible than horror! These symptoms appear in the vio-band of the Russian frigate now here, in full unideath, because its makes death a blessing; what-lence of the passions and desires; and in the form, which had been offered by the officers for ever, therefore, makes death a blessing, must want of that thorough knowledge of our own the occasion. Passing through the saloon we be more terrible even than that. Think then of hearts, which constitutes, as I have said, the es entered the audience chamber, a most magnifithose ungrateful, guilty sons, who have brought sence of true virtue. Whoever, therefore, is cent room, and of great extent, covered with a all this misery upon their father! If they ever hurried by the violence of his desires beyond very rich carpet composed of one entire piece. return to their proper reason, and see the irre- the bounds of moderation; and, in the warmth At the west end was the Throne, a richly gilt parable mischief they have occasioned, and of passion, forgets the more sacred duties that chair, elevated a step from the floor, over which with it the ruin of their own noble faculties: if, devolve upon him, has surely the greatest rea- was a canopy of crimson silk, ornamented with covered with shame and ignominy, they live a son to tremble and beware. He is so much gold fringe tassels. Immediately opposite, at horror even to themselves, and look forward to nearer than other men to the fatal madness of the other end of the room, was a very large full the dark and dismal prospects of their eternal vice. length portrait of H. M. C. Majesty; on the state-O tell me, will not the return of reason The son understood but too well the affec- left, in the centre of the room, and in a rebe more dreadful to them than to the maniac in tionate, yet earnest look of his father. He cess, was a richly gilt table, on which stood a his chains? And will not the very extinction of thought of his past course of life, and many a clock of beautiful workmanship; on the oppo

site side was a chimney with an élegant marble tambourine now announced that something no- in the French style, with a great profusion of mantel-piece, over which was a mirror of un-vel was approaching, and a showman entered jewels-the demoiselles, generally, wore flowers common size, and great value; Divanser sofas with a caravan of wild beasts, &c. &c. a show intertwined in their hair-and the elder ones the surrounded the room. On the left of the Throne picture from which he described the subjects beautiful Burmah, (or turbaned head-dress,) so the Ambassadress and her amiable daughter with great humour. By and by the band struck generally worn by the French ladies of Smyrna were seated; and on entering the chamber we up, and a cotillon was danced by Mary Queen of and Constantinople--their complexions are unwere presented to her Ladyship, and afterwards Scots, a Sultana, a Mingrelian girl, and a Bon- commonly fine, and there was as much beauty to H. E. the Ambassador, who was also in the ny Scotch Lassie in Highland dress. The gen- displayed as any country could produce on a chamber. I then visited the suit of rooms, tlemen were a Spanish Grandee, an Arabian, an similar occasion. There being few or no wheeled which consisted of the large saloon, a num- Albanian, and a Highlander: the latter com- carriages in this part of the world, the ladies ber of splendidly furnished apartments, and pletely and correctly dressed, with kilt, plaid, came and returned in sedan chairs. I was disapa billiard room, all adorned with many fine splenchan, pistols, dirk, and powder horn. The pointed in not seeing any of the Turkish Minisold paintings. On the arrival of the ladies, some dancing was excellent, particularly the Scotch ters--two of the principal ones being sick, and, gentlemen in waiting, dressed in character as couple, who bore off the bell in both dress and moreover, the Ramazan, or their Lent, being Spanish Grandees, Knights in Armour, &c. re- dancing, and were decidedly the best supported close at hand, it was conjectured that this cir ceived them at the door of the saloon, and es- characters of the party. cumstance might have deterred them. On the When the cotillon was ended, the masked whole, however, I never was more gratified in company assembled rapidly, and a little before musicians (a fiddle, guitar, clarinet, and flute,) my life. At this fete were natives of Europe, 9 o'clock, those dressed in character (who had took their places in the centre of the saloon, and Asia, Africa, and America. Mr. O. and myself assembled in a large and magnificent saloon be- began a waltz, and here was a scene of most being the only ones from the western world, we low,) were announced, and a double line was extraordinary novelty and interest, by the strange had not only the honour of representing our formed by the company from the entrance association of characters in the waltz:--as each own country and a whole hemisphere, and next through the saloon and chamber of audience, couple waltzed round the large ring and with- to the Giant and the Russian Knight in armour, to the spot where the Ambassador was seated. drew, their places were instantly taken by pairs our countryman was the tallest man of the party. The characters were all extremely well dress- equally bizane. After the musicians had pered, some in masks, but chiefly without, but so formed one waltz, the band played a cotillon, numerous that it would be vain to attempt to but shortly thereafter the waltz was called for,

corted them to the audience chamber. The


An enterprising and learned French traveldescribe them. There were Knights in ancient and this continued to be the favourite dance for ler has lately visited the interior of Patagonia, armour, Spanish Grandees, a Knight of Malta the evening.--It was impossible to behold this and explored a region never trodden by the in scaled armour, a Knight in full armour cer- scene without delight, the perpetual change of foot of an European. He returned to Buenos tainly 7 feet high, (a Russian Nobleman in his couples and the odd combination of characters,

travels to Jerusalem,) Swiss, Spanish, and Ita- kept the fancy constantly on the stretch. I left Ayres at the close of last autumn, from a solian Peasants, Albanians, Turks, Circassians, the dancing, and visited the chamber of Audience journ of eight months in that country, in which Persians, Chinese, Scotch Highlanders, Arabians, and the different rooms; here were all the am- he suffered great hardships, and wrote a letter an African Prince in natural dress, (a well sup-bassadors, the Corps Diplomatique, and other to his family, giving some particulars of his ported character;) and in short every species distinguished characters. Count Orloff, one of journey, which has been published in the Reof oriental costume. A fine character in mask the handsomest men I have ever seen, in his vue deus dex Mondes. From the following was an old gentleman, dressed one half of his splendid uniform and decorations, and with his passage it appears that a considerable portion coat in scarlet uniform, with epaulet and mili-Aids, made a very conspicuous and fine appear- of Patagonia is a barren desert, like that of the tary boot, the other half in antique court dress ance; an Aid de Camp of the Grand Signior, but interior of Africa, both in the sterility of ita of black with a white stocking on the other leg, dressed in Circassian costumes; a number of wastes and the warlike tribes that wander over and one half of his hair jet black, the other Turkish officers, (two of whom were blacks,) and them.

powdered white as snow. This character was all the Russian and English officers now in Con- The naturalist, it seems, had fixed his station extremely well managed. Another fine character stantinople. The two Negroes, Unuchs and near the Rio Negro, from which he made expewas one caricaturing modern female dress, as officers of high rank in the Seraglio-they wore ditions into the surrounding country in various big as a tun; her lacing evinced an attempt to the modern military uniform, with a diamond directions.-N. Y. Post. conquer nature by squeezing herself into shape, star on the left breast, and were doubtless here "For two months I could not travel without and on her head she had a Burmah bigger than for the purpose of conveying a description of exposing myself to danger, except at the time any old Dutch corn fan, to be found in the an- this strange and novel scene to the ladies of the of the new moon; for the time of the full moon cient city of Communipaw. There were a cou- Seraglio; they conducted themselves with great was invariably signalized by the incursions of ple of English Midshipmen, dressed in the cos- propriety and politeness.-Some of the female the barbarous natives. I went towards the tume of Doctors in the year 1701, with large masks were particularly attentive to the Turkish

cocked hats and thin faces and hair powdered, officers, and one frolicksome hussy dressed in south, where I saw all that is possible to imaand a Magician, Harlequin, a Devil and his Imps, Nankeen gown and cap, was uncommonly atten- gine of drought and sterility. The frightful deserts of Africa can alone be compared with men in female garbs, &c. &c. &c. Among the tive to the Sultan's Aid-de-Camp, and actually

ladies were Mary Queen of Scots, (a very hand-made him walk with her arm-in-arm through the these. When I found men bold enough to some woman,) Spanish, Biscayan and Italian whole suit of apartments! and he had no idea but guide me, I got together three or four, and beSignioras and Peasants, Jewesses, Sultanas, that it was a female who had taken such a fancy ing well armed, we travelled, taking with us from fifteen to twenty horses, some of which Circassians, Turkish Ladies, and Highland Lass-to him.

es, all dressed in full costume. Shortly after In the apartment next adjoining the audience carried our provisions and baggage, and others the characters were presented a bustle was dis- chamber, there were three card tables-at one we rode. We went without stopping to the covered at the door of the Saloon, and a Giant of which Count Orloff, Monsieur Ribeaussierre, distance of twenty or twenty-five leagues, 12 feet high, entered, and was presented. The the British and Austrian Ambassadors, formed through vast deserts, where there was no obdress was a kind of Chinese cap and scarlet the party; the Turkish officers seemed to take ject to indicate his course to the traveller. A cloak reaching to the ground, he made his bow great interest in the game. But the dance! the fatiguing uniformity and an immense horizon to the Ambassadress, and then took his station dance absorbed every thing else, by its continued appeared on all sides. The soil of these dreary in the Saloon; this was extremely well managed, novelty and interest. regions, where not even the note of a bird is and I understand was a design of his Excellen- At 12 o'clock, supper was announced, and the heard to interrupt the frightful silence, was cy's; it was effected by a figure moved by gentlemen escorted the ladies to the supper never perhaps trodden by an European before springs, placed on the shoulders of a man. room, where about forty were accommodated at a me. The hardships and fatigues I suffered canShortly thereafter another bustle at the door time, the gentlemen standing behind and waiting not be described. These voyages were not of excited attention, and the Devil himself on 2 upon the ladies. After supper, the dance was long duration, yet in the course of them I killed sticks, 10 feet high, entered, and after presen-resumed, and continued with unabating interest some sea lions, a multitude of interesting anitation walked about the Saloon with the Giant. 'till 5 in the morning. On the whole, this was mals, and that famous Condor, the exaggeraThis character was well dressed, and his Satanic one of the most brilliant parties ever given, ted stories of which, related by the early SpanMajesty's conduct was highly approbated. The There could not have been less than six hundred ish settlers, gave occasion to the fiction of the actor was a young gentleman mounted on sticks, persons present, and every one was delighted, Roc of the Arabian Nights." with a bear skin dress reaching to the ground, and felt loth to depart.

The station of M. D'Orbigny being harass

and a well imagined mask. Then came a group You will expect me now to give some account of four masked musicians dressed in the costume of the ladies, but alas, I am aground here--I have ed by the Indians, and a further abode in the of the year 1700, with large cocked hats, long all my life paid so little attention to "Les affairs country becoming dangerous, he quitted it and skirted coats, and buttons two inches in diame. de mode," that I know not how to begin. I should returned to Buenos Ayres. He did not, howter; one was all white, another sky blue, the feel more in my element if I had to describe the ever, depart without making another incursion third pink, and the fourth yellow. A drum and rigging of a fine ship, but as I must say some- into the country under circumstances highly thing on the subject, I can only remark, that the creditable to his courage and fortitude. While ladies were all superbly dressed, and completely the fort was beset to the North with Indians,

The head dress of the Frank Ladies.

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Below will be found a brief notice of Paul Clifford, he took with him six resolute men, and cross-of the many passages which struck our attention in We were much pleased, how-with an extract. The notice was written as we coning the river, made a last journey of six days perusing this poem. cluded a perusal of the first volume, when our ininto the country occupied by the savages. He ever, with the following passages:contrived to keep up the courage of his men Immense, indeed, the power that Knowledge yields, pression of the work was not altogether favore ́ ́ by assuming an air of tranquillity, and was for- But oft, alas! its sway perversely turns Against the hopes and happiness of man; tunate enough not to meet with any of the naAnd ruin, wretchedness, and even death, tives. It was mid-winter, however, and as Proclaim that Knowledge doth not always lead Patagonia is not a warm country, they suffer- To useful or beneficent results; ed much from the cold and the almost contin- That like the power of giant elements ual rains, sleeping on beds of frozen leather, By nature swayed for purposes benign, With It needs a righteous and a stern control with no other shelter than the bushes.


respect to the inhabitants of that tongue of land Its deleterious tendencies to curb,
And guide to noble ends its mighty strength.
extending south from Buenos Ayres to the This task is Virtue's. While from Culture's hand
Straits of Magellan, there are, according to The heart receives a polish that reflects
These are Whate'er of splendour and imposing pomp
M. D'Orbigny, but three races.
the Araucanos, the most warlike, numerous and The mines of erudition can bestow,
The heart in primal darkness may remain
formidable; the Peulches, almost destroyed by And nurture all the fierce and horrid brood
their wars with the former; and the Patagoni- Of passions. Thus the smooth deceitful sea,
ans, inhabiting the more southern country as Whose depths no purifying life pervades,
far as the Rio Negro. The traveller studied the Though gorgeous skies and varied mountain scenes
manners of all these, and formed vocabularies In pictured glory on its bosom lie,
of their languages; but the singular customs of Within its dark and foul abyss conceals
the Patagonians furnished him with the great-Corruption's loathsome spawn and monster forms.
'Tis Education's province then, not less
est stock of observation. They are not giants, With moral treasures to enrich the heart,
but men of fine persons, and vigorously formed. Than with its mental gems to store the head.
They wear a kind of armour of skins in battle, Of human bliss the largest share is found
and live in little tents of skins, which they car- Where Goodness most with highest Knowledge
ry about with them when they travel. They
But man, though happiness is still his aim,
pay to Guatechu, their principal divinity, a wor- Too oft the first and best of these o'erlooks
ship of fear rather than of gratitude. At their In eager chase of Fame's delusive gleam.'
marriage ceremonies, the bride is several times
plunged into cold water, and at the death of
the husband his widow is deprived of every
thing which belonged to him, and doomed to
pass the rest of her life in a state of destitution.
The cattle belonging to the deceased are de-
stroyed, and his valuables buried with him.




"The following lines deserve the attention of
every instructor of youth:

An awful trust to those belong who wield
This mighty influence o'er the fate of man.
By all that's dear in life, by all the hopes
That triumph o'er the fears and pains of Death,-
And by the avenging frowns of angered Heaven,
Their duty's full observance is enjoined.-
And yet of all the millions of mankind

By its tremendous sanctions urged, how few

With faithful zeal its high behests fulfil!Our favoured land-the world itself-abounds With mournful proofs that virtue's sacred claims Command not in the nurseries of mind We have been favoured with a copy of a poem, Their merited regards; that there the eye entitled "Thoughts on Education," which was re- Of Discipline, though skilled and prompt to rouse cently recited before the Philosophical Society of The fervours of the youthful soul in quest Of classic glory, and the splendid ore Hampden, Sidney county, Va., by Daniel Bryan, Lodged in the mines of Science, slumbers oft, Esq. Mr. Bryan enjoys a creditable reputation as While siren passions wind their dangerous spells the author of the "Mountain Muse," "An Appeal Around the unguarded heart;-that doctrines there, for Suffering Genius," and several other excellent At war with the sublimest attributes Of Christian truth, instil their fatal bane performances. As to the merits of this production, Through tender breasts, and deeply taint the source we agree with an intelligent contemporary, who has From which the streams of general morals flow."" noticed the work as follows:

We have since read the second volume, in which the style is somewhat changed, the plot is matured and more developed, and the interest of the narrative mainly embodied. As a whole, we think Paul Clifford inferior, as a work of interest, to either of its predecessors, but as a satire vastly superior. Bulwer, in our estimation, ranks by the side of Sir Walter Scott as a novelist. He is one of the brightest intellects of the age. We recommend to all lovers of spirited and racy reading a perusal of this work.

PAUL CLIFFORD.-Through the promptitude of the Harpers our booksellers received this new work yesterday. We have run our eye hastily through the first volume, but have only read enough and with sufficient attention to perceive that Bulwer has again changed his scenes and his characters. The period of the events narrated is dated half a century since. The hero of the piece, Paul Clifford, is a gentleman turned highwayman-an orphan, so far as we have read, the adopted son and hero of the hostess of the Mug," who makes his first appearance before the heroine Lucy Brandon, in company with a pickpocket, who, whilst Clifford is admiring the beautiful face of Lucy, contrives to steal her uncle's watch, for which theft Clifford is arrested and cast into prison. Here is a specimen of the morals of Paul's adopted mother, the "hostess of the Mug."

"Mind thy Kittychism, child, and reverence old age. Never steal, 'specially when any one be in the way. Never go snacks with them as be older than you. 'cause why? the older a cove be, the more he can do for his self, and the less for his partner. At twenty, we diddles the public-at forty, we diddles our cronies! Be modest Paul, and stick to your sitivation in life. Go not with fine tobymen, who burn out like a candle wot has a thief in it,-all flare, and gone in a whiffy! Leave liquor to the aged, who can't do without it. Tape often proves a halter; and there be no ruin like blue ruin! Read your Bible, and talk like a pious 'un. People goes more by your words than your actions. If you wants what is not your own, try and do without it; and if you cannot do without it, take it away by inThey as swindles, does sinivation, not bluster. more and risks less than they as robs; and if you cheat; and now go play.' Paul seized his hat, but lingered; and the dame, guessing at the signification of the pause, drew forth, and placed in the boy's hand, the sum of five halfpence and one farthing. There, boy,' quoth she, and she stroked his head fondly when she spoke. You does right not to play for nothing; it's loss of time!-but play with those as be less than yoursel', and then you can go for to beat 'em, if they says you go for to cheat!'"** Here is a pretty sentiment:

"In saying that this poem will still further en-The Pantheon" is the title of a new quarto, which hance the literary reputation of Mr. Bryan, we may has reached us from Westfield, New York. The be suspected of being partial, or misled by a friend- following is the commencing paragraph under its ship for the writer, which we have pleasure in aceditorial head:knowledging. Yet we think our opinion will be sustained by the public. A vein of high-toned and "The morning radiance yet dances upon the "A man feels but slight comparative happiness in manly feeling pervades the work-the topics are Tiber, and gilds the summit of distant Parnassus, well chosen and forcibly portrayed-the power and unchanged in its splendour, and undiminished in its being loved, if he know that it is in vain. But to a influence of education are well depicted; and the brightness. But the prouder glory that lighted the woman, that simple knowledge is sufficient to destroy poet has happily chosen those evils against the influ-city of the Caesars, has ceased to shine; her temples the memory of a thousand distresses; and it is not ence of which nothing can more effectually form a are desolate, and the shrines of her deities deserted. till she has told her heart again and again that she is barrier than early education and moral restraint. The praises of Saturn have long since sunk in silence, loved, that she will even begin to ask if it be in "It has evidently been the object of Mr. Bryan, and Junonian Iris has been divested of her many-vain." in this poem, to press his subject vividly and directly coloured mantle. The pilgrim who treads the clasBelow we quote the most dramatic scene we have on the minds of his audience. He has constantly sic ground, hallowed by song, by the eloquence of aimed more at force of expression than melody of illustrious statesmen and the achievements of heroes, met with in the first volume. Lovett, it must be sound or smoothness of diction. His blank verse contemplates with unutterable emotion, the spot premised, is one of the names under which the savours more of the school of Cowper, than of Mil- where once flourished a populous city-the seat of a hero frequently chooses to disguise himself: ton and Thompson. The philanthropist, anxious to powerful empire. But if he would see that halo of ameliorate the condition of the human family, eagerly glory which encircled the brows of her sons, it is hurries forward to gain his noble end, disdaining to only in the visions of the past-if he would listen to stop his onward course by stooping to gather flowers the thundering acclamations of a mighty people, with which to deck his muse. The few figures and they have ceased, and he oft similies introduced are not only creditable to his taste and judgment, but manifest that fancy was made subservient to utility.

At dead of night, 'mid his orisons, hears

the hand of time, departing towers,

"The subject which Mr. Bryan has selected is nothwar to earth, precipitate down crushed,

susceptible of much ornament. His blank verse, we think, has an expressiveness, dignity and force, superior to that of some of his contemporaries. This species of writing has not been much cultivated by our native poets.

Rattling around, loud thundering to the moon."
If the sublime youth, who committed the above,
is able to sustain his flight, his productions will soon
be too rarified for the world. They already "smell

"Our limits will not permit us to give a selection of the moon."

"As the trees rapidly disappeared behind them, the riders entered, at a hand gallop, on a broad tract of waste land interspersed with dykes and occasionally fences of hurdles, over which their horses bounded like quadrupeds well accustomed to such exploits. Certainly at that moment, what with the fresh air, the fitful moonlight now breaking broadly out, now lost in a rolling cloud, the exciting exer cise, and that racy and dancing stir of the blood, which all action, whether evil or noble in its nature, raises in our veins; what with all this, we cannot but allow the fascination of that lawless life;-a fascination so great, that one of the most noted gentlemen highwaymen of the day, one, too, who had received

Mr. Nash, the architect.

an excellent education, and mixed in no inferior so- as you must see the necessity of despatch. If not, Cunning Nat,
ciety, is reported to have said, when the rope was here is the back of a letter, on which you can write The Sallow Gentleman, Mr. Huskisson.
about his neck, and the good ordinary was exhort- the draft.' The traveller was not a man apt to be-

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THE AUTHOR OF LACON.-The following account

in him to repent of his ill-spent life, Ill-spent, come embarrassed in any thing-save his circum3 dog!-God! (smacking his lips,) it was deli-stances; but he certainly felt a little discomposed of the Rev. C. C. COLTON, concerning whom we cious Fie! fie! Mr. —, raise your thoughts to and confused as he took the paper, and uttering Heaven;' But a canter across a common-oh!' some broken words, wrote the check. The high-recently published a paragraph, is from the Northern muttered the criminal; and his soul cantered off to wayman glanced over it, saw it was writ according John Bull. It is replete with monition to those eternity. So briskly leaped the heart of the leader to form, and then with a bow of cool respect, re-aspirants for fame who would emulate the vices and of the three, that as they now came in view of the turned the watch, and shut the door of the carriage. eccentricities, as well as the virtues and mental main road, and the distant wheel of a carriage whir- Meanwhile the servant had been shivering in front

red on the ear; he threw up his right hand with a-boxed up in that solitary convenience termed, not powers, of men of genius. The picture is, indeed, joyous gesture, and burst into a boyish exclamation euphoniously, a dickey. Ilim the robber now briefly a melancholy one:

of hilarity and delight. Whist, captain!' said accosted. What have you got about you belonging

the road.

Ned, checking his own spirits with a mock air of to your master? Only his pills, your honour!- "The Rev. C. C. Colton, it may be remembered,
gravity, let us conduct ourselves like gentlemen; it which I forgot to put in the Pills!-throw them disappeared under very mysterious circumstances
is only your low fellows who get into such confound- down to me! The valet trembling, extracted from about the time when the murder of Weare by
edly high spirits; men of the world like us should his side pocket a little box, which he threw down Thurtell and his associates caused such an extraor-
do every thing as if their hearts were broken.' and Lovett caught in his hand. He opened the box, dinary sensation in the public mind. It was known
Melancholy ever cronies with sublimity, and cour-counted the pills- One, two,-four-twelve, that the Rev. Mr. Colton was in the habit of carry-
age is sublime!' said Augustus with the pomp of a Aha!' He re-opened the carriage door. Are these ing large sums of money about his person, and that
maxim maker. Now for the hedge!' cried Lovett, your pills, my lord? The wondering peer, who had he was not unaccustomed to visit those dens of ini-
unheeding his comrades, and his horse sprang into begun to resettle himself in the corner of his car-quity commonly called "hells," in some of which
riage, answered, that they were!' My lord, I see he had met with John Thurtell. These circum-
The three men now were drawn up quite still and you are in a high state of fever; you were a little de-stances, and the reports which obtained circulation
motionless by the side of the hedge. The broad lirous just now when you snapped a pistol in your of that criminal's murderous plans, induced a very
road lay before them curving out of sight on either friend's face. Permit me to recommend a prescrip- general suspicion that the reverend gentleman had
side; the ground was hardening under an early ten- tion-swallow off all these pills! My God!' cried been inveigled and destroyed by Thurtell and his
dency to frost, and the clear ring of approaching the traveller, startled into earnestness: what do you companions. Thurtell, however, on being ques-
hoofs sounded on the ear of the robbers, ominous, mean?-twelve of those pills would kill a man! tioned a short time prior to his execution on the
haply, of the chinks of more attractive metal,'Hear him!' said the robber, appealing to his com- subject of Mr. Colton's remarkable absence, denied
about, if Hope told no flattering tale, to be their rades, who roared with laughter: What, my lord, all knowledge of what had become of him, a denial
Mr. Colton,
own. Presently the long expected vehicle made its would you rebel against your doctor?-Fie, fie! be that turned out to be perfectly true.
appearance at the turn of the road, and it rolled persuaded.' And with a soothing gesture he stretch-by gambling and other extravagancies, had become
rapidly on behind four fleet post-horses. You, ed the pill box towards the recoiling nose of the tra-involved in debt to a very large amount, principally
Ned, with your large steed, stop the horses; you, veller. But, though a man who could as well as any for jewellery, and, unable to meet the demands of
Augustus, bully the post-boys; leave me to do the one make the best of a bad condition, the traveller his creditors, he embarked with the utmost secrecy
rest,' said the captain. As agreed,' returned Ned, was especially careful of his health, and so obstinate for the United States. He continued in America
laconically. Now, look at me!' and the horse of was he where that was concerned, that he would for a considerable time, and afterwards returned to
the vain highwayman sprang from its shelter. So rather have submitted to the effectual operation of a Europe, but not to England. He took up his abode
instantaneous were the operations of these expe- bullet, than incurred the chance operation of an ex-at Paris, and there became well known to the fre-
rienced tacticians, that Lovett's orders were almost tra pill. He, therefore, with great indignation, as quenters of No. 9, and other gaming saloons of the
executed in a briefer time than it had cost him to give the box was still extended towards him, snatched it Palais Royal. So successful was he in his specula-
them. The carriage being stopped, and the post- from the hand of the robber, and flinging it across tions, that in the course of a year or two he acquired
boys white and trembling, with two pistols (levelled the road, said, with dignity Do your worst, ras- as much as five and twenty thousand pounds sterling,
by Augustus and Pepper) cocked at their heads, cals! But if you leave me alive, you shall repent the and happy would it have been for him if he had then
Lovett dismounting, threw open the door of the car- outrage you have offered to one of his majesty's forsworn gambling forever, and invested his money,
riage, and in a very civil tone, and with a very bland household!' Then, as if becoming sensible of the as he often talked of doing, in the American funds.
address, accosted the inmate. Do not be alarmed, ridicule of affecting too much in his present situation, He collected a considerable number of valuable
my lord, you are perfectly safe; we only require he added, in an altered tone: And now, for God's paintings; and his lodgings in the Palais Royal,
your watch and purse. Really,' answered a voice sake, shut the door! and if you must kill somebody, though the interior sufficiently marked the eccentric
still softer than that of the robber, while a marked there's my servant on the box-he's paid for it.'"
character of the owner, afforded a great treat to the
and somewhat French countenance, crowned with a
admirers of the fine arts. But inveterate attachment
The preface to the work is admirable, and in style to the gaming table rendered him sometime since a
fur cap, peered forth at the arrester,- Really, sir,
your request is so modest, that I were worse than unlike any other portion of the author's composi- beggar. He became the victim of a conspiracy, and
cruel to refuse you. My purse is not very full, and tions. The Scotch reviewers and Thomas Moore the fancied security with which he conducted his
you may as well have it as one of my rascally duns
operations was the fatality by which he was ruined.
are occasionally rapped over the knuckles. The Outlawed in England, he made a vain attempt to
but for my watch, I have a love for-and-' 'I
understand you, my lord,' interrupted the highway-first volume, we should say, has not the deepest in- prevent the deprivation of his living at Kew. He
man. What do you value your watch at? Humph terest. We doubt whether the work will be con- lost it by a decree of the ecclesiastical court. He is
-to you it may be worth some twenty guineas.' sidered so successful as its predecessors.
now living at Paris in the most pitiable circum-
'Allow me to see it!' Your curiosity is extremely
stances-a melancholy example of the vice of gam-
gratifying,' returned the nobleman, as with great
The second volume of Paul Clifford possesses ab-ing. With a mind eminently endowed by nature
reluctance he drew forth a gold repeater, set, as was
with the stores of inexhaustible learning-with pow-
sometimes the fashion of that day, in precious stones. sorbing interest. The plot is ingeniously contrived ers of conversation of the highest order with talents
The highwayman looked slightly at the bauble.-and admirably brought out. This is perhaps the and acquirements fitted to adorn any rank or station
Your lordship,' said he with great gravity, was most original of all Mr. Bulwer's novels, and al--he now prowls for a subsistence in the vilest
too modest in your calculation-your taste reflects
haunts of the French metropolis, and among the
greater credit on you: allow me to assure you, that though it does not embrace passages of such deep most infamous wretches that infest the Palais
your watch is worth fifty guineas to us at the least-pathos and poetic beauty as some of his former pro- Royal!"
to show you that I think so most sincerely, I will ductions, it is a masterly and superior fiction. Much
either keep it, and we will say no more on the mat-of its satire is keen and caustic, especially that which
ter; or I will return it to you, upon your word of ho-

nour, that you will give me a check for fifty guineas, is devoted to the Scotch reviewers. The character
payable by your real bankers, to bearer for self, of Lucy Brandon is one that wins away all the heart's
Take your choice; it is quite immaterial to me!' purest admiration-woman as she should be, gentle,
Upon my honour, sir,' said the traveller, with some
surprise struggling in his features, 'your coolness devoted, fond, and intellectual. That of William
and self-possession are quite admirable. I see you Brandon, her uncle, is one of the most perfectly de-
know the world.' Your lordship flatters me!' re- lineated portraits we have ever met with. We have
turned Lovett, bowing. How do you decide?' not leisure for a particular criticism, but commend
Why, is it possible to write drafts without ink, pen, this work to every lover of rich reading. It is stated
or paper?' Lovett drew back, and while he was
searching in his pockets for writing implements, that this work has been kept back in England in
which he always carried about him, the traveller consequence of the alarming illness of the King,
seized the opportunity, and suddenly snatching a
pistol from the pocket of the carriage, levelled it who figures in its pages as Gentleman George. The
full at the head of the robber.-The traveller was following is given in the New York Albion as a key
an excellent and practised shot-he was almost with- to several other characters. It will assist the Ameri-
in arm's length of his intended victim-his pistols can reader in identifying the individuals who figure
were the envy of all his Irish friends. He pulled

the trigger the powder flashed in the pan, and the in these volumes:
highwayman, not even changing countenance, drew Fighting Attie,
forth a small ink bottle, and placing a steel pen in Long Ned,
it, handed it to the noblemen, saying, with incom- Scarlet Jem,
parable sang-froid, Would you like my lord to try Mr. Dyebright, S
the other pistol? If so, oblige me by a quick aim, Bachelor Bill,

The Duke of W―g-n.
Lord Ell-n-gh.
Sir J. S-r-tt.

Duke of Devonshire.


SCENE. A House in the Country.
Inquisitor. Good morning, Madam. Is the
head of the family at home?

Mrs. Touchwood. Yes, sir, I'm at home.
Inq. Hav'nt you a husband?

Mrs. T. Yes, sir, but he ant the head of the

family, I'd have you to know.

Inq. How many persons have you in your fa


Mrs. T. Why, bless rae, sir, what's that to you? You're mighty inquisitive, I think.

Inq. I'm the man that takes the census. Mrs. T. If you was a man in your senses, you would'nt ax such impertinent questions. Inq. Don't be affronted, old lady, but answer my questions as I ask them.

Mrs. T. Answer a fool according to his folly! —you know what the Scriptures says. Old lady, indeed!

Inq. I beg your pardon, Madam; but I don't care about hearing Scripture just at this moment. I'm bound to go according to law and not according to gospel.

Inq. I see you will have your own way.
Mrs. T. You have just found it out, have you?
You are a smart little man!

Inq. Have you mentioned the whole of your

Mrs. T. I should think you went neither ac- family? cording to law nor gospel. What business is it Mrs. T. Yes, sir, that's the whole-except the to you to inquire into folkses affairs, Mr. Thing-wooden-headed man in the other room. umbob? Inq. Wooden-headed!

Mrs. T. Yes; the school-master, that's board

Inq. The law makes it my business, good| woman, and if you don't want to expose your-ing here. self to its penalties, you must answer my questions.

Mrs. T. Oh it's the law, is it? That alters the case. But I should like to know what business the law has with people's household matters.

inq. Why Congress made the law, and if it does'nt please you, you must talk to them. Mrs. T. Talk to a fiddle-stick! Why, Congress is a fool, and you're another.

Inq. Now, good lady, you're a fine looking woman, if you'll only give me a few civil answers, I'll thank you. What I wish to know first is, how many are there in your family.

Mrs. T. Let me see, [Counting on her fingers,] there's I and my husband is one

Inq. Two you mean.

Inq. I suppose if he has a wooden head, he lives without eating, and therefore must be a profitable boarder.

Mrs. T. O no, sir, you are mistaken there. He eats like a leather judgment.

Inq. How many slaves are there belonging to the family?

Mrs. T. Slaves? Why, there's no slaves but and my husband.


Inq. What makes you and your husband slaves? Mrs. T. I'm a slave to hard work, and he's a slave to rum. He does nothing all day, but guzzle, guzzle, guzzle; while I'm working, and stewing and sweating from morning till night, and from night till morning.

Inq. How many free coloured persons have

Mrs. T. Don't put me out now, Mr. Thing-you? ummy. There's I and my husband is one

Inq. Are you always one?

Mrs. T. What's that to you, I should like to know. But I tell you, if you don't leave off interrupting me, I wont say another word.

Inq. Well, take your own way, and be hanged

to you.

Mrs. T. I will take my own way, and no thanks to you. [Again counting her fingers.] There's I and my husband is one; there's John, he's two; Peter is three, Sue and Moll are four, and Thomas is five. And then there's Mr. Jenkins and his wife and the two children is six; and there's Jowler, he's seven

Inq. Jowler! Who's he?

Mrs. T. Whose Jowler! Why, who should he be but the old house dog?

Inq. It's the number of persons I want to know.

Mrs. T. Why there's nobody but Diana the black girl, Poll Parrot and my daughter Sue. Inq. Is your daughter a coloured girl?

Mrs. T. I guess you'd think so, if you was to see her. She's always out in the sun-and she's tanned up as black as an Indian.

Inq. How many white males are there in your family under ten years of age?

Mrs. T. Why there ant none now-my husband don't carry the mail since he's taken to drink so bad. He used to carry two; but they was'nt white.

Inq. You mistake, good woman; I meant male folks, not leather mails.

Mrs. T. Why, let me see: there's none ex-
cept little Thomas, and Mr. Jenkins' two little

Inq. Males, I said, Madam, not females.
Mrs. T. Well, if you don't like the fe, you
leave it off.

Inq. How many white males are there between

Mrs. T. Very well, Mr. Flippergin, ant Jow-may ler a person? Come here, Jowler, and speak for yourself. I'm sure he's as personable a dog as ten and twenty! there is in the whole state.

Mrs. T. Why there's nobody but John and

Inq. He's a very clever dog, no doubt. But Peter; and John run away last week. it's the number of human beings I want to know.

Inq. How many white males are there be

Mrs. T. Human! There ant a more human tween twenty and thirty? dog that ever breathed.

Inq. Well, but I mean the two legged kind of beings.

Mrs. T. Let me see-there's the woodenheaded man is one, Mr. Jenkins and his wife is two, and the black girl is three.

Mrs. T. O the two-legged is it? Well then there's the old rooster, he's seven; the fighting cock is eight, and the bantam is nineInq. Stop, stop, good woman, I beg of you. I as I please in my own house? don't want to know the number of your fowls.

Inq. No more of your nonsense, old lady; I'm heartily tired of it.

Mrs. T. Hoity-toity! hav'nt I a right to talk

Inq. You must answer the questions as I put

Inq. How many white males are there between thirty and forty.

Mrs. T. I'm very sorry indeed I can't please them. you, such a sweet gentleman as you are. But Mrs. T. "Answer a fool according to his foldidn't you tell me 'twas the two legged beings-ly"-you're right, Mister Hippogriff. Inq. True, but I did'nt mean the hens. Mrs. T. O, now I understand you. The old gobbler, he's seven, the hen turkey is eightand if you'll wait a week there'll be a parcel of young ones, for the old hen turkey is setting on a whole snarl of eggs.

Inq. D -n your turkies!

Mrs. T. O don't now, good Mr. Hippersticher-I pray you don't. They're as honest turkies as any in the country.

Ing. Don't vex me any more. I'm getting to

be angry.

Mrs. T. Ha, ha, ha!

Inq. [Striding about the room in a rage.] Have a care, Madam, or I shall fly out of my skin. Mrs. T. If you do, I don't know who'll fly in. Inq. You do all you can to anger me. It's the two-legged creatures who talk, I have reference


Mrs. T. Why there's nobody but I and my
husband-and he was forty-one last March.
Inq. As you count yourself among the males,
dare say you wear the breeches.


Mrs. T. Well, what if I do, Mister Impertinence? Is that any thing to you? Mind your own business if you please.

Inq. Certainly-I did but speak. How many white males are there between forty and fifty.

Mrs. T. None.

[blocks in formation]

lives so long--and I dare say he will, for he's got the dry wilt, and they say such folks never dies.

The census man having inquired the number of females of the different ages, and received the like satisfactory answers, next proceeded to inquire the number of deaf and dumb persons.

Mrs. T. Why, there is no deef persons, excepting husband; and he ant so deef as he pretends to be. When any body axes him to take a drink of rum, if it's only in a whisper, he can hear quick enough. But if I tell him to fetch an armful of wood, or feed the pigs, or tend the griddle, he's as deef as a horse-block. Inq. How many dumb persons?

[blocks in formation]

Inq. I never heard of them before.
kind of machinery is used in making them?
Mrs. T. Nothing but a bread-trough, a chop-
ping knife, and a sausage filler.

Inq. Are they made of clear turnips?
Mrs. T. Now you're terrible inquisitive.
What would you give to know?

Inq. Why I'll give you the name of being the most communicative and pleasant woman I've met with for the last half hour.

Mrs. T. Well now you're a sweet gentleman, and I must gratify you. You must know we mix with the turnips a little red cloth, just enough to give them a colour, so that they needn't look as if they was made of clear fat meat; then we chop them up well together, put in a little sage, summer savory, and black pepper; and then fill them into sheep's inwards; and they make as pretty little delicate links as ever was set on a gentleman's table, they fetch the highest price in the market.

[blocks in formation]


The enemy soon advanced up the shores of the lake to the river Saratoga, at the mouth of which stands the village of Plattsburg; backed and flanked by the forest, whose dark interminable line it sweetly breaks with its neat and cheerful dwellings, overlooking the silver bosom of a circular bay, which receives the waters of the river. Continual skirmishes now took place between the enemy and flying parties of militia, seven hundred of which soon col

Inq. Are there any between this and a hun-lected from the surrounding forests. The state dred?

Mrs. T. None-except the old gentleman. Inq. What old gentleman? You hav'nt mentioned any before.

Mrs. T. Why, gramther Grayling-I thought

of Vermont, which lines the opposite shores of the lake, then poured forth her mountaineers. Scattered through a mountainous country, it might have been thought difficult to collect the scanty population; but the cry of invasion

Mrs. T. O now I understand you. Well then our Poll Parrot makes seven and the black girl every body knew gramther Grayling-he's a echoed from hill to hill, from village to village; eight. hundred and two years old, come August, if he some caught their horses from the plough,

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