leakage, whether of liquid or vapour, can take place therefrom, and so substantially constructed as not to be liable, except under circumstances of gross negligence or extraordinary accident, to be broken or become defective or insecure in course of conveyance or use; and every air-inlet in any such tank or case shall be at all times, except when the valve, if any, is required to be removed for immediate use or repair, protected by securely affixed wire gauze, the openings in which shall not be less in number than 400 to the square inch. 2. Every such tank or case shall be clearly stamped or securely labelled with a legible metallic or enamelled label with the words "mineral spirit, highly inflammable, for use with light locomotives." 3. The amount of petroleum to be in any one such tank or case at one time shall not exceed 20 gallons. 4. There shall not be at the same time on or in any one light locomotive, more than two of such tanks as aforesaid. 5. Before repairs are done to any such tank or case, that tank or case shall, as far as practicable, be cleaned by the removal of all petroleum and of all dangerous vapours derived from the same. 6. When petroleum for use in, or in connection with any light locomotive is not being so used, it shall be kept either in accordance with the provisions of the Petroleum Acts, or in such tanks or cases as aforesaid; provided that the amount of petroleum which may be so kept in tanks or cases as aforesaid shall not exceed the amount of petroleum which may be kept on or in any one light locomotive at the same time, and that the tanks or cases shall be kept in the open air, or in some suitably ventilated place. 7. The filling or replenishing of a tank with petroleum shall not be carried on, nor shall the contents of any such tank be exposed by artificial light, except a light of such construction, position, or character as not to be liable to cause danger, and no artificial light shall be brought within dangerous proximity of the place where any tank containing petroleum is being kept. 8. In the case of all petroleum kept or conveyed for the purpose of or in connection with any light locomotive (a) all due precautions shall be taken for the prevention of accidents by fire or explosion, and for the prevention of unauthorised persons having access to any petroleum kept or conveyed, and to the vessels containing or intended to contain, or having actually contained the same; and (b) every person managing or employed on or in connection with any light locomotive shall abstain from every act whatever which tends to cause fire or explosion, and which is not reasonably necessary, and shall prevent any other person from committing such act. 9. These regulations shall come into operation on the 14th day of November 1896, and be in force until further notice. APPENDIX D. TAXES ON MOTOR CARRIAGES. RULES COMING INTO FORCE ON IST JANUARY 1897. ALL motor cars or power-propelled vehicles weighing less than I ton, LI IS. or 15s. a year, in accordance to whether they are used for private purposes or as public conveyances. Motor cars above 3 tons in weight will be subject to the same tax. With four or more wheels, weighing between I and 2 tons, £4 4s. a year if used for private purposes; it for hackney carriages or omnibuses, £2 175. Over 2 and ur der 3 tons, £5 5s. and £3 18s. respectively. Cars of this class, with less than four wheels, between 1 and 2 tons, £2 175., whether used as private or public conveyances; and if weighing over 2 and under 3 tons, £3 18s. In case of a car not being used for the first time until 1st October in any year, a reduction of £1 Is. if for private, and of 7s. 6d. if for public, use will be made. INDEX. A CCOUNT of motor cars, desira- bility of descriptive, 2 or storage batteries, objections 27 Air, compression of, upon car itself, condenser, 44, 65, 72, 154 American Electric Vehicle Com- American Machinist on Pennington motor, 110-115 Appendix A, 178-180 B, 181-186 C, 187-189 D, 190 Apperson. See Haynes' Oil Engine Road Carriage Arnold's oil engine road carriage, Auto-car Bill, 178-180 Auto-cars, maximum pull exerted tables of results of power and duty tests of, 14, 15 Ayres. See Catley & Ayres' Steam BELT on motor ELT gear, objections to use of, oil motor, testing of, II Bicycles, motor, 113, 114, 153 steam generator, 44 Blocks of wood, wheel treads formed Bogard's electric road carriage, 169, 170 Bogie, steam, 57-62 Boilers. See Steam Boilers or air, 175 Carbonic acid engines, 171, 172 dioxide. See Carbonic Acid Car, motor, regulations, 181-186 Carriages, motor, taxes on, 190 See Steam Road Carriages; Catley & Ayres' steam road carriage, 27, 34-36 Church's steam road carriage, 26 Compagnie Générale des Auto- Company promotion and horseless Compressed air engines, 172-176 Consumption of fuel tests, 9 Conti. See Popp-Conti System of steam road carriage, 45, 57-62 De La Vergne's oil engine road carriage, 71, 72 Disengaging mechanism. See Clutch Dogcart, steam, 44 |