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some burglary, robbery, or murder in this country. This discloses at least one cause of the increase of crime among us. We need not wonder at it, when the foreign penitentiaries are disgorging their inmates upon us. A very large majority of the names which appear in the daily record of crime, betray their foreign origin. The shoulders of "Young America" are very broad, and, like Issachar, he crouches patiently under his burden; but it would seem to be tasking him severely enough, to tax him with the support of the thousands whom the oppression and bad government of European nations have starved out, without emptying their prisons upon us. It is a violation of national comity, and our government ought to take it up and treat it as a matter of serious offense.-NewYork Sunday Dispatch.

We have at the office of the Republic a memorial to Congress for a law to prevent the introduction of this class of immigrants.

MR. WM. II. SEWARD, U. S. Senator from this State, has, we perceive, introduced a bill favoring the erection of a nunnery of the "Sisters of Charity" in the city of Washington. Mr. Seward commands admiration for his perseverance; he has been for some twelve or fourteen years striving by all means to secure the political influence of the Political Church, yet, notwithstanding they have ever rewarded him with disappointment, he persists in his course with most praiseworthy humility. Surely the Archbishop cannot long resist these obsequious proofs of fidelity to his interests.

ALIEN VOTERS.-An act was passed in the House of Assembly of New-Jersey, a few days since, allowing foreigners to vote at elections without being obliged to produce their naturalization papers. The Senate very promptly postponed the bill indefinitely, which is, perhaps, equivalent to a defeat; yet we cannot but regret that there was not stamina enough in the Senate to reject it at once. It is neither more nor less than an attempt to confer on aliens the most sacred right of the citizenthe right of suffrage.

SAINT PATRICK'S DAY.-The anniversary of the patron saint of Ireland occurs on the 17th inst.

We understand that the sons of Erin in our city are making great preparations for celebrating it in a becoming manner; and, as it is a national day with them, we wish them every enjoyment they may hope to derive in its commemoration.

LADIES, we congratulate you that a machine has been invented and put in operation in Providence, R.I., that will print de laines in twelve colors, a matter heretofore impracticable. So think of that, "ye fair sex," and encourage domestic manufactures, for the lads have ever striven to please ye.

COMING TO THE POINT.-Mr. Kossuth, in his address to the Germans at Louisville, Ky., a few days since, appealed to them as Germans, and said that to them especially he looked for aid in this country. He assured them that the government of the United States can interfere in behalf of Hungary if it will, and he called upon them (the Germans) to compel it to do so, through their influence at the ballot-box! This is taking steps even faster than we had anticipated. When the great Magyar was in this city, he said he knew nobody in this country but as Americans.

OUR BOOK TABLE, for want of room, is unavoidably omitted this month. In our next number we hope to do ample justice to our friends the publishers.

CONSTITUTIONAL MUTILATIONS.-We shall publish in the April number of the Republic

a view of the various alterations that have from time to time been made in the Constitution of the State of New-York, exhibiting the gradual concessions made to foreigners, civil and ecclesiastic, from the adoption of the first Constitution in 1777, during the struggle of the Revolution, down to the present time. It will reveal some startling facts not generally understood.


BROADWAY THEATRE.-During the past month, Mrs. Brougham has appeared at this house in a dashing line of characters, and with decided success. Mr. Forrest has also performed an engage ment in his usual round, adding that of Richard the Third, which is decidedly the worst histrionic effort ever made by that distinguished tragedian. We never saw him perform the part even decently; the whole conception, from first to last, is a wrong one, and the performance of it a mere mannerism, reminding us of Metamora in the same hands. Mr. Forrest has made himself master of several Shakspearian characters, in some of which he has

no superior, but his Richard is not one of them. He is still performing at the Broadway, and has been received during the whole engagement with a full house and discriminating audiences.

BARNUM'S MUSEUM.-After a long and successful pull at the " Bottle," at the Museum, that interesting moral drama has been laid aside to make room for new novelties. The present attraction is the gorgeous melo drama called "Cherry and Fair Star," new, at least, to the present generation, and full of beauty, birds, and fairies. Professor McCormick is also exhibiting his surprising philosophical feat of walking, like a fly, under an inverted plane. "The Happy Family," another great curiosity, is also still there; and a look at it is worth the price of admission to the whole.

NATIONAL THEATRE.-This popular establishment has a constant crowd of visitors, and may with great propriety be styled the people's thea

tre. A constant succession of attractive novelties, at low prices, is doubtless the secret of its success. We perceive that Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jones are now "starring" it at the National, and a new and laughable extravaganza, called the "Magic Deer," keeps the audience in a roar of merriment.

THE AZTEC CHILDREN.-These extraordinary children have become one of the most prominent objects of interest to the denizens and visitors in the metropolis; and, certainly, no object of greater, if of equal interest, was ever placed before the public eye. That they are the representatives of a race supposed to be long extinct, none can question who see them; and their gayety of manner and symmetry of form render a visit to them not only agreeable, but attractive. With the ladies they are especial favorites; and we look forward with much anxiety to the time when, by acquiring our language, they will be able to communicate something of their people and history.


WASHINGTON'S BIRTH-DAY.-The ceremonies of our Order on the late anniversary of the birth of Washington were imposing in the extreme. Every feature, from the gathering of the Chapters at their several places of rendezvous in the morning, to the close of the grand ball at Metropolitan Hall at night, was conducted in a manner highly creditable to our patriotic and powerful association, and commensurate with the great occasion. The weather was delightful; and although the miry condition of the streets, being ankle-deep with corporation manure, prevented many from participating in the out-door ceremonies, the procession was one of the most numerous and imposing that has been witnessed for years past in this city. It is estimated that at least three thousand members turned out on the occasion, including the delegations from New-Jersey and Brooklyn; and with their splendid banners, devices, regalia, and music, the spectacle was brilliant and inspiring; it was a phalanx of free-born men, without any foreign admixture,

and every heart in that vast array stands devoted to the institutions of its native land.

At the head of the procession was a cavalcade of about fifty horsemen, wearing the Continental hat and the regalia of the Order, each carrying a baton; these were followed by the Grand Marshal and his special Aids, all mounted; next came the Chancery of New-York, preceded by Willis's magnificent band; and following the Chancery, the several Chapters of the Order, in five divisions, each escorted by a military corps, with bands of music. Washington Chapter made a magnificent display, having a car drawn by eight white horses, elegantly caparisoned; on the car was a massive temple, occupied by three young ladies, representing, in costume, Liberty, Justice, and Plenty, guarded by thirteen youths in naval uniforms, representing, with banners, each of the original States. CharterOak Chapter appeared also with a beautiful temple of liberty, drawn on a car by four horses in appropriate trappings. In the temple was seated another young lady represent

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ing the Goddess of Liberty in full costume, and bearing the spear and shield of American independence and freedom. Wayne Chapter made a handsome display, by mounting upon a stage, drawn by horses, their large and magnificent banner. Decatur Chapter had made arrangements for bringing forth a fullrigged ship of the line, equipped and manned; but finding that the telegraph-wires which intersect our streets were not sufficiently high to allow the tall masts to pass under, they were compelled to relinquish that portion of their arrangements. The Chapter itself turned out in good numbers, as did all the others, under such discouraging circumstances as the condition of the streets presented.

After passing over the route laid down by the Grand Marshal, the procession arrived at Metropolitan Hall a little before two o'clock, and commenced entering the vast building; but as the body of the house was not large enough to contain more than half the members on duty, and as the galleries were already crowded to their utmost capacity by the spectators, hundreds were compelled to forego the pleasure of witnessing the ceremonies within. When those who could gain admittance were seated, the house, which had been splendidly decorated for the occasion, presented a coup d'ail the most brilliant and imposing that can be imagined. At least eight thousand persons, a large portion of whom were ladies, occupied the building, filling it densely from the floor to the remotest corners of the upper balconies. The platform was occupied by the orator of the day, the Hon. Brother William W. Campbell; the Rev. Brother George Waters, Chaplain of Lawrence Chapter; Grand Sachem, William W. Osborn; the Grand Chaplain, Colonel William Steel; the Grand Marshal, General Henry Storms; the Officers of Chancery; the young ladies personating Liberty, Justice, and Plenty; the thirteen lads representing the original States, each with a small banner bearing the name of a State; the Chairman and Committee of Arrangements, and the invited guests, among whom were the Hon. Judge Duer, the Hon. D. Ullman, Hon. David E. Wheeler, Rev. A. E. Campbell, Rev. R. G. Van Pelt, Jesse Mann, Esq., of Boston, and several other gentlemen of distinction, both civil and military. During the ceremonies, the veteran corps of 1812 were introduced upon the plat


form, and received with three hearty cheers from the audience. Whilst the audience and guests were being seated, "Washington's March" was performed by Willis's celebrated Bugle Band.

Brother Wm. B. Weiss, the Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, then introduced the Rev. George Waters, who commenced the ceremonies by offering to the throne of grace an earnest and patriotic prayer for the divine blessing and protection to our country and its institutions. The Rev. Brother appeared in the full regalia of a chaplain of the Order.

The following letters from persons who were unable to comply with the invitation of the committee to be present, were then announced; but, owing to a want of time, only two or three were read:

POUGHKEEPSIE, Feb. 12, 1852. DEAR SIR:-Your favor of the 9th instant I have just received, and I feel flattered by the polite invitation of the Committee of "The Order of United Americans" to participate in their celebirth-day of Washington. While it will not be bration of the approaching anniversary of the possible for me to be personally with you on that occasion, I will still be present with you in heart; for I deem the objects for which you are banded together as worthy of the serious regard of every lover of his country.

It would seem to be impossible to prevent a great amount of demoralization from attaching to us in our political and social condition from the immense and indiscriminate influx of foreigners of all nations into the country. It is a problem yet unsolved, how far our moral strength can withstand the shock of such an avalanche. I have been convinced for many years, that no mercly political organization to resist the evil is of any avail. The evil is a moral one, and the remedy, to be suited to the disease, must be of the same character. I am gratified to know that a system of religious and moral attack on the heart of this evil is in successful operation. While, however, I have but little faith in any good result from political party organizations, I yet believe that an Association like yours, having the high and laudable aims so well set forth in your able letter, can and will be of great service, and of essential cooperative aid in resisting any outbreak of foreignism which may be attempted. I most cordially wish you success; and, on the occasion of your celebration of the birth-day of Washington, should sentiments be in order, I would beg to offer the following:

Washington's precepts: old, as sanctioned by long experience, yet always new in their ever-present application. With the highest respect,

Your most obedient servant,

WILLIAM B. WEISS, Esq., of the
Committee of Arrangements,
&c., No. 12 Spruce street, New-

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WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, 1852.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 1852. SIR-Your very polite note, requesting me to DEAR SIR-I am obliged to you, and to the participate with the Order of United Americans other gentlemen belonging to the "Order of United in their proposed celebration of the anniversary Americans," of New-York, for your kind invitaof the birth of Washington, has been received; tion to attend your approaching anniversary, but and for the honor which you have thus done me, I previous engagements will deprive me of the beg you to be assured of my grateful acknowledg-pleasure of being present on the occasion.


You do well, upon the recurrence of an anniversary so justly dear to every American, publicly and appropriately to testify, as you design, your respect to the exalted virtues and illustrious services of the man to whom we are so greatly indebted for the civil and religious liberties which, under Providence, we are permitted as a nation to enjoy. Happy indeed would it be for our country if his prudent counsels were more generally heeded, and the policy which he marked out in his administration of the government were more observed and respected by us.

The existence of your Order, now numbering its thousands, at a time when so much distraction appears to prevail in the public mind in reference to questions believed to be in conflict with his views, is a happy circumstance, and cannot, in my judgment, fail to exert a most powerful and salutary influence in producing a correct state of popular feeling and sentiment.

It would give me pleasure to accept your invitation, but I find that I cannot do so consistently with my public engagements.

I have the honor to be,
With great respect,

Your obedient servant,


WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 1852.

DEAR SIR:-My public duties here put it out of my power to accept your polite invitation to join with your Society in doing honor to the birthday and to the principles of Washington.

The wise foresight of the Father of his Country as a statesman as well as a hero-a foresight, the accuracy of which is illustrated every day by events and excitements all about us-has prepared the public mind to resist all dissensions within and temptations without, as long as the people can be kept loyal to his memory, his services, and the lessons he left us in his Farewell Address. Discord from within, and foreign ambition from without, will always, more or less, jeopard the existence or the prosperity of our Union; but a frequent recurrence to the principles of Washington, and a steady adherence to them, will snatch us from the peril.

To maintain a self-governing, self-restraining republic here in America, when nearly all the rest of the world is overwhelmed by despotism, is no easy task; and to do it, we must look up to and abide by American principles, and cherish American precedents and American revolutionary models. Europe gives us little but absurd theories and absurd fictions for society, and the less we learn from her, the better are we off.

Yours, respectfully, JAMES BROOKS.

With great regard,

Your obedient servant,

WILLIAM B. WEISS, Esq., New-York.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WASHINGTON, Feb. 12th, 1852. W. B. WEISS, Esq., and others, Committee.

GENTLEMEN :-I am honored by your invitation of the 9th inst., but my public duties will not peragreeable that might be to both parties. mit me to be present at your celebration, however

I approve of and applaud all organizations intended to elevate the American character, and in the same spirit honor every movement to commemorate the character of Washington. I do not foreigners, for all must see how valuable an eleunderstand your Association to be a war upon ment in aiding to develop our mutual resources is the adopted American; but a movement against the influence of despotism, and usurpation against kings and king-craft, against foreign manners and corruptions; and in such a cause I heartily sym pathize. With respect,

Most cordially,

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SIR-I have the honor to have received your letter of the 9th inst., requesting me to participate in the celebration of the approaching anniversary of Washington's birth-day, contemplated by the order of United Americans. My duties here will prevent my acceptance of the invitation which you kindly tender. I shall not, however, be an indifferent observer of the demonstrations of an enlightened, liberal, and patriotic observance of an anniversary which, to Americans and friends of free government and free institutions, is second only to that great national day which gave us a

national existence.

With much respect,

Your very obedient friend,

[blocks in formation]

DEAR SIR:-Your esteemed favor of the 9th inst, inviting me to join the United Order of Americans in celebrating the anniversary of the birth-day of our illustrious George Washington, is received.

In reply, I beg leave to say that I fully endorse the sound and patriotic sentiments expressed in your letter; and can assure your honored Order that I am no convert to the recent preaching of many, who are distinguished in learning and thought, that it is the duty of this country to disregard the teachings of the immortal Washington on the subject of intervention in the affairs of other countries. We have prospered under the observance of those teachings, and I am for ever letting well alone.

I regret my public duties here will compel me to forego the pleasure of meeting you on that interesting occasion.

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DEAR SIR: I have had the honor to receive your favor of the 9th inst., containing an invitation, on behalf of the Order of United Americans, to attend the approaching anniversary of the birth-day of Washington.

Heartily uniting with you, gentlemen, as I do, in your views in relation to foreign influence upon our free institutions, it would give me much pleasure to be present at your anniversary; but my position at Albany is such, and my public duties are of that importance, that I do not feel at liberty to be absent from my post.

And while I regret to decline your polite invitation, I rejoice at this and every demonstration of public respect for the Father of our country.

You will please accept for yourself, and carry to those whom you represent, my respectful thanks for the polite invitation with which I have been favored. Yours, truly,


After the reading of the letters, the NewYork Quartette Association sang "Hail Columbia" with chorus, in which, by request, the audience joined. The Hon. William W. Campbell, of Alpha Chapter, was then introduced as the orator of the day. He was received with three cheers by the audience, and proceeded to deliver an oration distinguished alike for its patriotism, its historical detail, and its classic beauty. In the course of its delivery, the speaker was repeatedly interrupted with plaudits and cheers, and at the

close, the audience rose en masse and added "three more" to the cheers already given.

As the Chancery has obtained a copy of this oration for publication, we shall not attempt to give even a synopsis; but hope the committee will print it in such a form that we may be able to attach it as a supplement to the April number of the Republic, adapted to bind in our volume. The oration was followed with music by the band, after which an interesting diversion was given to the proceedings by the introduction of Mr. Henry Gibson, one of the surviving warriors of the Revolution. Mr. Gibson was one of Washington's Life Guards, and took part in several of the prominent battles of the great struggle. He is one hundred and one years of age, and resides in Orange county, where he has lived for nearly half a century, and now, in helpless old age, he is in poverty! When this fact was made known, a spontaneous collection was taken up, and in one minute's time nearly a hundred dollars were found in the "hats" and emptied on a table before his astonished and delighted eyes. We understand that the Common Council, to whom the old veteran was introduced on the same day, added twenty dollars to his little relieffund.

What a burning comment is the poverty of this disciple of American liberty on the lavish expenditures of public and private sympathy upon foreign visionaries! Who was it that said, "Republics are ungrateful?"

When this interesting episode was ended, the Quartette Association sang the "Starspangled Banner" in a masterly manner; the benediction was then pronounced by Brother Waters, and the immense audience retired, the band playing "Yankee Doodle." In the evening, the Annual Birth-day Ball of the "Washington Association" took place at Metropolitan Hall. It was a beautiful affair, and made an appropriate finish to the glorious festivities of the day.

Our brothers of New-Jersey turned out and united with us in large numbers, especially from Newark, Paterson, and Jersey City; in fact, almost every Chapter in that State was represented on the occasion.


The Order held a public demonstration in the evening. Library Hall having been engaged and appropriately decorated, was filled

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