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Let's hollow out, beside the way
Where men fare to and fro,

A spring that all, their steps, may stay,
Where cooling waters flow,

And then go forth with more of grace
And goodliness in every face.

Let's plant a rose beside the road,
Where all the world goes by,
That every pilgrim, with his load,
May feast his happy eye

Upon its beauty as he goes

And breathe a blessing on the rose.

What is true goodness? who shall say?
Yet, in his heart one knows
That, surely, some of it have they
Who plant a wayside rose,

Or hollow out a spring whose song
Is mellow music all day long.


O Thou, who fillest the spring by the roadside and givest life and fragrance to the rose, we thank Thee that Thou dost offer to us the chance to labor with Thee; that Thou dost summon us to hollow out a place for the spring and to plant the rose so that they may be accessible to men. Move us,

we pray Thee, to faithfulness to our part in this divine ministry, and forbid that we shall ever for a moment forget that the world's need is also our own, and that the refreshment, and the grace, and the beauty, and all true goodness are from Thee. So while we offer may we also drink from the fountain, and be blessed by the rose. Amen. CHARLES R. TENNEY.

As I was trudging down a long, long street,
And dreary,

With a pack of care upon my back, and feet
So weary,

I met the sudden flash of friendly smile!
It made that road shrink up to half a mile,
It made that queer, old load fall off to limbo;
As drudge will turn from task, her arms akimbo,
I stared and straightened - it had come so quick,

The change had been so sunny and so slick!
Then I tramped onward, whistling all the while
What sense of comradeship in just a smile!


Thank God for smiles and sunny days, for kindly hearts and loving friends, for wayside flowers and little children, for the beauty of the hills and plains and the fruitage of the fields. Give thanks for the truth which leads us on from duty to duty, from victory to victory; for the Light that comes from the face of the Lord which makes gracious and beautiful the pathway for our feet and which reveals to us the deep things of life. Help us always to remember that there are lonely hearts to cherish and there is discouragement to be dispelled. Give us in large measure that faith in Thee and in the ultimate good which fills our hearts with smiles and sunshine and give us a deeper understanding of human brotherhood. We pray that we may meet all responsibilities and all God's children with joy and gladness and thanks we shall render unto Thee the Giver of life, love and joy. Amen.


The thread of Happiness is spun
From three things woven into one.

The first winds ever through and through
In homely strength - Something to Do.
The second gleams like stars above
A radiant thread Something to Love.
The third entwines them both in power
Something to Hope For, hour by hour.

Thus Happiness, in each sure part
Lies within reach of every heart.


Our Heavenly Father, Whose presence enfolds us, and Whose suggestions become our guide in choosing, and our strength in following our path of life, we rejoice in Thy Providence that does not leave us to our own resources, but anticipates our needs, and in our larger development calls us to a life of service for Thee and our fellows. We rejoice too that in the service we render we find the deepest incentive expressed in our reverence for Thee, and our love for what is best, as the reflection of Thy nature seen in the world of beauty and in kindred souls, - that as we love what is lovable our service seems freer and truer, and our trust in thy leading, and our hope in human peace and joy, shall become our constant inspiration. Thus may our heart's happiness be found in our service of love. Amen. JOHN VANNEVAR.

Old Sunshine they called him, and you might have wondered why, as you saw him come tottering down the street with his little basket on his arm. His voice was cracked and hard and his breath came in short quick gasps like the preliminary puffing of an old and worn out engine as it pulls out of a station, carrying a train of heavily loaded cars behind it. But when he laughed, ah, then you would never wonder again for the little chuckles came fairly tumbling over one another in their eagerness to get out and make that laugh a big success; and even after it was all over they kept wandering out alone and in couples, as if the car had been too full to hold them, or they had perhaps missed the last car and had to walk.

That laugh was, in fact, the finished product of just sixty-five years of constant practice. Small wonder that it was known and loved the village over. LOUISE ELDer.

Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the spirit of good cheer in the hearts of cheerful men. We rejoice in the fructifying influence of sunshine in the great world about us which, touching human life, creates moral sunshine. Make our hearts glad. Fill our spirits with sunshine. Make our laughter so joyful that it shall become a glad and luxurious contagion, passing quickly from heart to heart until it shall make a perceptibly gladder world. So, through the very growth of gladness in the hearts of men, may Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done. Amen.


If love were not, the wilding rose
Would in its leafy heart inclose
No chalice of perfume;

By mossy bank, in glen or grot,
No bird would build, if love were not,
No flower complacent bloom.

The sunset clouds would lose their dyes,
The light would fade from beauty's eyes,
The stars their fires consume,

And something missed from hall and cot
Would leave the world, if love were not,
A wilderness of gloom!


Holy Spirit of Love, be Thou the spirit of our home and the atmosphere of our lives this day. Apart from these, we are desolate and miss the zest and joy of life. Without Thee, even the truth we would speak and the justice we would do fail of their completeness. Be Thou the life of our lives; lift us above the low levels, irritability and impatience, jealousy and envy; may we be eager to believe the best, always expecting goodness and gladdened when we find it. May we not be mere reflectors, depending for our supply of good will upon the treatment we receive from others, but may we be true lights, radiating centers of love and joy through the many colored hours and varied experiences of this and all our days. Amen.


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