Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-ninth Congress, Second Session on H.R. 3013 Providing Gold Star Lapel Buttons for the Next of Kin of Members of Armed Forces who Lost Or Lose Their Lives in War Or as a Result of Cold War Incidents, H.R. 7327 Repealing Section 7043 of Title 10, United States Code, H.R. 11980 Authorizing the Secretary of the Army to Donate Two Obsolete German Weapons to the Federal Republic of Germany, H.R. 12031 Authorizing Appointment of Col. William W. Watkin, Jr., Professor, U.S. Military Academy, in Grade of Lt. Col., Regular Army, H.R. 13374 Authorizing the Award of Trophies for the Recognition of Special Accomplishments Related to the Armed Forces, H.R. 14875, Authorizing Members of the Uniformed Services who are on Duty Outside the United States Or Its Possessions to Deposit Their Savings with a Uniformed Service, July 28, 1966U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966 - 28 halaman Considers. H.R. 11980, to authorize gift of two captured WWII German weapons to West German military museum. H.R. 12031, to reappoint William W. Watkin as professor at the Military Academy. H.R. 13374, to authorize award of special accomplishment trophies. H.R. 14875, to authorize deposit of savings with the services by overseas personnel. H.R. 3013, to give gold lapel stars to next of kin of certain deceased military personnel. H.R. 7327, to increase the salary of the academic dean of the Naval Postgraduate School. |