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This day I Recd yo'rs of the 21st Concerning the armes which ware for the men that went to the West Endies. Sr the men that Returned home and yt ware continued in the Service have not any armes of there own and there was seaven broken and Lost over board on board of the man of war in the West Indies, the others I have and I would pray yor Excellency to Lett me know wheather them must be taken from the men that are now in Service to Send with the other and I will be Cearfull in sending by the first opertunity, if soe would pray yor Excelency to order me whare they shall [be] Recruted with other armes.

As soon as I returned from waiteing on yor Excelency I Repaired to Neashawanak and have continued there till this day, the twenty third of this month, the army Returned and have not discovered any Indians since they went they have been att the fort but judge that there has not been any Indians there this Winter. the ten Indians that belongs to my Company have disired that they may have leave to goe home for a fortnights Time to see there familys and they will Return att the fortnights End and bring Ten more with them if yor Excelency see fitt Soe-I would pray yor Excelency to Informe me wheither they may have Liberty or not.

Tis the generall thoughts of the people hear that the Indians will be down after the army in a short time, and if yor Excelency think convenient and please to Impower me to Comand the forces in the province of Main I will muster them, only leave in soe many as is conveniant for keeping the Garrisons till I Return and to march in to the woods to Endeavor to ambush the Indians which with Gods Blessing doubt not but may doe good Service, altho I have acted in Major Cuttlers post by an

ordr sent to Lt. Coll. March, have noe Commission tho the other officers know nothing to the contrary not anything further att present but ask yor Excelency pardon for this Long Epistle and ascribue yor Excelency's most humble and

[to Gov. Dudley.]

Obedient Servant



CHIEF JUSTICE SEWALL, the author of the following memorial, had probably the most influence of any man of his day, in Massachusetts. He was born in England in 1652, came with his father to this country in 1661; graduated at H. C. 1671; he was appointed a judge of the Superior Court in 1692 and Chief Justice 1718, which office as well as that of Judge of Pro bate, he resigned in 1728, and died Jan. 1, 1730. He was at the time of presenting the following memorial, a member of the Council, which office he held from the adoption of the 2d Charter 1692, until 1725.




THAT my often speaking the same things, may not be gravaminous; I humbly offer my Sentiments about sending a Military Force against the Kennebeck Indians, in Writing.

It is Resolved that the Government has sufficient Reason to prosecute the Eastern Indians for their Rebellion. But I am humbly of Opinion, that sufficient Enquiry has not been yet made, Whether the Government has done all that is necessary on their part, to prevent a Rupture.

At the Conference of his Excellency with the Sachems, and Chief Men of the Eastern Indians at George-Town on Arrowsick Island, August, 9, 1717. The Indians shewed a

great Reluctancy against Erecting Forts higher up the River; and against the arrival of a Multitude of New Inhabitants; lest they should prove unable heartily to embrace them. They also desired the Running of a Line between the English, and them; and made some Proposals on their part, which were rejected but no Proposals for fixing Boundaries, were offered to them.

Without doubt, Boundaries are necessary for the perservation of Honesty and Peace among those that border one upon another. This is evident from the Law made for the Renewing of them between Townships once in three Years time, successively; and the penalty of Five Pounds inflicted on those, who shall neglect their Duty herein.



The Royal Charter gives a good Account of the Errand of English Christians into this New World, in the Words following; "And to dispose of matters and things, where"by Our Subjects, Inhabitants of Our said Province, may be religiously, peaceably, and civilly, governed, protected, and "defended; so as their good Life, and Orderly Conversation, may Win the Indians, Natives of the Country, to the Knowledge and Obedience of the only True GOD, and Saviour of Mankind, and the Christian Faith: Which His Royal Majesty, "Our Royal Grand-father, King Charles the First, in His said "Letters Patents, Declared was His Royal Intention, and the "Adventurers free Profession, to be the principal End of the "said Plantation.



By this Momentous clause in our Charter, the Government is Obliged, and excited, to doe what in them lyes, to Recover the Aboriginal Natives from their Heathenisme, and Antichristianisme.

Our Blessed Saviour's Method of Conversion was, To Heal the Bodies of Men and Women, in order to His entire, and Eternal Salvation of them. This constrains me to think, that

it is Necessary to state and settle plain and lasting Bounds between the English, and the Indians; that so the Natives may have a certain and establish'd Enjoyment of their Own Country: and that the English may have DEUS NOBISCUM Legibly embroidered in their Banners.

The History of the War between the Israelites, and their Brethren the Benjamites, is very awfull. The Israelites had a vast Army; Four Hundred Thousand Fighting Men; the Benjamites had only Twenty Six Thousand, and Seven Hundred: And yet the Benjamites (the blameable causes of the War) Slew Forty Thousand Men of the Israelites.

Omne prius tentandum est

And if, at last, we should be provoked to goe against our Neighbours, the Kennebec Indians; 'twould be convenient for this Government first to sit down, and count the Cost. Many Thousands of Pounds have been already expended on this Controversy. If the War proceed, and be prospered; the English may, probably, drive the Indians from their ancient Habitations: Yet 'tis improbable the English should slay them, or take them Captives. In all likelihood, the Survivours will fly away to Canada. And if a War should happen between Great Britain, and France; these Fugitives would solicit the Assistance of the French, in returning to their Country (which they are very fond of) though it should be never so much to the Loss and Damage of the English.

So that I am humbly of Opinion, 'Twould be most Honourable, and most Profitable, for this Province, to perswade the Kennebeck Indians to be our Dependents and Friends, by Really convincing them, it is their True Interest so to be; as indeed it is.

Which is humbly submitted to his Excellency the Governour, the Honourable Council and Representatives, in General Court assembled. Per SAMUEL SEWALL.

BOSTON; September, 8th. 1721.

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