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SICHERA (G.) L'articolo 65 dello statuto. Catania, 1894. (1) 80 pp. 8°.

Ruiz (G. A.) Amendments to the Italian constitution. Philadelphia, 1895. 31-57 pp. 8°. (Pub. Amer. Acad. Polit. and Soc. Sci. no. 155.)

PIERANTONI (A.) Trattato di diritto constituzionale. Roma, 1897. V. I. 8°.

Ruiz (G. A.) Storia constituzionale del regno di Italia (1848-1898). Firenze, 1898. x, (1), 562 pp. 8°. ZANICHELLI. Studi di storia costituzionale e polit. del risorgimento Italiano. Bologna, 1900. (2), 500, (2) pp. 12°.

ZANICHELLI. Il carattere costituzionale del regno di Umberto I. 1900. (Nuova antologia, ser. 4, lxxxix:3.

MANFRIN. Chi vigila la nostra costituzione? 1902. (Revista d'Italia, anno v:889.

States of the Church.

1798. March 20. Constitution (Napoleon). Italian text: Racc. di cost. ital., ii:5; French text: Const. de la repub. romaine... Paris, 1798, 52 pp., 8°, Dufau, etc., Coll. des const., iv:388; German text: [abridged] Pölitz. Europ. verf., ii: 407.

1816. July 6. Constitution (Pius VII). French text: Dufau, etc., Collec. des const., iv:391; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., ii:408.

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1889. Feb. II. Constitution. Japanese text: [Const. law and law of the imperial household, Tokio, 1889]. (5), 200, (2), pp., 8°; English _text: The const. of the empire of Japan. [New York, 1890], (2), 14 pp., 8°; Br. For. St. P., lxxxi:289; French text: [with commentary]. Rev. polit. et parlt., xviii:651.


CONST. (The) of the empire of J., with speeches addressed to students of polit. science in Johns Hopkins Univ... April 17, 1889. [Baltimore, 1889.] 47 PP. 12°.

IYENAGA (T.) Const. development of J., 18531881. Baltimore, 1891. 56 PP. 8°. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in his. and polit. sci. ser. 9, no. 9.)

MIKI YAMAGUCHI. Japan and her const. emperor. 1897. (Far East, ii:589.)

MULLER (L.) Le pouvoir souverain et son exercise d'après la constitution japonaise. 1900. (Rev. du droit pub., etc., xiii:55.)

CLEMENT (E. W.) Const. govt. in Japan. 1903. (Annals Amer. Acad. Polit. and Soc. Sci., xxi: 209.)

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Constitution. English text: U. S. 20 cong., I sess., H. doc. 99, p. 18. 1825. May 18. Constitution. English text: ibid., p. 19.

1828. Oct. 22. Constitution (3d). English text: U. S. 21 cong., I sess., H. rpt. 348, p. 9.

1847. July 26. (Current.) English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxxv:1301; 31. 1. S. ex. doc. 75, P. 34.


General Works.

REFLECSIONES sobre algunas reformas á la const. fed... Mexico, 1835. (2) 44 pp. 8°.

AROSEMENA. Actos reformatorios; antecedentes; observaciones jenerales, etc. 1878. (In his: Estud. const.. ii:217.)

Special Federal Constitutions.


1810. Sept. 16. Declaración de la Independencia (Hidalgo).

1813. March. Proclamation of Spanish constitution. TEXT. See Spain, 1812.

COMMENTARY. Solemme acción de gracias que la Academia de Derecho Español la capital de Mexico da al supremo congreso. .por haber dictado la const. politica de la monarquía española. [Mexico] 1814. (7), 70, (1) pp. 8°.



Nov. 6.

Declaración de la Independencia (Chilpancingo). Spanish text: Derecho internacional, iii:468.

1814. Oct. 22. Decreto constitucional para la libertad de la América Mexicána. Spanish text: Derecho int., iii:470; Mateos. Hist. parlt., i:42.

1821. Feb. 24. Plan of Iguala (Iturbide). Spanish text: Mem. autogr. de Iturbide, p. 109; Montúfar, Reseña hist., iv:38; English text: Amer. State Papers, Foreign Relations, iv:829; British and Foreign State Papers, ix:398.

1821. Oct. 6. Acta de Independencia del Imperio Mexicano. Spanish text: Derecho int., iii:493.

1824. Jan. 31. Fundamental law. Spanish text: Código fund., p. 7; Acta const., etc., p. 1; English text: Const. acts...also fed. const. Mexico, 1824, 93 pp., 8°; British and Foreign State Papers, xiii: 695.

1824. Oct. 4. Definitive constitution. PROCEEDINGS. Debates de la const. de 1824, Mexico, 1882. 498 pp. 4°; Mateos. Hist. parlt., ii, app.

TEXT. Spanish text: Constitución federal de los E. U. Mexicanos, sancionada...el 4 de octubre de 1824, Mexico, 1824. (2), 28, (1) pp., 4o; Código fund., p. 19; Acta const., etc., p. 16; Mateos. Hist. parlt., :1075; English text: Const. acts... also fed. const., Mexico, 1824. 93 pp., 8°.; British and Foreign State Papers, xiii: 701; Ward's Mexico.

1836. TEXT. Spanish text: Bases y leyes constitucionales de la república mexicana, decretadas por el congreso general de la nación...1836, Mexico, 1837. 127 pp., 8°; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxv:683.

COMMENTARY. Analisis critico de la const. de 1836... Mexico, 1842. 46 pp. 8°.

1843. June 12. Bases orgánicas (Santa Anna). Spanish text: Bases organicas de la república mexi8°. cana... Mexico, 1843. xi, 45 pp.

1847. May 21. Acta constitutiva (Santa Anna). Spanish text: Código fund., p. 71.

1854. March 1. Plan de Ayutla. Spanish text: Mexico á traves de los siglos, iv:832.

1854. March 11 [13]. Plan de Acapulco. Spanish text: Mexico á traves de los siglos, iv:834.

1857. Feb. 12 (current). Constitución federal (Comonfort). TEXT. Spanish text: Constitución federal de los E. U. mexicános . . . Mexico, 1857. 27 pp.; Tovar. Hist. parlt., iv: 924; English text: Bur. Amer. Republics. Bull., ix: 168; British and Foreign State Papers, lxxviii: 979; French text: Dareste. Les const. mod., ii: 478.

Amendments to 1878. Spanish text: Const. fed. de los. E. U. mexicanos..., Coatepec, 1880. 142, (1) pp.; Arosemena. Estud. const., ii: 195. Amendments to 1886. French text: Const. féd. de la rép. mexicaine . . . Mexico, 1890. 138 pp. COMMENTARY. REFORMA de los art. 787, 109 de la const. polit. de la rép. . . . Mexico, 1887. iv, 237 pp. 8°.


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1827. Feb. 14. TEXT. Spanish text: Const. politica... Mexico, 1827. (1), x, 41 pp. 12°. COMMENTARY. PARTIDOS (Los) politicos y la constitución. Relatos de un constituyente. [Guillermo Prieto.] Feb., 1901. (Gac. del gobierno, xiii: 63.)

REFORMA (Una) constitucional. [J.Y.Limantour.] April, 1901. (Gac. del gobierno, xiii: 82.)

INICIATIVA de reformas á la constitución del estado. (Gac. del gobierno, Feb. 25, 1903.)

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VOLKSTELLINGE in de nederlandsche republiek. Uitgegeven op last der commissie tot het ontverpen van een plan van constitutie. [Haag, 1796.] (1), v, 138 pp. 8°.

PLAN van const. voor het volk van Nederland. Ontwerpen door de daar toe aangestelde commissie in 1796. [Nov. 10, 1796.] den Haag, 1796. (1), ii, 3-128 pp. 8°.

Wederlegging van eenige der voornaemste... drangredenen voor het aenneemen van't ontwerp van constitutie... de Haage, 1797. (1), 19 pp. 8°. AUTHENTIQUE bylagen tot de geschiedenis der omwenteling van 22 january, 1798... Amsteldam, 1798. 312 pp. 8°.


1801. Oct. 16. Staatsregeling. TEXT. Dutch text: Staatsregeling voor het bataafsche volk. Lejden, 1801. 42, (1) pp. 24°; French text: Dufau, etc. Coll. des const., iii: 121; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., ii: 161.

COMMENTARY. Op den 19 september 1801... om over eene nieuwe staatsregeling of constitutie te stemmen. [Song.] [n. p. 1801.] 11. 16°.

LINDHORST (P.) Wederleggend betoog dat het ontworpen plan van const. strydig is met de aangenomen grondbeginzelen... den Haag, 1801. 76 pp. 8°.

QUINT essents wegens de voordragt van het uitvoerend bewind der bataafsche republiek... In drie brieven. Brief 1. Amsteldam [1801]. 8°.


1805. March 15. Constitutie. Dutch text: Ontwerp v. staatsregeling d. bataafschen volks. [n.p. 1805.] 29 pp. 8; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., ii: 173; French text: [synopsis]. Dufau, etc. Coll. des const., iii: 143.

Kingdom of Holland. 1806.

1806. May 24. Franco-Batavian Treaty. French text: Dufau, etc. Coll. des const., iii: 145; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., ii: 181.

1806. June 5. Constitutionelle Wetten. TEXT. French text: Dufau, etc. Coll. des const., iii: 148; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., ii: 183.

COMMENTARY, etc. Publicatie. Louis Napoleon... Koning van Holland... Salut! doen te weten... Constitutie voor het K. Holland. den Haag, 1806. bdside.

1806. August 7. Constitutie. Dutch text: Publicatie v. d. Koning v. Holland; inhoudende d. const. v. h. Koningrijk Holland. den Haag, 1806. 23 pp.; Const. v. h. Koningrijk Holland. den Haag, 1806. 37 pp.; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., ii: 185.

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Netherlands, cont'd.


1815. Aug. 24. Grondwet. PROCEEDINGS. Journal des séances de la commission qui a été chargée par le roi, en 1815, de rédiger un projet de constitution pour le royaume des Pays-Bas; par J. J. Raespsaet, un des membres de la même commission (inédit.). [n. p., 1840.] 434 pp. 8°. (v. 6 of his Euvres complètes.)

Rapport presenté au roi par la commission chargée de la revision de la loi fondamentale des Pays-Bas-Unis. Dufau, etc. Coll. des const. iii: 152 [in Dutch] with Ontwerp, etc., see below.

TEXT. Ontwerp v. grondwet... met het rapport deswegens aan den Koning gedaan, door de commissie tot herziening de grondwet v. d. vereenigde nederlanden. s'Gravenhaage, 1815. (1), 16, 55 pp. 8°.

COMMENTARY. REPRESENTATIONS respecteuses des evêques. relativement au projet de la nouvelle constitution, à sa majesté le roi des paysbas. 1815. 8 pp. 8°.

RECLAMATION respecteuse ... des droits de la nation belge. Sur son ancienne constitution. [n. p., 1815.] 15 pp. 8°.

DOTRENGE. Opinion sur la rédaction de trois art. de la loi fondamentale que les prov. sept. du roy. des pays-bas avaient acceptée en 1814... Bruxelles, 1817. (2), xvi, 271 pp. 8°.


1848. Oct. II. Grondwet. TEXT. French text: British and Foreign State Papers, lxxviii: 273; Dareste. Les const. mod., i: 79.


Iets over de herziening d. grondwet. Deventer, 1839. (2), 74 pp. 8°.

GROEN V. PRINSTERER. Bijdrage tot herziening d. grondwet... Leiden, 1840. (2), 151 pp. 8°.

BRIEF v. d. tijdelijken minister v. oorlog aan d. Koning... aangaaende het ontwerp v. gawijzigde grondwet... s'Grav., 1848. 15 pp. 8°.

DRIELING (F. H. C.) Korte opwerkingen over d. ontwerpen v. wet betrekkelijk d. herziening d. grondwet. Utrecht, 1848. 32 pp. 8°.

[Eck (D. v.)] Bedenkingen betreffende d. door d. regering voorgestelde grondwets-herziening. Middelburg, 1848. (2), 55 pp. 8°.

GEESTELIJKEN (De) en het nieuw ontwerp v. grondwet... Leiden, 1848. 20 pp. 8°.

s'GRAVENWEERT (J. v.) Het ontwerp v. grondwet, April 1848, vergeleken met de grondwet van 1840. Arnhem, 1848. 43 pp. 8°.

NIEUWENHUIS (A. J.) Het ontwerp van gewijzigde grondwet . . . Leyden, 1848. 16 pp. 8°.

OVERZIGT...der stemming...over de twaalfwetsont, everpen tot herziening der grondwet. s' Gravenhage, 1848. (1), 17–32 pp. 8°.

REDEVOERING uitgesproken in de zitting van de Tweede Kamer... van de 3den october, bij de algemeene beraadslagingen over de twaalf wetsontwerpen...[ n. p., 1848.] 16 pp. 8°.

SCHIMMELPENNINCK. Rapport en missive op den 11 mei, 1848, aan den Koning geright... s' Grav., 1848. iv, 5, 31 pp. 8°.

GROEN V. PRINSTERER. Grondwetherziening enlensgezindheid. Amsterdam, 1849. viii, 551 pp.


TEX (C. A. den) Verhandeling over de . . . ontwikkeling der natie, als den grondslag van waar volksgeluk. [n. p., 1849.] 34 pp. 8°.


Beschouwingen, . over revolutionair en anti-revolutionair staatsregt. [n. p., 1849.] 221238 pp. 8°.

GROEN V. PRINSTERER. Art. 198 der grondwet ...s' Grav., 1850. x, 22 pp. 8°.

DIJCKMEESTER. Grondwetsverandering... Leiden, 1871. (3), 100 pp. 8°.

OVER het wezen der grondwet. Haarlem, 1879. 23 pp. 8°.

MULLER (S.) Onze wijze van grondwetsherziening. Leiden, 1883. (3), 302 pp. 8°.

1887. TEXT. De grondwet; met aanteekening der gelijksoortige bepaligen van broegeren tijd bij elk artikel. S'Gravenhaage, 1887. (2), vii, 254 pp.


New Granada.

1831. Nov. 21. Declaration of Independence. Spanish text: Recop. de leyes, 1845, p. 1.; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xviii: 1359.

1832. Feb. 29. Constitution (1). English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xix: 911.

1843. April 20. Constitution (2). Spanish text: Recop. de leyes, 1845, p. 2; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxxii: 1160. See also Colombia.

New Zealand.

1852. June 30. TEXT. The New Zealand const. act with amendments. Dunedin, 1863. (1). 34 PP. 8°; British stat. 15 and 16 Vict. c. 72.

COMMENTARY. McGee (T. A.) Notes on federal govts...with an app. concerning the federal const. of the N. Z. colonies. Montreal, 1865. 75 pp. 8°.

RATZEL (F.) Der australische bund v. Neu Seeland, 1902. (Geogr. Ztschr. viii: 425; 516.)

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1826. Somora.

Special Constitutions.

April 8. Constitution. Spanish text: Curso de derecho const. nic., p. 293. 1838. Nov. 12. Constitution. Spanish text: ibid, p. 335.

1858. Aug. 19. Constitution. Spanish text: ibid., p. 387; Arosemena. Estud. const., ii: 395; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lxxii: 1045.

1893. Dec. 10. Constitution. Spanish text: ibid., p. 463; Const. y leyes de reforma, Managua, 1896. p. 7; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lxxxvi: 1090.

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AROSEMENA. Antecedentes; observaciones jenerales; observaciones particulares. 1878. (In his : Estud. const., i: 283.)

Special Federal Constitutions.

1813. Oct. 12. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, i: 1235.


1842. Nov. 27. Declaration of Independence (Lopez). Spanish text: Acta de Independencia. With const. of 1870; Calvo. La rep. de P., p. 6; ibid., Colecc. legislativa, 1896, p. 1; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxxiv: 1320.

1844. March 16. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxxiii: 751.

1870. Nov. 24. Constitution. Spanish text: Acta de independencia y const. de la rep. Asunción, 1896. (1), 3-39 pp.; Arosemena. Estud. const., 1878, i: 263; Colecc. legislativa, 1896, p. 9; English text: Bur. Amer. Rep. Bull., liv: 121.


General Works.

AROSEMENA. Antecedentes; observaciones jenerales; observaciones particulares. 1878. In his : Estud. const., i: 420.

Special Federal Constitutions.

1821. July 15 [22]. Declaration of Independence (San Martin). English text: Amer. State Papers, Foreign Relations, iv: 827; British and Foreign State Papers, viii: 1270.

1821. Oct. 8. Provisional Statute. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, ix: 759.

1822. Dec. 16. Basis for Political Constitution. English text: ibid., ix: 919.

1823. Nov. 12. Constitution. Spanish text: Obin y Aranda. Anales Parlimentarios del Peru, P. 474. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, x: 701.

1826. Dec. 8. Constitution. Spanish text: Proyecto de const... Lima, 1826. 29 pp. 8°. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xiv: 890.

1827. June II. Decree revoking constitution of 1826 and reviving that of 1823. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xiv:1203.

1828. March 18. Constitution. Spanish text: Const. politica... Lima [1828]. 40 pp., 8°; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xvi:966.

1834. June 10. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxiii:297.

State of South Peru.

1836. March 17. Declaration of Independence. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxiv:772.

State of North Peru.

1836. Aug. II. Declaration of Independence. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxiv:776.

Peru-Bolivian Confederacy.

1837. May I. Constitution. English text : British and Foreign State Papers, xxvii:1360.

Republic of Peru.

1839. Nov. 10. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxviii:236.

1856. Oct. 13. Constitution. English text: ibid., xlvii:1141.

1860. Nov. 12. Constitution. Spanish text: Const. de 1860, Leyes de elecciones, etc., Lima, 1888. 102 pp., 8°; Arosemena. Estud. const., 1878, 1:401; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lxxix:721.

1867. Aug. 29. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lviii:509.

1896. Proyecto de reforma de la constitución de 1860 conforme al dictamen del consejo guberna8°. tivo. Lima, 1896. 50, xxvi pp.

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May 3. Constitution.

French text:

1791. Dufau, etc., Coll. des const., iv:58; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., iii:9.

1815. Nov. 27. Charte Constitutionelle. French text: Dufau, etc., Coll. des const., iv: 85; British and Foreign State Papers, ii:1065; ibid., xix:971; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., iii:24.

1834. Feb. 26. Organic Law. French text: British and Foreign State Papers, xix:961; German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., iii:36.

1832. Dec. 12-24. Ordinance of Nicolas. German text: Pölitz. Europ. verf., iii: 44.

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