Land and marine surveying1868 - 184 halaman |
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adjustment arrow ascertain base line beam compasses box sextant broad arrow centre chain line chainage chainman Chap clamp cloth co-efficients coincide compass correct cosine coversine depth difference distance divisions draw edge engineering equal error exactly feet long fence field book fixed gamboge gauge give Gunter's chain half high water horizon glass inches instance instrument intersection leader length loosen lunitidal intervals manner mark means measure ment minutes notch object observations obtained offset staff Outfall Sewer overfall Oyster Rock paper parallel parallel ruler pencil plot pole practice prick protractor quantity Railway rain gauge rainfall reading referred right angles road scale side sight sine square station straight line straight-edge streams suppose survey surveyor Tables taken telescope theodolite tie line timber tion tracing traverse triangle TRIGONOMETRY turn vernier plate vertical W. D. Hamilton woodcuts zero
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Halaman 8 - ... a great amount of practical information very admirably arranged, and available for general or rough estimates, as well as for the more exact calculations required in the engineers
Halaman 11 - Chemical Analysis. THE COMMERCIAL HANDBOOK of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ; or Practical Instructions for the determination of the Intrinsic or Commercial Value of Substances used in Manufactures, in Trades, and in the Arts. By A. NORMANDY, Author of " Practical Introduction to Rose's Chemistry," and Editor of Rose's " Treatise on Chemical Analysis.
Halaman 6 - MEDIEVAL ; from the Eighth Century, with Numerals ; including Gothic, Church-Text, large and small, German, Italian, Arabesque, Initials for Illumination, Monograms, Crosses, &c. &c., for the use of Architectural and Engineering Draughtsmen, Missal Painters, Masons, Decorative Painters, Lithographers, Engravers, Carvers, &c. &c.
Halaman 125 - All the interior angles of any rectilineal figure, together with four right angles, are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides.
Halaman 7 - Timber Merchant's Companion. THE TIMBER MERCHANT'S AND BUILDER'S COMPANION ; containing New and Copious Tables of the Reduced Weight and Measurement of Deals and Battens, of all sizes, from One to a Thousand Pieces, and the relative Price that each size bears per Lineal Foot to any given Price per Petersburgh Standard Hundred ; the Price per Cube Foot of Square...
Halaman 5 - THE CARPENTER'S NEW GUIDE. Or, Book of Lines for Carpenters ; comprising all the Elementary Principles essential for acquiring a knowledge of Carpentry. Founded on the late PETER NICHOLSON'S standard work. A New Edition, Revised by ARTHUR ASHPITEL, FSA Together with Practical Rules on Drawing, by GEORGE PYNE. With 74 Plates, 410, cloth £1 1 s.
Halaman 6 - A volume in which the letters of the alphabet come forth glorified in gilding and all the colours of the prism interwoven and intertwined and intermingled, sometimes with a sort of rainbow arabesque.
Halaman 15 - Strength of Cast Iron, &c. A PRACTICAL ESSAY on the STRENGTH of CAST IRON and OTHER METALS. By the late THOMAS TREDGOLD, Mem. Inst. CE, Author of "Elementary Principles of Carpentry,
Halaman 13 - Tables for Packing-Case Makers. PACKING-CASE TABLES; showing the number of Superficial Feet in Boxes or Packing-Cases, from six inches square and upwards. Compiled by WILLIAM RICHARDSON, Accountant. Oblong 4to, cloth, price y. 6d. "Will save much labour and calculation to packing-case makers and those who use packing-cases." — Grocer. " Invaluable labour-saving tables.
Halaman 4 - The High-Pressure Steam Engine. THE HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM ENGINE ; an Exposition of its Comparative Merits, and an Essay towards an Improved System of Construction, adapted especially to secure Safety and Economy. By Dr. ERNST ALBAN, Practical Machine Maker, Plau, Mecklenberg. Translated from the German, with Notes, by Dr. POLE, FRS, M.