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WH McDonald, surveying wagon road to Burlington, 80 00 Voted, to have the Colony Building on Main street, put in order for the use of the Reading Room Library.

Voted, that so much of the two 80 acre lots, in section 17, township 5, range 65 west, as lies under the ditch, be subdivided into 22 42 & 5 acre pieces; and that Mr Cameron be appointed to attend to laying out the same.

On motion, Mr Holmes was directed to have the platform in the Hall lowered.

Voted, that W P McKinney's application for deed be granted.

Adjourned to Tuesday evening, Dec. 6.

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Present, Messrs. Meeker, Holmes, and Cameron, Trustees, and Messrs. Holiister, La Grange, and Gurley, of the Executive Committee.

A bill of Mr Williams, of $50, for work on the ditch was ordered paid.

A waste gate was ordered to be put in near the head of ditch No. 2, under the direction of the Engineer.

The following proposal from Mr. La Grange was read, and on motion, granted:

Greeley, Dec. 2d, 1870.

To the Board of Trustees:-Gentlemen: Appreciating the importance to the colony of developing the resources of the Coal Bank on the north side of the Cache la Poudre river, with a view of obtaining cheap fuel on our own lands, I therefore, make this proposal for your consideration and action:

1The Greeley Tribune, December 14, 1870, p. 3.

I will agree to make a thorough investigation of the resources of said coal bank, in consideration that the colony will allow me to purchase from the Railroad Company one half of section 17, township 7, north range 67 W., embracing one continous tract upon one side, or in two separate quarters, in different sections, as I may elect.

In case the tests made by me, to develop the resources of said territory, prove satisfactory, then it shall be understood that in addition to the one half section, I shall have the privilege of purchasing the balance of section 17 aforesaid, from the Denver Pacific Roilroad Company, by paying the Colony the sum of one thousand dollars.

The necessity of securing this amount of territory is appar ent from the fact, that it is impossible to determine, except by actual experiment, on what part of said territory the best deposits of coal are to be found; involving the necessity of making explorations in many places widely separated from each other, as it is not probable that a stratum of coal of a depth and quality will be found that will pay from working continuously the whole tract within a reasonable distance below the surface.

La Grange

A bill of C. J. Hanby, for $3, was ordered paid.
Adjourned Meeting.-Dec. 7.

Present, Messrs. Meeker, Cameron, Holmes, and Wilcox, Trustees, and Messrs. Hollister, La Grange, and Gurley, of the Executive Council.

Mr. Cameron reported that he had rented from Mr Fisk, for school purposes, the small room now occupied by the colony, at $5 per month. Report accepted.

The Secretary was directed to move the office of the colony to the colony building on Main street. Adjourned to Friday evening.

Adjourned Meeting.-Dec. 9.

Present, Messrs. Meeker, Cameron, and Holmes, Trustees, and Messrs. Hollister and Gurley, of the Executive Council. A bill of Schenck & Woodruff for $8[.]95, and a bill of N. C. Meeker of $3, were ordered paid

Mr. Cameron moved that a committee of three be appointed to revise the Constitution of the Colony, and report the same to the Trustees at the next meeting. Messrs. Cameron, Hollister, and Holmes, were appointed said committee. Adjourned.

1Greeley, Dec. 13, 1870.

Present, Messrs. Meeker, Holmes, and Cameron, Wilcox and Pinkerton, Trustees, and Messrs Gurley, Hollister and La Grange of Executive Council.

Mr. Cameron in the chair.

Mr. Pinkerton resigned his position as Trustee, and Mr. Hollister was chosen in his place

The following bills were ordered paid: Stephen Spencer, C. W. Russel, Walter McDonald, F. M. Babcock, Benjamin Moore, S. F. French, Nelson Holmes, Flowers & Cameron, L. Whipple, J. C. Shattuck, W. W. Wilcox, C. W. Sanborn.

On motion, Mr. B. H. Eaton was allowed $1500 on account of his contract on Ditch No. 2. Adjourned.

Dec. 16, 1870.

Present, Messrs. Cameron, Wilcox, Holmes, and Hollister, Trustees, and Messrs. Gurley and La Grange, Executive Com mittee.

Mr. Meeker in the chair.

On motion, W. E. Pabor was appointed Secretary of the Colony, in place of F. M. Babcock.

The following bills were ordered paid: S. Spencer, $7[.]50. E. Wait, $2[.]50.

The following applications for deeds were granted. J. W. G. Wadlin, John Glenny, V. De L. Mansfield, J. A. Wadlin, B. W. Hilton, S. R. Ferris.

The Committee on revising the constitution of the Colony, presented their report, which was adopted.

Voted that 2,000 copies be printed for circulation. Carried. The Secretary was directed to prepare a statement of the condition of the finances and report at the next regular meeting. Adjourned.

1The Greeley Tribune, December 21, 1870, p. 3.


1 Regular meeting, Tuesday evening, Dec. 20, 1870.

Present, Messrs. Meeker, Holmes, Cameron, Wilcox and Hollister, Trustees; and Messrs. Gurley and La Grange of Executive Council.

Mr. Meeker in the chair.

The following bills were ordered paid: R. Burchill, O. Plumb, W. E. Pabor.

The following applications for deeds were granted. Jas. Brown, F. M. Babcock, ag't., J. Max. Clark, W. D. Hartley. The Secretary made the following statement of the condition of the finances.

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Estimated amt. due on ditch No. 2. $13,575.98

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Adjourned Meeting, Dec. 23, 1870.

Present Messrs. Cameron, Wilcox, Hollister and Holmes, Trustees, and Messrs. Gurley and La Grange of Executive Council.

Vice President Cameron in the chair.

The following applications for deeds were granted: G. W. Hancock, Jas. Cooper, Jas. Cooper, Jr., W. E. Pabor.

The following bills were ordered paid: E. B. Annis, H. Boetcher, O. Eaton, A. J. Wilber, C. W. Sanborn, W. W. Lansing, B. S. La Grange.


1 Regular meeting, Tuesday evening, Dec. 20 [27], 1870. Present, Messrs. Meeker, Holmes, Cameron, Wilcox and Hollister, Trustees; and Messrs. Gurley and La Grange of Executive Council. Mr. Meeker, in the Chair.

Mr. Cameron moved that the warehouse of Judge Hanna be accepted as an improvement on his certificate. Carried.

The following rulings of the Board of Trustees, in relation to the division of lands, &c., were read by the Secretary, and reaffirmed by the Board:

Information relative to Land & Membership

1. For certificate of membership, a person is entitled to select a 5, 10, 20, or 40 acre plot in fee simple, with a perpetual water right.

2. He also, has the privilege of selecting a town residence lot, on payment of $50 for a corner, or $25 for an inside lot. 3. He also, has the privelege to choose a Government Eighty, by pre-emption, or under the Homestead Act, on the payment of $75 for water right; if said location is made on or before December 15, 1870; after that time $100.

4. A person may take a Rail Road 80 by paying the Rail Road Company the contract price; such cannot take any other land in fee simple, but are entitled on their certificate to a

1The Greeley Tribune, January 4, 1871, p. 3, with corrections added, ibid., January 11, 1871, p. 3.

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