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requires the aid of a fresh supply of Men, in order to curb the insolence of its rebellious Sons; and the brave and loyal Soldiers, now serving in the field of honour, demand a large reinforcement, to insure a happy result to the enterprizes in which they are employed.

Nations mutually respect each other, in proportion to their internal resources, and to the energy which they display under certain trying circumstances. Spain, by its position, the extent of its Territory, its productions, and the moral qualities of its Inhabitants, claims a distinguished place in the political scale of Europe. Every thing invites her to assume an imposing attitude, and to secure, by her vigour, the consideration which is due to her from other Nations: every thing teaches us the necessity of forming new relations with those States which know how to estimate our real wealth.

I need not recall to your recollection the glory and the services of the Spanish Army-a model of disinterestedness and patriotism. The heroick sacrifices which it made for the Independence of the Country are well known, and all Europe must acknowledge the services which it is now rendering to the cause of Liberty and of the Country. Those Citizen Warriors call for a new Military Code, which should be consistent with the Fundamental Laws of the Land, and with the improvements which have been effected in the art of War. The Ordinary Cortes, in their preceding Session, undertook this interesting task, the continuance of which is one of the objects which I now recommend to your attention.

Now that we possess a Criminal Code, and that the promulgation of so necessary a work, relieves those who administer justice from the fatigue of seeking it, in the innumerable Volumes in which it has hitherto been concealed, it is absolutely necessary that a Code for regulating all Judicial Proceedings, drawn up in the same spirit, should at once remove all the obstacles which oppose its prompt execution.

Such are, Gentlemen, Deputies of the Nation, the weighty matters for which you have been summoned. Others of equal importance and interest will be submitted to your decision in the course of the present Extraordinary Session. Many are of a delicate nature and of difficult solution, but not superior either to your penetration, your knowledge, or your patriotism. The harmony which will prevail amongst all the Friends of Liberty, will shed a new lustre upon all those eminent qualities, which are the best pledge for Spain and for myself of your arriving at a prudent decision. All good Men will rejoice in seeing you again occupied in promoting their happiness, and Traitors will ever find in the National Congress an insurmountable obstacle to their criminal projects.

PROCLAMATION of the President, to the People and
Army of Hayti, respecting the Publick tranquillity.—19th
August, 1822.


OUR Country was but a short time ago divided and torn by intestine factions. The traces of desolation are to be seen every where; we still behold the victims of those frightful times when crime was heaped upon crime, and when unbridled passions, overturning what might have constituted the force of the Country, prepared an easy access for Foreign Enemies, who unceasingly meditated the destruction of our National Independence.

You cannot have forgotten the calamities which have afflicted you for more than 20 Years; you are not ignorant of the want of union being the sole cause of all your misfortunes. You are witnesses, that the Government, since the foundation of the Republick, has not deviated from the route marked out for the amelioration of your condition. By perseverance and good faith, by watchings and sacrifices, it has dissipated the clouds which were gathered over your heads; it has united and attached the scattered parts of the State to a common centre, and has formed out of all the Haytians only one family, rendering triumphant throughout our Island the principles of true liberty, the advantages of a wise equality.

The prosperous futurity which such a change seemed to promise to the Children of Hayti, frightened its Foreign Enemies, and overwhelmed with chagrin those few within it who regarded the Nation as existing only for themselves, and who were ever ready to sacrifice it to their vanity and ambition. Thus both conspired against the publick felicity, because their efforts, altogether directed to a different end, co-operated to impede our progress to prosperity.

In fact, whilst I pacified the Eastern part, and that glorious Revolution proved to Europe the force of our Institutions and the shameful and fruitless attempts of France against the Presqu'ile of Samana, General Romain, a man whom, on account of his age, (and with a view to satisfy such as dreamt of our ruin, that no Individual influence could overturn the State), I had rescued from the death he merited, for having organized the conspiracy at Gonaives, in February, 1821, sent secret Emissaries to the North, fomenting troubles and augmenting the number of his partizans: with what intention? It could only be for the purpose of subjecting his Fellow-citizens, and of obtaining the supreme command, by pursuing the path pointed out to him by Christophe. He, therefore, made use of the same means as the latter did against the victorious Petion to excite doubts as to his devotion to his Country.

With the exception of a few wretched Intriguers, none have become the dupes of the artifices of Romain, who, more effectually to deceive good Citizens, sent, in the names of Generals Gedeon and La

motteaigron, a messenger to General Magny, to excite disquietude in his bosom and to shake his devotion. For this purpose the old and ridiculous measure was resorted to, of spreading a report that the Country was sold to the French. General Magny, highly honorable, and indignant at the message which had been addressed to him, arrested James Peter Lamotte, the bearer of it, and informed me of the conspiracy that existed. In answer to General Magny, I repelled the idea that Generals Gedeon and Lamotteaigron were the authors of this infamous message, and ordered the criminal messenger to this Capital. But General Romain heard of this step the moment the news reached Leogane, and attempted to escape from that place, in which he was a prisoner. General Gedeon, who was responsible for his Person, and charged with strictly watching him, then ordered him to the guard house-he positively refused to obey, and compelled them to use an armed force, which he also resisted. It is this resistance which, to my sincere regret and contrary to my intentions, has caused the death of General Romain, who doubtless preferred thus to bury his crime than to appear before Judges whose severe justice would have quickly unveiled his abominable machinations. Such has been the end of a man, who, because he fought, as did many others, for his Country, supposed he could subject it to his will and his caprices. This circumstance, although it has opened the eyes of the Nation, and has called forth additional proofs of their unshaken disposition, has, nevertheless, induced other Intriguers, of a different class to believe, that the moment was favorable for the execution of their Projects, by becoming the compliant echoes of the seditious words of General Romain. Publick opinion has defeated the plans of these perverse Men, and the vigilance of Government will pursue them till they have fallen beneath the sword of the Law.

Citizens, the Government, strong in the rectitude of its principles, will always march with a firm step, in order that you may enjoy that quiet which is annoying to your Enemies, and for which you have made such heroic sacrifices. Neither the speeches nor the arts of ambitious Men shall intimidate it; but your repose will be troubled, your families tormented, if you do not exert yourselves to stifle them, by denouncing to the Magistrates, placed as a guard over the publick tranquillity, those Persons who spread alarming reports, and whose seditious proposals have a tendency to shake your confidence. Recollect that these mischievous Characters are to be found in all Countries; that they are restless and envious, never satisfied with what may be done for them, and that they are pleased only by the adoption of such innovations as they themselves propose. Thank Heaven, their number is but small, and that your patriotism is sufficient to restrain them, and to prevent them from again uniting in order to divide you. If, I repeat, you point them out to the proper Authority, they shall no longer be the Agents

of our external Enemies, who await only the slightest disturbance in our Country, to fall on it, and to destroy all that you have done for the happiness of your posterity, and the glory of the Haytian name.

Magistrates, Functionaries of every description; you are responsible for the publick tranquillity; recollect that the People wish to enjoy their liberty, their Independence: that it will no longer be the sport of intrigues and factions; that it will obey only the voice of the Government for the defence of its interests and its rights. Hunt down the Alarmists, whomsoever they may be, or to whatever Body they may belong; pursue them agreeably to the established rules, that they may be convicted and punished according to Law, and that the honest and peaceable Citizen may be protected. Fulfil, punctually, the obligations you contracted on accepting your present stations; know that, if your Fellow Citizens consent to respect you, to honour you as publick officers, it is because they consider you as the watchful guardians of their repose; far be from you the criminal idea of acting like those Men, who were ambitious of authority, solely because it offered them lucrative advantages, and the power of oppressing their Fellow Creatures.

Soldiers; you have ever served the Republick, and will forever be the pillars on which the National Edifice will rest. You will be constantly the terror of designing Men, since you have learnt to appreciate the sweets of liberty amidst privations and sufferings known only in Camps. You have sworn, on your arms, fidelity to the Government; listen to my voice, it will be raised only to direct you in the path of honour; you have seen me sharing your pains, your fatigues and your dangers; you will still behold me, to my latest breath, consecrating my existence to your happiness, and urging you fondly to cherish our rallying words: Long live Liberty! Long live Independence! Long live the Republick.

At the National Palace of Port au Prince, the 19th August, 1822.

By the President.

B. INGINAC, Secretary General.

ORDINANCE of the King of Sweden, for the encouragement of Trade between Sweden and South America.—15th June, 1822. (Translation.)

WE, the President and Members of the College of Commerce, &c. do hereby make known, that His Majesty, by His gracious Notification, of the 15th instant, to this Board, has been pleased to declare, that his Subjects may trade with all Places on the Continent of South America. That, for the encouragement of Trade with those Places, the reduction

of duties, which, under the name of "West India Relief," has hitherto, in certain cases, been granted, shall be extended to goods of South American produce, when imported in Swedish Ships from any Port whatever on that Continent; and further, that Merchant Vessels, belonging to the Inhabitants of such Ports of the said Continent, in which Swedish Vessels meet with a friendly reception, shall be admitted into Swedish Ports, to dispose of their Cargoes, if consisting of goods permitted for consumption, and the produce of the South American Continent, and to purchase return Cargoes.

All which we hereby make known to all whom it may concern. Stockholm, 18th June, 1822.








DISCOURS du Roi, à l'Ouverture de la Session Extraordinaire du Storthing de Norvège, le 20 Septembre, 1822. MESSIEURS,

C'EST toujours avec une satisfaction nouvelle que je viens parler aux Représentans des Peuples, que la Providence a confiés à mes soins, le bonheur que je trouve à multiplier les preuves de mes dispositions à leur égard, provient d'une conviction bien acquise, qu'elles sont conformes à l'équité, et à la saine raison, puisqu'elle tendent à consolider l'empire des Loix, librement acquises et franchement exécutées.

Vous savez, Messieurs, par combien d'héroiques efforts, et de pénibles sacrifices les Institutions sont obtenues ou conquises par les Peuples. Vous savez quelles sont les difficultés qu'ils éprouvent à les consolider. Plus heureux que tant d'autres, vous les avez reçues comme un bienfait de la Providence; vous devez ainsi éprouver le besoin de travailler avec une main prudente, à élaguer ce qu'elles ont de contraire à leur exécution, et à ajouter ce que leur stabilité reclame. C'est pour assurer cette stabilité, dans l'exercice de vos droits, que je vous ai appelés, afin de conférer avec vous, sur les moyens de remplir, d'une manière indépendante, des conjonctures accidentelles, les engagemens, qui n'ont été qu'une suite naturelle de la liberté, dont jouit la Norvège comme


Les ressources que vous avez mises à ma disposition pour acquitter la Dette de la Norvège au Dannemarc, sont positives, et je persiste à croire que, si elles pouvaient être réalisées, elles seroient suffisantes.

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