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Affairs of Ireland. Registration of Voters-Lord Stanley revives his mea-

sure of 1840 for Reform of Registration-Motion for leave to bring in

the Bill-Speeches of Lord Stanley and Lord Morpeth-Mr. O'Connell

moves adjournment-It is negatived by 261 to 71-Lord Morpeth intro-

duces a Bill on the same subject-Its leading provisions-Definition

and extension of the elective Franchise proposed by it-Feeling of

different parties in the House on the occasion-Speech of Lord Howick

-Debate on second reading of Lord Morpeth's Bill-Severe denunci-

ation of the ministerial tactics by Lord Stanley-Mr. C, Wood supports

the Bill-Debate continued for four successive nights-Speeches of Sir

W. Follett and Mr. C. Buller-Allusion of the latter to our Foreign

Relations-View of the Bill taken by Mr. Slaney-Exposition by Sir J.

Graham of the progress of ministerial concessions to the Repeal party

-Speeches of Mr. O'Connell, Sir R. Peel, and Lord J. Russell-

Second Reading carried by a majority of 5-Postponement of Com-

mittee on the Bill-Severe remarks thereon by Lord Stanley-Language

of Mr. O'Connell, and of the Irish Press, on the Registration question

-Lord Stanley's Bill postponed-Alteration in the ministerial Bill

announced by Lord Morpeth-House goes into Committee-Lord

Howick moves an amendment on the first clause-It is opposed by

Lord Morpeth-Speeches of Mr. C. Wood, Lord Stanley, Mr. O'Con-

nell, Lord John Russell, and Sir R. Peel-Amendment carried by 291

to 270-Adjournment of the House-Statement of Lord John Russell

on 28th April-He acquiesces in Lord Howick's Amendment-State-

ment of Lord Howick-Debate thereupon-Altercation of Mr. Ward

and Mr. Hume-Various divisions on amendments and other motions-

Curious confusion of the debate, terminating in a majority against the

Government of 11-Lord John Russell throws up the Bill-Remarks of

Sir R. Peel-Reflections on the effect of the preceding transactions upon

the character and prospects of the Government

favouring the Church of Rome-Speech of Lord Melbourne-The Duke

of Wellington objects to the Ordinance-The Bishop of Exeter moves

an Address to the Crown-He is answered by Lords Normanby and

Ripon The Duke of Wellington retracts his objection to the Ordinance

-The Motion withdrawn. College of Maynooth-Mr. Colquhoun moves

for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal the Laws connecting it with the

State-He animadverts on the Doctrines taught at the College, and

their effect on the character of the Priesthood-Speeches of Lord Mor-

peth and Sir R. Inglis-Mr. O'Connell vindicates the College and his

Church-Bill read a first time, but not proceeded with. Church-rates

-Mr. Easthope brings before the House the case of Mr. Baines-His

Resolution negatived by a majority of 5-He introduces a Bill to abo-

lish Church-rates-It is read a first time, but goes no further. Public

Education-Motion of Mr. Ewart for appointment of Minister of Edu-

tion-It is opposed by the Government, and withdrawn-Sir Robert

Peel vindicates his own efforts to promote Scientific Instruction. Law

Reform-Punishment of Death-Bills of Mr. F. Kelly and Lord John

Russell-Mr. Kelly's Bill mutilated in Committee-He abandons the

measure-The Government carry their Bill-Effect of the new Act.

Chancery Reform-Bills of Attorney-General and of Sir E. Sugden-

Appointment of two Judges in Equity opposed by the latter-Bill passes

through Committee, but finally abandoned by the Government. Ser-

jeant Talfourd's Copyright Bill rejected

Finance-Mr. Baring's Financial Statement-Development of his Plans

for the Year-Speeches of Mr. Goulburn, and of Mr. Hume and other

Liberal Members-Remarks of Mr. Christopher and Viscount Sandon

on the threatened change in the Corn-laws-Lord John Russell an-

nounces his intention to propose a moderate fixed duty-Speech of Sir

Robert Peel, of Viscount Howick, and Mr. Labouchere-Preparations

on both sides for the approaching contest-Proceedings of Associations

and Public Meetings-Anti-Corn-law Movements-Union of interests

against the Government measure-Debate in the House of Lords on

the Corn-laws-The Duke of Buckingham quotes a Speech of Viscount

Melbourne's against him-Viscount Melbourne vindicates his own con-

sistency-Speeches of the Earls Ripon and Winchilsea-Viscount San-

don gives notice of a resolution with respect to the proposed change

in the Sugar-duties Counter-resolution announced by Lord John

Russell-Notice on the same subject by Mr. O'Connell-Debate on the

Sugar-duties-Important petitions presented on both sides-Able in-

troductory Speech of Lord John Russell.-Viscount Sandon moves

his Resolution-Debate lasts from 7th May to 18th.-Mr. Handley

and other leading agricultural Members declare against the Minis-

terial plans-Dr. Lushington opposes the Budget on anti-slavery

grounds-Mr. Grote's answer to this argument Summary of the

Speeches of Lord Stanley, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Robert

Peel, and Viscount Palmerston - Viscount Sandon's Resolution is

carried by a majority of 36-Public excitement consequent on defeat of

Ministers-The Chancellor of the Exchequer gives notice of moving

"the usual Sugar-duties." Severe Remarks of the Earl of Darlington

on the tenacity of the Government-Preparations for a General Election

-Sir Robert Peel gives notice of a Resolution affirming want of Con-

fidence in the Government-Lord John Russell throws up the Poor-law

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Debate on Sir R. Peel's Resolution of Want of Confidence in the Go-

vernment- His Speech in introducing it-Citation of historical Prece-

dents--Distinction drawn between the present case and that of Mr. Pitt,

in 1784-Speeches of Mr. Christopher, Sir James Graham, Sir William

Follett, Mr. Serjeant Jackson, and Lord Stanley, in support of the Re-

solution Speeches of Lord Worsley, Sir J. Hobhouse, Mr. Macaulay,

Dr. Lushington, Mr. Handley, Mr. O'Connell, Viscount Morpeth, and

Lord John Russell, in defence of the Government-Division and Ma-

jority of one in favour of the Motion-Lord John Russell states the

course determined on by the Ministers-He declares their intention to

dissolve Parliament at once, without a discussion on the Corn Laws-

His proposal respecting the Estimates-Speech of Sir R. Peel-He de-

mands a pledge that the new Parliament shall be convoked at the earliest

period-Lord John Russell undertakes to this effect-Speeches of Mr.

Wakley, Mr. Villiers, Mr. Labouchere, the Chancellor of the Exchequer,

Mr. Herries, and Mr. Goulburn-The Estimates are voted without op-

position Subsequent proceedings in the House of Commons-Prepa-

rations for the Elections-A large number of bills in progress ale

abandoned some others carried-Administration of justice in Chancery

Bill-Sir E. Sugden proposes to postpone its operation till the 10th of

October-Object of this Motion-Lord John Russell strongly opposes

it- It is supported by Sir Robert Peel, and carried by a majority of 18

-Lord John Russell throws up the Bill-Remarks of Sir D. Evans on

the conduct of the Opposition-Speech of Lord Stanley-Observations

of Sir R. Peel on the transaction-Parliament prorogued by the Queen

in person, on the 22nd of June-Address of the Speaker to Her Ma-

jesty The Queen's Speech-Proclamation issued for the Dissolution of

Parliament-Review of the Session-General Remarks

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