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We Advocate the Establishment of a Juvenile Court Law for Every State in the Union.

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The Stock Investment Trading Company

269 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO

Incorporated and organized for the purpose of buying and selling active investment securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange

DO NOT risk Margins in Speculation.


in the Stock Investment and Trading Company and reap the benefits resulting through trading in Active Stocks, and at the same time enjoy the security afforded investors. Shares $10.00 each. Correspondence solicited.


The Stock Investment Trading Company

269 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO

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An elegant new building, with all the late ideas in architecture, has just been taken possession of by the Bay City (Mich.) Children's Home association.

Employers of Nebraska have been warned anew that the statutes require every child under fourteen years to attend school twenty weeks each year.

California promises to get into the line of progression in the matter of treatment of juvenile offenders and dependents, by the adoption of a juvenile court law.

The King Daughters of North Carolina in convention at Raleigh this month appointed a committee to investigate and devise a plan for securing a state reformatory.

The Illinois Humane Society is advocating a law making wife and child desertion a felony. Under such a statute a deserting father or mother could be brought back to Illinois for trial.

The social science department of the Colorado Springs WomIan's Club is working for the inauguration of manual training as a regular course in the schools of that city and throughout the


W. Robert Hunter, for six years organizing secretary of the Chicago Bureau of Charities, has resigned to accept the position of head resident at the University settlement, New York city.

Articles of incorporation for the Grace M. Allen Industrial school for colored children have been filed in Iowa. The school will be at Burlington and the trustees and officers have been elected.

Mrs. Margaret Deland of Boston, the author, through each winter cares for beautiful beds of jonquils and hyacinths which every February she sells for high prices and devotes the income to charity.

The initiative in the matter has been taken by the civic section of the California Club, and members of the Merchants' Association and Associated Charities. The work of enlisting influence favorable to the bill has begun in Oakland, Stockton, Santa Barbara and other cities, and rural districts, by charitable organiza

tions, women's clubs and others. No opposition to the measure is expected.

A valuable collection of cameos was given the Chicago Bureau of Associated Charities this month. The donor refused to give his name. The stones ranged from $5 to $35 in value and were immediately placed on sale.

Fifteen $1,000 bonds of the Jennie Clarkson Home for Children of New York are missing. They were a part of the $350,000 endowment from the estate of W. R. Clarkson, of which the school has received only $30,000.

A chapter of orphans from the Oxford Orphan Asylum started on a concert tour this month. Their object is to bring the public into closer touch with the Masonic Children's Home and incidentally secure funds for its 250 inmates.

At two local conferences of Lincoln (Neb.) charity workers it was decided to secure an extension of the functions of the State Home for the Friendless by legislative enactment, and a committee was appointed to draft a bill for the establishment of a special court for juvenile offenders.

A lad who ran away from St. Ann's Orphanage at Salt Lake City a few days ago is now without a home. He declared that he left the institution because he was spanked. The authorities now refuse to receive him back, asserting that he has maligned them, and his mother cannot care for him, as she is too poor.

Dannie Rosendecker, a 12-year-old boy of Toledo, O., was given the maximum sentence of 20 years in the penitentiary for killing a companion, last month. The boy cried for his mother while being taken to jail. Criminologist experts say the boy is a degenerate and it is said that two of his relatives have served terms for murder.

The members of the Social Economics Club of Chicago has decided to agitate for equal suffrage as the only method by which the child labor problem can be settled. They will enter actively into the campaign for state university trustees, where women are allowed to vote and preliminary to this have organized a study course on the Illinois statutes relating to women.

The Omaha News advocates that a juvenile court be established in that city. The subject was raised by an inquiry of a Detroit lawyer to Judge Berka regarding "Omaha's advanced methods of handling juvenile criminals." The Omaha people consider it humiliating that the judge was compelled to reply that their methods were not "advanced."

Domestic science is to be taught the refractory girls who are sent to the Industrial School at Beloit, Kan. The State Board of Charities decided that a girl who knows how to wash dishes, sweep and keep a house in order is worth a dozen society buds who can not sew on a button that comes off their dresses, and installed a competent teacher in this department of the school.

Several Ohio charitable institutions are being severely criticized. The Girls' Industrial School at Delaware is being investigated on account of the death of an inmate and recently J. W. Nichols, the Dayton humane officer, took a child from the Children's Home of that city, charging that it was being neglected. made serious charges against the institution, which must be investigated.


Judge Sloss of San Francisco is drafting a bill to present at the next session of the legislature at Sacramento. The bill, it is said, will be closely modeled after the Illinois law and will be presented to the Attorney General, prior to its introduction in the legislature, in order to guard against the possibility of any conflicts with the constitution of California, or the embodiment of any features unsuitable to California conditions.

Mrs. Florence Kelley, secretary of the National Consumers' League, while lecturing on child labor before the Ladies' Literary Club of Salt Lake City, said: "While holding the office of inspector in Illinois I found that almost any kind of law could be passed regulating child labor in the factories, but none of them could be enforced. When an inspector insisted upon the observance of the regulations a resignation was invariably requested, and some one else appointed."

Four little girls, aged 6, 9, 15 and 16 years, two of them cripples, are named as the sole beneficiaries of the will of Daniel Conklin, for many years village postmaster at Buchanan-on-theHudson, N. Y. His will, just probated, gives them the district schoolhouse, which he owned, his grocery store and all his money. The old man left a brother, seven nieces, twelve nephews and proportionate number of grandchildren, but cut them all off in favor of the four little girls who used to play around his country store and postoffice.

Judge Newburger of New York discharged a friendless prisoner, contributed $10 towards a purse of $25 for him and delivered the following scathing criticism on missionary societies last week: "I do not see a missionary in court to-day, although I notified them. I want to say that these missionaries and aid society representatives are never around to help a man in actual want. Usually they are around in cases where the prisoners have retained expensive counsel."

T. D. Hurley, who for many years has been actively engaged in juvenile charity work, last month resigned the office of chief probation officer of the Cook County Juvenile Court, which he has held since the court was organized. The resignation was on account of his appointment as a city police magistrate by Governor Yates. He will continue his work in juvenile charities, retaining the offices of president of the Illinois Conference of Charities and Corrections and of the Visitation and Aid Society and editor of the Juvenile Record.

As a result of trouble among the trustees of the Los Angeles Boys' and Girls' Society for Homeless Children, situated at South Pasadena, there may be another children's home in Pasadena. The Pasadena members assert that the Los Angeles members have usurped control of the board. Mrs. F. F. Rowland, a Pasadena former member, and wife of the Pasadena health officer, says that the hygienic regulations in the home are deplorable, only nine combs being used on the fifty heads of the inmates, instead of each child having an individual comb.

Two women traveling in the guise of philanthropists-Miss Lizzie Murphy of Duluth, Minn., and Miss Alvina L. Walters of Alma, Wis.-soliciting funds for the Baker Orphanage, an alleged child-saving institution at 4544 London road, Duluth, have experienced considerable trouble in Wisconsin and Minnesota. After being arrested as swindlers, the Duluth chief of police notified other chiefs through the state that the "Baker Orphanage is a fraud." It is said that the institution does actually care for at least three children, but that it collects funds for many more and refuses to permit its books to be examined.

The Rev. Dr. M. H. Harris of the Temple Israel congregation, New York City, in announcing that a charter had been taken out for a Jewish Juvenile Asylum, declared that the Jews had as

much need of reformatories as Catholics or Protestants, and said: "We have been fighting for twenty years against our own pride and prejudice. At last we have awakened to a full sense of our responsibility, and it is high time we did so. To-day, out of 900 inmates in the House of Refuge, there are 232 Jewish children, in the Juvenile Asylum 223 out of 800 and in the Five Points mission 33. These numbers appalling in their proportions, are steadily on the increase.'

The members of the Hull House Woman's Club, Chicago, have censored the field of juvenile fiction. They hold that the everyday life of the street urchin and ghetto youth is sufficiently strenuous without reading romantic stories of adventure. Dime novels, nickel libraries, Jules Verne's tales, Kipling's stories and similar stimulating fiction are condemned. Louisa M. Alcott's works, "Alice in Wonderland, "Gulliver's Travels" (expurgated), the average Sunday school book and newspapers, with stories of murders, fires, runaways, etc., cut out; are held to be proper mental food for either a "Little Lord Fauntleroy" or a gamin who shouts "double extrey" on the streets.

W. D. Parker, Wisconsin state inspector for schools for the deaf, says that there are between 200 and 300 minor deaf and dumb and blind children in that state who do not receive appropriate instruction. In order to get the names and residences of these unfortunates he has just sent a letter to county and city superintendents of schools soliciting their assistance. The eight state day schools for defective children have an attendance of 160, while the school for the deaf at Delavan has 220 and that for the blind at Janesville 120.

Fifteen southern Illinois counties have put Judge Tuthill's ideas of taking care of unfortunates into practical use, and as a result over 5,000 children within the last few years have been placed under the roofs of some of the best families of the state, any many of them have become useful young men and women. The Illinois Children's Home and Aid Association has charge of the work and is supported entirely by voluntary contributions. At all of the leading hotels in the territory of the association are glass globes for contributions. In each community of each county the association has a local board, whose business it is to receive calls for help. A great deal of help has been provided in the matter of furnishing the receiving home with provisions, and much of this comes from the fortunate children in prosperous homes. The children contribute single apples and potatoes, for instance, that when measured up run into many bushels.

The startling statement comes from New Jersey that nearly 6,000 children of school age in that state are not in school. The greater part of them are at work in factories in defiance of a stringent labor law. Governor Murphy says that in his own 25 years' experience as an employer he never once saw a factory inspector in his factory. The Governor asserts that some of the factories have small children employed, and it is established beyond question that these children of 6 and 7 years are driven to work seventeen and eighteen hours a day for two or three cents an hour. Whenever the officials of any society come to investigate they are entertained in the front office until the children can be hustled out to play. When the inspectors are gone the children are driven back to work, and their pay docked for the hour or two of lost time. It is gratifying to know that the Governor of New Jersey declared he is going to enter on the rigid enforcement of the law, and put a stop to child labor in the state.

Insolvency Judge Callaghan of Cleveland, O., has been visiting the Chicago Juvenile Court preparatory to establishing such a court in his city. The Cleveland Leader says in regard to his investigation: "The new Juvenile Court in this county will be under the jurisdiction of the Insolvency Court. Nearly all of the larger cities in this country already have juvenile courts. The Chicago court is the most notable one in the country and has had the longest experience in dealing with the youth who are so unfortunate as to be without other care. That court is presided over by Judge Tuthill, and he has had to deal with almost every phase of the juvenile question. Judge Callaghan will spend two or three days at Judge Tuthill's court in examining its methods. In addition to this, Judge Callaghan is now making other preparations for the opening of the court here next June. He has already received samples of the blanks and other forms used in the Chicago court and is preparing to have his stationery printed. The matter that is bothering Judge Callaghan most is the appointment of the probationary officers."

Excursions to Boston Via the Wabash Line.

The Wabash will sell tickets from Chicago to Boston and return June 12, 13 and 14 at very low rates. Tickets will be good going via Niagara Falls and Hoosac Tunnel route, via Montreal or via New York and rail or boat lines. Final return limit July 31. For rates, time cards and full information write F. A. Palmer, A. G. P. A., 97 Adams-st., Chicago.


By the time these words are in type New York City will probably have a Juvenile Court in operation. The law as passed but enacted that the court should come into being on January 1. This was not carried out, the pretext being that the room placed at the service of the court was inadequate and that there was no money for changes. Meantime, however, a bill had been introduced into the Senate (January 7, 1902) by Mr. Elsberg, providing that "within twenty days after this act takes effect the mayor shall appoint one additional justice" to the court of special sessions, and making other important changes, taking the children's court away from the board of city magistrates and placing it under the higher court. The friends of the new court felt that these amendmetns were so important that the speedy opening of the court was not pushed. The bill has been signed by the Governor, and the Juvenile Court must soon be started. At least one justice has refused to take judicial action in a case involving a child, although the court is yet to be.

The new act provides that the officer in charge of a delinquent child shall take the child to the children's court "and shall not take said child knowingly to any city magistrate's court or before any city magistrate except for the purpose of giving bail." Any child inadvertently brought before a magistrate must be immediately transferred. "The said court shall be held in some building separate and apart from one used for the trial of persons above the age of sixteen charged with any criminal offense."

The sections transferring original jurisdiction from the magistrates are so important that we print them in full:

"Sec. 1419. In addition to the powers, duties and jurisdiction heretofore conferred, the court of special sessions of the first division, and the justices thereof, shall supersede the city magistrates in the trial, determination and disposition of all cases concerning children under sixteen years of age, unless upon a criminal charge in which two or more persons are jointly charged and some of them are above that age, and the said court, and the justices thereof, shall have and exercise the powers, duties and jurisdiction as follows:

"1. The said court of special sessions of the first division shall hear and adjudicate all charges of a criminal nature aganist children under sixteen years of age, of the grade of, or, under section six hundred and ninety-nine of the penal code, permitted to be tried as misdemeanors, including all charges coming within the summary jurisdiction of magistrates, and impose or suspend sentence or remit to probation pursuant to law. But all such hearings and trials shall be had in a court room exclusively used for the hearing and disposition of children's cases.

"2. Such court, as provided in section fourteen hundred and eighteen, shall be open each day, except Sundays and legal holidays, during such hours as the justices of special sessions of the first division, by public rule shall determine, and one of said justices shall be in attendance who shall possess and exercise, as to all matters arising in said court, all the powers and jurisdiction now conferred on city magistrates, and, unless an objection shall be interposed by the prosecution or the defense at or before the time the defendant, or defendants, are called upon to plead to a charge graded, or permitted by law, as a misdemeanor, all the powers and jurisdiction of a court of special sessions.

"3. If an objection be interposed, as specified in the preceding subdivision, or thereafter if permitted by the presiding justice, such justice shall adjourn the trial of said case to the same or to some future day when two other justices of special sessions can be associated with him, in the same building, before whom, as a court of special sessions, all such cases shall be heard and determined."

It will appear to many as strange that the law makes no provision for probation officers, but these will doubtless follow.

It is to be noted that the Juvenile Court will have jurisdiction over delinquents alone-not as in Chicago, over dependents. These will be cared for by the Department of Public Charities, which has control over children supported in institutions at public expense. The act provides, however, that, if practicable, the Juvenile Court shall be located in the same building in which the department has its offices.

That there is great need for the new court is obvious to any one who takes the time to visit a few of the magistrates' courts. A few weeks ago the writer chanced to be in one of the courts in a tenement section of the city. The room was full of visitors; the prisoners were standing beside a railing, stepping up one after the other before the judge, who seemed to spend a good deal of time in thinking of remarks-often coarse-which would make the spectators laugh, in order that he might command silence. To hear a boy of 12 called a "blackguard," "scoundrel," etc., by one who was supposed to represent the dignity of justice did not impress one favorably, and the influence of the whole farcical performance serious enough though the result is on the child

is easily imagined. To hear the judge say to a young woman who had been found intoxicated and whose head dropped in shame at her disgrace, "You will be a tank-a beer tank-in less than five years," was enough to make a man blush-or swear. Yet these were addressed only to a couple of prisoners and doubtless during the morning further sentiments of equal refinement would be expressed. Our hearts were cheered, when, later that day, another court in another section of the city was visited and a gentleman found on the bench who showed a genuine interest in a couple of boys before him and whose behavior as well as his words could not fail to have a good influence.

The probation system for adults is working well, though much criticism is made as to the fitness of many of those in the work. Those who are fit and who are honestly striving to bring about good results are meeting with success, in spite of many difficulties beside the inherent one of influencing those whose life courses are more fixed. The magistrates are gradually coming to call on them for assistance and advice, and there is promise of greater usefulness. The Juvenile Court will offer many opportunities for similar service.

The systematic attempts being made to break up street-begging have nothing directly to do with the children's court, but in reality the connection is closer than one might think. The Charity Organization Society has put Mr. Forbes formerly superintendent of the First District in charge of the work and in connection with the police detailed for the special service much good work is being done. It is the same old story of deceit and lying guided by cunning and made possible by the foolish donations of the victims. Indications point to a considerable degree of organization and to what might be called "professional training in charity work."

An investigation by the State Board of Charities in the western counties of the state illustrates anew the tendency of institutions. In its report the board says Onondaga and Oneida counties have more children who have been public charges for five years than have Erie or Monroe counties, Onondaga having 117, or one to every 1,442 of population, and Oneida 89, or one to every 1,492 of population. The report shows that in Utica the city board of charity has been in the habit of recommitting each year the chil dren who are inmates of orphan asylums and charging them up to the county, and contains the following resolutions adopted by the city board.

"Resolved, That all children of the age of 16 years or under, committed either to the Utica Orphan Asylum, St. John's or St. Vincent's Industrial School, the House of the Good Shepherd or St. Joseph's Infant Home, and now being cared for and residing in said institutions, are hereby subject to the custody of the respective institutions in which they are now located as a charge to the county of Oneida."

Two boys were found in the Utica institution who were committed by a former overseer of the poor of Syracuse and who are now 16 and 18 years old respectively. It was discovered in the course of the examination that public charges are frequently transferred from the city to the county list of public charges and vice versa. The report states that Syracuse is paying $1.50 per week for nine children who were committed in 1890, or prior thereto, and that Utica has paid $8,873 for eight children, or more than $1,000 per child.

In all, 549 children were found who have been in orphan asylums in that section for the past five years or longer, who ought to have been placed in families, or have parents or relatives who should care for them.

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