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prechè questi beni saranno stati specialmente designati nel contratto, e viceversa.

VI. L'ipoteca di cui si tratta nei due precedenti articoli (4 e 5) non colpirà se non li beni che ne saranno passibili conformemente alle leggi del paese in cui sono


L'adempimento di tutte le formalità dalle leggiprescritte perchè l'ipoteca sortisca il suo effetto, resterà a carico. della persona, a favore di cui sarà stata acquistata od


VII. Gli atti di giurisdizione volontaria passati negli Stati di Sua Maestà Sarda sortiranno il loro effetto negli Stati di Sua Maestà Cattolica, e viceversa, allorchè si sarà dichiarato nulla ostare all' esecuzione dei medesimi dal tribunale superiore nella cui giurisdizione debbono gli atti eseguirsi.

VIII. La presente Convenzione è conchiusa per anni cinque, i quali decorsi, senza che una delle alt Parti contraenti abbia dichiarato all'altra, sei mesi prima della scadenza di detto termine, di volerne far cessare gli effetti, continuerà ad essere in vigore per un anno, e così di seguito a meno di disdetta come sopra.

La medesima sarà ratificata, e le rispettive ratifiche saranno scambiate nello spazio di tre mesi, od anche prima ove sia possibile.

In fede di che i Plenipotenziarii suddeti l'hanno munita della loro firma, apponendovi il sigillo delle loro


Fatto nel Real Palazzo in Madrid, addì trenta del mese di giugno dell'anno mille ottocento cinquant' uno.

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Notification du Ministre des affaires étrangères de Portugal, en date du 5 juillet 1851, relative à l'assimilation du pavillon des Villes de Lubeck et de Brême à celui des nations les plus fa

vorisées *).

Illmo e Exmo Sr. Tendo-me transmittido em data de 3 do corrente, o Consul Geral das Cidades Anseaticas nesta Corte, as declarações formaes e solemnes dos Altos Senados de Lübeck e Bremen, pelas quaes consta ser tractada, nos portos das mesmas Cidades, a bandeira portugueza como a da naçao mais favorecida, quanto a direitos de porto e tonelagem; tento a honra de assim o communicar a. V. Ex para seu conhecimento: rogando-lhe ao mesmo tempo que, emc onformidade do artigo 2o da Carta de Lei de 25 de Junho de 1849, se sirva mandar expedir as ordens convenientes para que as bandeiras des mencionadas Cidades gosem de igual favor nos portos deste Reino.

Deos guarde a V. Ex. Secretaria de Estado dos Negocios Estrangeiros, em 5. de Julho de 1851.

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Illmo e Exmo Sr. Marino Miguel Franzini.

Antonio Aluizio Jervis de Atouguia.

*) La déclaration du Sénat de Lubeck à laquelle se rapporte cette notification est datée du 18 juin 1851. Elle est textuellement conforme au document suivant.

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Déclarations échangées entre l'Espagne et la Ville libre et anséatique de Lubeck, relatives au traitement national des bâtiments des deux parties.


Déclaration du Sénat de la Ville libre et anséatique de Lubeck, signée à Lubeck, le 16 juin 1852.

Nous, le Sénat de la ville libre et Anséatique de Lubeck,

Certifions et déclarons par les Présentes:

Que le système en vigueur dans la République de Lubeck n'admet pas des droits différentiels et que conformément à ce principe les navires Espagnols et leurs cargaisons, arrivant de, ou partant pour quelque pays étranger que ce soit, sont traités dans les ports Lubecquois quant aux droits à payer des bâtiments et des marchandises soit à l'Etat, soit à des particuliers nommément de ceux de tonnage, de port, de pilotage et de douanes, absolument sur le même pied, que les navires Lubecquois et leurs cargaisons.

En foi de quoi Nous avons fait signer les Présentes par Notre Secrétaire et y apposer le Sceau de la Ville. Fait à Lubeck, le 16 juin 1852.

(Signé) C. Th. Overbeck, Dr.



Notification du ministre des finances d'Espagne, signée à Madrid, le 16 août 1852.

S. M. la Reina se ha servido mandar que los buques lubequenses sean tratados en los puertos de la Península é Islas adyacentes como los españoles para la exaccion de los derechos de puerto y navegacion de conformidad á lo dispuesto en el Real decreto de 3 de Enero último, puesto que en la ciudad anseática de Lubeck se halla equiparado el pabellon español al nacional para el pago de los referidos derechos.

De Real órden lo digo á V. S. para su conocimiento

y fines correspondientes. Dios guarde à V. S. muchos anos. Madrid 16. de Agosto de 1852.

Bravo Murillo

Sr. Director general de Aduanas

y etranceles.


Traité d'amitié, de commerce et de navigation entre les Etats-Unis d'Amérique et la République de Costarica, signé le 10 juillet 1851 *).

Texte anglais.

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity.

Commercial intercourse having been for some time established between the United States and the Republic of Costarica, it seems good for the security as well as the encouragement of such commercial intercourse, and for the maintenance of good understanding between the United States and the said Republic, that the relations now subsisting between them should be regularly acknowledged and confirmed by the signature of a treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation.

For this purpose they have named their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

The President of the United States, Daniel Webster, Secretary of State;

And his Excellency the President of the Republic of Costarica, Señor Don Felipe Molina, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of that Republic to the United States;

Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles.

Art. I. There shall be perpetual amity between the United States and their citizens on the one part, and the government of the Republic of Costarica and its citizens on the other.

*) En anglais et en espagnol. Les ratifications ont été échangées à Washington, le 26 mai 1852.

Nouo. Recueil gén. Tome XVI.


Art. II. There shall be, between all the territories of the United States, and the territories of the Republic of Costarica, a reciprocal freedom of commerce. The subjects and citizens of the two countries, respectively, shall have liberty, freely and securely, to come with their ships and cargoes to all places, ports, and rivers in the territories aforesaid, to which other foreigners are or may be permitted to come; to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any part thereof, respectively; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of. their commerce; and, generally, the merchants and traders of each nation, respectively, shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their commerce; subject, always, to the laws and statutes of the two countries respectively.

In like manner, the respective ships of war and postoffice packets of the two countries shall have liberty, freely and securely, to come to all harbors, rivers, and places to which other foreign ships of war and packets are, or may be permitted to come, to enter into the same, to anchor, and to remain there and refit; subject, always, to the laws and statutes of the two countries respectively.

By the right of entering the places, ports, and rivers mentioned in this article, the privilege of carrying on the coasting trade is not understood; in which trade, national vessels only of the country where the trade is carried on are permitted to engage.

Art. III. It being the intention of the two high contracting parties to bind themselves, by the preceding articles, to treat each other on the footing of the most favored nation, it is hereby agreed between them, that any favor, privilege, or immunity whatever, in matters of commerce and navigation, which either contracting party has actually granted, or may hereafter grant to the subjects or citizens of any other state, shall be extended to the subjects or citizens of the other high contracting party gratuitously, if the concession in favor of that other nation shall have been gratuitous; or in return for a compensation as nearly as possible of proportionate value and effect, to be adjusted by mutual agreement, if the concessions shall have been conditional.

Art. IV. No higher nor other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the territories of the United Sta

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