A Series of Metric Tables: In which the British Standard Measures and Weights are Compared with Those of the Metric System at Present in Use on the Continent

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Crosby Lockwood, 1891 - 188 halaman

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Halaman 13 - Diagrams for Calculation of. A HANDY BOOK for the CALCULATION of STRAINS in GIRDERS and SIMILAR STRUCTURES, and their STRENGTH ; consisting of Formulae and Corresponding Diagrams, with numerous Details for Practical Application, &c.
Halaman 11 - Surveying, Land and Marine. LAND AND MARINE SURVEYING, in Reference to the Preparation of Plans for Roads and Railways ; Canals, Rivers, Towns' Water Supplies: Docks and Harbours.
Halaman 13 - A TREATISE ON THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. With Rules for Application in Architecture, the Construction of Suspension Bridges. Railways, &c. By PETER BARLOW, FRS A new Edition, revised by his Sons, PW BARLOW, FRS, and WH BARLOW, FRS ; to which are added, Experiments by HODGKINSON, FAIRBAIRN, and KIRKALDY ; and Formulae for calculating Girders, &c.
Halaman 61 - Woodcuts. 3S.t 194. THE HOUSE MANAGER: Being a Guide to Housekeeping. Practical Cookery, Pickling and Preserving, Household Work, Dairy Management, the Table and Dessert, Cellarage of Wines, Home-brewing and Wine-making, the Boudoir and Dressing-room, Travelling, Stable Economy, Gardening Operations, &c. By AN OLD HOUSEKEEPER.
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Halaman 58 - COMPANION to the above Book, forming an extensive repository of Solved Examples and Problems in Illustration of the various Expedients necessary in Algebraical Operations.
Halaman 9 - Canterbury, Dundee, Halifax, Lambeth, Rotherham, Dublin, and others. ''The most systematic and valuable work upon water supply hitherto produced in English, or in any other language. . . . Mr. Humber's work is characterised almost throughout by an exhaustiveness much more distinctive of French and German than of English technical treatises."— Engineer.
Halaman 54 - Illustrated. is. 6d. 17. ARCHITECTURE— STYLES— The History and Description of the Styles of Architecture of Various Countries, from the Earliest to the Present Period. By T. TALBOT BURY, FRIBA, &c. Illustrated. 2S. *.* ORDERS AND STYLES OF ARCHITECTURE, in One Vol., 35.
Halaman 11 - Each table is printed on a small card, which, being placed on the theodolite, leaves the hands free to manipulate the instrument — no small advantage as regards the rapidity of work.
Halaman 27 - Builder. A work whose monumental excellence must commend it wherever skilful carpentry is concerned, The author's principles are rather confirmed than impaired by time. The additional plates are of great intrinsic value."— Building News.

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