per cent. for household stores; 3.8. per cent. for clothing; 15.8 per cent. for fuel and light; .7 of 1 per cent. for hospital and medi cal supplies; 5 of 1 per cent. for transportation and traveling expenses; 3.8 per cent. for shop, farm and garden supplies; 2.8 per cent. for ordinary repairs; 3.7 per cent. for expenses of managers; and 4.9 per cent. for all other ordinary expenses. Chapter 644, Laws of 1901 (appropriation bill), appropriated for the compensation of officers and employes, for the maintenance of the institution and for the transportation of those committed thereto, $30,000. Chapter 645, Laws of 1901 (supply bill), reappropriated the sum of $600, being a portion of the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $2,500 made by chapter 616 of the Laws of 1899, for farm and other utensils, for electric fixtures, and completing necessary electric work; and the sum of $1,835, being a portion of the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $2,500 made by chapter 616, Laws of 1899, for farm and other utensils, for the same purpose. Chapter 72, Laws of 1901 (special act), appropriated for the maintenance of the institution for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1900, and ending September 30, 1901, the sum of $10,000 in addition to the unexpended balance of $7,800.59 appropriated by chapter 420 of the Laws of 1900, for the maintenance of said. institution to October 1, 1900. The sum of $3,000 was appropriated for building an ice-house and cold-storage building. Chapter 244, Laws of 1901 (special act), appropriated for facing and seeding embankments, $4,500; for galvanized iron vent ducts in attics, $750; sewage and water supply pumps, $1,700; heat connections in former prison building, now converted into cottage, $1,000; elevator to kitchens in former prison building, $350; concrete floor under storage for coal in power-house and for shed for storing coal adjoining said building, $750; entrance to basement of administration building for taking in supplies, and for shelving and otherwise preparing rooms in said basement for the proper care of supplies of the institution, $1,000; miscellaneous repairs, $1,500; fire apparatus, $1,000; covering steam pipes, $1,500; interior furnishing for buildings, including iron bedsteads, office and chapel furniture, carpets, window-shades and rugs, $2,500, in addition to the appropriation of $6,250 under chapter 616, Laws of 1899, for the same purpose, which was reappropriated; for a hospital building, $1,500, in addition to the balance of $4,980.90 of the appropriation of $5,000 for new disciplinary building under chapter 288, Laws of 1900, which balance was reappropriated for hospital building. The maintenance appropriations amounted to $47,800,59, the special appropriations to $34,715.90, and the total appropriations to $82,516.49. The ice-house or cold-storage building, for which $3,000 was appropriated, has been built under contract. All the work provided for by chapter 244, Laws of 1901, has been either finished or contracted for except the sewage and water supply pumps, $1,700; the work of furnishing coal storage, $750, and the construction of the hospital building, $6,480.90. This institution was intended to provide custodial care for the large number of young girls and women in New York and vicinity who require the discipline of a reformatory institution. It was opened for the reception of inmates on May 11, 1901. The number of inmates admitted up to the present time is small, but enough to insure the development of the institution along proper lines. It is a matter of experience that all new efforts in this direction should advance in accordance with the principles of humane and scientific reformatory methods. It is hoped that this institution will develop distinctive lines of administration and discipline. Already its internal administration is well organized, and it is believed that the institution is fully prepared to meet its responsibilities. The opening of this house of refuge suggests anew the importance of a better system of classification of all the inmates in our correctional institutions for women. Inmates of these reformatories should be grouped in such way as to assist in their moral development. Up to the present time about 70 girls have been sent to Bedford, but the commitments have been made by a few only of the large number of magistrates authorized to commit to the institution. It is desirable that all the magistrates vested with the power of commitment to Bedford avail themselves of the opportunity afforded by the opening of the Reformatory to carry out the beneficent object contemplated by the law. It is recommended that instruction in market gardening be made a feature of the training for such as are competent, as it will open a new avenue for profitable employment after discharge. This will require only a small building and its equipment, but the result will, it is believed, more than repay the cost of the investment. The location of this institution is so isolated that employes must reside upon the grounds, and two cottages should be erected for the accommodation of the men. The present method of handling coal is awkward, expensive and laborious. At small cost the storage facilities can be greatly improved, and the present wheelbarrow plan be aban doned. The cost of the extra help required to handle this coal will soon equal the cost of improvement. An additional dynamo and engine are needed to complete the electric-light equipment. As the dependence of the Reformatory is upon a single dynamo, liable to get out of order at any time, it is apparent that there should be no delay in placing the second dynamo in position. The hospital requires furniture, electric fixtures, sanitary floors, window guards, pipe covering, and other incidental work to complete it ready for use, and until these are provided it can do no service. The gate-house should be connected with the water service. It should have the plumbing and connections installed as soon as possible. Owing to the exposed position of the Reformatory, the guards need occasional protection from storms. This can be given if sentry boxes are placed where needed. A small appropriation will be sufficient for this purpose. The boilers have not been properly connected with the smokestack, and in consequence they are unable to do efficient work. They should be connected in a proper way as a measure of economy. The Board recommends the following appropriations, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to this institution: For 2 cottages for male employes, $2,500; for extension of coal shed, $750; for connecting boilers with smoke-stack and for new grates, $600; for plumbing and putting water into gate-house, $250; for sentry box, $150; for window guards, electric work, sanitary floors, pipe covering and incidentals for hospital, $1,500; for furnishing hospital, $500; for pipe covering in conduits, $1,500; for installing fire lines, $600; for duplicate engine and dynamo, $3,500; for equipment for instruction in market gardening and for propagation house, $3,000; making the special appropriations approved of, $14,850; maintenance appropriation, $50,000; making the total appropriation, $64,850. SOCIETY FOR THE REFORMATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, COMMONLY CALLED “THE HOUSE OF REFUGE", RANDALL'S ISLAND, NEW YORK CITY. [Established 1824.] This institution has capacity for 1,000 inmates. The number of inmates present October 1, 1900, was 827, and there were admitted during the year 498, making the total number under care 1,325. During the year 481 were discharged and 3 died, leaving present October 1, 1901, 841, of whom 748 were boys and 93 girls. The average number present during the year was 834, and the average weekly cost of support, including the value of home and farm products consumed, $3.83; excluding the value of home and farm products consumed, $3.81. The receipts during the year ending September 30, 1901, were: From cash balance of the previous year, $6,128.06; from special appropriations, $34,806.31; from unexpended appropriations of former years, $4,356.15; from general appropriations, $139,500; from all other sources, including $19,546.96 from Board of Education, New York city, and $2,419.49 from fire insurance companies, $21.995.39; total, $206,785.91. The ordinary expenditures for the year were: For salaries of officers, wages and labor, $71,850.25; for provisions, $37,395.19; for household stores, $5,607.36; for clothing, $12,691.57; for fuel and light, $14,847.92; for hospital and medical supplies, $705.14; for transportation and traveling expenses, $818.87; for shop, farm |